Success - The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will. Vincent T. Lombardi
Friday, May 18, 2012
Tom Barrett Milk Carton Image
I have been using it at my news web site Wis. U. P. North when discussing Barrett missing in this election campaign. I am looking for the original poster of the image to give them credit for the great artwork. Does anyone know the original image creator?
Please e mail at wisupnorth at
Thank You
Paul Socha
Wis.U.P. North llc
Monday, May 14, 2012
Government Waste On Top of Waste On Top Of Waste
This Is Not a Joke: Government Issues Study of a Study About Studies - ABC News
This Is Not a Joke: Government Issues Study of a Study About Studies
The Pentagon was inundated with so many studies in 2010 that it commissioned a study to determine how much it cost to produce all those studies.
Now the Government Accountability Office has reviewed the Pentagon’s study and concluded in a report this week that it’s a flop.
The study of a study of studies began in 2010 when Defense Secretary Robert Gates complained that his department was “awash in taskings for reports and studies.” He wanted to know how much they cost.

Tea Party: The Palin Effect
The Palin Effect: Tea Party Flexes Muscle
The conventional wisdom among the mainstream media is that the Republican establishment would strike back during the 2012 election, thereby blunting the influence of the conservative Tea Party movement that propelled the party to historic gains in the 2010 midterm elections. Implied in this chatter is that the power and influence of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, seen by many as the figure who can best mobilize the Tea Party movement into action, would fade as well.
But recent events in Indiana, Nebraska, and Texas have shown that this conventional wisdom is false.
On May 8, six-term establishment Republican Senator Richard Lugar lost his primary in Indiana to Richard Mourdock, who had been backed by various Tea Party groups and organizations. Mourdock trounced Lugar, receiving 60 percent of the vote to Lugar’s 40.
From Breitbart.