From the Green Bay Press.Kagen said the U.S. can’t afford to keep the military in Afghanistan without making drastic reductions to the standard of living at home.

Picture is of Nancy Pelosi puppet Steve Kagen.
So we bailed out Wall street, G M and Chrysler and Steve Kagen tells you we would have to cut back on your life to protect our troops. Stop wasting money on buying votes and we could give our troops in Afghanistan the help they need.
It's your president, Mr. Kagen who is in charge of the war. Why doesn't he tell his president to crap or get off the pot! If Kagen wants our troops to come home in defeat and get spit on as what happened in Vietnam, then bring it on. Kagen and Baldwin are in campaign mode and is looking for support from the loony left.
Kagen and Baldwin were among those who voted last month against further funding for the war in Afghanistan.
So Kagen and Baldwin didn't propose a vote to cover body bags for our dead hero's?
So will vets stand with Steve Kagen and Tammy Baldwin in the upcoming election or take a stand and denounce these two politicians from Wisconsin. Pity for those vets who are die hard democrats and will sell out their brothers for the sake of electing the likes of Kagen and Baldwin. Kagen and Baldwin just want more body bags to get re elected.