From Charlie Sykes. A great interview on health care by Paul Ryan.
Two Things, notice through the interview the caption below Paul Ryan, JOBS,JOBS,JOBS.
Where did I hear that before. See last post.
Second, will somebody tell Paul Ryan to run against Russ Feingold next year!
Success - The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will. Vincent T. Lombardi
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Looking For An 8th District Candidate Part 3
Continuation with excerpts from the Appleton Post Crescent. Wisconsin's 8th Congressional District Republican primary runoff forum with three republican candidates in Appleton sponsored by The Fox Valley Initiative on November 3rd, 2009. The candidates were Reid Ribble, Mark Savard and Andy Williams.
Let's talk campaign money.
Savard will not use PAC money, will only take from individual contributors. That's a good stance to take but if he was to win the primary, he would end up taking some of that money and to make that comment could come back to bite him. It does take a lot of money to campaign today but conservatives will contribute to a good candidate. Look at New York 23d. * Ribble, said cash matters. Kagen received over 60 % of his campaign money from outside of the state. Ribble does have $130,290 in his fund through September. Most of his contributions are from outside the 8th district. It's seems some calling him a "Young Gun "are already leaning to Ribble because of the $130,000. Money will not buy my vote. If Ribble thinks he is the anointed one, he's got another thing coming. The Republican party better back off from tapping any one till after the primary. Do they want another Dede Scozzafava problem again? * Williams knows it will take a lot of money but thinks if he connects with people he will get the funding he needs (yea he will take outside money).
Reid Ribble made the comment he is handing his business over to someone in his family on Nov 10th to focus more on the campaign. Let's see, Ribble is from Appleton. Kagen is from Appleton. Ribble is selling his business to family, Kagen sold his business to family. Ribble has a lot of money, Kagen has a lot of money. All just seems a little odd. Also odd, Ribble doesn't live in the 8th district. says by the constitution he doesn't have to. Not sure where he lives but it's not in the 8th. Interesting. Ok, let's just recap a few things from Tuesdays forum. * Didn't see or hear any conservatives there. If I had to pick one that was leaning conservative it was Williams. I was still disappointed with the three.
Did anyone have an opinion on the Bush tax cuts that are to expire January 2011. Money to real people, I guess that's to difficult to discuss. * Heard no talk on jobs, tax cuts, some talk on less government but not much. Did I tell you I heard the word "JOB" only once the whole night. The private sector creates jobs, Jobs fuel this economy. Get rid of intrusive government and cut this economy loose. * Did I hear anyone give their stance on abortion? Are any of the three pro life? Were they afraid to say it? Must be out of the moderate hand book, don't bring it up unless someone asks. *
I was going to ask the question, would any of the three reach across the aisle to work with democrats in Washington. Not sure what they would say. If it was me, I would say they can cross the aisle and work with me. I was sent to Washington to work for the people not with liberal democrats and RINO's.
Did anyone hit at Kagen on all the abuse, misquotes, over spending votes he has had in congress? Come on boy's. Let's focus on Steve Kagen, there's plenty you can tell the voters.
* There is supposed to be another forum in Green Bay sometime in January. Maybe by then we can find a conservative candidate that will stand up with specific ideas on job creation, Specific ideas on tax cuts. Specific ideas on how to get this country back on track. As of this morning there seems to be six people running against Kagen. What the heck, the more the merrier.
Did I find a candidate to run against Steve Kagen in 2010?
No not yet.
Still looking.

"They wanted to know how they would apply the constitution to their role. When is it acceptable to risk American lives? How are they different from politicians when they too accept campaign contributions from outside groups?" Republican candidates for 8th Congressional District make their early pitches at Appleton forum | | Appleton Post-Crescent
Let's talk campaign money.
Ribble, who leads by having raised more than $130,000 in the race and the GOP has identified as a potential "Young Gun," said any candidate who is serious about winning next November has to raise enough cash to take on Kagen, who virtually self-financed his 2006 bid.
Savard will not use PAC money, will only take from individual contributors. That's a good stance to take but if he was to win the primary, he would end up taking some of that money and to make that comment could come back to bite him. It does take a lot of money to campaign today but conservatives will contribute to a good candidate. Look at New York 23d. * Ribble, said cash matters. Kagen received over 60 % of his campaign money from outside of the state. Ribble does have $130,290 in his fund through September. Most of his contributions are from outside the 8th district. It's seems some calling him a "Young Gun "are already leaning to Ribble because of the $130,000. Money will not buy my vote. If Ribble thinks he is the anointed one, he's got another thing coming. The Republican party better back off from tapping any one till after the primary. Do they want another Dede Scozzafava problem again? * Williams knows it will take a lot of money but thinks if he connects with people he will get the funding he needs (yea he will take outside money).
Williams, a lawyer, pointed out that businesses sometimes need to be allowed to fail. He said he wants to go to Washington to get the country back on the right track and when he is done, to turn over the job to someone who is like-minded.Williams saying here he would serve two terms and bug out. As far as businesses failing, they should. We don't need to prop up private business. Will anyone talk about Ford compared to GM. One made a profit and one needs more money.
Ribble, who leads by having raised more than $130,000 in the race and the GOP has identified as a potential "Young Gun," said any candidate who is serious about winning next November has to raise enough cash to take on Kagen, who virtually self-financed his 2006 bid.A little arrogant, don't you think?
Savard, an organic farmer, said he knew he wanted to run for office as soon as he saw the results of the 2008 elections, which Democrats dominated. He said the country is headed for dark times. He said he was energized by public involvement in the so-called tea parties conducted by groups like Steineke's, and voters have one full year to get power back from the Democrats.You have to give Mark Savard credit. He did push the first tea party in Green Bay back on March 7th. How that works for him, time will tell.
Following the forum, David Stertz, a Clintonville resident and mechanical engineer, said he was still in search of his candidate.I think Mr Stertz had it right. The three candidates had a lot to say but a lot of specifis were left out. He was looking for some red meat and came away with a quarter pounder with no meat.
"I just wish I could have seen more of a firm understanding of the principles of liberty," he said.
The forum's turnout indicated to Debbie Gates of Seymour that voters have real concerns and are determined to put up a fight in the midterm elections.Amen sister, but will we find a candidate to fill that void?
"They're seeing that the change (they got with President Barack Obama, a Democrat) is not what they wanted to see," she said.
Savard said he wants to be the candidate that reforms the GOP from within.To do that Mr Savard needs conservatives, to get conservatives you have to be conservative.
Williams and Ribble suggested auditing the Federal Reserve.Nice sound bite but would they do it, could it be done? We can't even get a handle on auditing government waste now. Like I said, nice sound bite.
Steineke would not be drawn to say who would be the best candidate to take on the Democrats next fall.A young lady brought up social security. She was worried if she would even see it in her future. All three danced around the issue and left her hanging. A key voter group are young people. I guess candidates take the 18 to 24 crowd for granted. I sure wouldn't. One candidate starting talking about private Social Security accounts but didn't commit to her on that program. Mostly what was said the age for SS will have to be raised. With all the unrest and talk of revolt ( tea parties), now's the time to bring up private accounts. Anyone one with some guts?
"I'm reserving judgment. I'm interested to see how they respond," he said.
Reid Ribble made the comment he is handing his business over to someone in his family on Nov 10th to focus more on the campaign. Let's see, Ribble is from Appleton. Kagen is from Appleton. Ribble is selling his business to family, Kagen sold his business to family. Ribble has a lot of money, Kagen has a lot of money. All just seems a little odd. Also odd, Ribble doesn't live in the 8th district. says by the constitution he doesn't have to. Not sure where he lives but it's not in the 8th. Interesting. Ok, let's just recap a few things from Tuesdays forum. * Didn't see or hear any conservatives there. If I had to pick one that was leaning conservative it was Williams. I was still disappointed with the three.
Did anyone have an opinion on the Bush tax cuts that are to expire January 2011. Money to real people, I guess that's to difficult to discuss. * Heard no talk on jobs, tax cuts, some talk on less government but not much. Did I tell you I heard the word "JOB" only once the whole night. The private sector creates jobs, Jobs fuel this economy. Get rid of intrusive government and cut this economy loose. * Did I hear anyone give their stance on abortion? Are any of the three pro life? Were they afraid to say it? Must be out of the moderate hand book, don't bring it up unless someone asks. *
I was going to ask the question, would any of the three reach across the aisle to work with democrats in Washington. Not sure what they would say. If it was me, I would say they can cross the aisle and work with me. I was sent to Washington to work for the people not with liberal democrats and RINO's.
Did anyone hit at Kagen on all the abuse, misquotes, over spending votes he has had in congress? Come on boy's. Let's focus on Steve Kagen, there's plenty you can tell the voters.
* There is supposed to be another forum in Green Bay sometime in January. Maybe by then we can find a conservative candidate that will stand up with specific ideas on job creation, Specific ideas on tax cuts. Specific ideas on how to get this country back on track. As of this morning there seems to be six people running against Kagen. What the heck, the more the merrier.
Did I find a candidate to run against Steve Kagen in 2010?
No not yet.
Still looking.

