Success - The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will. Vincent T. Lombardi
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Colts / Chargers
4th qtr 1:43 left.
Why didn't the Colts take a safety?
They could of punted and pinned the chargers back at the 20.
Dumb As?@#
Update, 31 seconds 17 /17
DUMB ARSES COLTS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why didn't the Colts take a safety?
They could of punted and pinned the chargers back at the 20.
Dumb As?@#
Update, 31 seconds 17 /17
DUMB ARSES COLTS!!!!!!!!!!!!
What The Hell, Forgive Us Lord For Swearing
We are watching the colts and chargers and Hyundai has a t v spot."If you find that you cannot make your payment because of a covered life changing event, we'll allow you to return your vehicle".
Mrs Berry Laker jumped out of her chair and yelled, "what the hell is this and who the hell would buy a car for that? Sorry Lord but this is getting out of hand.
Do they also get their down payment back?
Don't think so!
I think "O" will have a come to Jesus moment and will not know how to handle it this year.
Per Rush, dear Lord, please keep this sitcom going.
I try not to swear on this blog but please Lord forgive me.
You DUMB ASSES. you will get everything you didn't want.
Good for you, I will not participate.
Mrs Berry Laker jumped out of her chair and yelled, "what the hell is this and who the hell would buy a car for that? Sorry Lord but this is getting out of hand.
"A decade ago Hyundai pioneered America's Best Warranty™. Now we're providing another kind of confidence. Finance or lease any new Hyundai, and if in the next year you lose your income*, we'll let you return it. That's the Hyundai Assurance.
Starting today you can feel good about buying a car, despite these current times. If you find that you cannot make your payment because of a covered life changing event, we'll allow you to return your vehicle and walk away from your loan obligation - and in most cases we will cover most, if not all of the difference." Hyundai Assurance - Vehicle Return Program
Do they also get their down payment back?
Don't think so!
I think "O" will have a come to Jesus moment and will not know how to handle it this year.
Per Rush, dear Lord, please keep this sitcom going.
I try not to swear on this blog but please Lord forgive me.
You DUMB ASSES. you will get everything you didn't want.
Good for you, I will not participate.
This is NUTS
Ol' Broad said

As Ol' Broad said, "…..I thought it was cool! And it’s MY blog, so I can do what I want"!
This is pretty cool. I wish my dad, grandparents, mother in law, aunt's and uncle's could of seen this.
Thank You Dear.
Obama, The Sky's will open, The Seas will.................
What gives? I guess if you say nothing, you get a pass from the MSM.
I thought all was to be good? What's happening here?
Cat must have his tongue.
What gives? I guess if you say nothing, you get a pass from the MSM.
I thought all was to be good? What's happening here?
"Obama keeps silent on explosive Gaza conflict
Jan 3 05:41 PM US/Eastern"
Obama keeps silent on explosive Gaza conflict
As the clock ticks down to Barack Obama's inauguration, the US president-elect has kept silent on the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its latest deadly turn in the Gaza Strip.
Cat must have his tongue.
Jim Doyle, Lying To The People Of Wisconsin
Another great read from the Lakeland-Times and Richard Moore on Jim Doyle.
Why does the rest of the MSM not question this? Maybe it is time for the Lakeland-Times to be the paper of record in Wisconsin. Obviously no one else knows how to report real news.
A good read, enjoy real reporting!
Why does the rest of the MSM not question this? Maybe it is time for the Lakeland-Times to be the paper of record in Wisconsin. Obviously no one else knows how to report real news.
A good read, enjoy real reporting!
"1/2/2009 9:04:00 AM
Is Doyle telling the truth on state budget deficit?" Is Doyle telling the truth on state budget deficit?
Richard Moore
Investigative Reporter
In November, just as the extent of the national economic crisis was becoming known, Gov. Jim Doyle let Wisconsin's citizens know just how bad the state's budget outlook was going to be, and it wasn't any better than the national forecast.
