Saturday, January 22, 2011

Obama To Raise Taxes Again

"Obama's economic agenda: Boost US competitiveness
Shifting focus, Obama to put American competitiveness at center of State of the Union " Obama's economic agenda: Boost US competitiveness - Yahoo! Finance
The only way Obama knows how to boost competitiveness is to raise taxes or put in another regulation.

He and his administration have no clue how to create jobs! Did our president ever run a company? How does being a community organizer make him an expert at creating jobs?

U P, I 500

WDNR, The House Cleaning Begins

"Leader of DNR's southeast region is out
By Lee Bergquist of the Journal Sentinel

Jan. 21, 2011 |(6) Comments

Natural Resources Secretary Cathy Stepp said Friday night that Gloria McCutcheon is resigning as director of the Southeast region, based in Milwaukee, and will replaced with a new official in that capacity.

In a statement, the secretary of the Department of Natural Resources said that the veteran DNR administrator would be taking a sabbatical while she considers other options.

In an interview with the Journal Sentinel, Stepp said this week that she wants to re-shape the DNR, and a top priority under the administration of Republican Gov. Scott Walker is to make the environmental regulatory agency more business-friendly without compromising the environment."
Leader of DNR's southeast region is out - JSOnline

Don't Mess With Ellmer


North Carolina's newest Representative Renee Ellmers said the deadly shooting rampage in Arizona has made her concerned for her own safety.

Ellmers said she has a concealed carry permit and plans to carry a handgun at public events.

However, even in light of the shootings she said she will not support restrictions on certain ammunition.

"I think it was an isolated incident and has more to do with the individual who committed the crime than the actual ammo he was using," said Ellmers."
Rep. Ellmers Plans To Carry Handgun |
Somebody with gonads.I like that!

Someone Didn't Like "O" Gee, Just Terrible

"Keith Olbermann gives abrupt goodbye to MSNBC show
By DAVID BAUDER, AP Television Writer David Bauder, Ap Television Writer – 1 hr 47 mins ago

NEW YORK – Keith Olbermann was MSNBC's most popular personality and single-handedly led its transformation to an outspoken, left-leaning cable news network in prime time. Despite that, he often seemed to be walking on a tightrope with his job. Friday night, it snapped.

 Keith Olbermann gives abrupt goodbye to MSNBC show - Yahoo! News
Makes you kind of feel bad for the guy, terrible. Now that's going too far even for me.Bet he ends up at CNN

Did civility win here? Ah, civility.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Tombstone Az , Recall, Go Tea Party

Wow, good for the tea party.
"Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik has never lost an election, but that was before his remarks assigning blame for the deadly Tucson, Ariz., shooting to political "vitriol" and calling Arizona "a mecca for prejudice and bigotry."

Now it's Sheriff Dupnik who finds himself on the public-opinion hot seat. A group opposed to illegal immigration has begun an effort to recall the sheriff in a special election. Meanwhile, a Pima County tea party group is planning on holding a "Dump Dupnik" rally next week outside his office.

"I haven't been a fan of Dupnik's for a long time, but this really was the straw that broke the camel's back," said Tom Rompel, co-owner of Black Weapons Armory in Tucson. "He's law enforcement. We expect 'the facts, ma'am,' not his opinion. He leans far left, always has, and frankly, people have had enough.""
Outspoken Tucson sheriff faces recall bid - Washington Times

Cow Town On The Map Again

"New Holstein school administrator arrested in Milwaukee
By Eric Litke • Gannett Wisconsin Media • January 21, 2011

The administrator of the New Holstein School District was arrested Wednesday in Milwaukee and remained behind bars today, but district and law enforcement officials remained tight-lipped as to why."
New Holstein school administrator arrested in Milwaukee | | Green Bay Press Gazette

"Siberian Express

"Siberian Express freezes U.P.
January 21, 2011 - By Dionna Harris
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ESCANABA - The arrival of the "Siberian Express" over much of the Great Lakes region during the night has caused temperatures to plummet.

According to weather officials, the "Siberian Express" is an Arctic air mass moving down from parts of northern Ontario.

Escanaba Water Treatment Plant officials said winds were reported this morning at 13 miles per hour, with gusts up to 35 miles per hour.

Combined with a -3 degree temperature reading at 8 a.m., the wind chill factor was recorded at 23 below zero.

In Menominee, the mercury dipped to -8 below zero, according to Kari Fleegel of the National Weather Service in Negaunee,

Fleegel said the current weather pattern is anticipated to remain in the area through Sunday evening before moving eastward.

"Saturday we are looking for similar conditions, possibly even colder as this mass of Arctic air moving down from northern Ontario passes through," said Fleegel."
Siberian Express freezes U.P. - | News, Sports, Jobs, Escanaba Information | The Daily Press

Let's All Thank The Dems Again.

