The time has arrived for the people of Northeastern Wisconsin to rise up and take back our country.
How many of your friends and neighbors are out of work?
How many businesses have closed their doors?
How many businesses have filed for bankruptcy and laid off your friends and neighbors?
How many companies will be taken over by our government?
Can you take the chance government run health care will talk care of you and and your family like Canada and Great Brittan has now?
How many people do you know who have lost their house or can't afford to pay their rent?
How many people do you know are going through hard times for their family and friends?
How much more money can government spend that it doesn't have?
Families with children, can you afford higher costs for daycare of your children because of taxes being raised by your elected officials?
Can you afford a higher garbage tax, a higher cell phone tax, a higher hospital tax, higher property taxes, the list goes on and all being done by your elected officials?
It's time to take back the country our forefathers gave us. We need to take back our counrty where men and women died for the freedom we have today. Did they sacrifice their lives to let our government take away our freedom, and our way of life?
Stand up for Northeastern Wisconsin. Stand up for the State of Wisconsin. Stand up for the United States of America.
You need to stand up and be counted when President Obama comes to Green Bay on Thursday. Be not angry, be not afraid, but you need to protest the direction this country is going in a calm organized peaceful way. Make a sign or just walk along and be counted.
It is your privilege and duty as an American citizen to protect and preserve this country for yourself, your children and for your grandchildren.
Join other Americans and tell our government to stop the spending, stop higher taxes and stop the social experiment in the changing of this GREAT country of ours.
From Jerry Bader at WTAQ and Todd Lohenry at the
Right Side of Wisconsin. "Starting at 8, Jerry will be at Beaver Dam Park on Hobart off of W. Point east of Packerland. About 10:15, we will proceed via W. Point to Packerland on foot and stay there until about noon. Timing is critical — we must be in place by 11:10! Please remember to be courteous, EVEN TO THOSE WHO DISAGREE WITH YOU! And please remember to respect people’s property…" The Party of Know
Go to the link below if you care about your children your grandchildren and your country. Pass it on! Tell your friends and neighbors! Pass the word to everyone you know and be there to be counted! We need to see you there!"‘We are the Party of Know’ gathering…" The Party of Know