Election 2010
Let's Add One More
I think this makes six people running against Steve Kagen in the 8th district.
Welcome Joe.
From the Wild Mining News.

In his first press release Joe here talks about,Welcome Joe.
From the Wild Mining News.
"Stern to make run for Congress as independent
Stern to make run for Congress as independent
Hank Murphy
Former Niagara Mayor Joe Stern said Monday that he is running for the Eighth Congressional District’s seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Stern said he intends to run as a conservative independent and will challenge the Republican and Democrat nominees in November 2010. Steve Kagen, a two-term Democrat from Appleton, currently holds the seat.
Stern, 44, who lives in the Town of Beecher, served as Niagara’s mayor from January 2005 to January 2009. He chose not to seek re-election.
He said his job now is running for Congress. Because he cannot compete with candidates like Kagen in terms of campaign spending “my success is going to be dependent on a grass roots effort.” He said he’ll need people to volunteer time and donate time.
Asked if he believes he actually has a shot against established parties, Stern said, “Absolutely believe I can make a run at it, and I don’t think next year’s will be a typical election. I think there is going to be a tremendous backlash and I think it’s going to be a backlash against the established parties.”
Stern said his motivation for running is “disgust with the way Congress is conducting its business” and treating taxpayers.
He criticized the Obama administration’s claims of jobs created and saved as “laughable.” There is no way to quantify how many jobs have been saved through the $787 billion federal stimulus plan, Stern said.
The first-time homebuyer program, which was meant to stimulate the housing sector, is costing the federal government $37,000 to deliver an $8,000 tax credit, Stern claimed. The Cash for Clunkers program cost the taxpayers $24,000 per car to delivery a $4,500 buyer subsidy, he said.
Stern said he considers himself a pro-life conservative candidate more closely aligned with Republicans than Democrats.
“Neither party is truly serving my interests at this point,” he said. “I’m not going to run as a Republican, but I’ll be happy to take their money.”

jobs from the stimulus,
how much fraud is going on with the first time home buyer program,
the sham with the cash for clunkers and
is pro life.
Who is this guy?
Election 2010,
Kagen 2010
Friday, November 06, 2009
Here They Come To Brown County

"Wind farm plan stirs debate in Brown Co.
Developer seeks to build largest operation in state
By Scott williams • • November 6, 2009
Business has been slow, so dairy farmer Bernie Kozlovsky could use a little extra cash as much as the next guy.
But a developer's offer of $6,000 annually for access to his property has Kozlovsky — and many of his neighbors — conflicted about whether to welcome a wind farm into southern Brown County." Wind farm plan stirs debate in Brown Co. | | Green Bay Press-Gazette
The proposal by Chicago-based Invenergy LLC would be Brown County's first major commercial wind farm and would be larger than any currently operating in the state.
Proponents say wind energy protects the environment and provides economic growth, while opponents fear the intrusion of spinning turbines that stand 400 feet tall.
As presented to state regulators, Invenergy's plan calls for 100 turbines south of Green Bay in the towns of Glenmore, Wrightstown, Morrison and Holland.
Kozlovsky, who farms 80 acres in Glenmore, has made up his mind.
"I said, 'Thanks, but no thanks,'" he said. "Sure the money's tempting. But then you've got to step back."
In addition to paying farmers and other landowners $6,000 a year or more to allow turbines on their property, Invenergy is offering the county and local communities a combined $600,000 annually in incentives.
Invenergy spokesman Kevin Parzyck said other Wisconsin locations were considered, but the topography of southern Brown County made it an ideal location.
"There's good wind that can produce good energy," he said.
The Chicago developer, which already has 18 wind farms throughout the country, outlined its plans in an application filed last week with the state Public Service Commission.
According to the application, 54 turbines would be erected in Morrison, while 22 would be in Holland, 20 in Wrightstown and four in Glenmore. Known as the Ledge Wind Energy Project, the farm would begin operation in 2011 and would generate enough electricity to power about 40,000 homes.
Wisconsin currently is home to nine commercial wind farms, the largest of which is owned by Milwaukee-based We Energies and includes 88 turbines in Fond du Lac County. Twenty more wind projects are under development statewide, including one in Glenmore that would involve eight turbines.
This is NUTS
Where Are 2010 Candidates, Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
From Yahoo Finamce. Hope and change just keeps on coming.
Jobs, jobs, jobs.
We need candidates for 2010. School boards, local, state, and federal.
In Wisconsin, who will run against
Russ Feingold?
Steve Kagen? Will candidates running against Steve Kagen figure this out.
Dave Hansen?
Tom Baby Face Nelson?
Penny Bernard Schaber?
Throughout the rest of the country, let's find candidates that will fix this economy, Jobs, jobs, jobs!
To conservative people of this country, you need to push the right people into running for elections. Take back this country!

