Back At You Libs.
From The National Conversation and Andrew Klavan
Success - The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will. Vincent T. Lombardi
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Is This Really True About Bobby Jindal
From Roll Call. Did Bobby Jindal sell himself to the liberals?

From Roll Call. Did Bobby Jindal sell himself to the liberals?
"Landrieu defended the inclusion of the provision and said Republican critics who accuse her of selling her vote for $100 million are wrong and that she has the support of Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. "
Landrieu to Vote to Begin Debate - Roll Call

Health Care,
Saturday News Dump
From Yahoo Finance.
Even what he touts as good news, he dumps it on a Saturday? Sure, sure, when no one will read or hear it! What a putz!
What jobs is he talking about now? Are they part of the 2nd stimulus, or are they the phantom numbers again.
How's that hope and change going?

From Yahoo Finance.
"Obama trumpets Asia trip as boost to US economy
President Obama says his trip to Asia helped build steps toward US economy's recovery
WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama's eight-day trip to Asia produced no tangible wins for the United States, though he is citing talks with Asian allies that he says could help create thousands of job and open new markets for American goods in the future.
Citing progress on a trip that took him from Tokyo to Seoul, Obama noted that "Asia is a region where we now buy more goods and do more trade with than any other place in the world -- commerce that supports millions of jobs back home."
"I spoke with leaders in every nation I visited about what we can do to sustain this economic recovery and bring back jobs and prosperity for our people -- a task I will continue to focus on relentlessly in the weeks and months ahead," Obama said in his weekly radio and Internet address taped while he was in Seoul, the South Korean capital, and released Saturday.
The president pitched his trip as a way to reintroduce the U.S. to those trading partners, including China."
Obama trumpets Asia trip as boost to US economy - Yahoo! Finance
Even what he touts as good news, he dumps it on a Saturday? Sure, sure, when no one will read or hear it! What a putz!
What jobs is he talking about now? Are they part of the 2nd stimulus, or are they the phantom numbers again.
How's that hope and change going?

Favre's Hunting Land, In Clevland
Two interesting bits of info about two former Packer personnel from Marketplace of Ideas.

Two interesting bits of info about two former Packer personnel from Marketplace of Ideas.
"It appears that the 2010 Packer–Viking games will be angst-ridden melodramas like the 2009 games were:"
As for Favre’s former coach, SI.com reports:
Marketplace of Ideas Blog

The Sky Is Falling
From the Wausau Daily Herald.

Those evil power plants, take away your lights, factories, shut them down, it's only jobs,vehicle exhaust, take away your cars and trucks, and wood burning, my God, you evil people with fire places and campfires outside!
Those evil dirty republicans, see, Sara Palin is polluting our air!
Stay in side till midnight, Monday night.

From the Wausau Daily Herald.
"DNR issues air-quality alert
November 21, 2009
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has issued an air-quality watch for particle pollution for much of central Wisconsin.
Included in the watch area are: Marathon, Lincoln, Clark, Langlade, Shawano and Taylor counties. The watch expires at 11:59 p.m. Monday.
The watch is being issued because of the forecast for elevated levels of fine particles in the air, according to the DNR.
Fine-particle pollution is composed of microscopic dust, soot, liquid droplets and smoke particles that are 2.5 microns or smaller. These fine particles come primarily from combustion sources, such as power plants, factories and other industrial sources, vehicle exhaust and wood burning.
People with heart or lung disease, asthma, older adults and children are advised to reschedule or cut back on strenuous activities during the watch period."
DNR issues air-quality alert | wausaudailyherald.com | Wausau Daily Herald
Those evil power plants, take away your lights, factories, shut them down, it's only jobs,vehicle exhaust, take away your cars and trucks, and wood burning, my God, you evil people with fire places and campfires outside!
Those evil dirty republicans, see, Sara Palin is polluting our air!
Stay in side till midnight, Monday night.

Another Joins The Party.

From the Green Bay Press.
With Joe Stern (independent), that would make eight.
I guess it is official, I received in the mail a campaign letter from Roth asking for money.

From the Green Bay Press.
"Roth intends to join race against Kagen
Gannett Wisconsin Media • November 21, 2009
APPLETON — State Rep. Roger Roth, R-Grand Chute, said Friday he intends to join the crowded field of candidates seeking the 2010 Republican nomination for the 8th Congressional District.
Roth is in his second term as representative of the 56th Assembly District, which covers largely rural portions of Outagamie and Winnebago counties.
He would be the seventh candidate to seek the GOP nomination to take on U.S. Rep. Steve Kagen, D-Appleton. The others are former state Rep. Terri McCormick; Howard physician Marc Trager; Kaukauna roofing contractor Reid Ribble; Door County Board member Marc Savard; Brown County Board member Andy Williams; and Kerry Thomas of Sayner in Vilas County."
Roth intends to join race against Kagen | greenbaypressgazette.com | Green Bay Press-Gazette
With Joe Stern (independent), that would make eight.
I guess it is official, I received in the mail a campaign letter from Roth asking for money.

Election 2010,
Kagen 2010
Friday, November 20, 2009
Cup Qualifying

The old man still has a chance.Go old man go!

"Live: Cup qualifying
Jeff Gordon can't win the title but still has plenty on the line at Homestead. It's the only Cup track he has yet to win a pole or a race. Qualifying is under way at HMS.
" NASCAR.COM - News, Schedule, Drivers, Tracks, Fantasy & Video from NASCAR
The old man still has a chance.Go old man go!