Let's all thank Harry, Nancy, Steve Kagen and the rest.
"IRS: Itemizers can file taxes on Valentine's Day

Charles Riley, staff reporter, On Friday January 21, 2011, 11:13 am EST

Leave it to the Internal Revenue Service to further complicate the national mood on the only day of the year devoted exclusively to romance.

That's right. The IRS announced Thursday that Feb. 14 -- Valentine's Day -- will be the first day the agency will accept all itemized tax returns.

Late last year, the IRS said it would need extra time to reprogram its processing systems because Congress acted so late this year in cleaning up the tax code.

The bill, which includes deductions for state and local sales taxes, college tuition and teacher expenses, wasn't signed into law until Dec. 17."
IRS: Itemizers can file taxes on Valentine's Day - Yahoo! Finance

Why didn't they take care of this back in October of last year?

Breaking News, Gasoline Prices To Go Up

"Gasoline price spike due to record oil demand, industry says
Steve Hargreaves, senior writer, On Friday January 21, 2011, 12:59 pm

Strong worldwide oil demand and lack of supply are to blame for steadily rising gasoline prices in the United States, an oil industry group said Friday.

The American Petroleum Institute made no specific price forecast for 2011, but didn't seem to see a drop anytime soon."
Gasoline price spike due to record oil demand, industry says - Yahoo! Finance
Forget it, I guess it's not breaking news. We knew gasoline went up was a couple weeks ago.

Where were these people before? Oh look, CNN reported it. The regime must of just gave them the news to put out.

Oh brother.

Roll Up The Sidewalks Sunday Afternoon

The Green Bay Press reports a lot of businesses closing Sunday.
"Lambeau Field will be closed on Sunday
Decision will include Curly's Pub
By Scott Williams • • January 21, 2011

The Green Bay Packers will close Lambeau Field on Sunday, when the team is playing the NFC championship game in Chicago."
Lambeau Field will be closed on Sunday | | Green Bay Press Gazette
So a number of businesses will close early Sunday thanks to an expected lull in retail traffic during the NFC championship game against the Chicago Bears.

Ace Hardware Ridge Road, 2110 S. Ridge Road, Ashwaubenon,will close three hours early, at 2 p.m. ahead of the drop in foot traffic expected to accompany the start of the game.

"We hope it's busy in the morning with our normal Sunday traffic, but its always a gamble for us with the Packers if people are going to spend the morning working on a project or if they're just going to relax the whole day," said store manager Ryan Lindner.

"The last two weeks really reaffirmed to us that at game time you get a couple people coming in but it isn't feasible to be open for the little traffic we get," he said.

Leilani's Tropical Tan & Gift, 940 Hansen Road, Ashwaubenon, also will close early at 1 p.m.

"It's not worth it to stay open — we'd just be sitting here by ourselves," said Lani Zilisch, who owns the business with her husband, Kerry.

Leilani's has previously closed early Sundays, depending on the game.
I have a better question that charlie Sykes asked. When will fans start drinking on Sunday.

Pay Back For Wis. Dems?????

Press release through WisPolitcs
"Sen. Lassa: Where are the details, governor?

MADISON – Rep. Louis J. Molepske, Jr., Rep. Penny Bernard Schaber, and Sen. Julie Lassa, among other Democratic Assembly and Senate members, submitted to Commerce Secretary Paul Jadin a letter seeking additional information to more adequately and fully understand the details of the Walker administration’s plans to transition from the Department of Commerce (Commerce) to the proposed Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC).

“From the government perspective of assuring equitable and appropriate use of taxpayer dollars, it is incumbent upon us to mutually understand the changes being proposed,” said Rep. Molepske. He said further, “Just as businesses must develop business plans for investor or financial institution review, so too should the Administration before the Legislature votes to make the changes.”

Rep. Bernard Schaber added, “The framework of the new public-private entity that will create, implement and oversee economic policies for Wisconsin needs to be advanced to the Legislature so that we can make decisions to meet the needs of business, labor, local economic development interests and local governments – all of which will be affected by the change. We need to streamline the Department of Commerce; everyone agrees that it is crucial to helping businesses in Wisconsin! That’s why I’m dedicated to working on this legislation. We need to make sure that we are not wasting taxpayer dollars and that the interests of business, workers, local economic development groups and local governments are heard.”

“The bill as it has been proposed says nothing about who will be in charge of the organization or how it will operate. It says nothing about what will happen to existing job creation programs or what safeguards will prevent hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars from being wasted. The Legislature has been asked to hand this new agency a huge blank check without any clarity about how it will be spent. We need more detail to ensure that WEDC will operate with transparency and accountability, and that it will create good, family-supporting jobs for Wisconsin families,” Sen. Lassa said." Sen. Lassa: Where are the details, governor?
Come on, guys, let us in. I gonna tell your mom! Waaaa, waaaaa, waaaaa!!!!
You know what they say, paybacks are hell!