"U.S. jobless rate climbs to 10.2 percent
On 8:46 am EST, Friday November 6, 2009
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. employers cut a deeper-than-expected 190,000 jobs in October, government data showed on Friday, driving the unemployment rate to 10.2 percent, the highest in 26-1/2 years."
The Labor Department said the unemployment rate was the highest since April 1983. It revised job losses for August and September to show 91,000 fewer jobs lost than previously reported.
U.S. jobless rate climbs to 10.2 percent - Yahoo! Finance
Jobs, jobs, jobs.
We need candidates for 2010. School boards, local, state, and federal.
In Wisconsin, who will run against
Russ Feingold?
Steve Kagen? Will candidates running against Steve Kagen figure this out.
Dave Hansen?
Tom Baby Face Nelson?
Penny Bernard Schaber?
Throughout the rest of the country, let's find candidates that will fix this economy, Jobs, jobs, jobs!
To conservative people of this country, you need to push the right people into running for elections. Take back this country!

Election 2010,
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Democrats Run A Muck

Picture and article from the Shawano Leader. Several things wrong here.
Menominee County is a beautiful county. Neopit is a small town on the northern part of the county. They need the help to get the water facility fixed. We can agree we have a problem. I respect the people of Menominee but did the democrats in the picture have to?
People in above picture from Kagen, Kohl and Feingold's offices have to be off their rocker.
Why did they use gold shovels? Because they're democrats and they think they can.
The rest of people of Wisconsin have to suffer.
Democrats run a muck! What else is wrong here?

A groundbreaking for the new Neopit Wastewater and Water Treatment Facility took place Thursday. At the event were, from left, Lew Boyd, Menominee Office of Economic Development; Suzanne Braulet-Pagel, office of Sen. Russ Feingold; Marlene Mielke, office of Sen. Herb Kohl; Kevin Staus, Indian Health Service; Annette Westphal, Menominee Tribal administration; Stan Gruszynski, USDA Rural Development; Adam Warpinski, office of Congressman Steve Kagen; Jennifer Schenk, USDA Rural Development; Lisa Waukau, Menominee Tribal chairwoman; and Dave Corn, Menominee Utilities director. Leader photos by Nathan Falk
Menominee County is a beautiful county. Neopit is a small town on the northern part of the county. They need the help to get the water facility fixed. We can agree we have a problem. I respect the people of Menominee but did the democrats in the picture have to?
Menominee Tribe breaks ground on water projectThe economy is bad. People are out of work. People are suffering all over this state and the country. For all the tax payer money Neopit will get, don't you think they could use regular shovels. the $ 8.00 spade shove's from True Valu?
By Nathan Falk, Leader Reporter
NEOPIT — A nearly $5 million water and sewer project will soon be under way in Neopit.
Ground was broken Thursday for the new Neopit Wastewater and Water Treatment Facility, just about a mile outside the village.
“This project will improve the life of the people who live in the village of Neopit, plus this project will build for the future growth of our community,” said tribal chairperson Lisa Waukau.
Most of the area’s existing facilities are more than 30 years old, with some areas much older. The existing pump house for the village water supply was constructed in the 1970s. The current well locations are also susceptible to surface water and possible flow from the wastewater treatment lagoon. For water storage, the existing tank is also not large enough to supply enough flow to meet the anticipated future daily demand and a sufficient volume of water to meet required fire flows.
“Every winter you see breaks in the mains throughout the village, and that’s just not acceptable,” said Waukau.
The project includes three new wells, a new water tank, new pump house, new lagoon, and replacement of a portion of the village’s water and sewer lines. Some of the current lines pipes in use are wooden and asbestos.
The new facilities are expected to completed in summer of 2011. Funds for the new infrastructure are in the form of loans and grants. The tribe has worked in conjunction with USDA Rural Development for funding. They received a loan for nearly $2 million, and a grant for $2.3 million. The Indian Health Service will provide $721,000 for the project.
“I commend you for understanding the importance of a healthy community, and contributing to the health of your members and the residents of this area,” said Rural Development state director Stan Gruszynski. “You cannot have a healthy community if you don’t have good water to drink, or a healthy environment if we don’t dispose properly of the waste we cause. It’s a privilege to be part of this effort, and to see how the agency we work for can make a difference in the community.”
According to Economic Development project manager Lew Boyd, the project has been in the planning stages for more than 4 years.
“This area of Neopit has been sadly neglected for years, the last time they put in pipes was when Lew was just a little guy,” Waukau said. “This project has been a long time coming and is the work of many people.”
People in above picture from Kagen, Kohl and Feingold's offices have to be off their rocker.
Why did they use gold shovels? Because they're democrats and they think they can.
The rest of people of Wisconsin have to suffer.
Democrats run a muck! What else is wrong here?

Lefty Fringe,
Milk Dairy Update 11/5/09
So Steve Kagen promises to help farmers with $350 million.
Time will tell.
Let's hope the right people, farmers, get the help they need. When it comes to government I can just see a lot of waste and corruption.
From Hobby Farms
Speaking of food banks and nutrition programs. Has anyone ever investigated the corruption in food commodities? Trading cheese for beer. Trading dry milk for cash. Trading food for alcohol?
Government gives people food to eat. People take more then they eat, more then they need and trade it for beer, booze, food stamps or cash. Talk about government waste.
People bitch about taxes and then go trade government hand outs.

