1 | 14 | Tony Stewart | Chevrolet | Mobil 1 / Office Depot | 191.959 | 28.131 | Leader |
2 | 17 | Matt Kenseth | Ford | Fluidmaster | 191.918 | 28.137 | -0.006 |
3 | 99 | Carl Edwards | Ford | Aflac "Now Hiring" | 191.870 | 28.144 | -0.013 |
4 | 43 | A.J. Allmendinger | Ford | Best Buy | 191.768 | 28.159 | -0.028 |
5 | 16 | Greg Biffle | Ford | 3M "Give Kids A Smile" | 191.741 | 28.163 | -0.032 |
6 | 39 | Ryan Newman | Chevrolet | Cookies for Kids' Cancer | 191.585 | 28.186 | -0.055 |
7 | 27 | Paul Menard | Chevrolet | CertainTeed / Menards | 191.462 | 28.204 | -0.073 |
8 | 4 | Kasey Kahne | Toyota | Red Bull | 191.394 | 28.214 | -0.083 |
9 | 48 | Jimmie Johnson | Chevrolet | Lowe's / Chevy 100th Anniversay | 191.340 | 28.222 | -0.091 |
10 | 21 | Trevor Bayne | Ford | Motorcraft / Quick Lane Tire & Auto Center | 191.259 | 28.234 | -0.103 |
11 | 6 | David Ragan | Ford | UPS Freight | 191.002 | 28.272 | -0.141 |
12 | 9 | Marcos Ambrose | Ford | Stanley / Bostitch | 191.002 | 28.272 | -0.141 |
13 | 5 | Mark Martin | Chevrolet | GoDaddy.com / Chevy 100th Anniversary | 190.900 | 28.287 | -0.156 |
Success - The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will. Vincent T. Lombardi
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Top 13 For Charlotte Sat Night
Wisconsin Dems Are Delusional
Reid Ribble's "Real World" Conflict-of-Interest
MADISON-In a fit of self-pity in a newspaper from a neighboring Congressional District, Tea Party Congressman Reid Ribble has refused to acknowledge the sleazy $10,000 in campaign cash he pocketed from an industry group, or his role in trying to manipulate federal safety regulations for the profit of his family business. Instead, Ribble called the ethical mess an example of "real-world experience."
Can someone please give the Wisconsin Dems so med's. Who named Reid Ribble the Tea Party Congressman? If that's the way the dems think, they will be a push over in 2012. "Tea Party Congressman", holy cow!
Ribble is not from the tea party! I'm not alone on that. Ribble's a republican insider. Look who's standing next to Boehner. Suck Up.
I need to pick myself off the floor after that one.

That's A Big One, 648lb Bear
Monster bear bagged near North Hudson | Hudson Star-Observer | Hudson, Wisconsin
At around 6 o’clock Sunday evening, Feia got off a killing shot at a 648-pound black bear that he had been tracking since the Fourth of July.
The massive male was bagged on Feia’s property on Lakeview Trail on the north side of Lake Mallalieu.
Yeti's Found In Russia
Slow news day?
Do you believe the yeti exists? - Your Community
Officials from the Russian coal-mining region of Kemerovo claim to have discovered evidence that the legendary yeti, or abominable snowman, is lurking in their mountainous backyard, The Telegraph reports.
"During the expedition to the Azasskaya cave, conference participants gathered indisputable proof that the Shoria mountains are inhabited by the 'Snow Man,'" the Kemerovo region administration said in a press release.
The statement said that members of the expedition found hair samples, a bed and other items the creature uses to mark its territory.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Oconto County Illegal Bear Hunt
Since I used to live in the area I see this from JSOnline
Oconto Co. man charged with illegal bear hunts - JSOnline
An Oconto County man who has been the subject of a six year undercover investigation has been charged with illegaling hunting bear and transferring bear licenses, in violation of federal wildlife laws.
According to a federal criminal complaint, John J. Kellogg, 46, of Gillett, had developed a commercial enterprise related to illegal hunting of wildlife in Wisconsin, Michigan, Wyoming and Montana. State DNR officials sought assistance from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service back in 2005 to begin an undercover investigation.
The complaint states that in September 2009 and September 2011 Kellogg arranged for the illegal transfer of Wisconsin bear hunt tags, and guided for other hunters. In 2011, the complaint charges, Kellogg killed a bear himself, though his hunting privileges had been revoked in in February 2011 for illegal deer hunting in 2009.

Family Lost In Corn Maze, Calls 911
Oh Brother!
Family lost in Mass. corn maze calls 911 for help
DANVERS, Mass. (AP) - Authorities in Massachusetts say a family that got lost in a seven-acre corn maze called 911 for help, apparently taking advantage of the police department's motto that says "We Want To Be Bothered.
" The maze at Connors Farm in Danvers can take up to an hour to navigate.
A police officer entered the maze with a farm manager to search for the disoriented father, mother and two children. The family didn't realize they had almost made their way out and were just 25 feet from the street.
Farm owner Bob Connors tells the Boston Globe (http://bo.st/p7Xmzr) that they designed the maze so that people get lost in the long corn stalks.

Is This a "Wag The Dog"
Iranians charged in U.S. over assassination plot | Reuters
U.S. authorities said they had broken up a plot by two men linked to Iran's security agencies to assassinate Saudi Ambassador Adel al-Jubeir. One was arrested last month while the other was believed to be in Iran.
Iran denied the charges. But President Barack Obama called the plot a "flagrant violation of U.S. and international law" and Saudi Arabia said it was "despicable."
Revelation of the alleged plot, and the apparent direct ties to the Tehran government, had the potential to further inflame tensions in the Middle East, and the United States said Tehran must be held top account.
Huh, what's that thing going on in Washington?
Ahhhhhh, "Fast and Furious", yea, yea, that's it.
Is this "wag the dog?'

Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Fitzgerald Might As Well Bow Out Of The Race.

Jeff Fitzgerald announces Senate bid - JSOnline
Madison - Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald announced Tuesday he is jumping into the race for U.S. Senate, joining what appears to be a crowded Republican field.Listening to Mark Belling with Jeff Fitgerald.
He said he is more conservative then Tommy Thompson.
Said he is the same as Mark Neumann as being conservative.
I'm no political expert but if Fitgerald is like Newmann, then he already lost. Time to get out Jeff!
And I was thinking of donating to his campaign.
I have to add to my comments.
Fitz kept bringing up what he did this past year. Buddy, it's what your going to do for us in Washington! I know what you did yesterday. What specifically will you do in Washington DC. Mark Belling is saying Fitz did like to be a player and not a leader. Mark said he was know as a moderate. Where would he be today if Walker did not win last November.
Warning to voters. Let's not jump on the Fitzgerald band wagon yet.
We need a conservative in Washington to fix the mess Kohl and Obama handed us.
O K, lets look at Frank Lasee .
Related articles, courtesy of Zemanta:
Wis 95th, Dems Staying Home In Primary
WisPolitics Election Blog: Low turnout so far in 95th AD Dem. primary
It looks like low turnout for the 95th Assembly district primary being held today. La Crosse City Clerk Teri Lehrke said that after visiting about six of the 17 polls across the district today, things are "pretty quiet.
" Voters are deciding who will be the Democratic contender for the Assembly seat vacated by now-state Sen. Jennifer Shilling, D-La Crosse.
Lehrke also said that the new voter ID provisions haven't been much of a problem, though some voters have protested the move by refusing to show ID. Lehrke noted that after three elections and a visible public awareness campaign, most voters now know what to expect. -- By Jason Smathers
Huh! Voter fatigue?
Mitt Romney Gets a Vince Moment
Heard this on Rush. Not Vince but about Romney.
Romney Advisers Helped the White House Draft Health Care Reform - Politics - The Atlantic Wire
Mitt Romney and Barack Obama never met to discuss the federal health care law, but Romney's advisers did. New records reviewed by NBC News's Michael Isikoff point out that "White House officials had a dozen meetings in 2009 with three health-care advisers and experts who helped shape the health care reform law signed by Romney in 2006." One meeting, NBC News reports, "was in the Oval Office and presided over by Barack Obama." Jon Gruber, one of the advisers who attended the Obama meeting, said that the White House "really wanted to know how we can take that same approach we used in Massachusetts and turn that into a national model." Especially in light of Perry's recent "Romney Remedy" ad, Romney is distancing himself from Gruber like an embarrassing ex, as aides have tried to suggest Gruber wasn't a really an adviser to Romney. However, as Isikoff writes, Gruber was "personally recognized by Romney when the governor signed the health-care bill into law" as well as "appointed by Romney as a board member to the Connector Authority." Gruber himself has a few, possibly damaging, words for Romney:
What the heck is this?
Will Somebody Find Herb Kohl
News from The Associated Press
NEW YORK (AP) -- Two weeks of NBA games are lost. Many more could be in jeopardy.
There's a "gulf" that separates owners and players, and they will have to close it quickly to avoid further damage to the schedule.
Sticking to his deadline, Commissioner David Stern wiped out the first two weeks of the season - exactly 100 games - after more than seven hours of negotiations Monday failed to produce a new labor deal and preserve the Nov. 1 season openers.
So two weeks of the NBA season is done and do we see or hear anyone in the media talk to Herb Kohl?
Did everyone forget the senator from Wisconsin is the owner of the Milwaukee Bucks?
Main Stream Media, wake up and do your job.

Crivitz Kangaroo School Board
The Maritime Sentry: Exclusive: Crivitz, WI - Children Lost In The Cracks Of School Board Policies
I was informed of a school board meeting in Crivitz, WI, that was going to be addressing some issues pertaining to spending and transparency. The meeting was requested by a board member who had concerns about unaccounted spending, that was having negative repercussions on the budget. During this meeting it became apparent, the school board is very dysfunctional, with the majority of the members condoning the unrestrained spending and suspicious actions, and commencing vicious verbal attacks on members who stood up for the parents and students being affected.Just to recap the dysfunctional School Baord.
Wasteful Spending.
Not taking minutes of school board meetings.
No Public input from parents and concerned citizen. Are we in Iran?
You can go to Maritime Sentry to read the whole article. Wonder if the main stream media will ever pick up on this kangaroo school board.
Link to Crivitz School District.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Peg, Former AG Working For State Unions
Gosh, I would of never seen this coming.
Former Attorney General Objects to Metal Detectors in Capitol
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A former Wisconsin attorney general who fought the state when it put metal detectors at the entrances of the state Capitol earlier this year says she would also object if they are reinstalled once concealed weapons are legalized.
Peg Lautenschlager said Monday that there was no discussion with the state in June when the metal detectors were removed under a settlement that they might be put back up. She represented the Wisconsin State Employees Union in a lawsuit challenging the metal detectors.
Peg must be making big bucks for the state employee unions.
Does she want or not want metal dectectors at the capitol?