Success - The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will. Vincent T. Lombardi
Saturday, August 28, 2010
"T" Shows Up, Ribble Must Still Live In The 6th
Read tweets over at Party of Know on the Wisconsin 8th debate held at WTAQ. Thankjs Todd. Second, thank you to Jerry Bader for the debate.
Did anyone ask Ribble about where he lives. 6th or 8th district?
Did you see that "T" even attended!
Got to run. More on the 8th when I have time.
Friday, August 27, 2010
WTAQ 8th District Debate
Hope someone can report on it?
Thursday, August 26, 2010
A Painter Too

From The Shawano Leader.
From my days in the Gillett Area. I knew Ms. Wilke raises horses and dogs but didn't know she was an artist.
With careful strokes of her brush, Diane Wilke of Gillett creates the image of a bear, part of a large painting she has been working on with Menominee Indian High School sophomore Leo Powless for the past week. Wilke said they’ve been working on the painting — located on a set of the gym doors at the high school — for a combined 40 hours. Wilke has done paintings throughout the area through her business, Wilke Western Art. Leader photo by Cory Dellenbach
Good for her.
Pembine School District Gets $106
From The Peshtigo Times
Fifteen area school districts will receive federal funding to retain or hire additional teachers and education staff in the 2010-11 school year, according to the Wisconsin Department of Administration. A total of $179 million is allocated to state public schools.
Area school districts and the amount of funding are Pembine $106, Coleman $207,055, Crivitz $360, Florence $514, Gillett $127,540, Goodman $190, Lena $76,550, Marinette $427,439,
Area school districts and the amount of funding are Pembine $106, Coleman $207,055, Crivitz $360, Florence $514, Gillett $127,540, Goodman $190, Lena $76,550, Marinette $427,439,
I wonder what Pembine will do with their $106?
Niagara $66,488, Oconto $198,403, Oconto Falls $372,962, Peshtigo $155,265, Suring $183, Wabeno $153, and Wausaukee $230.
And Wabeno gets $106. Surprise, surprise.
Wis. No-Call List By Wednesday
Wisconsin residents have until Wednesday to sign up for the state's no-call list to block phone calls from telemarketers.
People can sign up by calling (866) 966-2255.
Here Comes The Fox Valley Choo Choo
A large-scale study of socioeconomic conditions in Brown, Calumet, Outagamie and Winnebago counties launched Wednesday, starting a 1½-year project aimed at improving quality of life. The goal of the Leading Indicators for Excellence, or LIFE, study is to give leaders, businesses, foundations and government agencies a blueprint for providing social services using a combination of qualitative and quantitative information.
Sure enough, the next step on getting light rail in the Fox Valley. You know it's for the children. It's for the poor. We have to do something for those who don't have. All for the ultimate goal of getting Green Bay connected to Appleton and Oshkosh with Choo Choo's.
How foolish are you that you would believe this nonsense. You think I'm crazy? If you read the article, you will read that Appleton did a study in 2006. And what were some of the results?
Among the programs developed from the 2006 study is The Connector, a transportation system that provides rides to low-income residents who don't have easy access to bus service.
Fitst do a study. Second tell everyone you have transportation problems. Third propose a light rail system to alleviate the congestion on HWY 41. That's when they got you. Silly fools.
First Milwaukee to Madison and some day soon Green Bay to who knows where. Remember, it's your money they are talking about.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Steve Kagen Will tell You Diffrent
The U.S. Navy said Monday it is seeking additional information from the companies competing for the contract to build the next phase of ships in the Littoral Combat Ship program.
Lockheed Martin and Marinette Marine are players in the contract competition and are facing off against Austal USA and General Dynamics for the Navy contract to build 10 warships under the next phase of the contract.If Marinette Marine lands the contract, it could double the work force at the yard by the middle of 2013.

If Marinette Marine gets the contract you can be sure Steve Kagen will take credit. He has nothing to do with military contracts but will tell you it was all him in an upcoming T V spot or mailer from his office. The workers at M Marine should also know Kagen has nothing to do with their job security.
Steve Kagen needs to go in November.
X Green Bay Packer Not A Tea Party Activist?
He was even there with that evil Joe the plumber. No mention of "Tea Party". What gives? Just because an X Green Bay Packer was there, the P G gives him a pass?
The slant of the main stream media.
Steve Kagen, Killing The American Dream
Sales of previously occupied homes plunged last month to the lowest level in 15 years, despite the lowest mortgage rates in decades and bargain prices in many areas.15 year low?Down by 27 %? Who is destroying the American dream of home ownership?
July's sales fell by more than 27 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 3.83 million, the National Association of Realtors said Tuesday. It was the largest monthly drop on records dating back to 1968, and sharp declines were recorded in all regions of the country.