Where was Lassa and Schaber when they ran Madison and republicans wanted information or wanted to give their input on bills. You know they told republicans to take a short walk off a tall bridge. Remember the last two years, we run this state and we will do anything we want. And look what they did. They screwed every tax payer in Wisconsin. Raided transportation funds, charge for hospital beds, what 3 billion in the hole.

If Schaber, Lassa and Molepske want to be reelected, they better work with republicans to fix what they screwed up in the past or they will be out the door.

I think they and all other dems in Madison understand their future.

Wisconsin Voter I D Bill, Need To Call

Received this by e mail.

The Good News is, the Senate has called a hearing for the Voter ID bill for January 26th at 10 AM, Room 411 So. in the Capital. PLEASE plan to attend this hearing.
If you can't attend the hearing, submit written testimony BEFORE the public hearing to and ask that it be part of the official record.

Now, the bad news. The Assembly has not done the same thing. Why isn't this a joint hearing??? Assembly Representative, Gary Tauchen is the Chairman of the Assembly Election Committee and is responsible for scheduling this hearing. We also need the leadership of Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald on this as well. Please do the following:

Call Rep. Gary Tauchen, Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald, and your you own Assembly representative TODAY, and respectfully request they schedule a joint hearing on the Voter ID Bill for January 26th. The Senate is moving forward, now it is their turn. We the People NEED Voter ID NOW, not later. We the People NEED a Joint Hearing NOW!

Representative Gary Tauchen
(608) 266-3097 Capitol 13 West
Representative Jeff Fitzgerald
(608) 266-2540 Capitol 211 West
If you don't know your Assembly Rep's contact info, click this link:

Link to the Senate Bill #6 Voter ID bill:

Maybe Gary Tauchen is working on how to keep the ethanol mandates in Wisconsin. Tauchen used to be my representative and my take, he is a RINO.

I asked him about TABOR, "sound of crickets"

Ethanol, he's a farmer, will he vote to kill it?

We shall see what he does in Madison.

Time to make phone calls and let's get all of Voter ID fixed in Wisconsin.

States Nullify Health Care Reform

From the Superior Telegram.
"Idaho GOP gets ready to nullify health care reform
After leading the nation last year in passing a law to sue the federal government over the health care overhaul, Idaho's Republican-dominated Legislature now plans to use an obscure 18th century doctrine to declare President Barack Obama's signature bill null and void.

By: John Miller, Associated Press, Superior Telegram "
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — After leading the nation last year in passing a law to sue the federal government over the health care overhaul, Idaho's Republican-dominated Legislature now plans to use an obscure 18th century doctrine to declare President Barack Obama's signature bill null and void.

Lawmakers in six other states — Maine, Montana, Oregon, Nebraska, Texas and Wyoming — are also mulling "nullification" bills, which contend states, not the U.S. Supreme Court, are the ultimate arbiter of when Congress and the president run amok.
Idaho GOP gets ready to nullify health care reform | Superior Telegram | Superior, Wisconsin
Later in the article, this was interesting.
In 1854, Wisconsin also sought to nullify the federal Fugitive Slave Act that forced non-slave states to return escapees.

Newberry Mi, Wear Plaid Tonight

"Newberry, Mich. —

Event of the Day: Wearin O the Plaid, an evening celebrating the birthday of famous Scottish poet Robert Burns

Tonight, in Newberry at 7:00 p.m, Wearin O the Plaid, an evening celebrating the birthday of famous Scottish poet Robert Burns at the Newberry Elks # 1705 Lodge Room, 109 Newberry Ave. The Tahquamenon Area Friends of the Library are hosting a Wearin O the Plaid an evening celebrating the birthday of famous Scottish poet Robert Burns. There will be reading of his poems, music and refreshments including the traditional Haggis. We encourage you to wear plaid when you join us. "
Event of the Day: Friday, January 21, 2011 - Sault Ste. Marie, MI - Sault Ste. Marie Evening News

"If Not Us, Who"

If Not Us, Who?

If Not Now,


Ronald Reagan
January 21, 1985

Tea Party, It is time again!

I agree with Mark Belling at 1130 WISN.

This has to be his best speech.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Jim Doyle, Democrats Lost 1900 Jobs. Thanks Alot!

JSOnline reports the bad news.
"All told, the state lost an estimated 1,900 private-sector jobs in December, according to seasonally adjusted data Thursday from the state Department of Workforce Development. December marked the third decrease in private-sector employment in the past four months."
State loses jobs in December, but jobless rate improves - JSOnline

Oh CRAP!!!!!
The left can't blame Walker and the republicans.

T T B Burgers

From the Arizona Daily Star.

Call now for your Tony Tiger Burgers.

"Last week he announced on Boca's Facebook page that the UA-area taco shop was accepting prepaid orders for African lion, to be served on Feb. 16. Orders must be placed by 3 p.m. Feb. 7."
Boca, gaining a rep for exotic tacos, plans lion-meat offering

"We Failed the System"

From You Tube and C Span.

