"What a wicked web we weave." It kind of fitting to tell everyone at Berry Lake that phrase. We have a great 200 or so acre lake here in Oconto County. Fun in Summer, great for skating in the winter. Don't want to leave out the fishing year round.
EWM has infested our lake and we have people in charge to eradicate and kill the problem. The powers at be last year got the ball rolling to help fund the project. There were classes held on EWM. We had information given to all. We had help from the WDNR. The powers at be worked with the Town of Underhill. Grants had to be filled out. Information was given out to the people on the lake. Cost for a Fike net study, cost for water testing, cost for ecological surveys were done. All at a cost of ????????? oh, lets say $10,000.00.
I want to say a couple on the lake were ahead of the curve on EWM a couple of years ago and most people on the lake BLEW them off, Thanks but no thanks at the time. When people offer advice, at least listen or it may cost you more money in the end.
OK, back to the money. All the people felt good, we are all concerned with the lake problem and everyone was trying to do something good. Koom by ya, lord, koom by ya around the campfire.
Well, some people on the lake cannot get along with other people on the lake and you know what Berry Lake has now? A big ass problem!
My neighbor told me tonight that the Town of Underhill, meaning the people on Berry Lake are on the hook for $7,500.00. Holy Cow Batman, how did that happen. The word is the people in charge didn't have time to follow up on paper work with the state of Wisconsin. Translation, I'm better than you and I don't need to do paperwork. SUCKERS!!!! or I don't have time to do those things! Hey, it couldy rise to $10,000.00, $12,000.00, $15,000.00 or more but who's counting.
Well, from what I can tell the people of Berry Lake will get a little something extra in there Christmas envelope this December with their tax bill. Grant information not filled out and the Town of Underhill paid for all costs so far. Will people call us SUCKERS?
A side note The powers at be and the people on the lake do not get along. You can talk about hate but if it cost me money somebody needs to wake up. Our Town chairman told me something I will never forget. It goes something like this,
"keep your friends close but your enemies closer"
When it comes to our personal lives and business
matters it can still be very useful to know what the competition are up to. The competition are not enemies in the sense of the word 'enemies' in the phrase though. They are unlikely to do us physical harm, but may affect us financially.
The reason for the above phrase is that all the powers at be did not want to work together. You know , the fifth grade school yard talk, " I don't like them" kind of thing. I will say I did tell other powers at be,( we have a lot of powers at be on this lake) that someone needs to stay close to other powers at be or you will get burned. To which I was told , paraphrasing, "your an idiot." As Rush would say "SEE I TOLD YOU SO!"
So to all the people of Berry Lake,"What a wicked web we weave."
The damage is done and someone needs to take charge and get this mess cleaned up. Berry Lakers need to follow through with the EWM problem. Berry Lakers need to get off their dead ass's and pitch in. The problem is too many ego's yanking at each other and nothing is getting done. I will be the first to admit fault, there are things I should of done , could of done or can do. Oh, I'm an idiot and I know nothing. Berry Lakers will just have to reach into their pockets and pay the bill! Free money in the form of grants and everyone dropped the ball! People will just call us SUCKERS!!!!!!!!!
Can the people of the lake work together, my bet in Vegas would be no.
Berry Lakes need to pull together, communicate and try to solve the problems and not point fingers. Everyone on the lake is to blame! Everyone on the lake needs to grow up! Everyone on this lake needs to work together!
The bottom line, change! No matter what happens, you will pay now or you will pay the Town of Underhill later!
I doubt anyone really cares until it hits their pocket books.
Berry Lakers- "bend over, grab your ankles and kiss your money goodbye.