Schaber Spins Useless Job She Has Done
From Jo at FoxPolitics about a waste of words from lefty , useless Representative Bernard Schaber.

Someone in her district need's to run against Schaber. The title wave in upcoming elections cannot be squandered. Wisconsin needs changes in all levels of government. top to bottom to give us back our state, lower our taxes and create jobs in this state.

From Jo at FoxPolitics about a waste of words from lefty , useless Representative Bernard Schaber.
"Democrat end-of-year talking points. Troublesome.
A 1,660 word newsletter. Wow. Representative Bernard Schaber includes lists and lists of stuff the Democrat-controlled legislature supposedly got done this year. Take it with a grain of salt. The claims are ridiculous, distortions at best, and quite a bit of hyperbole if truth be told. Or perhaps it’s just the error by omission that’s so galling.
" FoxPolitics.net - Appleton, WI News - What's really going on in the Fox Cities
Someone in her district need's to run against Schaber. The title wave in upcoming elections cannot be squandered. Wisconsin needs changes in all levels of government. top to bottom to give us back our state, lower our taxes and create jobs in this state.

Green Wacko Vacation Packages
From the Pine River World News and Macleans.ca. Are these people crazy?
Are these green wackos crazy? Over $22,000 per person to get stuck in ice? If I spend money on a vacation, it sure won't be looking for penguins. I bet the stimulus money was spent on crap like this for tours of Antarctica. Green wacko tin hat nut jobs.

From the Pine River World News and Macleans.ca. Are these people crazy?
"Russian icebreaker carrying more than 100 tourists on Antarctic cruise reaches clear water
November 20, 2009 - 6:16
MOSCOW - A Russian cruise ship that has been struggling through a huge mass of sea ice for days has finally reached clear water off Antarctica.
The Captain Khlebnikov icebreaker carrying 101 passengers got stuck in the ice earlier this week near Snow Hill Island in the Weddell Sea off Antarctica. It has taken the ship five days to free itself, Fareastern Shipping Co. spokeswoman Tatyana Kulikova said Friday." Russian icebreaker carrying more than 100 tourists on Antarctic cruise reaches clear water | Macleans.ca - Canada - Features
Two-week tours aboard the Captain Khlebnikov to see emperor penguins range from $13,890 (C9,350) to $22,690 (C15,280) per person.
Are these green wackos crazy? Over $22,000 per person to get stuck in ice? If I spend money on a vacation, it sure won't be looking for penguins. I bet the stimulus money was spent on crap like this for tours of Antarctica. Green wacko tin hat nut jobs.

Lefty Fringe,
Thursday, November 19, 2009
PSA, How To Field Dress A Deer
To help all those hunters going out into Wisconsin this weekend.
From You Tube and Ardie. It only takes less then a minute, never seen someone do it that fast.
From You Tube and Ardie. It only takes less then a minute, never seen someone do it that fast.
Deer Hunt
30 Point Buck
"Da Tourist Trap Web Store
Features many categories of
quality gifts to suit any occasion!
All at great Yooperland prices!"
Da Yoopers Official Website index

Deer Hunt
You Mean John F Kerry's Daughter
From Pine River World News and Macleans.ca

From Pine River World News and Macleans.ca
"Sen. John Kerry's eldest daughter arrested in Hollywood for allegedly driving drunk
November 19, 2009 - 12:46
LOS ANGELES - The daughter of Sen. John Kerry has been arrested in Hollywood for allegedly driving drunk.
Los Angeles police say 36-year-old Alexandra Kerry was stopped by officers on a Hollywood street after midnight. Thursday and failed a sobriety test."
Sen. John Kerry's eldest daughter arrested in Hollywood for allegedly driving drunk | Macleans.ca - Canada - Features

Kagen's Vote Didn't Stop Foreclosures, Can You Vote For Him Again?
From Steve Kagen's own web site from May 2009. He tells us how his vote will stop foreclosures in housing. Below Kagen's press release is an article from Yahoo finance where it looks like Steve Kagen broke another promise. First Kagen's press release.

From Yahoo Finance.
I thought Steve Kagen said his vote would fix the problems people face. Another broken promise by Steve Kagen. Why would the people of the 8th district want to send him back to Washington in 2010.
Mr. Kagen, please do us all a favor and drop out of the 8th Congressional race.

"Press Release
Media Contact:
Jake Rubin 202.225.5665
Congressman Kagen Says We Have To Rewrite Our Laws To Guarantee That Everyone Has a Fair Shake
May 5, 2009
Washington, DC -- Congressman Steve Kagen, M.D. spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives this morning in favor of ending the predatory lending that has led to many home foreclosures. Kagen said:
“To put our nation on the road to recovery we have to do several things: First, we have to begin to clean up the economic mess that we've inherited after the past eight years. Secondly, we have to rewrite our laws to guarantee that everyone has a fair shake and a fair opportunity to make it in today's economy - and together we will.
Last week, I was very proud to stand here and vote for the Credit Cardholders' Bill of Rights, and today I rise in favor of the Mortgage and Anti-Predatory Lending Act.
This bill would help end the predatory lending that is a major factor in the many - far too many - home foreclosures now taking place. The bill would prohibit lenders from steering their customers into higher cost loans. It would ensure that borrowers actually have the ability to pay back the money that they're taking out, and it would establish a simple standard for all home loans.
I believe we have to work hard for people everywhere, to guarantee they can make it and keep their heads above water. Let's pass the Mortgage and Anti-Predatory Lending Act and build a better future for everyone.”
Congressman Kagen organized a discussion in Green Bay yesterday about credit card debt. He voted for the Credit Cardholder's Bill of Rights which passed overwhelmingly in the House calling it, “a wake-up call for everyone”.
The House is scheduled to vote on The Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act of 2009 this week."
Congressman Kagen Says We Have To Rewrite Our Laws To Guarantee That Everyone Has a Fair Shake
From Yahoo Finance.
"Foreclosures hitting more people with prime loans
Delinquencies and foreclosures set 9th straight record in 3rd quarter as layoffs keep rising
* By Alan Zibel, AP Real Estate Writer
* On 10:41 am EST, Thursday November 19, 2009
WASHINGTON (AP) -- A rising proportion of fixed-rate home loans made to people with good credit are sinking into foreclosure, adding to concerns about the strength of the economic recovery." Foreclosures hitting more people with prime loans - Yahoo! Finance
I thought Steve Kagen said his vote would fix the problems people face. Another broken promise by Steve Kagen. Why would the people of the 8th district want to send him back to Washington in 2010.
Mr. Kagen, please do us all a favor and drop out of the 8th Congressional race.

