From Political Party Poop Studios
Success - The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will. Vincent T. Lombardi
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Wisconsin Telethon
How many businesses in Wisconsin were taxed and know nothing about this or do not want to ask (lefties) for their money back. Will liberal voting businesses let the state keep their money. Come on lefties, step up to the plate and let Diamond Jim keep you money.
From J S Online.
Where is the state going to find the $265 million they just lost.
Can we all say "bigger state budget deficit".
Hey you voters that vote democrat, the state needs more of your money.
Send your tax donation to
Attn Jim Doyle
C/O Budget Shortfall
Madison Office
P.O. Box 7863
Madison, WI 53707
Just a thought, maybe a "Save the Wisconsin Budget telethon". We could get all the big lefties from Hollywood to run the show. I know the lefty bloggers and politicians of the state could man the phones.
From J S Online.
"Business wins big in high court
Sales tax ruling may cost state $265 million
Posted: July 11, 2008
Madison - The Menasha Corp. and other Wisconsin businesses won a huge victory Friday when the state Supreme Court ruled that they are entitled to an estimated $265 million in sales tax refunds and interest - money state government doesn't have now. " JS Online: Business wins big in high court
Where is the state going to find the $265 million they just lost.
Can we all say "bigger state budget deficit".
Hey you voters that vote democrat, the state needs more of your money.
Send your tax donation to
Attn Jim Doyle
C/O Budget Shortfall
Madison Office
P.O. Box 7863
Madison, WI 53707
Just a thought, maybe a "Save the Wisconsin Budget telethon". We could get all the big lefties from Hollywood to run the show. I know the lefty bloggers and politicians of the state could man the phones.
They Aren't Paying Enough

Great information from SBVOR. Go to his link to get the true story.
The U S government keeps taking in more and more money and we keep spending more and more. Top chart show income from taxes.
And what do the lib's and the left keep telling us?
We need more! The rich need to pay more! Wrong! The top 1% are paying almost 40% of all tax to the government. The bottom 50% of taxpayers are paying 3.1 % of all taxes. second chart shows tax income.
Tax cuts work, and what does Obama want to do? Take the tax cuts away.
People, please wake up!
"Thursday, July 10, 2008
The Truth About Tax Cuts
Updated 7/10/2008
A few facts about lower marginal tax rates which Dems would prefer you not know
1) Lower marginal tax rates have not produced lower revenues.
In fact, dropping the marginal tax rate from 91% to the current 35% has, by virtue of The Laffer Curve, slightly increased real tax revenues (meaning tax revenues as a percentage of GDP).
And, as is evident in the following chart, the Bush Tax Cuts have produced one of the more significant increases in real tax revenues:" SBVOR
The U S government keeps taking in more and more money and we keep spending more and more. Top chart show income from taxes.
And what do the lib's and the left keep telling us?
We need more! The rich need to pay more! Wrong! The top 1% are paying almost 40% of all tax to the government. The bottom 50% of taxpayers are paying 3.1 % of all taxes. second chart shows tax income.
Tax cuts work, and what does Obama want to do? Take the tax cuts away.
People, please wake up!
One Great American

"Tony Snow, Former White House Press Secretary and FOX News Anchor, Dies at 53
Saturday, July 12, 2008" - Tony Snow, Former White House Press Secretary and FOX News Anchor, Dies at 53 - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
Tony Snow, the former White House press secretary and conservative pundit who bedeviled the press corps and charmed millions as a FOX News television and radio host, died Saturday after a long bout with cancer. He was 53.
A syndicated columnist, editor, TV anchor, radio show host and musician, Snow worked in nearly every medium in a career that spanned more than 30 years.
One GREAT conservitive.
We will all miss you Tony.
What A Way To Go
Missed this one from the holiday.
"Cremated remains part of fireworks show
July 3, 2008
INDIANAPOLIS—One of the fireworks bursting above the city this year will contain a bit of cremated remains -- a fitting tribute, organizers say, to the man who ran the annual event for 40 years.
