Green Bay Wisconsin

Success - The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will. Vincent T. Lombardi
"Saturday, March 20 - in the Northern Hemisphere
In the US and Canada:
Saturday, March 20, at approximately midnight is the official first day of spring for 2010 in the Northern Hemisphere (Vernal Equinox).
On that day, the Southern Hemisphere observes the Autumnal Equinox, which is the equivalent of the start of Autumn. "
WikiAnswers - What is the first day of Spring 2010
"March 19, 2010
Pelosi Prays To St. Joseph To Pass Health Care"
RealClearPolitics - Video - Pelosi Prays To St. Joseph To Pass Health Care
Say for nine mornings for anything you may desire. It has never been known to fail, so be sure you really want what you ask.
"Oh, St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God. I place in you all my interests and desires. Oh, St. Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession, and obtain for me from your devine Son all spiritual blessings, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. So that, having engaged here below your heavenly power, I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of Fathers.
Oh, St. Joseph, I never weary of contemplating you, and Jesus asleep in your arms; I dare not approach while He reposes near your heart. Press Him in my name and kiss His fine head for me and ask him to return the Kiss when I draw my dying breath. St. Joseph, Patron of departing souls - Pray for me.
This prayer was found in the fiftienth year of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In 1505 it was sent from the Pope to Emperor Charles when he was going into battle. Whoever shall read this prayer or hear it or keep it about themselves, shall never die a sudden death, or be drowned, not shall posion take effect of them; neither shall they fall into the hands of the enemy; or shall be burned in any fire, or shall be overpowered in battle."
Prayer to St. Joseph
"Fess Parker, a baby-boomer idol in the 1950s who launched a craze for coonskin caps as television’s Davy Crockett, died Thursday of natural causes. He was 85.
Family spokeswoman Sao Anash said Parker, who was also TV’s Daniel Boone and later a major California winemaker and developer, died at his Santa Ynez Valley home. His death comes on the 84th birthday of his wife of 50 years, Marcella."
Boots and Sabers - The blogging will continue until morale improves...
"On the cougar trail
Team investigates sightings, tracks throughout U.P., state
POSTED: March 18, 2010
LANSING - Few issues addressed by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment in recent years have been as controversial as cougars.
Also known as mountains lions or pumas, cougars are large felines that once roamed much of Michigan. The last record of a wild cougar being taken in Michigan came from Newberry in 1906. The species was thought to be extirpated.
Reports of cougar sightings have occurred intermittently since then, however, and have multiplied in recent years. The department has set up a four-person team to investigate and respond to reported cougar sightings."
On the cougar trail - DailyPress.net | News, Sports, Jobs, Escanaba Information | The Daily Press
"Steve Kagen is the Point Man on the Obama-Pelosi Health Care Boondoggle
McCormick Says “Business Model, Not Bureaucracy Model” Should Be Used in Health Care Reform
March 18, 2010
Appleton, Wisconsin — Terri McCormick, Republican Congressional candidate in Wisconsin’s Eighth District, has obtained direct information from another member of Congress that Wisconsin’s own Steve Kagen is the point person for passing the Obama-Pelosi Health Care bill. “My contacts have informed me that Steve Kagen is the man on the House floor who is rallying support for the bill. He is using his status as a doctor to woo Blue Dog Democrats who are on the fence about the bill,” said McCormick."
Steve Kagen is the Point Man on the Obama-Pelosi Health Care Boondoggle | Terri McCormick For Congress
"Three Lakes makes top 10
in 'Single Best Town' contest
By Kurt Krueger
News-Review Editor
Kraft Singles and Disney ABC has named Three Lakes as among the top 10 finalists in their search for America’s “Single Best Town,” and public voting through April 11 will determine the winner.
“We’re recognizing the little things that make towns special,” said Clayton Wai-Poi, senior brand manager for Kraft Singles. “We’re proud to give Americans the chance to shine the spotlight on their hometowns.”
With more than 400 submissions coast to coast, he said the top 10 towns boast one-of-a-kind features that make them special and uniquely American.
The Three Lakes entry, submitted by resident Janet McCabe, talks of the town being “home to the world’s largest chain of inland lakes,” and a close-knit downtown that features many quaint buildings and coffee shops.
Wai-Poi said Three Lakes scored high in the contest criteria, which includes the originality of the town’s characteristics, inspirational features and photos that show the town’s one-of-a-kind traits."
Vilas County News-Review - Full Story
"Celibacy can be a choice in life, or a condition imposed by circumstances.
While attending a Marriage Weekend, Walter and his wife, Ann, listened to the instructor declare, ‘It is essential that husbands and wives know the things that are important to each other..”