Government, "That system has never failed us,
but for a time, we failed the system."

Ronald Reagan
January 21, 1985.

See the Note At 11:29

This is for all the tin foil hat people. I thought it was a little strange when I seen it.

From John F Kennedy's January 20, 1961 Inauguration speech.

For most of the speech the guy in the hat directly behind President Kennedy either had A D D or had another problem. Bet he was a democrat! If he didn't want to be there, why was he?

Then go to 11;29 on the You Tube and you see VP Johnson pick up a note off the floor, put on his glasses and read it. Seems kind of odd even back in 61.

First who passed the note?

Second. What did the note say?

Doesn't it seem kind of odd that during a presidential inauguration speech, people are acting like school kids or is it something more? Hold on, let me put my tin hat on! For God's sake, I don't have one! What do I do?

Is it a conspiracy?

I still wonder why JFK had to die so soon and what would he have done with democrats today?

"We Will Act", Never Forget

A thanks to Mark Belling for the reminder. From C Span

"When action is required to preserve our national security, we will act!

Ronald Reagan
January 20, 1981.

The Rights Of Man Comes From The Hand Of God

From You Tube and C-Span
January 20, 1961

"The beliefs that the rights of man
come not from the generosity of the state
but from the hand of God.'

John F Kennedy

What happened to the democrats of today.
If I could at the time he would of had my vote.

Raise The Debt Limit, Piggy Back Repeal Obamacare

From Politico. Seems we have a problem getting the senate to vote on repeal of Obamacare.
"By CARRIE BUDOFF BROWN | 1/19/11 3:29 PM EST Updated: 1/19/11 8:41 PM EST

House Republicans passed a bill to repeal President Barack Obama’s health care plan Wednesday, taking their first major step toward rolling back the massive overhaul that has dominated the American political landscape for almost two years.

The vote was 245 to 189, and unanimous GOP support gave the vote the same partisan feel of the March vote to pass the law, underscoring once again the hardened political lines of the health care debate. Only three Democrats backed the repeal, a smaller number than Republicans had once predicted.

"The bill will head next to the Senate, where Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has promised to block it. If it did receive a vote, the repeal bill would be unlikely to draw support from even a majority of senators.
House passes health law repeal - Carrie Budoff Brown -

If the Democrats and the Obama administration want to raise the debt limit why not,

piggy back the repeal of Obamacare on raising the debt. Democrats want to raise it so play like the democrats. Sneak it in on the same bill.

Bring up a bill to give seniors a $250 cost of living SS payment and piggy back the Obama repeal on it. Will democrats vote against seniors? O K, maybe not that but you get the picture.

Let's play the games democrats did to the republicans.

Repeal Smoke Ban

Jay Weber at 1130 WISN was discussing the smoking ban.
"RACINE COUNTY - Tavern owners didn't like Wisconsin's workplace smoking ban before it arrived, and they don't like it any better six months later.

In fact, local bar owners - and their bartenders - say they are suffering financially more now than when the ban was new.

The Smoke-Free Act, which applies to all workplaces, took effect July 5 and Gov. Scott Walker, then a candidate, said he would repeal it if elected.

As the months got colder, business got weaker, said Lou Larsen, City of Racine Tavern League president and owner of Peg & Lou's Bar & Grill, 3113 Douglas Ave. Smokers are far less willing to go outside to smoke in cold weather.

Larsen said revenue was down about 20 percent in October, almost 30 percent in November and 39 percent in December, compared with the same months in 2009."
Six months later, bar owners say Smoke-Free Act hurting business
It doesn't matter, repeal the smoking ban to bars. The smoke ban voters, only vote for democrats so repeal the smoking ban and let business grow in Wisconsin. Let each bar, super club, bowling alley decide what is good for their business. Smoke or smoke free. Everyone has a choice to patronize their own place of entertainment and adult beverages. We don't need the left deciding everything!

Two points. Why did the Wisconsin Tavern league back Tom Barrett last November? Will repulicans have the guts to repeal it? Maybe they can keep the bill on the books and water it down. A unlimited $1.00 per day fine for smoking in a bar.

Chairman Bob in Mequon

JSOnline reports a new Roundy's grocery store.
"By Doris Hajewski of the Journal Sentinel

Jan. 19, 2011 |(5) Comments

Roundy's Supermarkets Inc. expects to open its third Metro Market in March at 11558 N. Port Washington Road, just north of an existing Pick 'n Save store in Mequon.

The company is recruiting for 200 jobs at the new store, screening applicants with a higher standard than has been used in the past at Roundy's other stores.

