Don't forget to reset your clocks.

Change your smoke detector batteries.

And now would be a good time to change the direction of your ceiling fans.

For optimum heating and cooling with ceiling fans. In spring and summer easy to remember. "Spring forward" , fan should run backwards. In fall and winter. "Fall backwards", fan should run forward.
This isn't rocket science. Circulate your warm and cool air.And by the way, as long as your up there changing your fan direction get your sorry butt to dust off the fan blades.
Change your smoke detector batteries.
And now would be a good time to change the direction of your ceiling fans.
For optimum heating and cooling with ceiling fans. In spring and summer easy to remember. "Spring forward" , fan should run backwards. In fall and winter. "Fall backwards", fan should run forward.
This isn't rocket science. Circulate your warm and cool air.And by the way, as long as your up there changing your fan direction get your sorry butt to dust off the fan blades.