Time will tell.
"Dairy Update
Class 3/March 10 $15.20
Class 3/January '10 $14.94
Class 3/December 09 $14.70
Class 3/November 09 $13.92
AA Butter $1.42 1/2
Cheddar Barrels $1.52 1/2
Cheddar Blocks $1.55"
AM 1360 WTAQ |
Let's hope the right people, farmers, get the help they need. When it comes to government I can just see a lot of waste and corruption.
From Hobby Farms
"Federal Aid to Help Small Dairy Farmers
Obama approves $350 million in assistance for the U.S. dairy industry.
By Rachael Brugger, Associate Web Editor
November 4, 2009
Courtesy USDA/ Scott Bauer
Washington’s $350 million legislated to help dairy farmers—including those with small farm operations like this one in western Maryland—aims to boost dairy industry profits.
President Barack Obama recently signed legislation providing $350 million in aid to U.S. dairy farmers as part of the Agriculture Appropriations Bill.
“This will get money directly into the pockets of our dairy farmers,” said Congressman Steve Kagen (D-Wis.), one of the bill’s sponsors. “Many of our farms are family-owned small businesses. This will help these families during these uncertain economic times.”" Federal Aid to Help Small Dairy Farmers - Hobby Farms
The remaining $60 million not used for direct assistance will be used by the federal government to purchase cheese and dairy products from dairy farmers to reduce their surpluses.
“These purchases will increase dairy product prices, which will lead to higher milk prices, allowing farmers to sell their milk on the open market for a higher amount, equating to a higher profit margin,” Groveman said.
The dairy products will be given to food banks and nutrition programs as part of the Emergency Feeding Assistance Program, he said.
Speaking of food banks and nutrition programs. Has anyone ever investigated the corruption in food commodities? Trading cheese for beer. Trading dry milk for cash. Trading food for alcohol?
Government gives people food to eat. People take more then they eat, more then they need and trade it for beer, booze, food stamps or cash. Talk about government waste.
People bitch about taxes and then go trade government hand outs.

Election 2010,
Looking For An 8th District Candidate Part 2
Wisconsin's 8th Congressional District Republican primary runoff forum with three republican candidates in Appleton sponsored by The Fox Valley Initiative on November 3rd, 2009. The candidates were Reid Ribble, Mark Savard and Andy Williams.
From the Appleton Post Crescent.
Continued from the article
Let's dig a little deeper here.
Why is it so difficult to say we need to get people back to work! We need to get people jobs. We need tax cuts for businesses, tax cuts for all Americans. We need a income tax holiday for six months to a year! How many more specifics things should we do to get this economy rolling? We need real jobs for real people! People in Kimberly, Niagara, Pulaski, Minocqua, Green Bay Appleton and all over the 8th district are looking for economic help. They aren't looking for unemployment checks, they are looking for their own payroll check for hard work being done. We need to cut back on government spending, stop the government waste, cut back on marginal tax rates (which Williams brought up), take away many government restrictions. Let the private sector bring us back to recovery. Taxes, just one thing someone could of said, when it comes to taxes, IT'S YOUR MONEY, NOT THE PEOPLE IN WASHINGTON!
I will say again, no one brought up tax cuts. What is that, a dirty word? Reid Ribble is a business man. Mark Savard said he has or had a busuness. Do they not know what it takes for a business to succeed? Does Ribble not have employees working for him now? How is he sucessful if he can't talk about job creation, or will he vote in congress like Steve Kagen for stimulus bills that pay special interests, unions and government employees only? Why are people afraid to bring up specific ideas to fix the economy and create jobs. Someone said the democrats are good at promising jobs, jobs, jobs. They may not create any jobs but the word "jobs" is in every breath they take. Bunch of liars. Is there a disconnect here. From Bill Clinton's campaign, "IT'S THE ECONOMY STUPID! For two hours, three gentleman sat in front and only once was "job" mentioned. Maybe some people don't understand, say it slowly, IT'S...........THE............ ECONOMY..............STUPID! JOBS..........TAX CUTS
All acts of war by constitution needs authorization from congress. Section 8 of the constitution. To Mark Savards thought, there will be times when we as a nation cannot wait around to get authorization from congress when it comes to protecting US citizens. Did people forget 911? Did people forget the USS Cole and Engineman Second Class Marc Ian Nieto, from Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin who lost his life for this country. Are all those lives lost in vein? Remember President Reagan and Libya.
Part 3 tomorrow.

