Saturday, January 31, 2009

Need A Leader

From the Award Winning(or should be award winning) Lakeland-Times
"1/30/2009 9:08:00 AM
The American people need a leader"
The American people need a leader

Gregg Walker Publisher

President Barack Obama has been in office only a little more than a week, and he has already disgraced himself and proven he is not responsible enough to have his job.

Case in point: The president and his team spent close to $160 million on his inauguration at a time when this nation is teetering on the brink of a depression.

No matter how you cut it, that's over the top, and the president would have known so if he had ever bothered to look into the faces of the crowds around him and seen the pain in their eyes.

Yes, Mr. President, people are hurting. Livelihoods and savings are disappearing. This past Monday alone, 62,000 jobs vanished, including 20,000 at Caterpillar. Since December 2007, 2.59 million jobs have gone by the boards.

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