Meredith Smith died in February at age 74. About a half-teaspoon of his ashes will be in a fireworks shell that will create a white burst in the sky for the finale of the show, set for Thursday night.
"I can't think of a better way," said family friend Kevin Moss.
He also will be memorialized through hundreds of T-shirts referring to the tribute as "the last shot."" Cremated remains part of fireworks show -
According to Indiana law, cremated remains may be disposed of on the property of a consenting owner, uninhabited public land or in a waterway.
Yum Chops
Breitbart News
After the Olympics it's back to beggin ribs and howl chops.Do they use ketchup or BBQ sauce? Yum, yum. Sorry just had to post this.
Get over it, I like dogs too! Not to eat, just to have around.
"Dog meat off the menu during Beijing Olympics
Jul 11 04:20 AM US/Eastern" Dog meat off the menu during Beijing Olympics
After the Olympics it's back to beggin ribs and howl chops.Do they use ketchup or BBQ sauce? Yum, yum. Sorry just had to post this.
Get over it, I like dogs too! Not to eat, just to have around.
Private Grant Money
Low and behold good news.
This is what private donations and not tax payers money can do for education. Nice the UWGB reported this. Good for the students that are receiving the PRIVATE grant money
This is what private donations and not tax payers money can do for education. Nice the UWGB reported this. Good for the students that are receiving the PRIVATE grant money
"July 7, 2008
Grants help UW-Green Bay students study Northeastern Wisconsin natural areas
GREEN BAY - Four University of Wisconsin-Green Bay students will receive grants from the Cofrin Center for Biodiversity to support research projects — from earthworms to owls — on UW-Green Bay’s managed natural areas.
This year’s grant recipients include undergraduates Meagan Davis, sophomore, Green Bay; Matthew Flentje, senior, Manitowoc; Ethan Kaiser, senior, Boyceville, Wis.; and graduate student Linda Filo, Green Bay. " UW-Green Bay, News Archive 2008
Happens All The Time, No Big Deal.
From J S Online
Oh, did you catch this!
And this.
And This!
All this money gone, spent and nobody knows what happened.Does anyone care? Read the whole article to get the full story of this example of government waste.
The bottom line, this corruption, over paying, waste by our government happens all the time. And what does the average person in this country thinks about this?
Nothing! One, they don't care, two, most don't know. Our politicians are voting all the time to fill somebody's pockets and leave their constituents holding the bag. Children aren't being educated, we need more money. Voting no means no band, no football, no girls basketball in school. Use compact lights or the planet is doomed. We need to reduce the speed limit to 55. Why? No we cannot drill in ANWR, it would take 10 years to get one drop of oil. We have to mandate ethanol as the corn farmers and ethanol plant owners take bags of our money to their banks.
The time people will care is when they will wait for months for health care. Fill their compact cars with $6.00 gasoline. Pay $5.00 for a loaf of bread. Our politicians brag about what program they got for their district and who is paying for it? The tax payer
Here is a local grant from the Green Bay P G. Why, do we really need to study bed rock in Green Bay? $109,000 grant helps fund study of area bedrock Could we spend that money better? God forbid maybe not spend it at all? Saving money isn't cool in Washington.
This happens all the time and most don't see, don't know and don't care. The last 50 years people have been so brainwashed and have become dependent on government it just makes you sick.
So who's fault is all this? To most ,"I don't know, happens all the time,no big deal, pass the sweet corn.
"UW-Parkside chancellor choice Felner won grants, didn’t account for use
Posted: July 11, 2008
The man who was poised to become chancellor at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside directed $450,000 in federal grant money to a non-existent organization he used to be involved with, according to documents from the University of Louisville." JS Online: UW-Parkside chancellor choice Felner won grants, didn’t account for use
$200,000 to the National Center on Public Education and Prevention Inc.
$250,000 to the same organization for training and survey products.
Oh, did you catch this!
