Saturday, August 08, 2009

From The President Of The United States

From Politico.
"White House to Democrats:
'Punch back twice as hard'
White House to Democrats: 'Punch back twice as hard' - Carrie Budoff Brown -
Why are democrats in Washington invoking violence? Because they are witnessing something they do not understand.

The people of the United States of America have a response.

This is not what this country was built on. Now is not the time to waiver! Now is not the time that we back down! Now is not the time for retreat! Now is the time for action, for truth and for courage!

The liberals in Washington D C cannot understand the groundswell of the people of this great country. Be it republican, democrat, independent, union member, business owner, doctor, lawyer, nurse, baker or candlestick maker. We speak as one voice when it comes to Washington taking away our freedom.

People from Kewaunee to St. Louis, from Tampa to Romulus and all the way to  Austin.

We are all scared of what this country could be. We are mad as hell and we aren't going to take it anymore. Our hero's are all those who stand up for our freedom. No matter your political beliefs, we are with you. You are our hero's. We are with you all and will never let you down.

The movement continues!

This Is So Wrong

From the Triangle Business Journal.
"Friday, August 7, 2009, 2:49pm CDT
$3.4 million grant to assist 1,200 laid-off workers
The Business Journal of Milwaukee

The state of Wisconsin announced Friday that $3.4 million in additional assistance will be made available for more than 1,200 workers who were laid off from their jobs at 11 companies."
 $3.4 million grant to assist 1,200 laid-off workers - Triangle Business Journal:

Only 3.4 million, just peanuts.
The National Emergency Grant includes more than $1.6 million in funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

Oh, I see it was from the Stimulus bill.
“This grant will help these displaced workers improve their skills,” Gov. Jim Doyle said. “With new skills, they will be job-ready in the months ahead as our national economy begins to recover.”

So someone is going to get the $3.4 million to train workers?
The funds will assist workers who lost their jobs as a result of mass layoffs at: J.L. French, Sheboygan; Genmar Yacht Group, Pulaski; Koenig and Vits, Manitowoc; Marinette Marine, Marinette; Kohler Co., Sheboygan; Pentair Filtration, Sheboygan; Manitowoc Co., Manitowoc; Federal Mogul, Manitowoc; Karl Schmidt Unisia, Marinette; KCS International, Oconto; and Winsert, Marinette.

So the people that lost their jobs at these companies will get a part of the $3.4 million?
The National Emergency Grant program provides funding to states when significant events create a sudden need for assistance.

My mistake, so the money goes to the state. Then the money go to who or what?
Services are being coordinated by the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development and provided through the Bay Area Workforce Development Board.
Oh, I see
"James M. Golembeski, Executive Director
Betty Gregory-Paasch, Program Operations Manager
Debbie LaViolette-Spevacek, Controller
Debbie Kelly, Program Assistant
Bonnie Rosner, Administrative Assistant
" About Us

from Bay Area Workforce Development Board will do the training. Can someone tell me how much of the $3.4 million Bay Area Workforce Development will get? Will they answer that question? Will the MSM ask that question? Will I be accused of being incenative to people who suck off the govornment nipple? If some groups think they are doing their jobs to help people, why don't they work for FREE? Why not volonteer their time and services? Somebody is getting rich here but who realy is? Where is the MSM?

Someone has got to train these people to get jobs. I'm sorry, how many people from the New Page Mills in Niagara and Kimberly are working today at or above the wages they made before their layoffs? Can someone from Bay Area Workforce Development give me that answer? Will nwever happen.

Let's do the math, eleven companies with 1200 layoffs.

That's 1200 laid off workers divided by $3.4 million dollars,

That's over $2833.00 per employee. Wait a minute, the article says the money goes to train the employees. Who'd getting $3.4 million dollars? 

I thought the stimulus was going to create jobs?

I only see consultants filling their pockets with stimulus money and 1200 people are without jobs.

Will any of the workers at:
J.L. French, Sheboygan; Genmar Yacht Group, Pulaski; Koenig and Vits, Manitowoc; Marinette Marine, Marinette; Kohler Co., Sheboygan; Pentair Filtration, Sheboygan; Manitowoc Co., Manitowoc; Federal Mogul, Manitowoc; Karl Schmidt Unisia, Marinette; KCS International, Oconto; and Winsert, Marinette. find jobs through govorment waste?

Why not give each worker $2833 and skip the job training. Workforce Development doesn't create jobs, employers create jobs. Wasteful government spending only lines the pockets of people who the money was not intended for. Twelve hundred people are getting screwed and someone else is lining their pockets! Will someone pass the word to these 1200 people and tell them they should get their cut of $3.4 million dollars! Or maybe the money should go to businesses to expand their business to hire back workers. Or maybe reduce taxes, give people more money and get the economy moving again. Oh, that wouldn't work?