You have to blame Nancy Pelosi puppet Steve Kagen and his dem buds for all this bad news.
Wasn't the stimulus supposed to fix all this? Isn't this the summer of recovery? Where are all the jobs? Why are people not buying houses with the lowest interest rate in years or ever?
Steve Kagen said he, congress and the president were going to fix all this. Do we really need more bad news and another two years of Steve Kagen? I don't think so.
You Got To Give Stupak Credit
From the Escanaba Daily Press.
ESCANABA - Broadband service is about to expand in and around Delta County, thanks to a $69 million grant. The grant, which is dispersed through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, is part of $81 million awarded to broadband providers in the state of Michigan.
The Peninsula Fiber Network (PFN) is taking the reigns on development and expansion of the fiber optic network, which provides various broad service offerings, such as high-speed Internet to Upper Peninsula communities. PFN is based in Munising and currently has approximately 800 miles of fiber lines running throughout the U.P.
The grant is expected to help boost the existing lines by installing more than 600 miles of new fiber optic cable.
One, I am not a fan of the stimulus bill passed by congress.
Two, for all the waste, here is something that is at least worth the money the spend. 6oo miles of fiber optic to give more people advantage of HS internet. You know Bart Stupak had something to do with this.
Three, as I sit here with dial up, this just ticks me off!
What does Wisconsin do with stimulus for high speed internet. From WTN
The U.S. Department of Commerce has announced that Wisconsin will receive more than $38 million in Broadband Technology Opportunities Program grants funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), also known as the stimulus. The University of Wisconsin System will be the main beneficiary, receiving nearly $30 million to help the University of Wisconsin-Extension Service (UWEX) offer broadband to up to 182 community institutions, as well as $2.4 million to create seven public computer centers and develop targeted programs to increase broadband usage in five needy communities.
A majority goes to government (UW) and computers to places that already have them and a couple of communities. Talk about waste. You can see how Nancy Pelosi puppet Steve Kagen gives money to his union buddies and government for votes compared to a half way decent congressman like Bart Stupak.
You have to give Stupak credit for spending stimulus that at least will in the end, help the people that need it.
Give Stupak credit. Just shows how Steve Kagen should not be reelected this fall. What a loser.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Ahead Of The Bell
Oil prices slumped to near $72 a barrel Tuesday
Stock futures retreated Tuesday.
July home sales likely to plunge.
Dems and libs must be doing cartwheels about now.
How's that hope and change doing for you?
Is It Me??????????
Since yesterday, slow, slow , slow.
I know I have dial up but, it is slower then molasses in January.
Almost threw the PC through the bullet proof glass.
Any thoughts?
Monday, August 23, 2010
Steve Kagen Ad, No Charge

The Green Bay Press propped up the campaign for Nancy Pelosi puppet Congressman Steve Kagen of Wisconsin. A long article but opens with a thank you to Kagen. This helps Kagen not spend his own money.
Oh brother.
I Had The Same Ribble Question
Ribble lives in the 6th District, not the 8th
(see map). Oh, sure, he says he does business in the 8th. I know quite a few people who do business in the 8th but don’t live here. They’re not residents. They can’t vote here.
Because I do blog, and am a concerned voter in the Wisconsin 8th I thought I would ask Mr Ribble the question of residency. Here's what I asked him on Oct 26, 2009.
Mr. Ribble,
could you please tell me if you live in the 8th district of Wisconsin or in specifically the 6th district of Wisconsin?
If you are not in the 8th, what are your plans? Do you not have to live in the district you are running for office for, the 8th? Just want you to clarify.
Could you please give me any information that will clear up my question.
Here is his response on Oct 27, 2009.
thanks for contacting me. I would much rather you ask questions of me directly rather than believing the rumor mill.
I do live just a couple miles outside the district. I have stated this from the beginning of my campaign and who knows, with all the gerrymandering that goes on I may be smack dab in the middle of the 8th district after the next census. As a lifelong Fox Valley resident I have lived in and out of the 8th district several times. As you may know the southern border changes a lot. (At one time it was as far north as Green Bay)
I grew up in the 8th district, went to high school in the district, my business is in the district, most of my work and projects are in the district, I coached high school volleyball for 20 years in the district. As a lifelong resident of this area, I know this district and the issues facing it, and I have a vision for Wisconsin and America that I believe matches this district's values. I have the background and roots in this district that makes me exceptionally qualified to serve the residents of District 8 and that is what I will do each and every day in Congress.
Additionally, if the U.S. Constitution isn't concerned where I sleep at night I think the voters might not be concerned either. Since you are a conservative, I am sure that you appreciate the U.S. Constitution’s take on this and know that there is no requirement to live in a district - just the state. Let's not get distracted from seeing the big picture issues facing all Americans. The economy, jobs, taxes, two ongoing wars, etc, etc. Hopefully this answer satisfies your concern about where I sleep at night. Would it now make a difference if I choose to move to Kaukauna where my business is? Would the accusations go away or be worse? Unlike many candidates I have been honest and forth coming about where I live instead of renting an apartment or living in a hotel as some others did. In fact I have lived in the Fox Valley all of my life and made my career there and since Congressman Kagen seems so out of touch with what this country, state and district needs I am happy to campaign for real change.
If I can answer any more questions or you would like to meet me please let me know.
Then I had a couple of emails back and forth with Kerry Niemcek, a Ribble spokesperson. I asked if Reid would answer some other questions in the future about issues in the Wis. 8th. Also, a side note, not sure why but Reid did offer to talk to me about political issues. You know a one on one. I politely turned it down. I was not comfortable with a one on one sit down. Here is Kerry's response to me on May 21, 2010.
We welcome the opportunity to answer questions for your blog. Reid would be interested in answering questions for your blog. Forward them at your convenience.
In answer to your P.S.: Reid has a residence in the Town of Lawrence, which is in the 8th Congressional District.
That said, the house in Sherwood has been on the market since last summer. Until the market improves and the house is sold, he remains the owner.
I still have my concerns about voting for Reid Ribble because of this and other issues that are playing out. As Todd at Party of Know did ask, I too wonder if Jerry Bader or someone else in the press will ask Mr Ribble about this.