It has come to my attention that I might be with other bloggers in this area in dire need of help. I some how must of become progressive and moderate with anger that might compare me with a snake on the ground. God, how can I be filled with so much hate and animosity?
Just like a drunk at AA, I must check my self in for help. Mrs B is taking me away for the day so I might find my way back to being a real conservative again. Where did I go wrong? What did I do ? Is it me or are they talking about the other fine bloggers in the 8th district? I am lost for words. I need HELP!My counseling will begin at 1:00 pm and will continue at our neighbors till midnight. Mrs B promised I would get the very best attention possible with liquid medicine throughout my rehabilitation. I only ask for your thoughts and prayers as I go through this day. I thank a good friend by e mail and the Party Of Know for bringing this to my attention.
From Dad 29. "Talk of Revolution, Continued in a Very Important Essay"
A while back, Grim observed that certain parties in Government were almost literally attacking the taxpayers/proletariat. Not physically, of course--but in a number of other ways: monetarily, culturally, and "scientifically". IIRC (I can't find the post quickly), Grim postulated that the aggressor(s) were, de facto, the Party Of Government.
That nomenclature was re-worked to "Political Class"--or more precisely, the "Ruling Class."
The ruling class will never take away our freedom and liberty.
And at the end, two tidbits to think about.And then he simply rips the Republicans, noting that they haven't really held to principles since the Civil War.
Suffice it to say that the ruling class's greatest difficulty -- aside from being outnumbered -- will be to argue, against the grain of reality, that the revolution it continues to press upon America is sustainable. For its part, the country class's greatest difficulty will be to enable a revolution to take place without imposing it. America has been imposed on enough.
And you wonder why I am very critical with my thoughts and words to so called candidates looking for my vote this November.
Go read the whole thing.
From the Appleton Post Crescent.BP oil leak capped."Some residents of Gulf Coast have trouble believing BP has stopped flow from blown well
By Allen G. Breed and Holbrook Mohr • Associated Press writers • July 16, 2010
NEW ORLEANS — Many Gulf Coast residents don't believe it. Some accuse BP of making it up. And even those convinced that the oil leak has finally been stopped are tempered in their relief, aware that their environmental nightmare is far from over.
"It's a beautiful thing that it's shut off," trumpeter Shamarr Allen said as he stood on the sidewalk in the Musicians' Village in New Orleans' Upper Ninth Ward. "But there's still a lot of years of cleaning. There's going to be a lot of no fishing still. It's only the beginning of a long road that we have to travel. It's only the first step.""
Some residents of Gulf Coast have trouble believing BP has stopped flow from blown well | | Appleton Post Crescent
When will our president claim that he stopped the BP oil leak like Moses parting the Red Sea?
One happened and the other had nothing to do with it.
We all pray that all will soon get back to normal.
I am a little late with this but thought I needed to tell you how Steve Kagen plays politics with his constituents during an election. A statement from congressman Steve Kagen. Nice headline, Kagen is against Obama.
Congressman Steve Kagen, M.D. issued a statement
2010-07-08 - Jul 08,2010 - (From
APPLETON, WI– Congressman Steve Kagen, M.D. issued a statement today in response to the Obama Administration’s decision to bring a lawsuit against the State of Arizona because of their new state law giving local police the authority to detain and question individuals suspected of being in Arizona illegally."
Did Steve Kagen read the Arizona Bill 1070? For you Doubting Thomas on the left? I did. In Kagen's statement he states, "their new state law giving local police the authority to detain and question individuals suspected of being in Arizona illegally."
How can he say such a thing?
They cannot detain and question individuals suspected of being in Arizona illegally. See how Steve Kagen tries to look like he is for Arizona and wants you to think he is against the Obama's administration lawsuit. Kagen is playing politics with the people of the 8th. If he read the new Arizona law, he would know police cannot do just that! Here is just one section of the bill.
Sec. 6. Section 13-3883,
B. A peace officer may stop and detain a person as is reasonably necessary to investigate an actual or suspected violation of any traffic law committed in the officer's presence and may serve a copy of the traffic complaint for any alleged civil or criminal traffic violation. A peace officer who serves a copy of the traffic complaint shall do so within a reasonable time of the alleged criminal or civil traffic violation.
Steve, Steve , Steve, only first if there is a alleged criminal or civil traffic
violation.He has no idea what he is saying. He didn't read the bill. Voters of the 8th, he's playing politics with you.
Steve Kagen is running scared for his job and is trying to lie, deceive, or just play his constituents for fools. He thinks his voters are all saps who will believe anything he tells them.