"We're looking for people that want to be in the service business," said Roundy's chairman Bob Mariano. The Mequon interviews will mark the first time the company will apply the more rigorous standards to 100% of the jobs in a store, he said." Roundy's plans third Metro Market - JSOnline
Things have sure changed.
I remember working at the first Copps Warehouse store in Green Bay. Remember marking your groceries with a crayon and pushing a big wood cart around. United Foods in Elkhorn, Lila's in Plover, the first Pick n Save in Neenah, Kash n Karry in West Bend, Pick n Save West Bend and Jim's foods in Mosinee. Then twelve years in sales for a food broker. I just can't get food out of my mind and off my waist. Those were some GREAT times.

Seems Roundy's is changing their format hoping someone will buy them out in the future. I read the first three comments and have to agree on some of them. It's not the employee's fault but a lot of them seem to have sour grapes about their jobs.
Current employees at the existing Pick 'n Save store on N. Port Washington Road will be able to apply for jobs at the new Metro Market or transfer to jobs at other Pick 'n Save stores, Mariano said.
That's nice. You work for a company and you need to apply to keep your job. Lovely! My take, the only stores to shop is Woodmans. The employee's are great and you save tons of bucks. Mr's B isn't sold on fresh meat but mostly it's our number one store to shop! Hope you have gone to the Woodman's in Menomenee Falls.

Kind (er) Democrat

From the LaCrosse Tribune on Ron Kind's health care vote.
"He’s open to hearing better ideas to bring costs down and quality up, “but that’s not what they’re offering today. They’re just talking about repealing this measure without any alternative,” Kind said.

The La Crosse Democrat shared a couple of anecdotes from Wisconsin’s Third Congressional District on the House floor Wednesday, questioning any colleague who could deny a suffering mother and child health coverage."
Kind, Walz vote against repeal
So Ron Kind voted no on Obamacare repeal. What a nice guy, he's all for the people, he cares, he just wants to help you. I have a couple questions for our Wisconsin nice guy the Kind(er) Ron Kind.

Did Kind and the democrats offer the republicans before Obamacare alternatives? Hell no, Remember Nancy Pelosi, to the effect, we have to pass it and after it's passed you can read it to see what's in it! Why didn't Ron Kind do it right last year? Kind basically admits it needs to be fixed but not the way the republicans want to change it. Why did he vote for it last year? What the heck did he vote for?

Second, Kind told some anecdotes? Let's start with the definition of anecdotes.
   /ˈænɪkˌdoʊt/ Show Spelled[an-ik-doht] Show IPA
a short account of a particular incident or event of an interesting or amusing nature, often biographical."
Anecdote | Define Anecdote at
Say what? An amusing story of a mother and child not getting health care? You mean a child and mother would be turned away from any hospital in Wisconsin today? Ron, wake up, no one is ever turned away from health care yet! If Obamacare is implemented then will people be denied health care. Ron, will you tell seniors you can't afford to help them and they should go somewhere and die because of Obamacare?

Will a conservative run and replace Kind in 2012?

How's That Hope And Change Doing,

From the Green Bay Press.
"2010 is 2nd worst year for home construction
January 20, 2011

WASHINGTON — U.S. homebuilders are coming off their two worst years in more than a half-century, and the outlook for this year is only slightly better."
2010 is 2nd worst year for home construction | | Green Bay Press Gazette

It's A Start

From the Green Bay Press.
"Ribble votes to repeal health care law
He joins 245-189 House vote to rescind reforms
By LARRY BIVINS • Press-Gazette Washington Bureau • January 20, 2011

WASHINGTON — Reps. Sean Duffy and Reid Ribble helped House Republicans take the first step Wednesday in their highly charged effort to overturn the health care reforms President Barack Obama signed into law last March."
Ribble votes to repeal health care law | | Green Bay Press Gazette
Now I sure hope these two don't sit next to democrats at the State of the Union address.

The November 2010 election was for change not compromise!

Justice Served,

From the Ashland Daily Press.
"Judge sentences 16-year-old to 25 years prison in Radisson stabbing
The Sawyer County Record
Published: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 10:10 PM CST
HAYWARD — Rejecting a plea bargain calling for a lighter sentence, Judge Eugene Harrington on Tuesday sentenced 16-year-old Austin Davis, of Ojibwa, to 25 years in state prison plus 15 years of extended supervision for being party to second-degree intentional homicide in the fatal stabbing of 93-year-old Irena Roszak in her Radisson home on May 3, 2009."
The Daily Press - Ashland, WI > News > Judge sentences 16-year-old to 25 years prison in Radisson stabbing

Ironwood Mi., Lands Frontier Airlines

From the Daily Globe.
"1/20/2011 12:03:00 AM Email this article
The Gogebic-Iron Airport will features some new flights soon as Frontier Airlines has been selected to provide jet service out of its’ hub. (David Sim/Daily Globe)
Frontier service cleared for takeoff
IRONWOOD TOWNSHIP -- Frontier Airlines has been chosen to provide jet service at the Gogebic-Iron Airport under a two-year contract."
Frontier service cleared for takeoff
This could be a great fit for ski hills and snowmobile rentals in Ironwood / Hurley.

Will We Stand Together or Assuredly......