The state, the governor said, was facing a $5.4 billion deficit, the worst in its history and among the worst in the nation. No sooner than he said it than newspapers began to repeat it, wrapping the mysterious numbers in blaring headlines and leaving them for their readers in relentless articles, like lumps of coal beneath a Christmas tree.
A month later, the governor set off to Washington, hat in hand, laying out the reasons for the deficit and presenting a 'wish list' of infrastructure projects worth more than $3.5 billion, federal money for which, he said, would help ease the Badger state's pain.
The governor seemed to be asking a federal Santa to turn his lumps of coal into toys and candy.
There's no doubt visions of sugar plums were dancing in his head.
On Dec. 12, he testified before the House Appropriations Committee, using dire language. If it hadn't been for the nation's bad economy, he told the committee, his administration would have had things under control.
"Wisconsin's budget, which is typical of state budgets, is required to be balanced by law," Doyle testified. "So when the economy slows, we have to adjust. Until September we were on course to meet our revenue projections."
Then, Doyle said, he made cuts in state government spending to compensate for the unexpected downturn.
"I made $270 million in cuts to state government this year," he said. "Those cuts, when combined with actions we took in our original two-year spending plan, totaled $500 million in reductions to state agencies. These actions were recognized as an ability to adapt and manage a challenging fiscal situation, and Wall Street upgraded our bond rating."
Unfortunately, the governor continued, the economic crisis finally caught up with Wisconsin.
"We predicted the slumping economy would leave us $28 billion in revenues as we prepared for our 2009-11 biennial budget," Doyle testified. "But after what happened this fall, we now predict only $25 billion in revenues over the two-year period. The projected drop in revenue, combined with expected needed increases in programs such as unemployment and Medicaid, leaves us facing our largest budget gap ever - $5.4 billion over the next two years, or 17 percent of our biennial budget."
That same day, Doyle asked federal officials for $3.7 billion in federal funds from a proposed economic stimulus package. The request included $600 million to help clean up the Fox River Valley, $298 million in highway projects, $993 million for energy conservation, and $754 million for public school building, including $474 million in school improvements that voters had already turned down in various referenda.
The Republican Party of Wisconsin jumped on the proposal immediately.
"In tough economic times, that money should be spent on projects that are absolutely necessary to fill the budget gap," Mark Jefferson, executive director of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, said. "Projects rejected by voters clearly do not fall under that category. Wisconsin taxpayers are clearly far more willing to make the tough decisions needed to control spending than their governor."
It was hypocritical for Doyle to say that taxes must be raised or vital services would be cut when he proposed spending nearly half a billion dollars on projects the taxpayers didn't even want, Jefferson added.
Is the deficit real?
Perhaps more important, GOP leaders essentially accused Doyle of crying wolf, saying his projection of a $5.4 billion deficit was overblown - way overblown.
According to the GOP, nearly half of the proclaimed deficit was actually comprised of new spending requests contained in the proposed 2009-11 budget. Get rid of those requests, the GOP said, and 50 percent of the deficit disappeared.
The Democrats were simply creating a cover for a planned "tax and spend mode" of governance, the Republican Party said in a statement. The GOP officials pointed to a report entitled "State Deficit: How big? Why?" by the Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance (WISTAX).
The report, released Dec. 4, did indeed attribute $2.76 billion of Doyle's projected deficit to new spending requests and further said Doyle's numbers were "heavily based on assumptions" that could be misleading.
"[The report] notes that granting those spending requests and funding past state promises (the "structural deficit"), would result in state expenditure growth of 8 percent next year and 3.1 percent the year following," WISTAX said in a statement summarizing the study. "The report questioned that assumption since annual state general fund spending increases have averaged only 3.4 percent over the past decade."
In addition to assuming major expenditure increases, state deficit predictions also presumed that state officials would take no action to close the deficit over the next two-and-a-half years, WISTAX stated.
"Of course, how realistic these forecasts are hinges on what can be projected 31 months hence about the economy, federal actions, state tax collections, and expenditures," the group continued. "Current projections show tax collections for this year and the next two years totaling $1.33 billion below 2008 collections."
