Thursday, November 16, 2006

A Note to My Sister

Before the election my family and I had a lively discusion on
politics . We got into a discusion about phone bills. I seem to recall
that we all were trying to save 20 bucks here and 20 bucks there.
Dial up service for the internet compared to dsl service. My main
point was people worry abouta 20 dollar dial up and not about who
people vote for ( Higher Taxes) (Lower Taxes)

Well sis, since you are a state employee, will your union cover your
increase in driver fee's?

D O T anounces increase fee proposal.

Thanks to Owen at B & S and Milwaukee Journal, LINK

Car Registration fee's $55 to $80 dollars.

Light trucks up to 4500 lbs - fee's $48.50 to $80.00

Light trucks 45o1 to 6000 lbs - fee's $61.50 to $89.00

Light trucks 6001 to 8000lbs - fee's $77.50 to $112.00

Oh I almost forgot $24.00 to $34.00 on your drivers licence.

And Oh , I was just wondering why this report didn't come out
before the election like it was planned! And will you great people
that voted for Diamond Jim hold his feet to the fire?

"Doyle said during the campaign he would support raising the
car registration fee by about $10, but the DOT is asking for a
$25 hike.

Also WHY,
"The recommendations were due two months ago as part of the
agency's budget request, but the department waited until Friday
- three days after Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle was re-elected
- to submit them".

Remember, "Barbara Lawton"