How can Steve Kagen justify his job in Washington if he is goes out of his way to play politics with his voters. Watch this fall, he will run ads that he is for immigration reform.
Maybe Steve Kagen should just drop out of the election and enjoy his time away from Washington DC.
We need change in DC
Looks like the cup race will take a one week vacation till Indy until July 25th.NASCAR.comYea, yea, still a
From one of the few real Wisconsin papers of record, The Lakeland-Times."/13/2010 10:58:00 AM
Declining property values put pressure on property taxes
Economic outlook mixed; recovery is slow as revenues fall
Richard Moore
Investigative Reporter
News Analysis
It hasn't been easy for property taxpayers during the Great Recession, and it isn't getting any easier during the Tiny Recovery.
At the recession's outset, many property owners were shocked to find out that their tax assessments weren't dropping even as their market values were, and the state offered no protections or revaluation mandates, as other states have."
Declining property values put pressure on property taxes
A good read from Mr. Moore.
From the Green Bay Press. "Pulaski school registration days to feature business displays
July 15, 2010
PULASKI — The Pulaski Area Chamber of Commerce and the Pulaski School District have teamed to provide all Pulaski-area businesses a free sales and marketing opportunity.
Businesses and organizations are invited to showcase themselves during the Pulaski Schools Registration Days to be held from 1 to 7 p.m. Aug. 11 and 12 at Pulaski High School."
Pulaski school registration days to feature business displays | | Green Bay Press Gazette
I wonder if the teachers union will have a booth set up. I can see it now. Barrett, Feingold, Kagen and Obama stickers for everyone.
On a side note, I went to Berry Laker daughters for dinner Tuesday night and see the chamber put the farmers market where no one would see them. I drove through the back alley and they have "no parking" signs all over. Nice! How about the parking lot by the bank? How about the swamps? The swamps is next to the Mountain Bay trail. Why hide the farmers market?
Polka days are coming up and I wonder if the city will yellow stripe every street including the cemetery with yellow paint? At least they keep the main streets in town with pot holes and filled cracks intact.
From the Green Bay Press. Image from Google."Russ Feingold raises more funds than Ron Johnson for Senate race
Incumbent takes in $1.4 million, while Oshkosh Republican nets $557,000

By LARRY BIVINS • Press-Gazette Washington • July 15, 2010
WASHINGTON — Republican Senate candidate Ron Johnson raised more than $500,000 during June in his quest to oust Democrat Russ Feingold, according to figures his campaign released Wednesday."
Russ Feingold raises more funds than Ron Johnson for Senate race | | Green Bay Press Gazette
Feingold's camp said it collected more than $1.4 million from more than 18,000 donors during the three-month period, with $277,000 coming from online donations. His effort got a boost from Vice President Joe Biden, who was the featured guest June 25 at a $500-per-plate luncheon fundraiser for the senator in Milwaukee.
So the VP comes into Wisconsin and calls a Wisconsin voter a "SMART ASS" and Russ get's $500 a plate. Russ is running a bumbling campaign like Inspector Clueso but his liberal groups from out of state will keep him going.
You know, if Russ grows a mustache and puts on hat, he could be the inspector.
From the Peshtigo Times online.
Oconto County Warned Of Pending 2011 Budget Woes
“We’ll have to apply some fund balance to next year’s budget or impose some very serious cuts,” Administrative Coordinator Kevin Hamann told Oconto County Board at their regular monthly meeting Thursday, June 24 as they reviewed his advice in the 2011 Budget Guidance letter. After some discussion, on a motion made by Supervisor Scott McMahon, seconded by Supervisor Guy Gooding, the 31 member board voted to send the letter back to Finance/Insurance Committee for further consideration. Opposition was centered on inclusion of tentative 1.5 percent raises for county personnel.
“Continued underfunded and unfunded state and federal mandates will compound the need to make very difficult decisions,” Hamann further stated in the letter. He warned if they keep taking from the fund balance, eventually it will run out. The reserve fund was hit to the tune of $930,621 in 2009, and “It is anticipated that for 2010 the County will run in the red again, due to lower investment rates, increased personnel costs (wages and insurance), higher operating costs such as fuel, and increased utilization of county services.”
Looks like the O C board will have to make some decisions in the future about the up coming budgets. Oconto County in the past was called a poor county. With areas like the southern part of the county and a lot of high taxed lake properties, I wonder how can the board have financial woes? Maybe the board should live with in it's means like the rest of the people in Oconto County. Will they raise TAXES?
You can go to the Times to read the whole article.
From Shawano Leader.Florence woman seeks Mursau’s Assembly seat
By Leader staff
An educator and attorney from the town of Florence is vying to be the next State Assembly Representative in the 36th Assembly District — a seat currently held by Jeff Mursau (R-Crivitz).
