Mike Berg, Northeast Wisconsin Regional Director for Wisconsin Department of Transportation recently passed along the good news that an overpass interchange should be constructed at the intersection of Hwy. 141 and Hwy. 64 in Pound in 2014.
Berg met with local officials in Coleman on Friday, June 23 to discuss their concerns about the intersection. “ The DOT is very concerned about safety on the highway and we’ve been watching that intersection since it was built and we made some modifications to it already,” Berg said. “We had fatalities there and were very concerned.” Berg said the modifications after accidents there helped. In 2008 and 2009 there were no crashes. Berg said DOT people felt better about it, “but local residents who used it on a daily basis felt different. Then a fatality again this spring made us look again.”
After meeting with local officials on June 23 Berg told them he would have to go back to his office and look at where engineering was in regard to the hoped-for overpass and if they could find money to fund it.
Has to go look for the money? Since Diamond Jim Doyle and democrats stole the transportation fund I guess there is none. Berg met with local officials in Coleman on Friday, June 23 to discuss their concerns about the intersection. “ The DOT is very concerned about safety on the highway and we’ve been watching that intersection since it was built and we made some modifications to it already,” Berg said. “We had fatalities there and were very concerned.” Berg said the modifications after accidents there helped. In 2008 and 2009 there were no crashes. Berg said DOT people felt better about it, “but local residents who used it on a daily basis felt different. Then a fatality again this spring made us look again.”
After meeting with local officials on June 23 Berg told them he would have to go back to his office and look at where engineering was in regard to the hoped-for overpass and if they could find money to fund it.
You know, since it's a safety issue, why didn't they use the money from the side walk to no where in Pound Wis which is just west of the 64 / 141 intersection. Yea, the 700 to 800 million for the side walk from Pound to HWY 64, maybe really didn't need to be done.
If you don't know what the side walk to no where , just drive to north from Colman , go to pound and head north to HWY 64. What a waste of tax dollars.