National Center on Public Education and Prevention Inc. doesn’t exist — not anymore.
And this.
He also collaborated with Thomas Schroeder, who used to be listed as president of the National Center on Public Education and Prevention, on two grants totaling $3.4 million from 1990 to 1999.
And This!
spent $598,000of the No Child Left Behind grant.
All this money gone, spent and nobody knows what happened.Does anyone care? Read the whole article to get the full story of this example of government waste.
The bottom line, this corruption, over paying, waste by our government happens all the time. And what does the average person in this country thinks about this?
Nothing! One, they don't care, two, most don't know. Our politicians are voting all the time to fill somebody's pockets and leave their constituents holding the bag. Children aren't being educated, we need more money. Voting no means no band, no football, no girls basketball in school. Use compact lights or the planet is doomed. We need to reduce the speed limit to 55. Why? No we cannot drill in ANWR, it would take 10 years to get one drop of oil. We have to mandate ethanol as the corn farmers and ethanol plant owners take bags of our money to their banks.
The time people will care is when they will wait for months for health care. Fill their compact cars with $6.00 gasoline. Pay $5.00 for a loaf of bread. Our politicians brag about what program they got for their district and who is paying for it? The tax payer
Here is a local grant from the Green Bay P G. Why, do we really need to study bed rock in Green Bay? $109,000 grant helps fund study of area bedrock Could we spend that money better? God forbid maybe not spend it at all? Saving money isn't cool in Washington.
This happens all the time and most don't see, don't know and don't care. The last 50 years people have been so brainwashed and have become dependent on government it just makes you sick.
So who's fault is all this? To most ,"I don't know, happens all the time,no big deal, pass the sweet corn.
How True, How True
E mail joke for Saturday.
Subject: Donkey raffle
Young Chuck, moved to Texas and bought a Donkey from a farmer for >> $100.00. The farmer agreed to deliver the Donkey the next day.
The next day he drove up and said, 'Sorry son, but I have some bad news, >> the donkey died.'
Chuck replied, 'Well, then just give me my money back.'
The farmer said, 'Can't do that. I went and spent it already.'
Chuck said, 'Ok, then, just bring me the dead donkey.'
The farmer asked, 'What ya gonna do with him?
Chuck said, 'I'm going to raffle him off.'
The farmer said, You can't raffle off a dead donkey!'
Chuck said, 'Sure I can Watch me. I just won't tell anybody he's dead.'
A month later, the farmer met up with Chuck and asked, 'What happened >> with that dead donkey?'
Chuck said, 'I raffled him off. I sold 500 tickets at two dollars a >> piece and made a profit of $898.00.'
The farmer said, 'Didn't anyone complain?'
Chuck said, 'Just the guy who won. So I gave him his two dollars back.'
Chuck now works for the government.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Kagen Approval rating 9 %
This is from Tuesday but thought you might want to know if you missed it or if the MSM didn't tell you.
Just some questions for Steve Kagen.
Are you in the U S Congress?
Are you a congressman from the 8th district from Wisconsin?
Is congresses approval ratings in the latest Rasmussen poll at 9%?
If Congress is at 9% then your approval numbers are at 9 %.
Mr Kagen, this tells everyone in the 8th district only 9 out of 100 people think you are doing a good job.
Where are the other 91 out of 100?
Mr. Kagen, they are filling their gas tanks with $4.00 gasoline, $4.50 to $5.00 a gal diesel fuel. Paying more for food, paying more for bread, paying more for everything they touch. Where are the businesses that are paying higher costs? Higher costs means less business, which means less work, which means less pay for the hard working people of the 8th district.
That's 9 out of 10 disappointed in Steve Kagen and Congress.
91 ot of 100 disappointed in Steve Kagen and Congress.
910 out of a 1000 disappointed in Steve Kagen and Congress.
9,100 out of 10,000 disappointed in Steve Kagen and Congress.
91,000 out of 100,000 disappointed in Steve Kagen and Congress.