"Quoting William A. Jacobson,
Associate Clinical Professor,
Cornell Law School:

“In the vile attempt to tie Palin to the Tucson shooting we have witnessed the test run for how the left-wing blogosphere will target Republican candidates and propel false narratives into the mainstream media, and how the mainstream media will take those narratives and run with them.

If Palin is taken down politically over the Tucson shooting, there is not a single Republican candidate who can survive the coming onslaught.”"
SBVOR: We Just Witnessed the Media's Test Run
Link to full article.
Was the November 2010 election all for naught?
Time to stand up for our freedom.
Our future depends on it.

As a great person once said,
We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.
The attacks by the left shall not stand.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Yep, That Looks Like A Triple Dog Dare

Via Trog
"Cantor to Reid: If you’re so confident ObamaCare repeal will fail in Senate …
posted at 9:30 am on January 19, 2011 by Ed Morrissey

It’s been a while for me, so I’m no longer sure of the protocols of dog dares, but this seems like a jump right to a triple. Harry Reid has insisted that any attempt to pass a full repeal of ObamaCare in the House would be doomed in the Senate and therefore a waste of time. In response, Eric Cantor told Reid to put it up for a vote if he feels that confident in the results:

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor isn’t one to hold his feelings back — especially when it comes to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

On Tuesday, the Virginia Republican threw a little more fuel on the fire, suggesting Reid (D-Nev.) was afraid to actually bring up the health care repeal vote in the Senate.

“If Harry Reid is so confident that the repeal vote should die in the Senate then he should bring it up for a vote if he’s so confident he’s got the votes,” Cantor said." Cantor to Reid: If you’re so confident ObamaCare repeal will fail in Senate … « Hot Air

I'd say Harry's a lot afraid.

First Vote Done, Now Get A Senate Vote

Politico reports, House votes on Obamacare repeal.
"By CARRIE BUDOFF BROWN | 1/19/11 3:29 PM EST Updated: 1/19/11 6:00 PM EST

House Republicans passed a bill to repeal President Barack Obama’s health care plan Wednesday, taking their first major step toward rolling back the massive overhaul that has dominated the American political landscape for almost two years.

The vote was 245 to 189, and unanimous GOP opposition gave the vote the same partisan feel of the March vote to pass the law, underscoring once again the hardened political lines of the health care debate. Only three Democrats backed the repeal, a smaller number than Republicans had once predicted."
 House passes health law repeal - Carrie Budoff Brown -

A Great Idea From Wisconsin Unions.

From Charlie Sykes.
By Charlie Sykes
Story Created: Jan 19, 2011
Story Updated: Jan 19, 2011

A WEAC affiliate posted a faked news article claiming that Scott Walker was planning to use state retirement funds to balance the budget. The story, which was faked to look like a JS story has been widely cicrulating among state union employees.

Several obvious points:

1. Reporter Lee Bergquist never wrote this story; it was never posted or publoshed.

2. Walker didn't name Scott Jensen to this position.

3. There is no Walker aide named Tim Jackson.

4. Jensen did NOT appear on my show or say the things attributed to him.

Total fraud.

Exit question: why did anyone think they could get away with this?

Here is the post from the Rice Lake chapter of WEAC:

Walker’s choice of Scott Jensen to overhaul WRS pension fund sparks concern

By Lee Bergquist of the Journal Sentinel

Jan. 13, 2011 12:14 p.m. |(51) Comments

Governor Scott Walker’s choice of the former State Assembly Speaker has caused concerns about the future of the State Pension Fund. Jensen a long time advocate for using of the fund to balance the state budget has raised the concerns of several public employee unions. Jensen assured police and fire officials that their pensions are safe under Governor Walker but that public employees and teachers who never put their lives on the line nor contributed to the fund ought to be worried. “Those folks need to take a long hard look in the mirror and reflect on what they have taken away from the people of Wisconsin.”"
A UNION'S BLATANT LIE | Newsradio 620 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin News, Talk, Sports, Weather | Charlie Sykes
You can read the whole lie at the above link.

You know, if you think about it. It's totally false but it may be a good idea to save the states budget deficit. The unions make something up to bash the right and they us a GREAT idea to cut spending.

If the Rice Lake WEAC believes this, maybe cut teachers pensions first.
Thanks Unions!

Sex Acts, Where Are The Women Of Wisconsin On This

Bruce From Badger Blogger has a post about Lt Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch.
"On his Madison radio program Monday, WTDY’s lefty talker John “Sly” Sylvester diatribes about Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch’s effort to lure out-of-state businesses to the land of the Green and Gold. Sylvester alleges that Kleefisch won election by performing sex acts on Milwaukee talk-radio hosts, just before making fun of her for surviving cancer.

An example of the left’s new “toned-down rhetoric,” perhaps.

For the record, earlier this morning, the Madison station pulled the audio from their website.

