Teachable moment to the Berry Laker clan. Children, do you really see what big government is doing to you?
Received my first electric bill for the new northern compound. Surprise, surprise surprise! I use no or should I say not get charged for any electric use and get charged for taxes and fee's! Billing date- 12/21/09 - 1/8/2010
18 days
KWH used- 0State of Wi Puplic Benefits Fee- $1.33
Facility Charge - $7.32
State Sales Tax- .37
County Tax - $ .04
Due Date 1/31/2010 Net Due -
$9.06Gross Due After 1/31/2010 - $9.20
I like the new "Puplic Benefits Fee" the best. Will it really go to the AG's. How can they charge me taxes for not using electricity? And my children think I'mmmmmmmmmm crazy!