From the Appleton Post Crescent.
"Republican candidates for 8th Congressional District make their early pitches at Appleton forum
By J.E. Espino • Post-Crescent staff writer • November 4, 2009 " Republican candidates for 8th Congressional District make their early pitches at Appleton forum | | Appleton Post-Crescent
Continued from the article
The Fox Valley Initiative, a nonpartisan coalition that promotes limited government, lower taxes and a free economy, sponsored the event to kick off the campaign season and give its members a chance to meet the candidates.At least someone can say they are for"limited government, lower taxes and a free economy."
"It's going to be that if something doesn't change soon, we're going to have problems like this country has not seen in a very long time," said Jim Steineke, chairman of the Outagamie County Town of Vandenbroek. Steineke is the Fox Valley Initiative's founder and served as moderator for the forum.Not sure if he can but can Jim Steineke run against Tom Baby Face Nelson or Penny Bernard Schaber?
Let's dig a little deeper here.
Candidates expressed concern about the ballooning national debt and the stimulus packages and what it may mean for future generations. They agreed businesses that make bad decisions should be allowed to fail.Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah! People want to hear some red meat here. Tarp, government debt, bad economy, what and how to get out of those problems was brought up. Ribble talked about three problems with government and spending. Said government taxes people, borrows money and prints money they don't have. I don't have any notes from Savard and Williams. I probably didn't hear what they said because nobody talked about a solution. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah! How do we get out of this mess? The tarp money is gone thanks to Kagen, democrats and some RINO's. How do we fix the problem? What specifically do we do to get out of this mess. You can blame Bush and the federal reserve all you want but what will anyone do about it today, tomorrow next year? Tell us solutions.
Why is it so difficult to say we need to get people back to work! We need to get people jobs. We need tax cuts for businesses, tax cuts for all Americans. We need a income tax holiday for six months to a year! How many more specifics things should we do to get this economy rolling? We need real jobs for real people! People in Kimberly, Niagara, Pulaski, Minocqua, Green Bay Appleton and all over the 8th district are looking for economic help. They aren't looking for unemployment checks, they are looking for their own payroll check for hard work being done. We need to cut back on government spending, stop the government waste, cut back on marginal tax rates (which Williams brought up), take away many government restrictions. Let the private sector bring us back to recovery. Taxes, just one thing someone could of said, when it comes to taxes, IT'S YOUR MONEY, NOT THE PEOPLE IN WASHINGTON!
I will say again, no one brought up tax cuts. What is that, a dirty word? Reid Ribble is a business man. Mark Savard said he has or had a busuness. Do they not know what it takes for a business to succeed? Does Ribble not have employees working for him now? How is he sucessful if he can't talk about job creation, or will he vote in congress like Steve Kagen for stimulus bills that pay special interests, unions and government employees only? Why are people afraid to bring up specific ideas to fix the economy and create jobs. Someone said the democrats are good at promising jobs, jobs, jobs. They may not create any jobs but the word "jobs" is in every breath they take. Bunch of liars. Is there a disconnect here. From Bill Clinton's campaign, "IT'S THE ECONOMY STUPID! For two hours, three gentleman sat in front and only once was "job" mentioned. Maybe some people don't understand, say it slowly, IT'S...........THE............ ECONOMY..............STUPID! JOBS..........TAX CUTS
"What's happening in Washington — it's not wrong; it's immoral," Ribble said.Nice sound bite for his campaign.
The candidates for the most part found a receptive audience that wanted answers to tough questions, as Steineke had predicted. "It's not going to be softball questions."Tough questions? I think they let some libs in the place. "When is it acceptable to risk American lives?" Another was and I will paraphrase about undeclared war by the president. Should all wars be declared by congress? Where in the heck did that guy come from, Lawrence University? Williams said yes, Give Mark Savard credit here, he said, "depending on circumstance, the president needs flexibility". Ribble needed time to think about it and said he can't answer the question. Say what, can't answer the question? What will he do in congress? Kagen says he has to think things.
All acts of war by constitution needs authorization from congress. Section 8 of the constitution. To Mark Savards thought, there will be times when we as a nation cannot wait around to get authorization from congress when it comes to protecting US citizens. Did people forget 911? Did people forget the USS Cole and Engineman Second Class Marc Ian Nieto, from Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin who lost his life for this country. Are all those lives lost in vein? Remember President Reagan and Libya.
The use of force was specifically prompted by what the President claimed was "irrefutable proof" that Libya had directed the terrorist bombing of a West Berlin discotheque nine days earlier which had killed one American and injured 200 others. The impetus for the President’s decision to authorize the raid was the American intelligence interception of a message from Gadaffi ordering an attack on Americans "to cause maximum and indiscriminate casualties." Another communications source, an intercepted Libyan message outlined the attack being planned in West Berlin. " Operation El Dorado CanyonDo we need another 911 to wake people up again? We are at war today. The enemy is difficult to find but we are at war. When one of the candidates said we should bring the troops home, I almost died. Died for all the troops that lost their lives to protect a few pathetic citizens who clapped and cheered the comment. Probably a couple of moderate republicans. We did not start 911, but we should finish it. We need to give the troops the help, the supplies they need to win this war, We need not tuck our tails between our legs and run home! When Americans or American troops are in harms way , we need to protect them, not discuss it over a beer in the rose garden.
Participants wanted to know how they could be expected to remain true to the voters when so many others in Washington, D.C., they feel, have broken their promises.If a candidate is true to his or her beliefs and speaks from the heart. If a candidate practices conservative values, holds true to the constitution of the United States they will not break promises to their constituents. Politicians may say something you may not agree with but if they are honest, it is not a promise broken.
Part 3 tomorrow.

Election 2010
Hope And Change 66.8%
A poll and an article about hope and change with President Obama from the Green Bay Press. Wouldn't it seem a media outlet would mention their poll results in the puff piece?
Hope and change. Hope and change.

Hope and change. Hope and change.
"Green Bay Online Poll
A year after his election, what grade would you give President Obama?
Number of votes cast: 5848
" | Green Bay GPG-News | Green Bay Press-Gazette
"President Obama's message of hope fading in Wisconsin
By Ben Jones • Gannett Wisconsin Media • November 5, 2009
MADISON — One year after Barack Obama rolled to victory with a message of hope and change, he rolled Wednesday into a state facing hard realities." President Obama's message of hope fading in Wisconsin | | Green Bay Press-Gazette

Getting Crowded In Here
This makes five for the 8th district run.
From the Green Bay Press.

From the Green Bay Press.
"Marc Trager seeks GOP nomination in 8th District
November 5, 2009
The Republican field of candidates running to challenge U.S. Rep. Steve Kagen, D-Appleton, gets bigger today as Howard physician Marc Trager announces his run for Congress.
Trager, who served in the U.S. Air Force, will make a number of announcements today across the 8th Congressional District, in Green Bay, Marinette and Appleton.
"Our campaign will target the economic and social issues important to families in the district, bringing new ideas and a fresh approach to the needs of Northeast Wisconsin," Trager said in a release.
Trager filed for candidacy with the Federal Election Commission earlier this week. Other Republican challengers include Marc Savard and Reid Ribble."
Marc Trager seeks GOP nomination in 8th District | | Green Bay Press-Gazette

Election 2010,
Kagen 2010
Local Crime Increases
Bad economy, lost jobs or drug addiction all could be a reason.
From WBAY.

From WBAY.
"Crime Spree Concerns Pulaski Police Chief
Updated: Nov 04, 2009 6:10 PM CST
Police Chief Wants Armed Robber Stopped
By Emily Matesic
Pulaski police are investigating a string of weekend burglaries. Two businesses in the 100-block of West Pulaski Street and one on North Wisconsin were hit -- Classics Hotel and Saloon, Sassy's on the Strip, and 1st Premier Auto Repair.
The burglar entered each business through a window and stole cash.
"The spaces that are being crawled through are fairly small," Pulaski Police Chief Randal Dunford said.
It's a crime spree that has Chief Dunford concerned. "We believe they're more than likely related just based on the occurrence so close together."
These happened less than a month after a gunman held up a BP convenience store on Karcz Drive.
But the chief doesn't think the same person behind the burglaries is responsible for the October 12th armed robbery.
Surveillance cameras captured images of the armed robber, who's since been connected to two other convenience store hold-ups in neighboring Oconto County on September 25th and October 30th.
"We have confirmed that just based on the surveillance tapes and so forth, so we're working very closely with the Oconto County Sheriff's Department and their investigation, and that investigation is progressing forward," Chief Dunford said.
The task now is to identify the robber and bring him to justice.
"There's no doubt in my mind that he's not going to do it again. He will. He'll continue to do it until we catch him and we'll catch him."
The Pulaski Police Department has received tips and is following up on leads, but the chief tells us it's the community that's going to help them solve these crimes.
"They're our extra eyes and ears out there, and without their involvement our jobs get very, very difficult."" Crime Spree Concerns Pulaski Police Chief - WBAY-TV Green Bay-Fox Cities-Northeast Wisconsin News:

Pulaski Wis.
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Who's Money Is Kagen Spending
Steve Kagen on the health care bill.
From Fox 11 Green Bay
So Kagen and government will give states money? Whose money is he giving away? Why do states need money to to think of ways to reduce lawsuits? Can't he just vote on tort reform? How many jobs did the stimulus money generate Mr Kagen? A bottomless bag of money.It's easy for Steve Kagen to spend someone else's money.

