Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Niagara Mill, Iteresting Question

From the Green Bay Press.
"Niagara to study mill conversion

The Associated Press • January 27, 2009 " Niagara to study mill conversion | greenbaypressgazette.com | Green Bay Press-Gazette

NIAGARA — A small northeastern Wisconsin community has a federal grant to study the possibility of turning a former paper mill into wood fiber-based ethanol plant.

he city of Niagara lost 300 jobs when the New Page paper mill closed last August.

But, the $15,000 planning grant could result in a decision to retool the mill to make ethanol.

City administrator Don Novak says research on converting wood fiber to ethanol is still developing.

But, Novak says city leaders think the prospect is worth pursuing, especially since two-thirds of the mill workers who lost their jobs are still unemployed.

If it's possible to turn it into a wood fiber-based ethanol plant I just have some questions.

Does wood fiber to ethanol really work?
Is it proven to work?
How long will it take to convert the mill?
Two years, three years?
How many jobs will it create? Twenty five, fifty, seventy five, will it generate Two hundred jobs?
Who will pay for the plant to be built? Government?
Will the union invest in the plan?
Why doesn't the union just go ahead and build the ethanol plant?
What if no one buys it?
Will Wisconsin and Michigan mandate it like corn ethanol?
If nobody buys it and they can't get rid of it will the ethanol plant close down?
Do the people of Niagara , Wisconsin and Michigan want to take a chance again and maybe lose their jobs twice in five years?
Is there another industry to go into the mill?
Is anyone asking any questions or is government getting people's hopes up and will let them down again?

Interesting questions.

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