Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Tea Party Blow Out, Who Would Of Thought

NBC: Mourdock Beats Lugar in Indiana; Updated: Blowout | Conservatives4Palin

I guess all that talk about the demise of the Tea Party and, ahem, Governor Palin’s irrelevance was just that: Talk. That and a healthy dose of wishful thinking on the part of the DC Establishment.

Update: With 55% of the votes in, Mourdock is “clinging” to a 20 point lead.  My heart bleeds for the Peggy Noonans and Dana Milbanks of the world. Just a few weeks ago a Mourdock victory was considered, at best, highly unlikley.  But a blowout like this was considered beyond the realm of possibility. Not anymore.

I thought the Tea Party didn't exist? Surprise surprise surprise!

Establishment Republican Defeated In Indiana


NBC Politics - NBC News projects Lugar defeated in Indiana primary

NBC News projects Lugar defeated in Indiana primary By Tom Curry, msnbc.com National Affairs Writer NBC News has declared Richard Mourdock as the projected winner in the Indiana Senate primary. Mourdock defeated six-term Republican foreign policy elder statesman Sen. Richard Lugar.