A third factor contributing to the estimated deficit was what WISTAX called years of unwise fiscal planning. During the 1990s, the group stated, the state overcommitted to new programs for schools, health and welfare, corrections, and tax relief, thus beginning every budget after 1995 with a structural deficit - future unfunded commitments - of between $ .6 billion and $1.3 billion.
"With headlines and politicians repeating deficit estimates of more than $5 billion, the public is left thinking that a solution must require at least $5 billion in permanent spending cuts or tax increases," WISTAX concluded. "Yet much of that figure assumes unrealistic spending requests, structural imbalances carried over from the past, and a failure to address fiscal problems immediately but instead allowing them to compound and grow."
Why would the governor mislead?
All of which begs the question: Why would Doyle throw out such a misleading and large number, knowing it contained, at the very least, $2.76 billion in new spending requests from individual state agencies, much of which was unrealistic and unlikely to be approved, even by the governor himself?
One answer, of course, could be that federal money and a chance for the state to get its hands on it.
But GOP state Sen. Mary Lazich (R-New Berlin), in her weekly column, had a different take on Doyle's motives.
"I have to wonder if the governor isn't purposely sounding like Chicken Little, painting the dire picture of the worst budget crisis in Wisconsin history, whipping state residents into a collective depression of epic proportions," Lazich wrote in her piece. "Why the bearer of such bad news? Think about it. The governor overstates the budget debacle by a country mile, allowing him to offer dramatic, headline-grabbing spending cuts as solutions."
If a Republican posed such measures, she stated, the press would label them "draconian."
"Editorial boards would rave, though, about Doyle, calling the governor and his moves, 'courageous,'" Lazich wrote. "Undoubtedly, the governor and legislative Democrats will also salivate at the opportunity to seek new revenues, i.e., raise taxes. At the end of the day, when the dust clears and the true budget deficit is actually much smaller, the governor and Democrat lawmakers will claim victory and come off as fiscal conservative heroes."
That illusion is critical, she concluded, because Doyle is up for possible re-election in two years and needs something to separate himself from an expected liberal agenda by Democrats in the Legislature.
So far, legislative Democrats have remained largely silent about the GOP charges of a trumped-up deficit, choosing instead to talk about the need to protect health care and education and to create jobs within the context of a $5.4 billion deficit.
They have let Doyle and his administration's numbers take the lead, in other words. Soon, though, lawmakers will have to speak, and the wait won't be long. The legislative session kicks off next week, and, with majorities in both chambers, the Democrats' legislative agenda will quickly give the party its voice.
Whether they promise sugar plums and give us coal - the GOP prediction of higher taxes - or deliver a populist present of economic rejuvenation and fiscal responsibility remains to be seen.
This is NUTS,
Sailor of the Year
From the Shawano Leader
A local HERO.
A local HERO.
"Suring native named Sailor of the Year
By Leader Staff
NORFOLK, Va. - A Suring native was named Senior Sailor of the Year by the Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG) 2.
ESG 2 Flag Writer, Yeoman 1st Class (SW/AW) Alan Foote, was selected as the unit’s Senior Sailor of the Year for 2008.
“It is the one of the biggest types of recognition any enlisted person could receive,” said Foote. “The competition was very tight, and in my opinion, everyone who was competing could have been selected. I just know that personally, it is a nice feeling to know that your peers and seniors recognize the impact that I make to contribute to this operational unit.”
As flag writer, YN1 Foote is responsible for assisting with the management of the commander’s daily schedule, travel and operational requirements.
YN1 Foote is the son of Connie Strugle of Green Bay and is a 1990 graduate of Suring High School. He will graduate with a bachelor’s degree in human resource management from Saint Leo’s University early next year.
Foote has 17 years of service in the U.S. Navy.
Information Systems Technician Specialist 2nd Class Chris Bennett of Georgia was selected as the command’s Junior Sailor of the Year for 2008.
“We’re very lucky to have the services of these two standout Sailors,” said Rear Adm. Terry McKnight. “We have an incredibly talented staff here at ESG 2 and YN1 Foote and IT2 Bennett are two of our best.”" Shawano Leader
Oconto County,
Friday, January 02, 2009
The Obama, Inauguration Theme To the American People
We will all be numb from the taxes they will take from us.