Election 2010,
Kagen 2010
It's Still Too Early
From the Shawano Leader

From the Shawano Leader
"Rick Nuske from SMU hangs a wreath on a pole Wednesday afternoon across from the courthouse in Shawano. Watching are Bill Beyer and Wally Pavc from the Shawano Public Works Department. Preparations were going on ahead of the Holiday Stroll event scheduled for Dec. 4-6 in Shawano. Leader photo by Donna Hobscheid"

A New Tax To Generate Government Funding
From the Green Bay Press. What are engineers doing here, do they know how bad this economy is?
First I will say I hate any taxes increased for anyone but maybe we should make an exception. We need Washington and Madison to vote for a special tax increase. Maybe the candidates in the 8th race should take notice. I am sick and tired of union members bitching and complaining about what most Americans are going through every day in this bad economy. Here's a specific plan to fund government.
I propose a sliding scale of a 3 to 8% tax on all WEAC, state and federal union only employees. The unions keep bitching their members are getting screwed by lay offs, furloughs, etc, etc.. So take this.
I propose a 3% tax on all WEAC, federal and state union employees in their first 10 years of employment with DC, Madison and local school districts.
I propose a 5% tax on all WEAC, federal and state union employees working 11 - 20 years of employment with DC, Madison and local school districts.
I propose a 8% tax on all WEAC, federal and state union employees working 21 - 30 years of employment with DC, Madison and local school districts. After 31 years of employment tax would be rescinded.
Most WEAC, state and federal union employees retire at at 55 so a 5% tax would be collected on anyone's pensions and retirement accounts if they decide to retire before age 65, soon to 70. If they work to 70, no tax would be collected.
Since they already pay union dues they shouldn't complain. Their dues get spent on democrat politicians so if a little extra is taken out of their checks, government could spend it on health care, new roads and ice salt for winter roads. That sounds fair.
Let's call it "SUM Tax. "Screw Union Members" tax.
I am sick and tired of teachers, state and federal workers who can't even take a pay freeze or a reduction in their contract wage increases in this bad economy. Here in Pulaski Wis. the school superintendent didn't push for a wage freeze and the teachers union wouldn't volunteer one. All they can do is raise the tax levy. Union members sit and complain when they get a 3% pay increase when they really wanted 5. They sit and bitch when they have to take furloughs but could of taken a couple weeks at 34, 35 or 38 hours in a couple of reduced work weeks.
BITCH,BITCH,BITCH,BITCH,BITCH, I think a lot of Americans are getting fed up with them. Let's all work together for "Hope and Change."
Anyone back a "SUM" tax?

"Engineers union files suit against state for layoffs
Workers claim they are entitled to unemployment pay
By SCOTT BAUER • The Associated Press • November 19, 2009
MADISON — A state union bargaining unit representing about 1,100 engineers filed a lawsuit against the state Tuesday seeking to stop temporary layoffs.
The union argued in the lawsuit, filed in Dane County Circuit Court, that the state purposefully structured the layoffs so it could recoup unemployment compensation benefits the engineers claim they are entitled to receive."
Engineers union files suit against state for layoffs | greenbaypressgazette.com | Green Bay Press-Gazette
First I will say I hate any taxes increased for anyone but maybe we should make an exception. We need Washington and Madison to vote for a special tax increase. Maybe the candidates in the 8th race should take notice. I am sick and tired of union members bitching and complaining about what most Americans are going through every day in this bad economy. Here's a specific plan to fund government.
I propose a sliding scale of a 3 to 8% tax on all WEAC, state and federal union only employees. The unions keep bitching their members are getting screwed by lay offs, furloughs, etc, etc.. So take this.
I propose a 3% tax on all WEAC, federal and state union employees in their first 10 years of employment with DC, Madison and local school districts.
I propose a 5% tax on all WEAC, federal and state union employees working 11 - 20 years of employment with DC, Madison and local school districts.
I propose a 8% tax on all WEAC, federal and state union employees working 21 - 30 years of employment with DC, Madison and local school districts. After 31 years of employment tax would be rescinded.
Most WEAC, state and federal union employees retire at at 55 so a 5% tax would be collected on anyone's pensions and retirement accounts if they decide to retire before age 65, soon to 70. If they work to 70, no tax would be collected.
Since they already pay union dues they shouldn't complain. Their dues get spent on democrat politicians so if a little extra is taken out of their checks, government could spend it on health care, new roads and ice salt for winter roads. That sounds fair.
Let's call it "SUM Tax. "Screw Union Members" tax.
I am sick and tired of teachers, state and federal workers who can't even take a pay freeze or a reduction in their contract wage increases in this bad economy. Here in Pulaski Wis. the school superintendent didn't push for a wage freeze and the teachers union wouldn't volunteer one. All they can do is raise the tax levy. Union members sit and complain when they get a 3% pay increase when they really wanted 5. They sit and bitch when they have to take furloughs but could of taken a couple weeks at 34, 35 or 38 hours in a couple of reduced work weeks.
BITCH,BITCH,BITCH,BITCH,BITCH, I think a lot of Americans are getting fed up with them. Let's all work together for "Hope and Change."
Anyone back a "SUM" tax?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Pretty Much Sums It Up
Lefty Fringe,
Here's Your Goal