This is so WRONG!

For Crying Out Loud

That's twice in the last five hours that fire alarm in the bunker went off.

Seems to be false alarms.

We thank the Pulaski Fire department for coming out here but I would think they don't want to be wasting their time on false alarms.

If this is a malfunction, please fix it. If someone is starting false alarms they need to put the hand cuffs and lead them away.

Rumor is someone is being cute with the fire alarms.

Blish Update

From The Silent Majority.

"The preceding attempt to dismiss Blish’s opposition based on the fact that she is or was a Republican misses the point entirely. It may well be that a majority of the opposition are Republicans; the response to that is “so what”. Being from one party or another does not invalidate your opinion."

The Silent Majority: Obama's Health Care plan becoming violently unpopular.

This is our battle cry.

You can't invalidate our opinion."

I'm Related To Steve Kagen?

From Jerry Bader at WTAQ. At the time of this post I could not find the one hour pod cast so I didn't hear his show but this story is interesting.

2:01 PM -- NBC 26 update... It was an interesting post show morning here. If you missed the show today, we spent more than an hour on NBC 26's hit piece from the Kewaunee County Steve Kagen listening session yesterday. The reporter did a ridiculous "expose" on Heather Blish, painting her as a GOP operative, and not the mom of 4 she is.

The reporter emailed me and asked if I would submit to an interview. I declined, but said I was willing to interview him on my show Monday. He and his cameraman then showed up here unannounced, looking for an interview.

I told the front desk to tell them I was unavailable. Later in the day he requested audio from the show, which we granted. He later said he was thinking about my offer of an interview and asked if a came" AM 1360 WTAQ |
Since TV 26 will not let me copy the video to my blog, here is the link to watch their report. I had to listen a couple times to really understand it.

First, who is Kristoffer Eggebretson? My guess later.

As a (non bias) TV 26 reporter, if you watch the video he opens with "harsh crowd" at Kagen's health care meeting.

Hey Kriss, Monday night in Green Bay might of been a harsh crowd. Kewaunee was time in a library at midnight. Hey Kriss, did you miss the meeting at the Green Bay public library. Here is what a HARSH crowd looks like.

Then Kris our non bias reporter says,

"some of them who could be considered hecklers", say what?

Then said, " security on standby", Older people and small children were a security risk in Kewaunee? I keep asking, is Steve Kagen paying for all this beefed up security at these listening sessions?

Then, look out, he said, "this man hijacked the mic for quite some time" HIJACKED, he sure looked like the twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth bomber to me!

"if anyone sent her here", so as a US citizen you can't go see your own congressman?

Now lets get to Heather Blish. When Kagen puts the mic to her, and it's on Kris's report, why did she say, "I'm not affiliated with any political party?" So in 2008 she worked for the local republican party. Excuse me, isn't it 2009?

So I wrote for Kagen Watch, I have a blog, I went to the Green Bay and Appleton Kagen listening sessions, who sent me? Steve Kagen is bad for the Wisconsin 8th district and I make no bones about him, he needs to be voted out of office. I haven't donated to the RINO party for two to three years. I gave to John Gard but didn't give to the republican party. So!

Kris has an ax to grind, but why?

Heather was up front and honest with Kagen when he asked for her question and what does she get, slammed for "republican operative", "republican party sent her", "she's a plant", "someone put her up to this".

Steve Kagen say's he is not a practicing doctor anymore but he put's "Steve Kagen MD" on his web site. Wouldn't that be false advertising on a government web site?

Hey Kris, did you ever talk to DR Kagen about that?

If we are going to talk about someone sending someone to health care listening sessions, lets discuss,

"MEHVILLE -- St. Louis County police arrested six people, including a Post-Dispatch reporter, during a demonstration Thursday evening outside a forum on aging called by U.S. Rep. Russ Carnahan, D-St. Louis.

Two of the people were arrested on suspicion of assault, one of resisting arrest and three on suspicion of committing peace disturbances, police say." Six people, including P-D reporter, arrested at Carnahan meeting -

O K, Heather Blish worked in the past for local or state republican group. So! She not working for them today, is she.

Kristoffer Eggebretson, Steve Kagen, the democrat party have to pick on a mother of four, from a small town in Wisconsin to take the heat off their big misstep in what they call a health care bill. Is this the best they can do? Boy's and girls, your really reaching here!

As of Saturday morning I see a lot of left bloggers trying to throw around their weight. As far as and I could be wrong, I have only read about Jerry Bader and this story. Come on conservatives where are you on this? We need to stand up for Heather. Seems like a lot people except for Jerry are sitting on the sidelines. I hope to catch Jerry's Friday show later this weekend. Sorry I cannot comment on Jerry's show till I hear it.

