WDNR's Climate Change Tip of the Week Will Now Be "Air Quality Tip of the Week"
"Wisconsin Climate Change Roles During the past 100 years, human behaviors have been affecting our world's climate. As human activity increases greenhouse gases, and the greenhouse effect subsequently warms the planet, Earth's climate and climate patterns are changing. Climate change impacts people, economies, and ecosystems. Behavior choices, large or small, can affect the degree of climate change. Even small changes in everyday life can make a difference. Learn more ways that you can help!" Source: Tip of the Week - Wisconsin Climate Change - WDNR
We received this by e mail from WDNR.
You are subscribed to Air Quality Tip of the Week for Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.
Thank you for subscribing to the DNR's Climate Change Tip of the Week. Beginning January 1st, 2012 the DNR will replace the Climate Change Tip of the Week with the departments brand new Air Quality Tip of the Week. All members currently subscribed to the Climate Change Tip of the Week will be added to the new Air Quality Tip of the Week mailing list. If you wish to unsubscribe, please follow the link below.
Thank you.
WUPN : Even with a name change it's still bogus.
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