This weekend is the Wisconsin GOP convention. I am tired and will have one more adult beverage and need to go to sleep. Just have to make a comment.
I haven't really checked on what is coming out of Stevens Point yet. What will come out of the convention? What will all the speakers say? What will the people from the convention bring back to the people of Wisconsin?
Will any of them say we need to get back to conservative thoughts, conservative values?
Will we hear any of the speakers, any of the delegates stand up and tell us what they stand for?
Will I wake up Saturday or Sunday and read the following?
We stand for less government!
We stand for less taxes!
We stand for judicial restraint in government! The courts should interpret the law and not legislate from the bench!
We stand for freedom to control our destiny!
We stand for the security and needs of our citizens first and not pander to the illegal citizens of our great country. Do you believe they are more important then us?
We stand for the freedom our forefathers endowed to us many years ago!
We stand to leave this world a better place for our future generations!
We stand for less government and not more government!
We stand for a representative government and not a poll driven government!
We stand for what our Creator gave to us!
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
What will we hear tomorrow? I fear I will have to say as Renaldus Magnus said, " I did not leave my party but my party has left me!
No matter what happens, no matter what is said. I will be fine!
I will not participate in any recession, no economic down turn. I will not need the government or the republican party to take care of me or my precious family. God has given me that right and I will to do what is right!
No, I will not give up my beliefs that God has given me. I will not shed any tears for those that will sell their souls for personnel gain, sell their vote for money, compromise their beliefs for what others want or think of them!
I say again, "I am conservative"!
To the GOP and all at the convention in Stevens Point, I have nothing to prove to you. You have been sent to Stevens Point to stand for justice, to stand for truth, to stand for what the republican party is!
Will you stand up for the people of Wisconsin or will you compromise your beliefs and compromise your soul? I ask you, what is in your heart? What do you believe in?
I ask the question and the people of Wisconsin await your answer.