910,000 out of 1,000,000 people disappointed in Steve Kagen and Congress. .
How many more people in the 8th district are disappointed in Steve Kagen and Congress?
When Steve Kagen took office in 2007 he promised things would get done! He promised things would change! What has he done , specifically? The change he gave us, we do not want.
In the 70's under Jimmy Carter it was the "misery index". Remember 15 to 20% mortgage rates
In 2008 under Steve Kagen it is the "PAIN INDEX"!
We call this " KPI", the "Kagen Pain Index"!
The pain of paying more for everything in our everyday lives. The pain when Steve Kagen listens and promises and talks and promises and listens and still after a year and a half has done nothing to help the people of the 8th district!
People are sick and tired of the PAIN of paying more for everything.
The PAIN of filling their tanks everyday with $4.00 gasoline.
The PAIN of truckers filling their trucks with $5.00 diesel fuel!
The PAIN of a mother buying everyday food items for her children. The PAIN that mother feels at the checkout trying to squeeze every penny she can!
Steve Kagen can listen all he wants, but for all the hard working people of the 8th district, it is results that count. A phrase from Bill Clinton, Steve Kagen is not feeling your PAIN!
The people of the 8th district are tired of empty promises, tired of an empty suit. Tired of Steve Kagen caring more for environmentalist then the people of the 8th district.
If you don't mind high gas prices ..
If you don't mind high diesel prices.
If you don't mind high food costs.
If you don't mind higher soda prices,
then you must be the happy few.
But if your mad as hell, then call Steve Kagen and tell him you have had enough.
For starters,
tell Steve Kagen to drill in ANWR now!
Tell Steve Kagen to drill off our coastal shores now!
Tell Steve Kagen to act like our congressman and not take care of the special interests groups that are giving him campaign money.
Here's how to contact him.
They may not answer but leave a message anyway.
Remember to tell him who you are and where you live, His office will get the message but Steve in his own simple way will not understand.
So if you care about a do nothing congress then call him!
People of the 8th district, if your sick and tired of words and no action then it's time to send Steve Kagen back to private practice in November.
Congress' approval plunges to 9 percent
1st time ever rating for lawmakers sinks to single digits
Posted: July 08, 2008
8:35 pm Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDail
A major tracking poll for the first time shows Americans' appproval of Congress has dipped below 10 percent.
The most recent Rasmussen Reports survey calculates a mere 9 percent say Congress is doing a good or excellent job, while a majority of Americans, 52 percent, believe it is doing a poor job, which also ties a record high." Congress' approval plunges to 9 percent
Just some questions for Steve Kagen.
Are you in the U S Congress?
Are you a congressman from the 8th district from Wisconsin?
Is congresses approval ratings in the latest Rasmussen poll at 9%?
If Congress is at 9% then your approval numbers are at 9 %.
Mr Kagen, this tells everyone in the 8th district only 9 out of 100 people think you are doing a good job.
Where are the other 91 out of 100?
Mr. Kagen, they are filling their gas tanks with $4.00 gasoline, $4.50 to $5.00 a gal diesel fuel. Paying more for food, paying more for bread, paying more for everything they touch. Where are the businesses that are paying higher costs? Higher costs means less business, which means less work, which means less pay for the hard working people of the 8th district.
That's 9 out of 10 disappointed in Steve Kagen and Congress.
91 ot of 100 disappointed in Steve Kagen and Congress.
910 out of a 1000 disappointed in Steve Kagen and Congress.
9,100 out of 10,000 disappointed in Steve Kagen and Congress.
91,000 out of 100,000 disappointed in Steve Kagen and Congress.
910,000 out of 1,000,000 people disappointed in Steve Kagen and Congress. .
How many more people in the 8th district are disappointed in Steve Kagen and Congress?
When Steve Kagen took office in 2007 he promised things would get done! He promised things would change! What has he done , specifically? The change he gave us, we do not want.