For those, you will get what you voted for!
For those, you will get what you voted for!
Floyd, The Wall, Comfortly Numb
Link to FLOYD!!!!!
Can't say anything more.
Can't say anything more.
Take The Test
"Take the test yourself. from " Stepping Right Up!
This is me!
"Your Conservative Breed: Flag-Waving Everyman
You are a Faith-Based Fighter, also known as a religious conservative. You believe in Judeo-Christian values, restoring God’s rightful place in the public square, and in showing all the unwashed and unsaved liberal sinners the path to salvation, or at least to the GOP.
You are a Flag-Waving Everyman, also known as a patriot. You believe in freedom, apple pie, rooting for America at all times, and that God gave us a two-day weekend so we could enjoy football and NASCAR." Political Quiz - What Type of Conservative Are You?
I have to make one change to to the path of liberals, not to the GOP (too many RINO'S) but to
Tension In Bay Area
From My Way News.
Is there a another reason for the raised tensions?
Could it be because of Proposition 8?
Here is the link for more information.
Is there a another reason for the raised tensions?
Could it be because of Proposition 8?
Here is the link for more information.
"Influx of black renters raises tension in Bay Area
Dec 30, 3:24 PM (ET)
My Way News - Influx of black renters raises tension in Bay Area
ANTIOCH, Calif. (AP) - As more and more black renters began moving into this mostly white San Francisco Bay Area suburb a few years ago, neighbors started complaining about loud parties, mean pit bulls, blaring car radios, prostitution, drug dealing and muggings of schoolchildren.
In 2006, as the influx reached its peak, the police department formed a special crime-fighting unit to deal with the complaints, and authorities began cracking down on tenants in federally subsidized housing.
Now that police unit is the focus of lawsuits by black families who allege the city of 100,000 is orchestrating a campaign to drive them out.
"A lot of people are moving out here looking for a better place to live," said Karen Coleman, a mother of three who came here five years ago from a blighted neighborhood in nearby Pittsburg. "We are trying to raise our kids like everyone else. But they don't want us here."
City officials deny the allegations in the lawsuits, which were filed last spring and seek unspecified damages.
This is NUTS
Diamond Jim Doyle, Wisconsin's Bankrupt King
From Reuters.
Can anyone in the MSM ask him "WHO THE HELL IS GOING TO PAY FOR IT? That's right, the MSM is getting a bailout!!!!!!!!!!
Does he know that he will bankrupt the state of Wisconsin!
For those that voted DEM, You will get what you voted for!
That's it, time for John Galt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Update from Chris at Badger Blog Alliance ,I am so DAM proud to be from Wisconsin. Diamond Jim is in charge of begging for money from "O"??????????????????????"What ever Diamond Jim is smoking"?
Can anyone in the MSM ask him "WHO THE HELL IS GOING TO PAY FOR IT? That's right, the MSM is getting a bailout!!!!!!!!!!
U.S. governors seek $1 trillion federal assistance
Fri Jan 2, 2009 5:48pm EST
The Obama team has been very receptive in listening to us," said Gov. Jim Doyle of Wisconsin. He said "quite a number" of other governors back the initiative." U.S. governors seek $1 trillion federal assistance | U.S. | Reuters
Does he know that he will bankrupt the state of Wisconsin!
For those that voted DEM, You will get what you voted for!
That's it, time for John Galt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is NUTS,
Oh Yea, Now 3rd Hand Smoke
From Nick at WISN and Science Daily.
Oh, yea, really!
"Third-hand Smoke: Another Reason To Quit Smoking"
Third-hand Smoke: Another Reason To Quit Smoking
ScienceDaily (Dec. 31, 2008) — Need another reason to add "Quit Smoking" to your New Year's resolutions list? How about the fact that even if you choose to smoke outside of your home or only smoke in your home when your children are not there – thinking that you're keeping them away from second-hand smoke – you're still exposing them to toxins? In the January issue of Pediatrics, researchers at MassGeneral Hospital for Children (MGHfC) and colleagues across the country describe how tobacco smoke contamination lingers even after a cigarette is extinguished – a phenomenon they define as "third-hand" smoke.
