Success - The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will. Vincent T. Lombardi
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Who Will Start A Business
Teach your children well.
How do we get our kids hooked on entrepreneurship? How do you successfully run a business? One of the favorite quotes of University of Wisconsin Marching Band director Mike Leckrone comes to mind: If it was easy, anybody could do it.
My question to Steve. Is it too late for an old geezer to start a business?
Another Steve Kagen Lie

From Charlie Sykes. Steve Kagen caught in one big lie.
By Sreve Eggleston,
U.S. Representative Steve Kagen's (D-8th District) Social Security ad claims that his Republican opponent, Reid Ribble, wants to "...phase out Social Security, forcing Wisconsin's seniors to fend for themselves". It goes on to use a partial-sentence quote from Ribble made at a candidate forum: "...(S)omehow we have to establish a phase out of the current Social Security system...".
That partial-sentence quote came from a candidate forum hosted by the Fox Valley Initiative on 11/3/2009, and does not include either the end of that sentence or the preceding sentence. The parts that were omitted by the Kagen campaign prove the lie.
You really need to follow Charlie's PolitiCrap on a daily basis, it's hard hitting honest reporting that the main stream media is not doing.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Mark Martin, Say What, Illegal Shock
Martin goes from 3rd to 42nd because of a what! Illegal shock.
I guess NASCAR has to reinforce their decision to make Jimma Johnson the 5 time champion. They take 150 points from Bowyer and then have to make sure Martin doesn't beat Johnson at Dover!
For cry'n out loud.
N A S C A R S U C K S ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !
Bowyer Penalized 150 pts
DOVER, Del. -- A defiant Clint Bowyer met with the media Friday at Dover International Speedway, insisting that he and his No. 33 Chevrolet team from Richard Childress Racing "did nothing wrong" to earn the whopping penalty it received from NASCAR two days earlier.
They sure want Johnson to get 5 trophies.
Open Carry / Concealed Carry Zucchini
From Dad 29 and Wendy.
Police say a Montana woman fended off a bear attack with an unlikely weapon — a zucchini.
Is this all we will have left to protect ourselves if big brother takes away our guns?
Should I buy a bigger holster?
How To Take A Vacation On The Taxpayers
State Treasurer Dawn Marie Sass is visiting eight counties next week to make Wisconsin residents aware of unclaimed property her office is in charge of dispensing.
Sass plans to visit Shawano, Menominee, Langlade, Sawyer, Douglas, Bayfield, Ashland and Iron counties.
The fall colors should be close to peak when Sass takes her vacation. Maybe Sass see's the writing on the wall and want's to take one last free vacation on the backs of the tax payers.
Sass need to be voted out in November.
Wis Dem Party Reaching
MILWAUKEE — The Democratic Party of Wisconsin called Republican U.S. Senate candidate Ron Johnson a hypocrite on Thursday for criticizing the federal stimulus bill, claiming a federal grant may have helped him get his job.
Party chairman Mike Tate claims it had to have been used to hire Johnson, who started as an accountant and machine operator in August 1979 after the company changed its name to Pacur.
GEEEEZ, they had to go back to 1979? I think Mike Tate was only a couple months old when Johnson started working at Pacur? Keep reaching democrats.
Next exploding story from the dems. Ron Johnson J walked in 1965
Unwed Mothers, Need PSYCHIATRIC Help?
More Brown County Moms are unwed, birth statics show
Fewer women giving birth in Brown County are married, fewer are smoking and more have college diplomas.
What does the following have to do with more educated unwed, mothers, and those who don't smoke.
The increasing cost of health care is obvious in the comparisons between 1998 and 2008 in Brown County. For example, the average stay in the psychiatric ward of a hospital was 9.9 days in 1998, and the average cost was $5,985. Ten years later, the average stay was 6.5 days, and the average cost was $8,965.
Are unwed mothers in more need of mental health care?
Michigan Follows Doyle Playbook
ESCANABA - A $208 million surplus in Michigan's School Aid Fund (SAF) was quietly transferred to the state's general fund earlier this month, leaving the majority of schools without the cushion needed for budget stability. Locally, the transfer has school officials worried as they struggle to predict what's next for education funding.
I bet the people from Michigan are
Thursday, September 23, 2010
It's Still Raining Up North, Tom Barrett, What Do I do?

Do I have to contact Scott Walker to get this fixed?
I guess so!
Are Bloggers Journalist's ?
Could a blogger be considered a journalist?
Could a blogger turn into a journalist?
You can e mail me on my e mail link or post a comment.
Same Old Steve Kagen (I'm On You Tube)
It looks like Congressman Kagen is dusting off the old playbook.