From Fox 11 Green Bay
"Kagen also said the bill provides states with money so they can come up with ways to reduce the number of lawsuits against doctors. Many believe tort reform is critical to reducing the cost of health care.
" Health care reform vote could be soon
So Kagen and government will give states money? Whose money is he giving away? Why do states need money to to think of ways to reduce lawsuits? Can't he just vote on tort reform? How many jobs did the stimulus money generate Mr Kagen? A bottomless bag of money.It's easy for Steve Kagen to spend someone else's money.

Looking For A 8th District Canidate Part 1

Wisconsin's 8th Congressional District Republican primary runoff forum with three republican candidates in Appleton. Conservative politics 101 to my children.
First, I would like to thank the The Fox Valley Initiative and Jim Steineke for holding the forum. I will make some comments of what I listened to mixed in with the article from the Post Crescent. Because I have some things to say I will do it in separate parts. I will again state that I am a conservative and not a republican. I don't need to hear Newt and the boys telling me who to back in the election and then we get this crap,
Number of times "Jobs" was mentioned,
Ribble - 1
Savard - 0
Williams - 0
Will someone wake up in this party! It's JOBS,JOBS,JOBS. Very disappointing! People are laid off from jobs. People are worried about losing their job. People are looking for jobs. People are looking for leadership in creating jobs. How and what will a candidate do for jobs. I know what a conservative would do. More on jobs later.
Interesting, how many times "Conservative " was mentioned,
Ribble - 0
Savard - 0
Williams - 3
Are conservative voters, people with conservative beliefs and conservative constituents a bunch of lepers? Let's give Andy Williams this one. I'm still disappointed ! Either taking conservatives for granted or following the republican handbook on campaigning, which one is it? I consider this a slap in the face to all conservatives!
From Rush, "Real conservatism wins every time it's tried"
Number of times tyranny was mentioned,
Ribble - 0
Savard - 0
Williams - 2
tyr⋅an⋅ny - from
1. arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.
2. the government or rule of a tyrant or absolute ruler.
3. a state ruled by a tyrant or absolute ruler.
4. oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler.
5. undue severity or harshness.
6. a tyrannical act or proceeding.
Guess we have to give that one to Willams again.
Number of times "RINO" was mentioned,
Ribble - 0
Savard - 0
Williams - 1
At least someone is not towing the party line.
Number of times Ronald Reagan was mentioned,
Ribble - 0
Savard - 1
Williams - 1
Tie to Savard and Williams.
From President Reagan's "Farewell Address to the Nation, January 11, 1989"
From the Appleton Post Crescent.

First, I would like to thank the The Fox Valley Initiative and Jim Steineke for holding the forum. I will make some comments of what I listened to mixed in with the article from the Post Crescent. Because I have some things to say I will do it in separate parts. I will again state that I am a conservative and not a republican. I don't need to hear Newt and the boys telling me who to back in the election and then we get this crap,
"National Republican Party officials dumped nearly $1 million into the race on behalf of radical leftist GOP candidate Dede Scozzafava, who then turned around, endorsed Owens and siphoned off 5 percent of the vote with her name still on the ballot after she dropped out. " Michelle MalkinTo start, some unofficial numbers on a couple of key words I listened for and how many times they were mentioned by who.
Number of times "Jobs" was mentioned,
Ribble - 1
Savard - 0
Williams - 0
Will someone wake up in this party! It's JOBS,JOBS,JOBS. Very disappointing! People are laid off from jobs. People are worried about losing their job. People are looking for jobs. People are looking for leadership in creating jobs. How and what will a candidate do for jobs. I know what a conservative would do. More on jobs later.
Interesting, how many times "Conservative " was mentioned,
Ribble - 0
Savard - 0
Williams - 3
Are conservative voters, people with conservative beliefs and conservative constituents a bunch of lepers? Let's give Andy Williams this one. I'm still disappointed ! Either taking conservatives for granted or following the republican handbook on campaigning, which one is it? I consider this a slap in the face to all conservatives!
From Rush, "Real conservatism wins every time it's tried"
Number of times tyranny was mentioned,
Ribble - 0
Savard - 0
Williams - 2
tyr⋅an⋅ny - from
1. arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.
2. the government or rule of a tyrant or absolute ruler.
3. a state ruled by a tyrant or absolute ruler.
4. oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler.
5. undue severity or harshness.
6. a tyrannical act or proceeding.
Guess we have to give that one to Willams again.
Number of times "RINO" was mentioned,
Ribble - 0
Savard - 0
Williams - 1
At least someone is not towing the party line.
Number of times Ronald Reagan was mentioned,
Ribble - 0
Savard - 1
Williams - 1
Tie to Savard and Williams.
From President Reagan's "Farewell Address to the Nation, January 11, 1989"
And that's about all I have to say tonight. Except for one thing. The past few days when I've been at that window upstairs, I've thought a bit of the "shining city upon a hill." The phrase comes from John Winthrop, who wrote it to describe the America he imagined. What he imagined was important because he was an early Pilgrim, an early freedom man. He journeyed here on what today we'd call a little wooden boat; and like the other Pilgrims, he was looking for a home that would be free.Let's go to the APC write up.
Ronald Reagan... Farewell Address to the Nation
From the Appleton Post Crescent.
"Republican candidates for 8th Congressional District make their early pitches at Appleton forumWhat conservative muscle, I seen a lot of republican muscle but conservative?
By J.E. Espino • Post-Crescent staff writer • November 4, 2009
APPLETON — The 2010 election is drawing Republican candidates eager to flex their conservative muscle in northeastern Wisconsin's 8th Congressional District primary runoff. " Republican candidates for 8th Congressional District make their early pitches at Appleton forum | | Appleton Post-Crescent
In a spirited Tuesday forum, three of four declared candidates concerned about the nation's grim economic picture outlined their visions to restore fiscal soundness and adhere to the U.S. Constitution.Part 2 Thursday
About 150 people attended the two-hour forum at the Grand Meridian.
Reid Ribble, 53, a Kaukauna roofing contractor, and Marc Savard, 47, and Andy Williams, 41, county board supervisors from Door and Brown counties, respectively, are competing to unseat two-term Democrat Steve Kagen of Appleton. Their first joint appearance comes a full year before the midterm elections.
A fourth GOP candidate, Kerry Thomas, 44, of Sayner in Vilas County, did not attend the event.
The primary is in September.