From B & CC

From B & CC
"Camp Ripley
November 6, 2009
11/19 - Cory Williams informed Trophy Watch that this is his buck which has an unofficial green score of 189-6/8... 176-6/8 and field dressed at 265 lbs.
Thanks Cory for the information and congratulations on a tremendous animal.
Camp Ripley Military Base in Little falls, Minnesota produced this archery trophy reported to carry 14 scoreable points.
" Boone and Crockett Club | Trophy Watch

Deer Hunt
We Didn't Forget You Ladies
Deer gun season 2009 for the doe's, we LOVE you ladies.
From the Iron Mtn Daily News
And from Medford Wis.

Deer gun season 2009 for the doe's, we LOVE you ladies.
From the Iron Mtn Daily News
"IRON MOUNTAIN - Iron Mountain Main Street will celebrate the fourth annual Girls' Night Out this Thursday from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
This event encourages local women to come out for a night of mingling, shopping, dining, and pampering.
"This is my favorite event of the year and a wonderful evening for women who come downtown that night," said Kerri Hudson of Twisted Sisters Boutique.
"The number of interested businesses seems to keep growing," adds Main Street Manager Jonathan Ringel.
The businesses celebrating Girls' Night Out include: Artworks, BK Enterprises, Blackstone Pizza, Bond Decorating, Carlson Wagonlit, Cuisine Art, Curves, Devona, The Garden Room, Kingsley North, Linnea & Kristine, Michael's Fine Jewelry, Midtown Mall, Millie Hill Market, Moose Jackson, Perina's Mata Brown, Perennial Gardens, Poor Boy Roys, Richardson Jewelers of Iron Mountain, Salon 323, Savage Mane, Shirt Tails, Studio 360, Sweet Repeats, Twisted Sisters, and Wishing Well Gifts.
Many business are having special activities at their stores, Ringel said.
Twisted Sisters Boutique is hosting their annual PJ Party.
The second annual Wear 'Em or Share 'Em pajama party supports Caring House, the local domestic violence shelter.
Customers who bring in a pair of new pajamas (women's or kids) to either Twisted Sisters or Perennial Gardens will be entered to win a grand prize.
"Our package is even better then last year's," Hudson said.
The package includes prizes from local business including Fontana's, Perennial Gardens, Northern Michigan Dance Academy, Timber's Lodge, Heritage Limos, Montage Day Spa and Twisted Sisters.
In addition to an entry in the drawing, Twisted Sisters will be giving away a free pair of earrings to anyone who wears or donates pajamas to the cause."
Girls’ Night Out Thursday - IronMountainDailyNews.com | news, sports, business, jobs - The Daily News
And from Medford Wis.
"Ladies Night at The Turtle Club
The Turtle Club will be sponsoring a ladies night out to pamper yourself and receive specials deals. There will be drink and dinner specials. Each lady that walks through the door will receive a flower compliments of The Flower Shoppe. Ten local area businesses will display their products and services and will offer special deals and coupons. Ladies, treat yourself and head to The Turtle Club on Nov. 19th." Medford, Wisconsin, Chamber of Commerce - Calendar of Events

Deer Hunt
Just A Drop Will Do

"Tink's Trophy Buck Lure is reinforced with tarsal gland and interdigital gland secretions. This rutting odor induces a territorial challenge to a buck and provokes deer to seek out the intruder.
Sizes: 2 oz. with Scent Bomb, 4 oz. bottle without Scent Bomb."
Cabela's -- Tink's® Trophy Buck Lure

Deer Hunt
Is Everyone Ready
Who doesn't have there gear hanging outside?

And that's just the start of the features:

Who doesn't have there gear hanging outside?
All hunters during any firearms deer season must have 50% of their outer garments above the waist, including any head covering, colored Hunter Orange. (Exception: waterfowl hunters.) Wisconsin accepts camouflage orange, though solid Hunter Orange is recommended. " Hunter Orange Requirements - IHEA
"The ultimate blend of workwear proven durability, warmth AND hunting safety. Walls Legend series packs a tough, high visibility polyester shell fabric backed with a water-resistant laminate. Plus chill-fighting 6-oz. polyester fiberfill insulation. " Hunting Clothing, Blaze & Blaze Orange, Blaze Insulated Coveralls, By Walls at Sportsman's Guide
And that's just the start of the features:
* Fully lined with polyester taffeta for easy on / off
* 2-way zipper front with inner and outer storm flaps... snap at collar
* 2-way zipper from ankle to waist, with snap at ankle
* Rib-knit inner storm cuff keeps the drafts out
* 8 total pockets: 2 chest, 2 waist plus, 2 snap-close hip,1 mesh inner plus 1 regular inner
* 4 snaps under collar for optional hood (not included)
* Machine wash / dry. Imported.$89.97

Deer Hunt
Call Congress To Pass This Stimulus
From Daily gun pictures
Wonder if the 2010 candidates will back this?