He then addressed the men, ‘Can you name and describe your wife’s favorite flower?’
Walter leaned over, touched Ann’s arm gently, and whispered, ‘Gold Medal-All-Purpose, isn’t it?’
And thus began Walter’s life of celibacy………."
An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings
"Shawano County jobless rate at high point
By Kent Tempus, Leader editor
Even as signs of economic recovery begin to flicker, new unemployment figures show the stark reality in the Wolf River region: Even more people are out of work.
Shawano County recorded its highest unemployment rate in January in at least two decades, according to Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development data.
The jobless rate here increased to 11.2 percent, up from 9.9 percent in December 2009, DWD reported Wednesday.
It was the highest rate since 10.4 percent was recorded in March 2009. Before the current recession, the highest rate since January 1990 was 9 percent in March 1992, a review of DWD labor market data found.
“In my own neighborhood, there’s a lot of unemployed people around us,” Shawano city administrator Jim Stadler said. “Probably just about every family in the Shawano area has been affected. It certainly is disheartening.”
Steve Sengstock, director of Shawano County Economic Progress Inc., attributed the jump in Shawano County’s rate to two things, but primarily the shut down of Owens Inc.’s two plants in Shawano.
“I think what you’re seeing is some catching up related to what’s happening with the Owens closure,” Sengstock said. “That’s 150 people in that period. I think we’re also seeing the impacts of the strategic cuts of companies around the area. There’s a lot of companies taking five or six people here, and five or six people there, and it has an impact from the end of the year.”
Other area counties also saw hefty increases in unemployment in January:
— Waupaca County hit 10.6 percent, the second highest rate in the past year behind March 2009, when joblessness was 11.8 percent. The rate in December 2009 was 9.2 percent.
— Oconto County jumped to 12.1 percent, up from 10.5 percent in December. That’s the fourth highest rate in the past year, when the jobless rate peaked at 13.6 percent in March 2009.
— Menominee County rose to 13.6 percent, up for 12.2 percent in December. Unemployment there — normally the highest in the state — was between 15.5 percent and 18.1 percent over June, July and August of 2009.
Statewide, unemployment for January was 9.6 percent in January, up from 8.3 percent the previous month. In January 2009, the rate was 7.7 percent."
"250 protest outside Rep. Steve Kagen's Green Bay office
BY CHARLES DAVIS • cedavis@greenbaypressgazette.com • March 17, 2010
About 250 people protested Wednesday outside the Green Bay office of U.S. Rep. Steve Kagen against Congress passing a health-care bill."
250 protest outside Rep. Steve Kagen's Green Bay office | greenbaypressgazette.com | Green Bay Press-Gazette
The Fox Valley Initiative, a conservative Tea Party group, organized the event. Protesters held signs that read “Kill the Bill” and “Stop the Plantation Politics” on the corner of Walnut and Quincy streets. People signed yellow sheets of paper and taped it on the building’s front door and windows.
Founder Jim Steineke said he supports health-care reform, but said the current bill is too costly and unconstitutional.
Eric Bajdan of Green Bay stood close to the protest, but said he supported reform.
“I think it’s everyone’s civil right to have health care,” he said.
Protestors expressed fears the House would vote on the rule governing debate to “deem” the Senate health-bill passed, then vote to change the legislation through “reconciliation.”
Phill Gohr of Mayville said it would take away his freedom if Kagen, D-Appleton, helped to pass the bill.
“We’re sick and tired of the socialism,” he said.
Conservative talk radio host Jerry Bader spoke to the crowd as many waved U.S. flags and chanted, “Vote no or you will go.”
Protesters even raised a massive 12-foot sign that read “NO GOV HEALTHCARE.” Though many protested from 5 to 6 p.m., some stayed after dark.
Frank Lasee, who is running for the 1st State Senate District seat, said that one size from Washington, D.C., does not fit all.
“People are upset, and we’re asking our Congress to respect our wishes,” said the Republican candidate.
“When the government pays, they’ll make all the rules.”
"Somerville Congressman Michael Capuano and Mayor Joe Curtatone, along with State Representative Carl Sciortino will welcome Wisconsin Congressman, Steve Kagen (D-WI08) to Somerville this Sunday March 21st, for an event to be held at Precinct Bar & Restaurant in Union Square, from 6.30 – 8pm. (Source: Somerville News)"
Try 2 Focus
Really Steve? You don’t have the guts to face the voters here in the 8th District following the healthcare vote?