Anne Woznicki, a Democrat, said she has talked to many people in the district over the past several weeks who told her they want a change in Wisconsin’s leadership.
So a democrat and a attorney is running in the 36thth against Jeff Mursau.
Being new to the area I really don't know much about Mr. Mursau. I did see him last year at a Marinette tea party forum where Terri McCormick was allowed to speak but not the others vying for the congressional 8th district. That leaves a big question in...........never mind for now.
From the Shawano Leader.Two vie for Oconto County DA spot
By Leader staff
Two attorneys are vying for the appointment of Oconto County District Attorney, according to the office of Gov. Jim Doyle.
Brent DeBord and John Evans, both with private practices in Oconto, applied for the position. According to a spokeswoman for the governor’s office, the selection process is underway.
The appointment will fill the vacancy created by the election of District Attorney Jay Conley to the Oconto County Circuit Court. His investiture is scheduled for 1 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 1 at the courthouse.
Evans, 63, lives in Stiles and has been practicing law from his Green Bay office for 32 years and from the Oconto office for 28 years. The native of Appleton is a Vietnam veteran who served in the U.S. Air Force. He is married, has three children, three step-children and three grandchildren. He is a member of First American Lutheran Church, Oconto.
DeBord, 37, lives in Peshtigo and has been practicing law in Oconto and Marinette counties since 2001. The Tenne-ssee native attended Marquette University Law School and has lived in Wisconsin since 1998. He served as district attorney in Marinette County from 2007 to 2008. He is married and has a 9-month-old daughter. He is a member of Faith Baptist Church in Peshtigo and is active in the Marinette Kiwanis.
The new district attorney will begin serving in August.
From Boots and Sabers via Real Debate.Voters of Wisconsin need to find out just how low Russ Feingold will go to win an election. Super sleuth Russ Feingold like the Pink Panther decides to spy on Americans contrary to his beliefs on the patriot act. "Feingold Operative Tapes Johnson

OK, I just realized how naughty that headline sounds… in any case… from Real Debate.
According to Johnson campaign staffers a person from the Feingold campaign has been following Johnson taping everything he does.
The operative came to Drinking Right, sat at the bar, ordered a Heineken and discretely held a video recorder in his lap taping everything Mr. Johnson did. The manager at Papa’s noticed and did not take kindly to having his customers video taped without having any permission asked.

The Feingold operative was asked to erase the recording and asked to leave. Apparently he drove away in a vehicle with Virginia plates."
Boots and Sabers - The blogging will continue until morale improves...
From his own web site.Issues Civil Rights Patriot Act
In today’s world, the United States faces new threats that we must combat to protect the American people. But Americans must keep close tabs on steps taken by the federal government in fighting terrorism to be sure that we are not rewarding the al Qaeda terrorists by undermining American values – freedom, justice, and privacy. As the Chairman of the Constitution Subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I feel this responsibility acutely as I consider legislation and exercise oversight of the U.S. Department of Justice."
Russ Feingold: Civil Rights & Civil Liberties - USA Patriot Act
So Russ tells us he wants to protect our privacy but hires someone to spy on his opponent. What's next Russ? Spying on prospective voters?Feingold needs to be replaced in Washington DC. Ron Johnson needs to expose Feingold to the fictitious politician he really is. Vote Johnson this November.
From the Shawano Leader.
We thank Tim at the Leader for his reporting. I think Kagen was hoping no one would report on this. Kagen: Job creation should be top priority
By Tim Ryan, Leader Reporter
Creating jobs should be a priority over concerns about the deficit, U.S. Rep. Steve Kagen (D-Wisconsin) said during a visit to Shawano Monday.
“We’re not going to pay off our debt until people have jobs,” he said. “Jobs trump debt.”
Then why are there no jobs? Link from today's Green Bay press. What a lie!Federal stimulus funds help Green Bay area, but haven't created jobs | | Green Bay Press Gazette
Kagen also noted the country’s debt started more than eight years ago, under President Bush, and could be traced to two wars, tax cuts for the wealthy and Medicare Part D - the cost of which have all been shunted to future generations, he said, because current taxpayers have not been asked to pay for them.
There he goes, blaming Bush again. Mr Kagen, the debt as of 2-10-2010 was 12.34 trillion dollars. The national debt in 2006 was $574.3 Billion. What is he talking about. What a lie!Kagen said the present Congress has been more financially responsible.
“The single greatest thing we did is re-institute Pay As You go,” he said, a rule requiring an equal amount of budget cuts or new revenue to cover any new spending.