Oh, yea, really!
This is NUTS
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
SpongeBob Going Dark
From Yahoo Finance.
Isn't Time Warner in the Milwaukee area?
Isn't Time Warner in the Milwaukee area?
'Colbert,' 'SpongeBob' may go dark on Time Warner
Wednesday December 31, 6:52 am ET
By Ryan Nakashima, AP Business Writer
'Colbert,' 'SpongeBob' may be dropped from Time Warner Cable in fee dispute with Viacom
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- "SpongeBob SquarePants" may be getting squeezed off of Time Warner Cable.
Media giant Viacom Inc. said its Nickelodeon, MTV, Comedy Central and 16 other channels will go dark on Time Warner Cable Inc. at 12:01 a.m. Thursday if a new carriage fee deal is not agreed upon by then."
'Colbert,' 'SpongeBob' may go dark on Time Warner: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Hardee's Closes Four Local Restaurants
From the Wausau Daily Herald.
"Hardee's closes four local restaurants
December 31, 2008
Hardee's fast-food restaurants have closed abruptly in four north and central Wisconsin communities." Hardee's closes four local restaurants | | Wausau Daily Herald
Workers took down promotional material at the Hardee's in Rothschild on Monday and replaced it with signs that said the restaurant was closed for good. Likewise, the Hardee's in Antigo and Wisconsin Rapids locked their doors. The restaurant in Minocqua also has closed.
The restaurants' owner, Doro Inc. of Eau Claire, did not immediately return a phone call seeking comment.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Kelly Lake Wisconsin, Oconto County

How artistic the people of Kelly Lake are. They look almost like snow castles at Berry Lake or Madison or Minneapolis. Darn, did I use the wrong photo again?
Thanks Bruce at Badger Blogger for the photo and thank you the state of Wisconsin for spending our tax dollars foolishly. You can read his post at the link.
Is this a picture where you live? Give me a comment and link to your site to show everyone your great town or residence. Bruce doesn't mind so please use his picture.
P S , Kelly Lake is a beautiful place in our county and has great people living there.
Here is a link to their Web Site.
Oconto County
Beautiful Berry Lake Wisconsin

Since state government can make million dollar mistakes. Can't everyone?
This is a view of Berry Lake looking north. Notice the snow castles the kids built over the Christmas week.
Dog gone it! Did I put the wrong picture on this post? Sure looks like Berry Lake to me.
You can read Bruce's post at above link.
Thanks Bruce for the help.
Ps, we here on Berry Lake have our own web site . Give it a look.
Local Unemployment
From the Peshtigo Times.
"Unemployment Up In 4 Area Counties
Unemployment was up for November in the four county area of Marinette, Oconto, Florence and Forest according to a report by the Department of Workforce Development (DWD) released Tuesday, Dec. 23.
In Marinette County the rate was 7.1%, up from 5.7% in October and up from 5.7% in November 2007.
Oconto County totals for November was 7.5%, up from 6.0% in October and up from 5.8% one year ago.
Florence County reported unemployment for November at 7.9%, up from 5.9% in October and up from the 5.8% recorded in November 2007.
Forest County figures were 6.0% for November compared to 5.0% in October and 5.7% in November 2007.
The unemployment rates for Marinette, Oconto and Florence were above the national unemployment rate of 6.5% for November.
“The latest unemployment rates underscore the challenges we face in a prolonged national economic crisis affecting all states,” Secretary Roberta Gassman said. “In this period of uncertainty, we will do all that we can to strengthen our workforce so that our high value employers have workers with the right skills and ensure that Wisconsin is at the forefront of a national economic recovery.”