Election 2010,
Kagen 2010
That's What I Thought
From the Appleton Post Crescent.

"Following the forum, David Stertz, a Clintonville resident and mechanical engineer, said he was still in search of his candidate. Republican candidates for 8th Congressional District make their early pitches at Appleton forum | | Appleton Post-Crescent

Election 2010,
Wisconsin 8th district
It's The Republicans Fault
From JSOnline.
If democrats in Madison control both the assembly and the state senate, why don't they just pass it? They have the votes! I am only going off the article so I will say there must of been some democrats not for this bill and the media here is just blaming republicans. Funny we don't get the whole story.

"- selected newswatch item -
Republicans block vote on birth control education
By Patrick Marley of the Journal Sentinel
School Zone Blog
Nov. 3, 2009 | Madison — Democrats tried to pass a bill Tuesday that would require schools that teach sex education to instruct students about birth control, but Republicans blocked final passage of the measure.
Republicans offered amendments - rejected by Democrats - that would have required schools to teach students about fetal development and the potential for criminal charges against underage students for having sex.
"It's a criminal offense" to have sex with anyone under 16, Rep. Daniel LeMahieu (R-Cascade) said. "I think it's appropriate we teach those kids what those criminal penalties are."
Democrats who control the Assembly gave preliminary approval to the bill, but Republicans used a procedural maneuver to block final passage.
The Assembly will now take up the issue Thursday, the last day the house plans to meet this year. The Senate, which is also controlled by Democrats, is expected to follow suit early next year. Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle hasn't said whether he supports the measure. »Read Full Article" NewsWatch - JSOnline
If democrats in Madison control both the assembly and the state senate, why don't they just pass it? They have the votes! I am only going off the article so I will say there must of been some democrats not for this bill and the media here is just blaming republicans. Funny we don't get the whole story.
The Society of Professional Journalism, in its code of ethics says:
Journalist Seek Truth and Report It
Journalists should be honest, fair and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information.
Journalists should: — Test the accuracy of information from all sources and exercise care to avoid inadvertent error. Deliberate distortion is never permissible.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Some People Get It
From the Lakeland-Times

"0/30/2009 8:00:00 AM
We aren't all that stupid
To the Editor:
I recently opened my electric bill and saw an additional line item called Act 28 Fee.
After inquiring, I found out the Act 28 Fee on our electric bill was a result of the latest state budget where there was not enough monies allocated in the budget to pay for the salary and expenses of the district attorney In other words, we are now paying for district attorneys via our electric bill!
We were told by Doyle, Holperin and Decker that the middle class would be protected by their budget. Instead we have gotten higher taxes and fees of $6 billion including on our telephone and electric bills. What other surprises are we going to get as a result of the state budget - property tax increases? - auto insurance increases?
So much for protecting the working people of Wisconsin.
Thank you, Gov. Doyle. Thank you, Sen. Holperin. Thank you, Senate Majority Leader Decker.
How dumb, how naive do you think we are?
Tomahawk" We aren't all that stupid

Stupid Is What Stupid Does, Second One Today
Here's another one for the idiot file. Like WOW man!
From the Shawano Leader

From the Shawano Leader
"Whitewater teen set for arraignment today in marijuana case
By Leader staff
A Whitewater teen accused of retrieving marijuana from an eradicated drug grow in Shawano County has been scheduled for arraignment Monday in circuit court.
Jacob Repinski, 19, is charged with possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession with the intent to deliver a controlled substance. He was bound over for trial after a preliminary hearing Friday.
Repinski was spotted Oct. 16 going into an area of the Navarino Wildlife Refuge where the Shawano County Sheriff’s Department and other agencies had eradicated 8,000 marijuana plants the day before.
Sheriff’s deputies responding to the scene allegedly found Repinski in possession of plants taken from one of the 12 grow sites authorities destroyed.
Repinski told authorities he had brought the plants out with the intention of turning them over to the sheriff’s department and planned to alert authorities that there was still marijuana available at the location, according to the complaint.
Authorities also discovered marijuana plants in Repinski’s vehicle, according to the complaint, along with pipes and a straw with residue and what appeared to be marijuana in a bag.
Repinski is being held on a $2,500 cash bond. Judge Thomas Grover denied a request last week to have the bond lowered."

We Get A Sonic
From the Green Bay Press.

Skates, waits mark Sonic Drive-In's debut in Green Bay Cars line up for taste of eatery's first day in Green Bay
By Richard Ryman • • November 3, 2009
Richie Plass had a chili dog in his hand and an ear-to-ear smile on his face. Sonic Drive-In was open.
"We're hardcore. We'll be back tomorrow," Plass said.
He and his wife Lily, who live in Green Bay, are Sonic aficionados from their younger days in Oklahoma.
"I grew up on Sonic. When the Appleton store opened, we drove all the way down there," Lily Plass said.
Tim Sparks wasn't surprised.
"We have one of the most loyal consumer bases around. It's almost cult-like," he said.
Sparks, vice president of operations for Twilight Burgers LLC, and Jenny Sparks, his wife and senior director of facilities, were directing traffic Monday to keep the sometimes overflow turnout moving. That's not unusual for a Sonic opening, Tim Sparks said.
Cars were being queued up in the adjacent parking lot of the former Cub Foods store Monday. They weren't there long, though.
"Our ticket times are 2½ to 3 minutes. The lines can be intimidating, but it really doesn't take that long," Sparks said.
Sonic Drive-Ins are distinguished by their carhop service, menu items that include extra long Coney dogs, tater tots, burgers, wraps and 168,894 possible drink combinations. Though the drive-in is sometimes characterized as a burger restaurant, 34 percent of its revenue comes from drinks and ice cream sales, Sparks said.
The Green Bay restaurant at East Town Mall has 23 stalls and half a dozen outside patio tables in addition to the drive-through. There is no indoor seating."
Skates, waits mark Sonic Drive-In's debut in Green Bay | | Green Bay Press-Gazette

Stupid Is As Stupid Does.
From the Green Bay Press.
Can he use his "get out of jail free" union card?
"City worker took Rodgers Drive sign, was 'being stupid'
Hodkiewicz is 16-year employee of water utility
By Andy Nelesen • • November 3, 2009
The man accused of stealing the Aaron Rodgers Drive street sign early Saturday is a 16-year employee of the Green Bay Water Utility." City worker took Rodgers Drive sign, was 'being stupid' | | Green Bay Press-Gazette

Monday, November 02, 2009
Pelosi Gets Kagen's "Yes" Vote On Health Care
From The Hill.
Pelosi and Kagen on stage together.