If he is so financially responsible then why does congressman Kagen and his pals don't have a budget set up in 2011. From Politico. Steny Hoyer: No budget this year - Simmi Aujla -
How many people today do not have a budget to live with in? What a lie!Kagen attended an economic development roundtable Monday at the Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce offices hosted by Shawano County Economic Progress, Inc.
SCEPI Executive Director Steve Sengstock said about 40 invitations were sent out to participate in the round table. Six attended, including representatives from the county and the Shawano business community.
Only six out of forty people wanted to attend? Congressman Kagen is either not very popular or SCEPI might of had forty invitations but only sent out six to Kagen backers. Kagen said there has been some improvement in some sectors of the economy, but full recovery is still being held back by a lack of access to credit.
“We can grow our economy when small business has access to credit on Main Street,” Kagen said.
Kagen is pushing a Loans for Main Street amendment to the Small Business Lending Fund Act of 2010, which would give more flexibility to community banks in providing credit to small businesses.
Another government fix that small business doesn't need or want. It's campaign time, what a lie! He will tell voters anything he can to get reelected. The amendment has made it through the House and the Senate has voted to bring it to the floor for debate, but it is opposed by the Obama White House, Kagen said, because of claims it lacks transparency.
Kagen Monday disagreed with that view and said the amendment would “allow small businesses to work through these tough times.”
I thought the stimulus was supposed to take care of this? Another lie! Just what we need, more government spending and still no jobs? According to information provided by Kagen’s office, more than two dozen small businesses in Shawano County have already benefited from the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to the tune of nearly $5 million.
According to the data, 19 small businesses received $4.5 million in loans in fiscal year 2010, while seven received $315,000 in loans in fiscal year 2009.
In Shawano County alone, businesses have gotten nearly $5 million in small businesses loans as a result of the recovery act.
If all this money came into the Shawano area then why did the area lose jobs? What about the 263 jobs at Owens and the 95 jobs at Komatsu? The numbers are from Kagen's office, consider the source. What a lie!Kagen at Monday’s roundtable also said the free market in the United States had run into a wall of “government-sponsored capitalism” in China. He said the U.S. needs to level the playing field by negotiating balanced trade agreements with China and prevent China from manipulating its currency.
The Chinese are buying our debt and he wants to pick a fight with them on trade. Do you know what will happen if they call in the debt we owe them? Can you speak Chinese? We all might have to learn with Steve Kagen in charge. What a lie!Kagen also made a pitch for financial reform, saying there is more danger in the markets now than before the current recession began.
Really, he wants financial reform? Look what his plan will do from Wisconsin Business."Warn that public will see higher costs and few, if any, benefits " Wisconsin Bankers Association: Wisconsin bankers brace for regulatory overhaul
What a lie!“There’s more systemic risk now than there was before the crash,” he said.
Who was in office when the crash happened? That's right, Steve Kagen has been our congressman since 2007. How can he justify his job with what is happening today? What a Lie!Kagen also visited Clintonville Monday afternoon to hear from city officials, including Mayor Judith Magee, City Administrator Lisa Kuss, Police Chief Terry Lorge, and Alderman Roger Metzger.
Among topics discussed was the government’s suit against the state of Arizona over its handling of illegal immigrants. Kagen said he does not agree with the lawsuit.
“We obey the law. If they want to come here to work, come legally,” he said.
Look how far to the right Steve Kagen is going. He says he does not agree with the lawsuit but he doesn't say the lawsuit should be dropped. What a lie! Kagen also discussed the BP disaster in the gulf, saying the oil company should be held responsible for the spill.
That's breaking news. You mean BP is not paying for the spill? That's a good sound bite for the campaign. Kagen said he had just come from Sturm Foods in Manawa where they are expanding. He said Wolf River Lumber in New London is also expanding.
So how many jobs did Sturm hire. From Market Place, "The company expects to hire about 30 workers"
Marketplace Today Blog - More than 500 attend Sturm Foods job fair
Did Mr Kagen also tell you how many people applied for the 30 jobs. More than 500 people attended a job fair hosted by Sturm Foods Friday, Jan. 29, at the Manawa Masonic Center.
Steve Kagen is just a puppet for Nancy Pelosi.
Steve Kagen cannot justify his job!
Steve Kagen cannot justify his three and a half years in congress!
Steve Kagen is to blame for the national debt, the jobless numbers, the financial problems. He always tells us he's working hard for the people of Wisconsin. Kagen is not doing the job he promised!
Steve Kagen's time in congress has been one big lie to the people of the Wisconsin 8th district.