Unemployment rates increased in all 72 Wisconsin counties during the month of November. Iron County, up 3.5 percentage points, recorded the greatest increase in rate. The lowest rate for the month was Lafayette County at 3.5 percent, followed by Dane and Buffalo counties at 3.6 and 3.7 percent respectively. Menominee and Iron counties had the highest rates at 9.4 and 9.2 percent respectively. " Peshtigo Times Wisconsin Community Newspaper
On an annual basis, Menomonie, which dropped 0.2 percentage points, was the lone county to show a decrease in rate. The greatest increase occurred in Green Lake County, up 2.5 percentage points, followed by Taylor and Rock counties, which both increased 2.4 percentage points. Twenty-seven counties recorded rates less than five percent in November. Fourteen Wisconsin counties recorded rates higher than the national unemployment rate of 6.5 percent in November.
Unemployment rates increased in each of the state’s 12 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA) in November compared to October. All 12 MSAs recorded higher rates in November 2008 than November 2007. The Madison MSA had the lowest rate in November at 3.9 percent. The Janesville MSA recorded the highest rate at 7.4 percent.
Preliminary nonfarm wage and salary jobs decreased in eight of the 11 reporting metro areas over the month. The Madison and Oshkosh-Neenah MSAs recorded job increases, while the Janesville MSA recorded no change. When November preliminary job numbers are compared to the November 2007 totals, the results show decreases in job accounts in 10 of 11 metro areas, with one (Oshkosh- Neenah) unchanged.
Oconto County
Satellite Jail In Gillett
From the Peshtigo Times.
My problem so far is why spend $46,690 to do a study. Put the money towards more jail space or another officer. Again, why do a study?
Here is something interesting.
More jobs in Gillett.
Wonder what people in Gillett think? If it saves tax payers money and helps the jail overcrowding, it could be an option.
"Oconto Co. Board Okays Jail Survey; Debates Raises
After a lengthy discussion at their Thursday, Dec. 18 meeting, the Oconto County Board of Supervisors voted 26-4 in favor of a contract with Kimme & Associates Inc. of Champaign, IL. for a feasibility study consisting of a preliminary description of jail, juvenile, and sheriff’s needs, options and costs, including an assessment of bed rental opportunities and alternatives per the K&A proposal dated July 25, 2008. The cost is $46,690. Only Bill Popp, Gerald Gehling, Eugene Winter and Rose Stellmacher voted in opposition.
Administrative Coordinator Kevin Hamann said a request for proposal was solicited earlier this year, to look at the jail population, juvenile population, and whether the jail can be updated, expanded, or remodeled. Three proposals were received, and Kimme and Associates was the preferred firm. Asked why the low bid was not picked, Hamann said Kimme gave the best presentation. Gerald Beekman, Chairman of the Law Enforcement Committee agreed, saying, “Kimme impressed me the most. They will also do public relations outreach.”
Gehling, a former Oconto County Sheriff, said, “The system is going backward. It is impossible to build in these economic conditions. I don’t agree with going out of town. As for juveniles, I have personal experience - forget it! A waste of money.”
Sheriff Mike Jansen responded, “We’re not asking for bricks and mortar. It costs $250,000 a year to farm out our prisoners. Twenty-one are out now at $40 per day. I can keep on doing that. Is it feasible to build a new facility or continue farming out? Sooner or later we won’t be able to farm out. We ended up putting six in Shawano recently. Forest County was full.”"
Wisconsin Community Newspaper
My problem so far is why spend $46,690 to do a study. Put the money towards more jail space or another officer. Again, why do a study?
Here is something interesting.
Popp urged , “Build a jail near Gillett - centralized. Use electronics. Lots of places don’t have jails right by the courthouse. You can transport.”
“Yes, it can be done by videoconferencing, but various kinds of hearings cannot be held via videoconferencing,” Sheriff Jansen said. Claire Trepanier suggested that a courtroom can be in a new jail.
More jobs in Gillett.
Wonder what people in Gillett think? If it saves tax payers money and helps the jail overcrowding, it could be an option.
Oconto County
News From Shawano, Wisconsin
From the Shawano Leader.
This is getting really scary in the area.
"Man found asleep in salon chair arrested
A 20-year-old Seymour man was arrested Friday morning after being found asleep in a chair in a beauty salon, where he told police he had broken in to go skateboarding.