Pelosi and Kagen on stage together.
"He didn’t join Dahlkemper and Pelosi on stage, but Rep. Steve Kagen (D-Wis.) did. Kagen, a physician, had been listed as a “no” on the whip count, which gauged support for the robust, or Medicare-based, public option. But he came out in support after Pelosi dropped that option in favor of a compromise that would order public plan officials to negotiate rates with providers.
“I am working hard to guarantee access to affordable care for all of us, and the Affordable Healthcare for America Act is a huge step in that direction,” said Kagen." Pelosi picks up centrist ‘yes’ votes in House -

Kagen 2010
Wisconsin 8th District Tea Party Meeting
If you care about the Wisconsin 8th district, one of the first steps begin tomorrow to find a conservative candidate to run against Steve Kagen in 2010.
"8th Congressional District - Candidate Forum
Tuesday, November 3rd at 6:30pm
The Grand Meridian, 2621 N. Oneida St, Appleton
" Take Back Your Government!! « Fox Valley Initiative
Will we find a Scozzafava candidate like from New York? Who will play the roll of the RINO?
See you there. Food for thought.
From a caller on the Rush Limbaugh show.
"We're Americans. We're conservatives," and this party should have no difficulty fighting the greatest challenge that we face in the history of this nation right now.
From Rush himself.
We are a big-tent party. Our "tent" is the United States of America. We want everybody in this country in our party -- and we do not look at people and see skin color, sexual orientation, or gender or ethnicity. We see Americans.Looking for a conservative candidate.
Is this just another piece of paper?

Conservative Movement,
Election 2010,
Kagen 2010
Knocking Libs Out Of The Ball Park
Lord, I did not mean the title literally. I meant it as,
God, you know what I mean.
From Mark Belling and Archbishop of New York Timothy Michael Dolan. Thank God for Bishop Dolan. It's time somebody in the church stands up to you libs. You need to read the full article.

God, you know what I mean.
From Mark Belling and Archbishop of New York Timothy Michael Dolan. Thank God for Bishop Dolan. It's time somebody in the church stands up to you libs. You need to read the full article.
October 29, 2009
The following article was submitted in a slightly shorter form to the New York Times as an op-ed article. The Times declined to publish it. I thought you might be interested in reading it.
By Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan
Archbishop of New York
October is the month we relish the highpoint of our national pastime, especially when one of our own New York teams is in the World Series!
Sadly, America has another national pastime, this one not pleasant at all: anti-catholicism.
It is not hyperbole to call prejudice against the Catholic Church a national pastime. Scholars such as Arthur Schlesinger Sr. referred to it as “the deepest bias in the history of the American people,” while John Higham described it as “the most luxuriant, tenacious tradition of paranoiac agitation in American history.” “The anti-semitism of the left,” is how Paul Viereck reads it, and Professor Philip Jenkins sub-titles his book on the topic “the last acceptable prejudice.”
If you want recent evidence of this unfairness against the Catholic Church, look no further than a few of these following examples of occurrences over the last couple weeks:" Archdiocese of New York - Blog - The Gospel In The Digital Age - Anti-Catholicism

Weekend Wrap 11/1/09
Never a dull moment. Recap of my weekend and the reason for the lack of posts.
It started Saturday morning 4:00 am and a trip to the emergency room. Thank You
St Mary's in Green Bay for all their good work. Did you ever get Labyrinthitis
Trust me you don't want to get this. Oh, by the way, Berry Laker son # 2, your dad is doing fine in case you were wondering.
Labyrinthitis is an ear disorder that involves irritation and swelling of the inner ear.
See also: Meniere's disease
* Abnormal sensation of movement (vertigo) - Just like in the Jimmy Stewart movie.
* Difficulty focusing the eyes because of involuntary eye movements. - Eyes running left and right and no stopping in sight. (get it, in sight)
* Dizziness - Oh YEA!
* Loss of balance, such as falling toward one side - It took three people to get me up on the gurney.
* Nausea and vomiting - ugly, just ugly! * Google Health - Labyrinthitis
Couldn't say it better my self from Dad 29
"Observations on the Packers
Two observations:
1) Only undisciplined teams commit that many penalty violations. McCarthy and his staff have a problem that they damn well better fix immediately. They lost this game b/c of 2 specific penalties.
2) The worst loss to Minnesota was not Favre. It was Longwell. " Dad29
Why do people see color. Aren't we all just Americans.
"White candidate scrambles vote, attitudes in Atlanta race
By Joseph Curl
For decades as white residents fled to the suburbs, Atlanta's black political establishment, led by a string of strong mayors, revived the moribund economy and so revamped the city's image that it earned a national reputation as "Hotlanta." " White candidate scrambles vote, attitudes in Atlanta race - Washington Times
I am almost giving up on the old man. 184 down with three to go.
Thank God Ryan Newman is O K
1 -- Jimmie Johnson 6248 Leader
2 -- Mark Martin 6064 -184
From You tube.
Way to go Bucky. I guess they won, I was under sedation for the day.
"Badgers spook Boilermakers with 37-0 shutout on Halloween" - The Official Web Site of the Wisconsin Badgers - Football
Wow, Lakeshore Laments
"The NY-23 Earthquake
This pretty much guarantees (barring any sort of "McCormick Effect" of angry supporters holding grudges like there was in WI-08 in 2006) of the election of Hoffman over Owens. All this whole thing shows is that New York State needs to institute some form of a primary system for special elections; not allow county party chairmen to appoint the candidate as occurred here.
Losers - The NY State Elections System, Dede Scozzafava, Newt Gingrich, and the NRSC which is anointing candidates
Winners - Doug Hoffman, Tea Party Conservatives, and Erick Erickson who's been the biggest voice against what he calls 'The Establishment GOP' online."
Lakeshore Laments » A political weblog specializing in Wisconsin politics and culture
Double WOW!!!!!!
"Hey, how did that six-figure RNC donation to the NRCC plus $85,000 to the New York GOP plus nearly half-million-dollar investment in advertising and other independent expenditures on behalf of radical leftist Dede Scozzafava work out?" Michelle Malkin » How Scozzafava repays NRCC and RNC

"Suicidal tendencies: The GOP and its deadly alliances
By Michelle Malkin • November 2, 2009 04:15 PM "
Michelle Malkin » Suicidal tendencies: The GOP and its deadly alliances

Weekend Wrap
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