In the 70's under Jimmy Carter it was the "misery index". Remember 15 to 20% mortgage rates
In 2008 under Steve Kagen it is the "PAIN INDEX"!
We call this " KPI", the "Kagen Pain Index"!
The pain of paying more for everything in our everyday lives. The pain when Steve Kagen listens and promises and talks and promises and listens and still after a year and a half has done nothing to help the people of the 8th district!
People are sick and tired of the PAIN of paying more for everything.
The PAIN of filling their tanks everyday with $4.00 gasoline.
The PAIN of truckers filling their trucks with $5.00 diesel fuel!
The PAIN of a mother buying everyday food items for her children. The PAIN that mother feels at the checkout trying to squeeze every penny she can!
Steve Kagen can listen all he wants, but for all the hard working people of the 8th district, it is results that count. A phrase from Bill Clinton, Steve Kagen is not feeling your PAIN!
The people of the 8th district are tired of empty promises, tired of an empty suit. Tired of Steve Kagen caring more for environmentalist then the people of the 8th district.
If you don't mind high gas prices ..
If you don't mind high diesel prices.
If you don't mind high food costs.
If you don't mind higher soda prices,
then you must be the happy few.
But if your mad as hell, then call Steve Kagen and tell him you have had enough.
For starters,
tell Steve Kagen to drill in ANWR now!
Tell Steve Kagen to drill off our coastal shores now!
Tell Steve Kagen to act like our congressman and not take care of the special interests groups that are giving him campaign money.
Here's how to contact him.
They may not answer but leave a message anyway.
Remember to tell him who you are and where you live, His office will get the message but Steve in his own simple way will not understand.
So if you care about a do nothing congress then call him!
Washington DC Office:
Honorable Steve Kagen M.D.
1232 Longworth HOB
Washington DC 20515
ph: (202) 225-5665
fx: (202) 225-5729
District Office
Honorable Steve Kagen M.D.
700 E.Walnut Street
Green Bay, WI 54301
ph: (920) 437-1954
fx: (920) 437-1978
333 West College Ave.
Radisson Paper Valley
Appleton, WI 54911
ph: (920) 380-0061
fx: (920) 380-0051
People of the 8th district, if your sick and tired of words and no action then it's time to send Steve Kagen back to private practice in November.
Obama Outsourcing NASCAR
From Breitbart
They must have a whole lot of money to pay for this themselves.
Kenny, what are you thinking? Holy cow! What a reach for Obama.
Why is he sponsoring a Toyota, What about American owned companies like G M , Ford or Dodge? What are the unions going to say? Has he given up his made in America stance. Would you say Obama is outsourcing his NASCAR position?
Bet he backs out at the last minute.
I won't believe it till I see it.
"Obama in talks to sponsor car in NASCAR race: report" Obama in talks to sponsor car in NASCAR race: report
Jul 11 01:25 PM US/Eastern
They must have a whole lot of money to pay for this themselves.
US Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's campaign officials are in talks to sponsor a stock car in an August 3 race in Pennsylvania, Sports Illustrated reported on its website on Friday.
Should the deal come off with BAM Racing's car No. 49, it would mark the first time a major US presidential candidate has been a primary sponsor on a vehicle in the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) series.
Ken Schrader would drive the Toyota-powered entry at Pocono in a state thought to be a battleground for US electoral college votes in November's election between Obama and Republican rival John McCain.
Kenny, what are you thinking? Holy cow! What a reach for Obama.
Why is he sponsoring a Toyota, What about American owned companies like G M , Ford or Dodge? What are the unions going to say? Has he given up his made in America stance. Would you say Obama is outsourcing his NASCAR position?
Bet he backs out at the last minute.
I won't believe it till I see it.
Kagen, Up To Our Necks In The 8th District
From the Green Bay Press
Psst, not too loud, did anyone tell Steve Kagen about this?