"8th District Republican primary candidates asked to pledge support
Candidates asked to endorse winner
By Tony Walter • twalter@greenbaypressgazette.com • March 17, 2010
Half of the Republican Party candidates for the 8th Congressional District seat have signed a pledge to support the winner of that party's primary election in September." 8th District Republican primary candidates asked to pledge support | greenbaypressgazette.com | Green Bay Press-Gazette
But Andy Williams, a De Pere attorney and a candidate that wants to make it through the GOP contest to run against Rep. Steve Kagen, D-Appleton, called the effort "distasteful" and refused to sign.
"I'm not going to vote for somebody just because they're the party candidate," said Williams, a Brown County Board supervisor. "To me, it's the same old politics that got us to where we are today. Nothing was addressed about whether they (other candidates) fall in line with my ideals."
The pledge was circulated March 6 by candidate Dr. Marc Trager, a Howard physician, at the party's 8th District caucus in Peshtigo. It asked the candidates to promise to announce their support for the primary winner within 48 hours after the Sept. 14 election.
Teri McCormick of Greenville, Roger Roth of Grand Chute and Reid Riddle of Kaukauna signed the pledge. Marc Savard of Door County attended the caucus, but didn't sign the pledge.
"Additionally, if the U.S. Constitution isn't concerned where I sleep at night I think the voters might not be concerned either. Since you are a conservative, I am sure that you appreciate the U.S. Constitution’s take on this and know that there is no requirement to live in a district - just the state. Let's not get distracted from seeing the big picture issues facing all Americans"
Williams didn't attend the caucus and declined to sign when contacted about it.
Neither Kerry Thomas of Sayner nor Joseph Stern of Niagara attended the caucus, and haven't been asked to sign it.
"I believe it is the tradition of most political parties to support candidates from your party after the primary," McCormick said. "I gave speeches in 2006 with Laura Bush and John McCain on behalf of the primary candidate winner in 2006."
Roth said he signed the pledge because he thinks the party should stay unified.
"It's important that this election is run against Steve Kagen," Roth said. "This isn't about tearing one another down."
Mike Trager, son of the candidate and the campaign spokesman, said there was no intent to put candidates on the spot.
"We weren't calling anybody out," he said. "We don't want to fracture the party. We just have to support each other."
"Lawmakers urge Doyle to enforce posting contract info
3 area legislators write letter citing Gannett Wisconsin Media reports
By Ben Jones • Gannett Wisconsin Media • March 17, 2010
MADISON — Three state lawmakers from Northeastern Wisconsin urged Gov. Jim Doyle on Tuesday to ensure that state agencies follow the law by disclosing government contract information online for public viewing."
Lawmakers urge Doyle to enforce posting contract info | greenbaypressgazette.com | Green Bay Press-Gazette
"We believe that Wisconsin residents deserve to know what their tax dollars are being spent on when agencies enter into contracts," wrote state Rep. Dean Kaufert, R-Neenah; state Sen. Rob Cowles, R-Allouez; and state Rep. Bob Ziegelbauer, D-Manitowoc, in a letter to Doyle.
Adam Collins, a Doyle spokesman, said the governor expects agencies to comply with the law.
"The governor has long been a proponent of transparency in government. He signed this bill into law. This office … has been sending this (contract) information in and the governor certainly would expect that there be compliance," Collins said.
State Rep. Tom Nelson, D-Kaukauna, majority leader of the state Assembly, said he still is researching the issue but is open to proposals to improve the state's contracting site.
"IRON MOUNTAIN - Daniel J. Benishek, M.D. announced today he is running as a Republican against Bart Stupak for Michigan's 1st District seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Today, from the steps of the historic Dickinson County Courthouse, Benishek told a crowd of supporters he collected the 1,000 signatures needed to put his name on the Aug. 3 primary ballot.
"I chose Dickinson County for my announcement because this is where I raised my children and where I have been practicing medicine as a surgeon and small business owner for nearly 30 years and because I wanted to announce in Michigan's newest county my campaign to become Michigan's newest member of Congress," said Benishek.
Benishek is not a lawyer and has never before sought political office. "I feel compelled to seek a position at this time because of disturbing developments in our nation's capitol," said Benishek. "I truly believe the people in our district deserve better."
Benishek said he is committed to principles of personal responsibility and limited government. According to Benishek, he stands firmly with the people of America's heartland, sharing conservative positions on key issues such as private-sector job creation, fiscal responsibility, tax-rate reduction, secure borders, free-market health care reform, energy independence, strong national defense, second amendment rights and, most important, sanctity of life from conception to natural death.
"I have received tremendous response from people across our district but I will need lots more support in my campaign to restore the American dream," Benishek said.
Benishek was born and raised in Iron River. He and his wife, Judy, live in Crystal Falls and have five children and two grandchildren."