"Stimulus Money Needed for AMMO"
Daily Gun Pictures: Norinco SKS, 7.62x39 Ammo, Spike Bayonet, 10-Round Magazine, Rifle Sling
Wonder if the 2010 candidates will back this?

Don't Jerk (y) Me Off
You know the old saying, "you can always choose your friends but you can't choose your family." Family feud in Sasquatch land.
From JS Online
I hate those commercials anyway.

From JS Online
"Court reinstates $5 million award in beef jerky dispute
By Associated Press
Posted: Nov. 17, 2009
Madison — A Wisconsin appeals court on Tuesday reinstated a $5 million damage award in a family feud involving one of the world's largest beef jerky companies.
The feud involves the family that owns Link Snacks Inc., which calls itself the leader in the $3 billion meat snack industry and is known for its "Messin' with Sasquatch" ad campaign.
A yearslong dispute has pitted company founder and chief executive Jack Link against his son Jay Link, who contends he was unfairly cut out of the business by his father and brother Troy Link in 2005."
Court reinstates $5 million award in beef jerky dispute - JSOnline
I hate those commercials anyway.

Run, Russ, Run

Seems Russ is running hard to raise money for his campaign.
From JSOmnline.
Russ is running scared. He knows who ever runs against him, he will have no cake walk.

Seems Russ is running hard to raise money for his campaign.
From JSOmnline.
"Election 2010
Feingold's re-election war chest open wide
3-term Democrat in top 2 for spending, top 5 for fund raising
By Diana Marrero of the Journal Sentinel
Posted: Nov. 17, 2009
Washington - Three-term Sen. Russ Feingold, who won his last election by 11 percentage points, has already spent $6.6 million on his next re-election bid - the second-highest total spent by any senator on the 2010 ballot.
Feingold, one of 29 senators up for re-election next year, also ranks in the top five when it comes to fund raising, bringing in roughly $9 million for his next election, according to his latest filing with the Federal Election Commission.
Feingold, a Middleton Democrat who has nurtured a reputation during his 17 years in the Senate as an independent crusader for clean government, says he is not yet in "full-fledged campaign mode."
"I'm focused on the fact that we have some difficult challenges right now," he said in a phone interview. "I'm not living and breathing a campaign right now."
Even so, Feingold seems to be on track to surpass his previous fund-raising totals. A year before his most recent election, in 2004, Feingold had raised $4.8 million; he had spent about $3.2 million. He ended up spending $11.2 million in that election.
So why, with the 2010 election still a year away, is Feingold raising and spending money at such a prolific rate?" Feingold's re-election war chest open wide - JSOnline
Russ is running scared. He knows who ever runs against him, he will have no cake walk.

Election 2010,
What's Another $5.00
From the Green Bay Press and AP
And cap and tax hasn't pasted yet.

"Regulators OK We Energies rate increase
November 18, 2009
The state Public Service Commission has approved a $90 million rate increase for We Energies subsidiary Wisconsin Electric Power Company, or WEPCO. That translates to $5 more a month for the average residential customer.
The commission also reduced WEPCO natural gas rates by $1.4 million, cutting monthly bills by 9 cents. It approved a $6.1 million gas increase for another We Energies' subsidiary, Wisconsin Gas Company. That translates to about 84 cents more per month.
The increases are expected to begin early next year.
— The Associated Press"
Regulators OK We Energies rate increase | greenbaypressgazette.com | Green Bay Press-Gazette
And cap and tax hasn't pasted yet.

House Fire By Berry Lake
From Fox 11.
Must of been a disappointed break in, no loot, burn the place. Hats off to the Underhill fire dept. who probably took care of most of the blaze.

"Crews battle fire in Oconto County
Updated: Tuesday, 17 Nov 2009, 9:23 PM CST
Published : Tuesday, 17 Nov 2009, 9:23 PM CST
Oconto County - Crews are battling a house fire in Oconto County. The house is on Menominee Line Road in the community of Underhill,which is just west of Gillett.
The Oconto County Sheriff's Department says the house is abandoned. There's no word on how the fire started.
" Crews battle fire in Oconto County
Must of been a disappointed break in, no loot, burn the place. Hats off to the Underhill fire dept. who probably took care of most of the blaze.

Oconto County
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Look Twice , Shoot Once
From the Escanaba Daily Press

From the Escanaba Daily Press
"The red buck statue in Ludington Park won’t have to worry about being the target of hunters this firearm deer season. A prankster offered the statue some added protection by reminding those with buck fever not to take a shot."
Don’t shoot! - DailyPress.net | News, Sports, Jobs, Escanaba Information | The Daily Press

Deer Hunt
Steve Kagen Addresses Hunters
from Steve Kagen from
These kind of press releases does nothing for Steve Kagen.

from Steve Kagen from
These kind of press releases does nothing for Steve Kagen.
"By Congressman Steve Kagen, M.D. Addresses
Here in Wisconsin we have a rich heritage of hunting, fishing and many other family-oriented outdoor traditions. During this year’s hunting season, our families and friends will come together to share yet another successful and safe experience in our bountiful woods, fields and streams.
All of us remain committed to protecting our natural resources so we may enjoy these traditions for generations to come. Likewise, I am committed to protecting our Second Amendment rights. Our freedom to hunt carries with it the responsibility of being safe." NewsoftheNorth.Net: Hunting Season in Wisconsin: Be safe and enjoy

Uh Oh
I guess some will have to wait, I guess some will have to pay.
From Owen at B&S
Wait till Obama Care.