Lois, you are so right. The "nobody's doing anything about it." is do nothing Steve Kagen. Can you believe this. Even Ellyn from the P G staff is finally doing some accurate journalism. We are finally hearing what real people are saying about higher gas prices. It takes John Gard to open peoples eyes. Good going John.
Wait a minute, this gets better, read this. This is from our do nothing but talk 8th district congressman
Kagen and the dems say we have no supply problems, then why do they want to release oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve? What the H E double L are they talking about.
And now, the quote of the day from who else, Steve Kagen!
Say what?This is a home run commercial for somebody to run. even nationally, a liberal dem telling you to keep your head above water, HOLY COW!
People of the 8th district, your in water up to your neck, your hands are above your head, In one hand you have an empty red gasoline can, in the other you have a gas pump with no hose!
Steve Kagen is standing over you and does nothing but talk to you! Can you just hear Steve Kagen say, You'll be o k, you stay there until we get other environmentally safer solutions. Now don't worry. you won't drown, I'm your congressman. Remember my campaign slogan, "Together We Will" get through this.
Steve Kagen has been talking lately about more drilling.
O k Steve, as my father would always say, S _ _ _ ( crap ) or get off the pot"
Will anyone in the press ask him two specific questions?
Steve Kagen, will you vote yes to drilling in ANWR?
Steve Kagen, will you vote yes on off shore drilling along our shores?
Somebody, anybody, please ask him!
People of the 8th district, Steve Kagen will do nothing but keep your head above water. John Gard will get us lower fuel prices while we work on other fuel alternatives. John Gard will vote yes to AVWR, vote yes to off shore drilling. If you give Steve Kagen your vote this fall he will watch you drown in higher fuel prices and smile all the way to Washington.
It's time to send Steve Kagen back to private practice.
"Gas prices pump up state political contests
Voters rank them among top issues
By ELLYN FERGUSON • Press-Gazette Washington bureau • July 11, 2008 " Gas prices pump up state political contests | | Green Bay Press-Gazette
WASHINGTON — Controlling high gas prices promises to be a major issue in the 8th Congressional District race, with voters nationally and in the state naming it a top priority.
Recent national polls have shown a majority of Americans now favor increased oil exploration in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and along coastal areas.
Psst, not too loud, did anyone tell Steve Kagen about this?
In the 8th district race, Republican challenger John Gard of Suamico held a town hall meeting Wednesday in Green Bay to discuss his plan to help decrease gas prices, and his opponent, U.S. Rep. Steve Kagen, D-Appleton, has spoken out on the subject. Many residents Wednesday said the issues surrounding oil prices will factor into whom they vote for.
"This is a top priority for me," said Lois Halonen of Green Bay. "Gas prices keep going up, and nobody's doing anything about it."
Jay Kumm of Green Bay echoed Halonen's concerns.
Lois, you are so right. The "nobody's doing anything about it." is do nothing Steve Kagen. Can you believe this. Even Ellyn from the P G staff is finally doing some accurate journalism. We are finally hearing what real people are saying about higher gas prices. It takes John Gard to open peoples eyes. Good going John.
Wait a minute, this gets better, read this. This is from our do nothing but talk 8th district congressman
Kagen and other Democrats are calling for the Bush administration to sell a portion of the oil in the government's Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
Kagen and the dems say we have no supply problems, then why do they want to release oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve? What the H E double L are they talking about.
And now, the quote of the day from who else, Steve Kagen!
"It's not a long-term solution, but it's something to help people keep their heads above water," Kagen said.
Say what?This is a home run commercial for somebody to run. even nationally, a liberal dem telling you to keep your head above water, HOLY COW!
People of the 8th district, your in water up to your neck, your hands are above your head, In one hand you have an empty red gasoline can, in the other you have a gas pump with no hose!
Steve Kagen is standing over you and does nothing but talk to you! Can you just hear Steve Kagen say, You'll be o k, you stay there until we get other environmentally safer solutions. Now don't worry. you won't drown, I'm your congressman. Remember my campaign slogan, "Together We Will" get through this.
