From TMJ 4. Link also shows video.

"Thousands attend Tea Party on Milwaukee's Lakefront
By Michael George
MILWAUKEE- Thousands attended a Tea Party on Milwaukee's lakefront Saturday afternoon.
Those who attended the rally believed they were being taxed enough already and opposed President Obama's efforts to reform healthcare.
The tea party brought out a lot of conservative stars from commentator Michelle Malkin to Joe the Plumber, but it also brought thousands of ordinary citizens who wanted to show their with anger towards the government. "This is my country. I'm an American," one attendee said.
"There's anger at our government for spending our children and grand children's future," another protester told us.
Speakers included local Republican leaders like County Executive Scott Walker and Sheriff David Clarke.
Organizers say the message is that people are fed up with the government. "The thousands of people that are out here today are normal people, just everyday people like you and me who are concerned about excessive government spending and over taxation," an organizer said.
In the crowd of thousands, there was one Obama supporter. He argued, while being heckled, that the problems people are angry about started long before President Obama took over. "They're blaming Obama for the nine months that he has been in office when the problems were created the eight years before that," Obama's supporter said.
The protest was peaceful. there were no incidents reported.
Organizers estimate anywhere from 3,000 to 10,000 people attended."
Thousands attend Tea Party on Milwaukee's Lakefront | Today's TMJ4 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin News, Weather, Sports, WTMJ | Local News