I guess some will have to wait, I guess some will have to pay.
From Owen at B&S
"About 7,000 people are on a waiting list for the state’s health-care program for childless adults, and that list could grow to 20,000 or more by March.
The program extends the BadgerCare Plus program to adults who don’t have children. Before this year, the health plan was available only to children and their parents.
The state is designing a limited-benefit insurance program for people on the waiting list. That plan would cost people $100 to $130 a month, according to initial estimates; no tax money would be used to fund it." Boots and Sabers - The blogging will continue until morale improves...
Wait till Obama Care.

Health Care,
We Are Soooooo Screwed
How can our congressman and senators screw the people of Wisconsin like this? From Rush and ABC News. How can the people that represent Wisconsin let this happen. They voted for this!

This is not what Steve Kagen promised! How mad are you and how much more will you take? Will you call Steve Kagen and ask him where your tax dollars went. People are out of work and Steve Kagen is letting this government waste happen!

This is not what Dave Obey promised! How mad are you and how much more will you take? Will you call Dave Obey and ask him where your tax dollars went. People are out of work and Dave Obey is letting this government waste happen!

This is not what Ron Kind promised! How mad are you and how much more will you take? Will you call Ron Kind and ask him where your tax dollars went. People are out of work and Ron Kind is letting this government waste happen!

This is not what Gwen Moore promised! How mad are you and how much more will you take? Will you call Gwen Moore and ask him where your tax dollars went. People are out of work and Gwen Moore is letting this government waste happen!

This is not what Tammy Baldwin promised! How mad are you and how much more will you take? Will you call Tammy Baldwin and ask him where your tax dollars went. People are out of work and Tammy Baldwin is letting this government waste happen!
Here's more!

This is not what Herb Kohl promised! How mad are you and how much more will you take? Will you call Herb Kohl and ask him where your tax dollars went. People are out of work and Herb Kohl is letting this government waste happen!

This is not what Russ Feingold promised! How mad are you and how much more will you take? Will you call Russ Feingold and ask him where your tax dollars went. People are out of work and Russ Feingold is letting this government waste happen!
How much more can we take. This has to stop!

How can our congressman and senators screw the people of Wisconsin like this? From Rush and ABC News. How can the people that represent Wisconsin let this happen. They voted for this!
"Exclusive: Jobs 'Saved or Created' in Congressional Districts That Don't Exist
Human Error Blamed for Crediting New Stimulus Jobs to Nonexistent Places
Nov. 16, 2009
Here's a stimulus success story: In Arizona's 15th congressional district, 30 jobs have been saved or created with just $761,420 in federal stimulus spending. At least that's what the Web site set up by the Obama administration to track the $787 billion stimulus says. "
Jobs Saved or Created in Congressional Districts That Don't Exist - ABC News
There's one problem, though: There is no 15th congressional district in Arizona; the state has only eight districts.
This is not what Steve Kagen promised! How mad are you and how much more will you take? Will you call Steve Kagen and ask him where your tax dollars went. People are out of work and Steve Kagen is letting this government waste happen!
Green Bay, WI
700 E. Walnut Street
Green Bay, WI 54301
(920) 437-1954
Fax: (920) 437-1978
In Wisconsin, call toll
free at 1-800 773-8579
Appleton, WI
333 West College Ave.
Appleton, WI 54911
(920) 380-0061
Fax: (920) 380-0051
Washington, DC
1232 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5665
Fax: (202) 225-5729
And ABC News has found many more entries for projects like this in places that are incorrectly identified.
In Oklahoma, recovery.gov lists more than $19 million in spending -- and 15 jobs created -- in yet more congressional districts that don't exist.
This is not what Dave Obey promised! How mad are you and how much more will you take? Will you call Dave Obey and ask him where your tax dollars went. People are out of work and Dave Obey is letting this government waste happen!
