From the Chicago Trib. Talk about Atroturfing.
No details as of now except it's Saturday night so it must be a mass email to union rank and file only. Super secret location.

"Kagen schedules health care forum in Green BayWhere is it? I didn't hear about this one. What are they going to have the same people at another pro Kagen love fest.
GREEN BAY, Wis. - Wisconsin Congressman Steve Kagen is holding a health care reform rally in Green Bay on Saturday night.
AFL-CIO members are encouraging their members to show up at the rally to support reform. Emotions have run high at similar events in Wisconsin and around the country, with some degenerating into shouting matches.
" Kagen schedules health care forum in Green Bay --
No details as of now except it's Saturday night so it must be a mass email to union rank and file only. Super secret location.