A Great Wisconsin Blogger has asked about the compound, Soapbox Jill said...
Bunkers and compounds are cool, but are you gonna try and grow anything up north? That seems to be a down-side to the north. Also, what about the companions up north, wolf packs and the like? You mention coyote, but there are more critters the further north you go. You care?
Well Soapbox Jill, let me fill you in on some of your questions. Mrs Berry Laker is looking to grow a garden with tomatoes, green beans, sweet corn. etc, etc. We need to fence it in with deer and other critters eating the food supplies. Working on plans for constructing of a root cellar. Also Mrs B wants to have me plant apple and pear trees and start fresh asparagus.
The deer we heard go crazy over pumpkins, apples, carrots, turnips and potatoes. The WDNR has rules on baiting so the garden will have security cameras and high fencing. We have enough open space to start a small garden. People have told me we will see more bear then deer. As far as black bears, stay away from the momma bear with cubs, coyotes, not worried, wolves, hope I don't find one close. I will be learning new lessons in life and nature up there and I look forward to it.
You didn't ask but I thought I would fill you in on something of interest. The armory has a lot of space for the vehicle I am searching for. I found this bad boy on You Tube and is made by the liberals buddies in Russia. The GAZ 39371-K16 Vodnik. This baby is small enough to fit in the terminal and plenty of power for what ever you need. Here it is in action. Voennoe delo: GAZ VODNIK, New Russian Military Vehicle for General Purpose JEEP
Owen and Jed, what do you think? Something like this in the north woods? Not Russian but American made.
Jill you posed some great questions and will try to keep you informed of my progress. I will say, you cannot believe how close you get to God's Own creations deep in the woods in Northern Wisconsin. Deer turkey, birds, millions of stars on a clear crisp January night. It can take your breath away. A dream come true. I will close for now and pass along what a wise blogger Dad 29 has been telling me,BUY MORE AMMO