Wausau Office
401 5th Street, Suite 406A
Wausau, WI 54403-5468
(715) 842-5606
Washington DC Office
2314 Rayburn Building
Washington, DC 20515-4907
(202) 225-3365
Superior Office
1401 Tower Avenue, Suite 307
Superior, WI 54880-1553
(715) 398-4426
In Iowa, it shows $10.6 million spent – and 39 jobs created -- in nonexistent districts.
This is not what Ron Kind promised! How mad are you and how much more will you take? Will you call Ron Kind and ask him where your tax dollars went. People are out of work and Ron Kind is letting this government waste happen!
1406 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
9am to 6pm
PH: (202) 225-5506
FX: (202) 225-5739
TTY: (202) 226-1772
La Crosse
205 Fifth Avenue S. , Suite 400
La Crosse, WI 54601
8:30am to 5pm
PH: (608) 782-2558
FX: (608) 782-4588
TTY: (608) 782-1173
Eau Claire
131 S. Barstow St.
Suite 301
Eau Claire, WI 54701
8:30am to 5pm
PH: (715) 831-9214
FX: (715) 831-9272
In Connecticut's 42nd district (which also does not exist), the Web site claims 25 jobs created with zero stimulus dollars.
This is not what Gwen Moore promised! How mad are you and how much more will you take? Will you call Gwen Moore and ask him where your tax dollars went. People are out of work and Gwen Moore is letting this government waste happen!
Washington, DC Office
Phone: 202-225-4572
Fax: 202-225-8135
District Office
219 N Milwaukee St STE 3A
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Phone: (414) 297-1140
Fax: (414) 297-1086
$68.3 million spent and 72.2 million spent in the 1st congressional district of the U.S. Virgin Islands.
This is not what Tammy Baldwin promised! How mad are you and how much more will you take? Will you call Tammy Baldwin and ask him where your tax dollars went. People are out of work and Tammy Baldwin is letting this government waste happen!
10 East Doty Street, Suite 405
Madison, Wisconsin 53703
(608) 258-9800
(608) 258-9808 Fax
400 E. Grand Ave, Suite 402
Beloit, WI 53511
(608) 362-2800
(608) 362-2838 Fax
2446 Rayburn Building
Washington DC 20515
(202) 225-2906
(202) 225-6942 Fax
Here's more!
$8.4 million spent and 40.3 jobs created in the 99th congressional district of the U.S. Virgin Islands.
$1.5 million spent and .3 jobs created in the 69th district and $35 million for 142 jobs in the 99th district of the Northern Mariana Islands.
$47.7 million spent and 291 jobs created in Puerto Rico's 99th congressional district.
This is not what Herb Kohl promised! How mad are you and how much more will you take? Will you call Herb Kohl and ask him where your tax dollars went. People are out of work and Herb Kohl is letting this government waste happen!
Washington Office
330 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-5653
Fax: (202) 224-9787
Eau Claire Office
402 Graham Ave., Suite 206
Eau Claire WI 54701
(715) 832-8424
Fax: (715) 832-8492
Appleton Office
4321 W. College Ave., Suite 370
Appleton, WI 54914
(920) 738-1640
Fax: (920) 738-1643
Milwaukee Office
310 W. Wisconsin Ave., Suite 950
Milwaukee, WI 53203
(414) 297-4451
Fax: (414) 297-4455
1-800-247-5645 Wisconsin Residents
Madison Office
14 W. Mifflin St., Suite 207
Madison, WI 53703
(608) 264-5338
Fax: (608) 264-5473
La Crosse Office
205 5th Avenue South, Room 216
La Crosse, WI 54601
(608) 796-0045
Fax: (608) 796-0089
This is not what Russ Feingold promised! How mad are you and how much more will you take? Will you call Russ Feingold and ask him where your tax dollars went. People are out of work and Russ Feingold is letting this government waste happen!
1600 Aspen Commons
Middleton, WI 53562-4716
(608) 828-1200
TDD (608) 828-1215
Fax (608) 828-1203
Hours: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
517 East Wisconsin Ave., Room 408
Milwaukee, WI 53202-4504
(414) 276-7282
Fax (414) 276-7284
Hours: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
La Crosse
425 State St., Room 225
La Crosse, WI 54601-3341
(608) 782-5585
Hours: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Green Bay
1640 Main Street
Green Bay, WI 54302-2639
(920) 465-7508
Hours: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Firstar Plaza
401 5th St., Room 410
Wausau, WI 54403
(715) 848-5660
Hours: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Washington, DC
506 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-4904
(202) 224-5323
TDD (202) 224-1280
Fax (202) 224-2725
How much more can we take. This has to stop!