Does WTDY’s Sylvester go “over the line?” You decide."
Badger Blogger » Blog Archive » The sound of hate, courtesy of Madison’s “Sly in the Morning”

The radio DJ also slammed Kleefisch's battle with cancer, using a wig, talked about essentially performing gang rape and having a panty business in her basement. Charlie Sykes has some links here.

I would like to know what the women in Wisconsin think about this. From the left center and the right I see few comments. Cue up the crickets.

Gladstone / Rapid River Speed Increase

From the Escanaba Daily Press
"Motorists traveling on U.S. 2 & 41 between Rapid River and Gladstone will notice a speed change from 55 mph to 65 mph next week, according to the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT).

The higher speed limit will be effective on Jan. 26, if weather permits signs to be installed along the five-mile stretch."
Speed limit to change on U.S. 2 & 41 - | News, Sports, Jobs, Escanaba Information | The Daily Press
See what a new gov will do. Thank you Michigan. This will save a time when we go to MIS in June and August.

Ironwood Mi., Stop The Snow

The Daily Globe Has The SCOOP/SHOVEL
"1/19/2011 1:48:00 AM
Complaints grow along with snow piles

IRONWOOD -- It's been a typical winter for snowfall in Ironwood, and that means snow-related complaints are increasing.

Another 8.6 inches of snow was recorded for the 24-hour period ending at 7 a.m. Tuesday, bringing the season's total to 110.3 inches. That compares to 113.9 inches a year ago."
Complaints grow along with snow piles
I'm sorry, for God's sake. you live in Ironwood Michigan. Complain about too much snow! Typical people sucking sound of government services. What did people do back in 1900, 1919, or 1920? If you don't like it, move to Illinois.

Anything With Bacon In It = Useless Spending

Jay Weber 1130 WISN was discussing Dick Armey's ideas of where to cut gov spending. He brought up the Davis Bacon Act.

The Davis-Bacon Act as amended, requires that each contract over $2,000 to which the United States or the District of Columbia is a party for the construction, alteration, or repair of public buildings or public works shall contain a clause setting forth the minimum wages to be paid to various classes of laborers and mechanics employed under the contract. Under the provisions of the Act, contractors or their subcontractors are to pay workers employed directly upon the site of the work no less than the locally prevailing wages and fringe benefits paid on projects of a similar character. The Davis-Bacon Act directs the Secretary of Labor to determine such local prevailing wage rates.

In addition to the Davis-Bacon Act itself, Congress has added prevailing wage provisions to approximately 60 statutes which assist construction projects through grants, loans, loan guarantees, and insurance. These "related Acts" involve construction in such areas as transportation, housing, air and water pollution reduction, and health. If a construction project is funded or assisted under more than one Federal statute, the Davis-Bacon prevailing wage provisions may apply to the project if any of the applicable statutes require payment of Davis-Bacon wage rates. "
This kind of sounds like Milwaukee. It's time for useless spending to stop!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sure Glad Newt Will Not Run For Prez

"By Patrick O'Connor

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich had some advice Tuesday for Sarah Palin, his potential rival for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012.

“She’s got to slow down and be a lot more careful and think through what she’s saying and how she’s saying it,” Mr. Gingrich told George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”Ms. Palin was widely criticized for remarks she made last week defending herself from criticism that her rhetoric had anything to do with the shooting spree in Arizona earlier this month that left six dead and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D., Ariz.) gravely wounded. She called the political attacks in the wake of the tragedy – which hasn’t been linked to her in any way – a “blood libel.”"
Gingrich to Palin: ‘Slow Down, Be a Lot More Careful’ - Washington Wire - WSJ
Newt, maybe you should sit with Pelosi again to remind us why you won't come close to any presidential bid. I see the tea party movement getting stronger and stronger.

I Remember This

"Monday, January 17, 2011, was Martin Luther King Day. But in a completely unrelated bit of salacious Washington history, it also marked the 13th anniversary of the day that Matt Drudge broke the Monica Lewinsky story on The Drudge Report."
 Monica Lewinksy’s Drudge Anniversary - FishbowlDC
Congrats Drudge.

Who's Missing From MMSD Article

JSOnline reports the bad news but forgot to talk to someone about it.
"MMSD plan could cost $3,000 per home
Proposal to prevent basement backup and sewer overflows applies to properties built before early '70s

By Don Behm of the Journal Sentinel
Jan. 17, 2011

Owners of houses built before the early 1970s in the Milwaukee area could be required to spend at least $3,000 on top of local property taxes for mandated sewer repairs and foundation drain changes on their properties, as part of a new effort to reduce sewer overflows and basement backups."
MMSD plan could cost $3,000 per home - JSOnline
Who's not mentioned in the article?

For those who forgot, it's milk carton Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett who is in charge of MMSD. Who's in charge?

Train Receives Minor Damage

From Eau Claire Leader Telegram
"train received minor damage." 