Side note, will someone tell the guy in the red coat in the second video to move out of the way! Who in the heck is he?
Oops, that was Berry Laker. I knew I seen that red coat before.
Does that make me famous? Hey Berry Laker mom, I'm on You Tube

Charlie Sykes at 620 WTMJ is kicking off something new .
From the folks who brought you the "Deep Tunnel Awards," a new political feature: PolitiCrap. We will evaluate political ads, news stories, politicians' press releases and spin. And, yes, we will also fact check the fact-checkers.
PolitiCrap is a joint effort of the Charlie Sykes show and the conservative Wisconsin blogosphere. More than a dozen bloggers and pundits have agreed to participate in the state's first conservative fact check -- an alternative and a counterpoint to the MSM.
Our fact check will have four catgeories:
1. True
2. Blended (with apologies to MMSD)
3. Mostly Crap
4. Total Crap
Your input is welcome....
Jack Welch On This Mornig
Should be a lively conversation. You Tube probably out tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Early Winter, A Lot of Snow To Come
My guess, I'm not an expert,
Early winter and a lot of snow.
Owen, time to put the snow-blower on the kitty (Cub Cadet) cat!
I only use Simplicity with blower attachment!
Wis 36th, Anne-Marie Woznicki's First Run For Office
The candidates for the Wisconsin Assembly’s 36th District seat have agreed to a debate at the Townsend Town Hall on Sept. 28Rep. Jeff Mursau (R-Crivitz) is being challenged by Anne-Marie Woznicki, a Democrat in Florence,
The forum is set for 7 p.m. Each candidate will have 10 minutes to speak, and then written questions will be taken from the audience.
All interested voters are invited to attend. Admission to the debate is free. The doors will open at 6:15 p.m.
Mursau, who has represented the 36th for six years, won his seat in 2004 when long-time representative Lorraine Seratti retired. He was born in Oconto Falls and grew up in Coleman. He graduated from Coleman High School in 1972 and attended UW-Oshkosh. He is currently the co-owner of J&T Electric in Crivitz. Prior to being elected to the Assembly, he was village president of Crivitz from 1991 to 2004.
This is Woznicki’s first run for office. She grew up on her family’s dairy farm in northern Manitowoc County. After graduating valedictorian from Roncalli Catholic High School, she earned a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Economics from UW-Madison, followed by a law degree from Marquette University Law School in Milwaukee. During this past year, she taught family and consumer economics in the Florence School District, where she now resides.
Say WHAT? Really?
"Woznicki’s first run for office?" Was that a typo error or did Woznicki lie to the paper. She ran back in 2006 against Bob Ziegelbauer in Manitowoc. Seems she lost to Ziggy in the primary and got all mad and pushed a write in candidate drive. Wow, sour grapes from a democrat.
Here's a link to how many votes Woznicki got in 2006. Look for the 25th district.
Update,11:20 am. Sorry, Anne Marie also ran in 2004 against Ziegelbauer. Two different elections, 2004 and 2006 and in 2010 she is running for the first time. Link to Wis Politics from 2004.
So Ann Marie, it's your first run for office? Who would of known! Will the voters of the 36th know she ran before? What else is Woznicki hiding? Here is a link to her campaign web site. Seems she omitted her past campaigning.
My vote is still for Mursau.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Walker / Kleefisch, Upcoming Change In Wisconsin
I have been complaining that I want plans from Scott Walker. No more, I am extremely pleased with what Walker has announced. He will immediately call a special session and start working on our state and bringing jobs back. Here is the details.
like this,
Walker: "My First Act As Governor Will be to Call an Emergency Special Session on Job Creation"
Walker / Kleefisch will need help from the voters to change Wisconsin.
1) Voters can see what democrats have done to this state. Don't vote democrat this November.
2) Voters need to throw out any incumbent democrat and replace them with a conservative republican who will stand with Walker / Kleefisch. That also means if a RINO is running , throw them out. At that point, they are the same as a democrat. A tie goes to the democrat. A democrat over a RINO will stand with Walker to take credit for the upcoming surge in jobs and economy in Wisconsin.
I hope Walker / Kleefisch are looking and working with conservative republicans who are up for election in November. They have to dictate their plan and take it forward with conservative leaders in Wisconsin.
If you care about Wisconsin, go to the above link and read all.
Steve Kagen, Run Away, Run Away

See, Nancy Pelosi speaks and pulls the strings of Steve Kagen.
From Politico.
House leaders are considering adjourning as early as the end of this week, which would give lawmakers five and a half weeks to campaign before the Nov. 2 election but could also leave them exposed to allegations that they didn't finish their work in Washington.