Steve Kagen has been talking lately about more drilling.
O k Steve, as my father would always say, S _ _ _ ( crap ) or get off the pot"
Will anyone in the press ask him two specific questions?
Steve Kagen, will you vote yes to drilling in ANWR?
Steve Kagen, will you vote yes on off shore drilling along our shores?
Somebody, anybody, please ask him!
People of the 8th district, Steve Kagen will do nothing but keep your head above water. John Gard will get us lower fuel prices while we work on other fuel alternatives. John Gard will vote yes to AVWR, vote yes to off shore drilling. If you give Steve Kagen your vote this fall he will watch you drown in higher fuel prices and smile all the way to Washington.
It's time to send Steve Kagen back to private practice.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Happy Birthday " The Right Side of Wisconsin'

Happy 50th birthday.
Better late then never. Don't you just feel old now?
Hope this wasn't you dud on your 50 mile bike trip?
See morefunny videosand funny pictureson CollegeHumor
What's Up?
What's going on in Washington?
Here's an update from congress
You think something is going on?
I'm sorry, who is the Majority leader anyway? Oh, the person from the 8th district of California.
Any guesses?
Planning meeting on how to screw the taxpayers?
Meeting on how not to drill for oil at home?
Meeting with upper east side Milwaukee libs? Sorry, had to throw that in.
Dinner and the theater?
Must be something real important!
Stay tuned.
Here's an update from congress
The Majority Leader has announced that there will be NO Votes Friday, July 11, 2008. Members and staff are advised that this is a change from the House Calendar distributed earlier this year.
You think something is going on?
I'm sorry, who is the Majority leader anyway? Oh, the person from the 8th district of California.
Any guesses?
Planning meeting on how to screw the taxpayers?
Meeting on how not to drill for oil at home?
Meeting with upper east side Milwaukee libs? Sorry, had to throw that in.
Dinner and the theater?
Must be something real important!
Stay tuned.
Moose Watch

No moose's or is it moose seen in Upper Michigan.
Just a couple of bullet points.
Escanaba, 7:00 am eastern, 6:00 am central, Great people at stores in town.
Off to Gladstone, Manistique, Naubinway Makinac bridge (WOW) and Cedarville. What a GREAT bunch of people to sell to. Thank you
Wedneday- Sault Sainte Marie, holy cow 4.239 for a gal of gas. Could be worse. Off to the Moose capitol of upper Michigan, Newberry. No moose siting. Talked to Rick in Newberry and said they go into rut in September. Oh well, if you drive Newberry in the fall, beware! Thank you all for the business.
On the raod again, Munising to Marquette and Ishpeming the home of the Yuppers.
What can I say. The state of Michigan is so depressed from their liberal polititions the people are going through tough times. They sure make you feel at home. Thanks again.
Took a short cut home through Florence and am finnally home.
More tonight or tommorrow. Maybe not, sales calls on Thursday morning and wisdom teeth pulled in the afternoon.
Beware, won't be able to talk but will blog.
Look out libs.
Monday, July 07, 2008
Weekend Recap
Just a few comments about our holiday weekend.
Friday,great time on the lake with a bunch of good friends. We will miss them all next summer.
Friday night,oops, sleeping by 7:00, yes we had fun.
My grandson had tons of fun in the lake.
The lake association had a boat decorating contest. Anyone on the lake could decorate their boat for trophy's and prizes. Some one dropped the ball on the contest. Out of 8 to 10 contestants, (who knew) only three boats went past the people on the eastern half of the lake. For years, someone would lead all floats around the lake so all residents could see the hard work people put in and gave the smaller children on the lake something to look forward to in their future. All floats used to be given numbers to place on their boats. Well not the case in 08. What a disappointment! Either the people on eastern half of the lake aren't important or they should discontinue the annual boat parade decorating contest. And you wonder why a lot of people don't participate in other lake functions. I must give credit to the three or so floats that did go past the eastern shore, they should of got all the prizes. To the young children on the lake, don't worry, it' must be all about the adults.