La Crosse County Home Sales Dip

From La Crosse
Home sales fall in county

By STEVE CAHALAN | | Posted: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 12:00 am
Sales of existing homes in 2010 declined by 7.5 percent statewide and by 5 percent in La Crosse County, the Wisconsin Realtors Association said Monday.

The median sale price slipped 1.1 percent statewide but rose 2.1 percent in La Crosse County, the association said." Home sales fall in county

Can You See Doyle Fighting Walker or J B

"Former Gov. Jim Doyle takes job with Madison law firm
January 18, 2011

Former Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle is taking a job with an international law firm."
 Former Gov. Jim Doyle takes job with Madison law firm | | Green Bay Press Gazette
Doyle will serve as an attorney specializing in health care and energy issues for Foley & Lardner LLP. The firm has nearly 1,000 attorneys operating out of 21 offices around the world.
Yes, that would be interesting.

WDNR Deer Study

From the Green Bay Press.

"DNR to trap dozens of deer in Shawano County for 4-year study
January 18, 2011

State wildlife officials will trap dozens of deer as part of a four-year study to estimate Wisconsin's deer population."
DNR to trap dozens of deer in Shawano County for 4-year study | | Green Bay Press Gazette
The Department of Natural Resources says the deer will be captured this week within a 30-mile radius of the Navarino Wildlife Area in Shawano County.
Why Navarino? Seems pretty far from any wolf pack.

Good To Be Attorney For Green Bay

From the GBP.
"Green Bay's cost of Younkers dispute grows
City's attorney fees top $850,000

By Scott Williams • • January 18, 2011

Attorney fees have surpassed $850,000 in the city of Green Bay's ongoing court battles related to the defunct downtown Younkers department store."
Green Bay's cost of Younkers dispute grows | | Green Bay Press Gazette
This could cost Green Bay residence years and years and millions more. Isn't there a way to cut their losses? Settle already.

Escanaba, Birth Rate Drops 6%

From the Escanaba Daily Press.
"Number of teens giving birth drops
January 17, 2011 - By Ashley Hoholik

ESCANABA - While contributing factors have yet to be pinpointed, a recent report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) shows an unprecedented drop in the number of babies born to U.S. teenagers. While health officials across the nation are celebrating the good news, local officials are taking the new numbers in stride.

According to the NCHS report, the rate fell 6 percent in 2009 - the lowest level ever recorded in its seven decades of tracking teenage childbearing. The 2009 childbearing rate for teenagers 15 to 19 years old was 39.1 per 1,000 births. In 2008, this number was 41.5, and 42.5 in 2007.

Dr. Teresa Frankovich, medical director of Public Health, Delta and Menominee (PHDM) Counties, explains while the new numbers are encouraging, they need to be put into perspective."
Number of teens giving birth drops - | News, Sports, Jobs, Escanaba Information | The Daily Press
So they are not sure why the numbers dropped. Later in the article.
One theory that Frankovich has for the decline is education and improved access to contraceptives.
What is meant by education? Abstinence, cucumber and condom classes in schools or the hot line number to planned parenthood? Is access to contraceptives given out mean free to all at schools and directors of public health offices?
"The general consensus is that the improved access and proper use of contraceptive is responsible for the decline," she said.

"There may be some changes in sexual practice...the economy is also being considered as a factor."
Changes in sexual practice. What does that mean? I bet the dirty little secret is a higher number of ABORTIONS!!!!!!!

And you wonder why we need to take back control from the liberal left.

Zodiac Change, Say What?

From Trog via Huff and NBC 2 now tells us we have an extra Zodiac sign and a lot of people will change signs.
Trog is now Cancer.
"The story says I’m a Cancer now. Surely I could find a Lefty or two who would agree?" The TrogloPundit

Astrology buffs should be using these dates, reflecting where the stars currently are aligned:

Capricorn: Jan. 20 - Feb. 16
Aquarius: Feb. 16 - March 11
Pisces: March 11- April 18
Aries: April 18- May 13
Taurus: May 13- June 21
Gemini: June 21- July 20
Cancer: July 20- Aug. 10
Leo: Aug. 10- Sept. 16
Virgo: Sept. 16- Oct. 30
Libra: Oct. 30- Nov. 23
Scorpio: Nov. 23- Nov. 29
Ophiuchus: Nov. 29- Dec. 17
Sagittarius: Dec. 17- Jan. 20"
Your zodiac sign may not be what you think - WBBH News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral & Naples, Florida
What does that do to me, now I'm Gemini instead of Cancer. Does that make me Cancer Free? How many of you changed signs?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Government Motors Recall, Where's The MSM???????

Compared to Toyota in the past, where is the MSM with GM recalls?
From Yahoo finance.
"GM expands recall of some 2011 trucks and SUVs
GM expands recall of some Chevrolet, Cadillac and GMC trucks and SUVs over axle problem "
GM expands recall of some 2011 trucks and SUVs - Yahoo! Finance