From the Green Bay Press. Here's the headline.
Federal stimulus funds help Green Bay area, but haven't created jobs
"Schmitt similarly spoke of funding the city received to acquire property for a children's health services agency, job training and new buses.
"But if the main objective was job creation, I don't know that we reached that goal," Schmitt said."
Federal stimulus funds help Green Bay area, but haven't created jobs | | Green Bay Press Gazette
He doesn't know if more jobs were created? Maybe he needs to go out and buy another 3 million dollar roller coaster for Bay Beach? The above link is from Caffeinated Politics. Do the people of Green Bay really want him as their mayor? He's CLUELESS!!!!!!!!!
People of Green Bay, how's that hope and change going and, you
voted for him!
From Owen at B & S. "Wisconsin’s top bank leaders warn that the biggest rewrite of banking laws since the Great Depression will raise the cost of financial services for the public without addressing the root causes of the financial crisis. Bankers completing the Wisconsin Bankers Association (WBA) semiannual Bank CEO Economic Conditions Survey also report that demand for commercial and other benchmark loan categories remains weak throughout the state.
When asked how the soon-to-be enacted federal financial regulatory reform bill – commonly referred to as the Dodd-Frank Bill – will affect their bank, the 114 survey respondents overwhelmingly said it will increase compliance costs, limit revenue opportunities and may force them to charge for services that are currently free.
Bankers also expressed concern that the increased capital requirements in Dodd-Frank may reduce lending and slow the economic recovery. "
Boots and Sabers - The blogging will continue until morale improves...
So bank charges up, ATM fee's up, less loans for people and businesses that need it! How can Steve Kagen justify this?
Ladies and gentlemen, your Nancy Pelosi puppet congressman Steve Kagen.

Thank you Mr Kagen for working hard for the people of Wisconsin.

The WDNR has a web site to report wolf attacks in the state of Wisconsin. Doesn't the title of the article sound so nice compared to what it really is, "Dog Attacks by Wolves in Wisconsin - 2010." Dog Depredations by Wolves in Wisconsin - 2010
As with other wild canids, wolves are very territorial. Wolves guard their territories from other wolves, coyotes, and domestic dogs. Wolves are probably most aggressive toward strange wolves and dogs when wolf pups are small at den and rendezvous sites, during the breeding season in January and February, and when they are protecting a fresh kill. Wolf packs have pups in spring and use rendezvous sites from mid June to late September, after the pups are big enough to leave their den. Adult wolves are very defensive of pups at rendezvous sites and will attack other predators, including dogs, that get too close to the rendezvous site or the pups. Some hunters have had success with bells on dog collars to reduce wolf attacks, but some dogs with bells have been attacked by wolves. Table 1 (below) contains a summary of the 2010 dog depredations by wolves.
A pack will use from 2 to 3 to as many as 6 or more rendezvous sites during the summer. The exact locations vary from year to year and throughout the summer. The sites are usually forest openings or edge areas, with lots of wolf tracks, droppings, and matted vegetation. Move 2 or 3 miles from any rendezvous site, if possible, before releasing dogs. Avoid releasing dogs at baits recently visited by wolves. When looking for bear sign at a bait, make sure to also look for wolf tracks. Be familiar with your own dog's tracks, so that you can distinguish it from any wolf tracks. If a specific bait site is receiving a lot of wolf use, discontinue using it until wolves have left, and concentrate on an alternative bait site.
Anyone suspecting a wolf attack in northern Wisconsin should call USDA-WS immediately at 1-800-228-1368.
For more information on reducing conflicts between wolves and hunting dogs see "A Guide to Reducing Conflict Between Wolves and Hunting Dogs"."
* Subscribe to Wisconsin Gray Wolf Depredation Alerts
2010 Current Dog Depredations by Wolves in Wisconsin - WDNR
To subscribe to e mail updates, just click above link.
I waz cawled a rednek by a Jimmu Johnson fan dis post weakend. Hear iz aaaaa cuple jockes from Jeff Foxworthy U ol hav a grate weak."(Most of these Redneck Jokes can be attributed to Jeff Foxworthy)
You think the last words to
The Star Spangled Banner are
"Gentlemen, start your engines."
You think Sherlock Holmes is a
housing project down in Biloxi.
You think a stock tip is
advice on worming' your hogs.
You've been married three times
and still have the same in-laws.
You think TACO BELL is
the Mexican Phone Company
Your state's got a new law that says
when a couple get divorced,
they are still legally brother and sister.
Your house still has the
sign on the back.
You got stopped by a state trooper.
He asked you if you had an I.D.
And you said, 'Bout What?'