The owner of another South Main Street business was out shoveling snow shortly after 11 a.m. Friday when he spotted a broken window and blood at Jacky’s Beauty Salon, 619 S. Main St.
Police responding discovered the sleeping man, who had sustained several cuts presumably from the broken window. He also appeared to have been drinking and was in possession of a bag of marijuana, according to police.
The man told police he thought he was at another area business where the owner allows skateboarding in the basement.
He was arrested for criminal trespass, possession of marijuana, underage drinking and bail jumping." Shawano Leader
This is getting really scary in the area.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Gov. Waste
With all the tax dollors spent on new construction in Fond du Lac the past how many years, how can this happen. How many times has this happened already, even in summer!
Who is going to pay to fix the problem?
The tax payers agian. Talk about a waste of money!
Who is going to pay to fix the problem?
The tax payers agian. Talk about a waste of money!
"Flooding closes U.S. 41 in Fond du Lac County
Posted: Dec. 27, 2008
Milwaukee streets aren't the only ones experiencing problems due to flooding from rain and melting snow.
Flooding also has closed all lanes of U.S. 41 at Hickory Rd. in Fond du Lac County this afternoon. The road remained closed at 5:30 p.m., according to a local dispatcher.
Warmer temperatures and rain caused officials in Brown, Calumet, Outagamie and Winnebago counties to close their snowmobile trails Saturday." Flooding closes U.S. 41 in Fond du Lac County - JSOnline
This is NUTS,
Free Health Care Everyone Wants
From Patrick McIlheran " Right On - JSOnline . From the Times Online
Is this what everyone wants? I don't think so!
You voters for left, you will not like what you get.
Is this what everyone wants? I don't think so!
"December 26, 2008
Edinburgh Royal Infirmary apologises after baby was born on floor" Edinburgh Royal Infirmary apologises after baby was born on floor - Times Online
Melanie Reid
A pregnant woman was left unattended for hours and had to give birth on a hospital floor despite her desperate appeals for a bed.
Health board officials have apologised to Lynne Neilson, 36, whose baby started to arrive as she stood, still clothed, in a cold assessment room after hours of waiting to be admitted to the labour ward. As the head appeared, a midwife ran in just in time to put a paper mat on the floor and catch the baby, who had the umbilical cord around her neck.
Mrs Neilson and her husband, Gavin, made an official complaint to the hospital and to Nicola Sturgeon, the Health Minister, after the incident at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. NHS Lothian announced on Christmas Eve that it had begun an investigation and had apologised.
The couple had arrived at the Simpson Memorial Maternity Pavilion early on December 5, but went home when the labour slowed. They returned at 7pm and were told to sit in the waiting room. Contractions quickened and Mr Neilson asked repeatedly for help until his wife, in pain and barely able to walk, was finally moved to an assessment room and examined by a midwife.
Mrs Neilson said: “She said she’d come back in 20 minutes and that’s when it all really went wrong, because she didn’t come back. She was seeing other patients.”
Two and a half hours after they had arrived, their baby, Orla, was born. Mrs Neilson said: “The room we were in was cold. There was a narrow trolley – not a bed – which I couldn’t get up on to. I was shouting out – it was so undignified, because everybody in the waiting room would have been able to hear us. I felt a huge pressure and at that point I knew that the baby was going to be born.”
A midwife arrived just in time to find Orla’s head emerging. Mrs Neilson said: “She took control and put down a disposable mat on the floor. She caught the baby – I was standing up and she was born on to the floor. I was very relieved that the midwife had come, because we were panicking.”
After the birth, Mrs Neilson was helped on to the trolley, but the family waited another hour before being transferred upstairs to a labour ward. They said they were told that the room they were placed in had been vacant throughout Mrs Neilson’s labour.
The couple have three older children, who were born in Glasgow, Hong Kong and at Edinburgh Royal, but said that this was the worst experience they have had in a maternity unit.
David Farquharson, clinical director of women’s services in NHS Lothian, said: “This is not the experience we would want any mother or family to have.”
You voters for left, you will not like what you get.
Health Care
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