Saturday night, Great fireworks display. It rivals most towns fireworks in quantities and performance. Hats off to all that put the fireworks show on, especially the main man, awesome job, Thank You.
Sunday, R & R all day. Out of commission.
All and all, a great weekend, hope you all had a great one too.
Friday,great time on the lake with a bunch of good friends. We will miss them all next summer.
Friday night,oops, sleeping by 7:00, yes we had fun.
My grandson had tons of fun in the lake.
The lake association had a boat decorating contest. Anyone on the lake could decorate their boat for trophy's and prizes. Some one dropped the ball on the contest. Out of 8 to 10 contestants, (who knew) only three boats went past the people on the eastern half of the lake. For years, someone would lead all floats around the lake so all residents could see the hard work people put in and gave the smaller children on the lake something to look forward to in their future. All floats used to be given numbers to place on their boats. Well not the case in 08. What a disappointment! Either the people on eastern half of the lake aren't important or they should discontinue the annual boat parade decorating contest. And you wonder why a lot of people don't participate in other lake functions. I must give credit to the three or so floats that did go past the eastern shore, they should of got all the prizes. To the young children on the lake, don't worry, it' must be all about the adults.
Saturday night, Great fireworks display. It rivals most towns fireworks in quantities and performance. Hats off to all that put the fireworks show on, especially the main man, awesome job, Thank You.
Sunday, R & R all day. Out of commission.
All and all, a great weekend, hope you all had a great one too.
Didn't See That
From the Appletonian who talks about Steve Kagen's real base of constituents and who his real friends are in a recent Steve Kagen visit to Milwaukee.
Did anyone see any articles from the Appleton Post Crescent or Green Bay Press Gazette on any of this?
Shouldn't these two large (unbiased)?, newspapers inform the people of the 8th district about Steve Kagen?
A fund raiser in Milwaukee? How come not Appleton or Green Bay?
Campaigning with Congressman John Conyers from Michigan?
Conyers sits down with local impeachment advocates reported by Greg J. Borowski from JS ONLINE?
I did a search of both papers and as of this post did not see any articles about the Kagen Fundraiser. Are they covering for Steve Kagen again? You see here how the local MSM hides what it wants from the people of the 8th district. It takes a Milwaukee newspaper to even bring it up? Can someone please point out good professional journalism!
"Didn't see that" in your local newspapers seems to be happening a lot lately. Oh, that's right, the MEDIA is just helping their guy Kagen.
Thanks to the Appletonion and others for keeping people informed.
"In holding a fundraiser with Conyers, Kagen is basically thumbing his nose at constituents who elected him as a Democratic moderate who promised to work pragmatically across party lines. He owes Fox Valley residents who may not share Conyers's--and apparently Steve Kagen's--extreme views an explanation.
As if holding the fundraiser with Conyers to begin with wasn't enough, Kagen held it in Milwaukee. Doesn't seem to me like he wants the good people of Appleton to know the company he keeps." The Appletonian
Did anyone see any articles from the Appleton Post Crescent or Green Bay Press Gazette on any of this?
Shouldn't these two large (unbiased)?, newspapers inform the people of the 8th district about Steve Kagen?
A fund raiser in Milwaukee? How come not Appleton or Green Bay?
Campaigning with Congressman John Conyers from Michigan?
Conyers sits down with local impeachment advocates reported by Greg J. Borowski from JS ONLINE?
I did a search of both papers and as of this post did not see any articles about the Kagen Fundraiser. Are they covering for Steve Kagen again? You see here how the local MSM hides what it wants from the people of the 8th district. It takes a Milwaukee newspaper to even bring it up? Can someone please point out good professional journalism!
"Didn't see that" in your local newspapers seems to be happening a lot lately. Oh, that's right, the MEDIA is just helping their guy Kagen.
Thanks to the Appletonion and others for keeping people informed.
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