Benishek announces run for Congress - DailyPress.net | News, Sports, Jobs, Escanaba Information | The Daily Press
"WLUC-TV6, 16 Mar
[Excerpt:] - RHINELANDER, Wis. - Tracking more than a dozen wolves over a 300 mile radius in northern Wisconsin is no easy task for the DNR. So they take it to the air. " Pine River World News
"There's quite an army of people that go around on the ground and look for tracks,” said Wisconsin DNR Pilot Dan Cardinal. “But they don't have the luxury of being able to see the individuals or they don't have any idea where the animals that made those tracks are."
Using GPS collars placed on the wolves to track positions, DNR pilots locate and identify the animals.
Cardinal's partner Mike Weinfurter took me up in the air on one of the wolf flights conducted out of the Rhinelander-Oneida County Airport.
Even flying hundreds of feet above the trees Weinfurter can tell you a lot about the animal.
"From the air what we can see is the number of wolves, their overall condition: small, medium, large sized wolves,” Weinfurter said. “Do they appear healthy? Do they appear on the thin side?"
Arial surveying is the primary source of wolf tracking in Wisconsin.
""The bottom line is we have to find a way to satisfy the EPA and the environmentalists," said Nick George, the executive director of the Midwest Food Processors Association. "We've been saying we're doing as much as we can financially. We're constantly struggling to bring our phosphorus "
State considers limits on phosphorus pollution | greenbaypressgazette.com | Green Bay Press-Gazette
"White Sox Manager Ozzie Guillen"
Dad29: Baseball Looks Better
"8th Congressional District candidate forum is Thursday in Wausaukee
March 15, 2010
WAUSAUKEE — The Marinette County chapter of Americans for Constitutional Enforcement will host a forum for the candidates running for the 8th Congressional District on Thursday at Wausaukee High School."
8th Congressional District candidate forum is Thursday in Wausaukee | greenbaypressgazette.com | Green Bay Press-Gazette
The forum will run from 7 to 9:30 p.m. in the auditorium of Wausaukee High School, N11941 U.S. 141. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Audience members will be able to submit written questions that will be posed by a moderator.
All the candidates for the race, including incumbent Rep. Steve Kagen, D-Appleton, have been invited to participate, according to the organization. Eight Republicans are challenging Kagen: Door County farmer Marc Savard, former Kaukauna roofing contractor Reid Ribble, Howard physician Marc Trager, state Rep. Roger Roth, former state Rep. Terri McCormick, former Niagara Mayor Joe Stern, Brown County Supervisor Andy Williams and Kerry Thomas of Sayner in Vilas County.
The Marinette group, part of a national organization that calls itself a nonpartisan "movement to unite the people to take back the government of the people" on its Web site, sponsored the first tea party event in Marinette County.
— Press-Gazette
The Most Profitable NCAA Tournament Teams
"3. Wisconsin Badgers
Profit reported: $9,454,260
Shoe & Apparel Deal: Adidas
Arena: Kohl Center
Capacity: 17,190 "
The Most Profitable NCAA Tournament Teams - CNBC
Wisconsin conservatives fueled by Tea Party momentum at state convention
By Scott Bauer • Associated Press writer • March 14, 2010
"WISCONSIN DELLS — Republicans and conservative tea party members railed against health care reform, global warming legislation and government spending at a convention Saturday that attracted about 2,000 people." Wisconsin conservatives fueled by Tea Party momentum at state convention | postcrescent.com | Appleton Post-Crescent
The meeting, organized by the conservative group Americans for Prosperity and dubbed an unofficial tea party convention, brought together numerous Republican officeholders, party leaders and candidates in addition to national speakers like "Joe the Plumber" and Michael Reagan, the son of former President Ronald Reagan.
"We are not the party of no," said Tim Nerenz, a Libertarian candidate for Wisconsin's 2nd Congressional District, which covers Madison. "We are the party of hell, no. Do you want to give them your money? Hell, no! Do you want to give them your gun? Hell, no! Do you want to give them your health care?"
The crowd, picking up the chant, yelled, "Hell, no!"
Anti-tax zealot Grover Norquist said seeing Republicans vote for tax increases was like finding a rat head in a soft drink can.
"They damage the brand for everyone else," he said.
Wisconsin Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus thanked convention attendees for giving GOP candidates a chance to rebuild the party.
"I know we've got a long way to go," he said.
Tea party followers are an independent force that kowtows to no political party or interest group, said Mark Block, president of Americans for Prosperity in Wisconsin.
Nancy Milholland, 47, an unemployed sales manager and organizer of the Racine County Tea Party, said tea party followers were frustrated conservatives.
"We are about smaller government, less spending, national security," she said.
"If the Democratic Party decided that was their route, we would be for them.