McCormick Enters Race

Time to make some comments about Terry McCormick entering the Wisconsin 8th congressional race from the Green Bay Press. I am only going off the PG article which is what those who read the article can or might take from it.
How about a one year federal income tax moratorium? How about a six month moratorium on federal gasoline and diesel taxes. Cut the corporate tax rate to 10% for one year. Let's be specific. I'm not running, but as a voter, what will you do? Specific action would sure help people like families, seniors, workers, farmers, businesses and even those out of work Let's tell voters some well laid out plans. How can you give people back more of their own money? Why is it so hard for candidates to tell voters what they will do. This isn't a game, were talking peoples lives here!

Time to make some comments about Terry McCormick entering the Wisconsin 8th congressional race from the Green Bay Press. I am only going off the PG article which is what those who read the article can or might take from it.
"Terri McCormick of Greenville enters Republican race for 8th Congressional District seat
BY MALAVIKA JAGANNATHAN • mjaganna@greenbaypressgazette.com •
November 17, 2009
Former state Rep. Terri McCormick, R-Greenville, formally announced Tuesday she would join a host of Republican hopefuls in the 2010 8th Congressional District race."
Terri McCormick of Greenville enters Republican race for 8th Congressional District seat | greenbaypressgazette.com | Green Bay Press-Gazette
McCormick, who is in her early 50s, ran unsuccessfully against former state Rep. John Gard in the 2006 GOP primary. She says she is a more patient, thoughtful candidate this time around.First, at least Terry lives in the 8th district. Did I say that? Second, to the G B Press, what does her age have to do with her running? Normally the press puts a persons age right after their name. Example, Terry McCormick, 52, ( they're not specific on her age) R-Greenville, etc, etc.. Does the Green Bay media have a hidden agenda? Maybe MALAVIKA JAGANNATHAN is a Steve Kagen fan. Third, if she is a more patient and thoughtful candidate this time around, what is she saying to the constituents of the 8th district about her past? Is there something the voters should know? The paper does not expand on that comment.
U.S. Rep. Steve Kagen, D-Appleton, has represented the district since 2006. He won his second term in November and has not yet officially declared his intention to run for re-election in 2010.So Steve Kagen has yet to declare. Could of fooled me with all the press releases he keeps churning out. Yes I said press releases.
Speaking before a handful of supporters at the Rock Garden Supper Club/Club 1951 in Howard, McCormick outlined her priorities in Congress: job growth, regulation reform, national debt reduction, health care reform and term limits on federal officeholders.Sounds like the standard answers. Job growth, what about job creation? What specifically will she do to create jobs? It's jobs in Niagara, jobs in Kaukauna, jobs in Minocqua, jobs in Green Bay and Appleton. What's her specific plan to create jobs?
“The mess we’re in is generally because of a lack of leadership,” McCormick said."Generally", so if someone does not show leadership we can sometimes give them a pass and should vote for them?
Referring to the government’s involvement in using bailouts for economic recovery as “perpetual meddling in the free market,” McCormick said limiting government spending and encouraging private sector growth are key. Job recovery and growth are her No. 1 priority, she said.O K, Terry tells us government's blunders and mistakes but what will she do? If it's her # 1 priority, I ask again, what will she do? What spending will she cut back? Can we get some answers here? How do you encourage private sector growth? People are hurting, what will she do to help them? As Sargent Schultz might say, I hear nothing, I see nothing and everyone knows nothing.
How about a one year federal income tax moratorium? How about a six month moratorium on federal gasoline and diesel taxes. Cut the corporate tax rate to 10% for one year. Let's be specific. I'm not running, but as a voter, what will you do? Specific action would sure help people like families, seniors, workers, farmers, businesses and even those out of work Let's tell voters some well laid out plans. How can you give people back more of their own money? Why is it so hard for candidates to tell voters what they will do. This isn't a game, were talking peoples lives here!
She criticized current health care proposals in Congress, including the 10-year, $1.2 trillion measure passed by the House of Representatives and proposals in the Senate, saying they did not adequately address the cost of health care.What is she saying here, Kagen and the left didn't go far enough? What would she do different if she was in congress?
“It looks like a power struggle over who controls the insurance agencies,” McCormick said, adding that she would like to see open, competitive pricing for medical procedures.So the Press Gazette is comparing her to Kagen. Did she really say,...... I am speechless. People in the 8th do not want a Steve Kagen me too candidate. What about Kagen and Pelosi voting for fining or putting people in jail for not buying health insurance? What about cuts in Medicare. What about cut backs on Medicare Advantage? Seniors are worried about health care. Did she even mention Kagen's name? From the PG article, I guess not. Let's take some figurative shots across Kagens bow.
A similar transparency provision is what Kagen told the Green Bay Press-Gazette editorial board he wanted to see in the House bill.
McCormick represented the 56th Assembly District north and west of Appleton, but left the Legislature after three terms, a self-imposed term limit. If she wins the House seat, she said she would limit herself to four terms in Congress.Finally a specific reason for voters to think about. Term Limits.
Since leaving the Assembly, she has been a consultant and worked on a recently released book that draws on her experience in campaigning and the Legislature.Wait a minute, 10.2% unemployment and it's no different then her first assembly race? Paper mills shut down, car dealerships closed their doors and boat factories go belly up. People are desperate and this campaign is no different then 2000?
“I’m standing here in response to the phone calls and e-mails I’ve gotten,” McCormick said. “This election is not any different than my first state Assembly race.”
Other announced Republicans in the race are Howard physician Marc Trager, Kaukauna roofing contractor Reid Ribble, Door County Board member Marc Savard, Brown County Board member Andy Williams, and Kerry Thomas of Sayner in Vilas County.Terry McCormick makes it six in the republican race. Should be a rip roaring political year in the Wisconsin Congressional 8th District.

Election 2010,
Kagen 2010
Buck Fever Tonight
From Green Bay Press

From Green Bay Press
"Buck Fever event set for tonight in Shawano
Press-Gazette • November 17, 2009
SHAWANO — Deer hunters of all ages are invited tonight to get ready for hunting season with a Buck Fever Night of fun and education.
The Shawano County Conservation Association is presenting the free program from 6 to 9 p.m. at the county Highway Department, 3035 E. Richmond St.
Information will be available on hunting laws, trapping skills, guns, game calling, archery shooting and more." Buck Fever event set for tonight in Shawano | greenbaypressgazette.com | Green Bay Press-Gazette

Deer Hunt
Monday, November 16, 2009
Father Goose
Doing paper work and caught TCM run of Father Goose.
Cary Grant and Leslie Caron. From You tube. From 1964
Cary Grant and Leslie Caron. From You tube. From 1964
Need Change In Madison, Reason # 124
From MacIver Institute.
You can finish reason # 124 at above link. We need to vote change in Madison to change laws like minimum mark-up law.

From MacIver Institute.
"Wisconsin's Minimum Mark Up Law Harms Consumers
By MacIver Institute on November 16, 2009 12:26 PM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks
By James Wigderson
Special Persepective for the MacIver Institute
You may think it is too early to start thinking about Christmas, but it is not. At least one of the local radio stations has started playing Christmas music, and there are only 37 shopping days left in the Christmas season.
Unfortunately, Wisconsin makes your shopping more expensive than it has to be. In addition to the state sales tax, the additional sales taxes to support Miller Park and the Lambeau Field renovation, and other county sales taxes, Wisconsin law keeps prices artificially high with the minimum mark-up law, also known as the "Unfair Sales Act."
One of the dads in my son's Cub Scout pack ran smack into the law the other night. Chris was scouring the internet advertisements for pre-Black Friday deals when he came across a 42" LCD TV at Wal-Mart for $498. Chris thought Christmas came early, loaded the family up in the car, and went to Wal-Mart to take advantage of the "in-store" special.
Unfortunately for Chris, he did not notice that the online advertisement said, "Prices and availability may vary in AK, HI, OK and WI." "
Wisconsin's Minimum Mark Up Law Harms Consumers - MacIver Institute
You can finish reason # 124 at above link. We need to vote change in Madison to change laws like minimum mark-up law.

Election 2010,
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