The House hasn’t adjourned before Sept. 30 in an election year since 1960.
So Steve Kagen and the rest of the dems in congress are running away from their responsibility.
You know this would be a 24/7, (for 4 weeks), news story if republicans pulled this.
Kagen is running scared.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Not Steve Kagen
The Wall Street Journal’s Stephen Moore reports on the letter to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi asking to extend the tax cuts due to expire at the end of the year:
Here is the letter. Note which two term congressman running for reelection did not sign the letter. (Nor did, by the way, any of the other Democratic House incumbents from Wisconsin.)
So Steve Kagen and the other lefties in Wisconsin wants to increase taxes on everyone?
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Berry Turns Four Today
I almost forgot. Wow, four years ago back in 2006 the blog Berry Laker was born. From the confines of Berry Lake Wis. to Pulaski Wis. and now to my humble compound in the Nicolet Forest, it been a pleasure. The reason I started this blog, I was sick and tired of the liberals where I lived and in my family who are such buffoons when it comes to politics. It was and is my outlet for my beliefs. I'm not pumping myself up here but wanted to tell my two readers,
A stroll down memory lane.
Went to a conference and got to meet and even talk to one of the icons of Wisconsin Blogs, "Owen" from B & S. I'll never forget that day in Oconomwoc. I asked him when he would run for office.
Todd over at Elevation llc helped me grow in my blogging and expanded my passion for politics, thank you bud. "Inside baseball", Todd, you can;t teach an old dog new tricks.
Got to meet Jerry Bader.
Went to the first Tea Party in Wisconsin.
Got an autograph from Rick Santelli.
Still trying to get Steve Kagen out of office.
As you know my passion is God, my family, my country, conservatism, # 5 Mark Martin, NASCAR and a whole lot more. I'm rambling so let me finish.
I know I will forget some, but I need to thank some other bloggers I do follow. Please forgive me if I missed you.
Thank you Steve, Steve, Brad, Jo, DR., Jeremy, Patrick, Jill, Badger, Brian, Dad 29, Jed, Asian, Wendy, Kevin, Real, SBVOR, Trog, Tom, Charlie, Mark, Jay and many more.
I also want to thank The Lakeland -Times and the Shawano Leader for reporting honest hard hitting journalism that the rest of the media in the state seems to forget.
Broadband Hoax
Federal funds allocated to bring broadband Internet to rural Wisconsin
What are they talking about? Where's my high speed internet connection? I'm still with dial up!
They talk about federal money for internet expansion and then talk about Cellcom expanding their wireless internet. The interesting slant from the Press is Cellcom is using their own money to expand internet and the government is throwing our tax dollars down the drain. Have you had enough of useless government spending yet?
If your going to spend money, why not give it to the internet providers and or phone companies? This is a hoax by government.
Pulaski Country Club Increases Budget
From the Green Bay Press.
PULASKI — Residents of the Pulaski School District have approved a $13.9 million tax levy to help support a $37.6 million general fund budget for the 2010-11 school year.
About 135 attended the district's annual meeting on Wednesday, and most supported a 2010-11 budget and overall tax levy, which is up about 2 percent from $13.6 million last year. Six people at the meeting rejected the proposed levy, according to school district officials.
So only six people rejected the plan? I bet every teacher and school bus driver was there to vote yes. And later in the article,
"District officials had to make some tough choices, though, to close a $1 million budget gap, said Pamela Kercheval, district director of business Services.
Reductions include a pay freeze for all administrators, some staff layoffs, including one teacher, and changes to benefits payments for nonunion employees.
Pay freeze for "non union" administrators, "non union" staff layoffs, changes to payments for "nonunion" employees. Sure looks like the union has the district under their control. And what's that about a teacher being laid off? I thought Obama gave schools money on the last stimulus to not layoff teachers? Sure is swell that the union never has to sacrifice.
I wonder who the six people were that were against the budget? If you are a part of the district, you know how lavish the schools are and how well the union is taken care of. Just keep on spending. The tax payers cash is endless.
What will they do next year at the Pulaski country club school district?
Steve Kagen Get's A Pass
From the Green Bay Press.
Steve Kagen still has the money to foot the bill for his congressional campaign, he just doesn't have to do it to anymore.
So who is?
That's a darn good question. JSOnline ran a story about the $21,000 Kagen received from ethics challenged Charlie Rangel. Didn't see that in the GBP.
Why no mention about Rangel or any other specific groups of donations? What gives? Why no specific contributors?
My Sports Weekend
Sylvania 300 | New Hampshire Motor Speedway
Yea, yea, the old man # 5 is starting 26th.
Packers against Bills 12:00 noon.
Need to try some target practice today.