To Heather Blish, you may be in the spotlight but stand your ground. You did nothing wrong. Your a mother of four and you like everyone else are scared of this health care plan. Your not alone. I and many many people are with you. Do not waiver. This is an opportunity and the people who are against this plan should now take this to the next level. Remember we also have two senators and other congressman in favor of this debacle. Steve Kagen promised more meetings in August. More will be there! The flames of freedom are spreading. Those who try to take away our freedom are taking us for granted. We will not disappoint them.

Now to my question, who is Kristoffer Eggebretson?

I might be mistaken but the way Kris covers Steve Kagen listening sessions, is he related to Steve Kagen? Did Kristoffer Eggebretson donate money to Steve Kagen and the Democrat party in 2007 or 2008? Who did Kristoffer Eggebretson vote for last fall? Is Kristoffer Eggebretson a constituent of the 8th district? You mean he also could have an opinion? Kris, you and every American have the right to speak their mind, Isn't that true? If your going to slant a story, please clarify that at the beginning of your report. Next time, try not to show your bias when you do a story about politics. "Harsh crowds" no it wasn't. Hecklers", I didn't see any. Why use the word "Hijack" buddy? It won't be so obvious next time who you stand for. I don't watch TV 26 very often, I guess that won't change anytime soon. By the way, what ratings does TV 26 get in Green Bay market?

Nice hit piece Kris.

PS, Kris, can you please turn me into the Obama's fishy web site for me talking negative against you, Steve Kagen and Obamacare?

Friday, August 07, 2009

Michigan Gov Canidate

From the Escanaba Daily Press.

Let's see what the state of Michigan does to fix it state problems.
"Gubernatorial candidate visits Esky
By Dionna Harris
POSTED: August 7, 2009

ESCANABA - Even though the 2010 election is still more than a year away, gubernatorial candidate Tom George MD has already been hitting the campaign trail - on his bicycle.

George was in the U.P. participating in the annual Tour Da UP fund-raiser for Teaching Family Homes.

George, a state senator from Kalamazoo, is running for the Republican nomination for Governor, once Gov. Jennifer Granholm leaves office due to term limits.

"I feel I can bring a unique perspective to the office of governor due to my experience not only as a legislator, but also as a physician," said George.

George has 25 years as a practicing anesthesiologist and has also served five years as a hospice medical director." Gubernatorial candidate visits Esky - | News, Sports, Jobs, Escanaba Information | The Daily Press

Pulaski Wi. Polka Days Pictures

From Travel. Some Great Information and pictures from a GREAT weekend in Pulaski, Wi.
"Friday, August 7, 2009
Sunday 7-26-09 - Pulaksi Polka Days Wisconsin
Sunday 7-26-09 was a fun time at the 4 day Pulaski Polka Days in Pulaski Wisconsin a town of 3000.

Just follow the link below. Thank you Joyce.
" Travel: Sunday 7-26-09 - Pulaksi Polka Days Wisconsin

Dem Deception

From WBAY 2.
The state of Wisconsin has a dem. Gov. ( Doyle), a dem majority in the assemble and a dem majority in the state senate. Why can't they pass a law to change the OWI laws? What does Mr Goundy not understand here. Republicans are not holding this up. Da, Dave Hansen could of had this changed this past spring. Looks Like Bob Cowles is twisting in the wind with them! Can we say RINO! The Goudy family suffered their loss and the question is, who will be the next family to lose a loved one. It's called P O L I T I C S !!!!! Why do people keep voting for democrats that deceive them.
Family of Crash Victim Question Lawmakers' Interest in Tougher OWI Laws

Updated: Aug 6, 2009 11:30 PM
Parents Question Lawmakers' Interest in OWI Laws
Lawmakers Say Change is Coming to OWI Laws

By Sarah Thomsen

""Our state legislators, I don't think take this near as serious as they should," Tom said. "We hope to do something in the future with talking with some of these people to say, Do you have any idea? Do you understand, really?"

Lawmakers introduced at least 16 OWI-related bills this year. None has come to a vote.

"I know Governor Doyle says he cares, but to me, if he really cares he would change those laws," Terri Goudy said.

State lawmakers say they think they're close to passing at least one bill this fall.

"There's all sorts of viewpoints, but no sorts of consensus as to what to do," Senator Robert Cowles (R-Green Bay) said. "I think it's one of these really thorny, difficult issues, and we're just not sure where to go with it to actually have a concrete result."

Lawmakers say they want action but blame budget talks, a bad economy, and even lobbying for slowing the process.

"Very strong lobbies in the State of Wisconsin that are not interested in changing the status quo," Representative Jim Soletski (D-Green Bay) said, but added, "I don't think that's going to slow this down this time, though."

All the lawmakers Action 2 News spoke with said they take drunken-driving laws very seriously and will push hard to have something passed this fall.

"Things will change. Maybe not as much as you want to do right away, but it does tend to be expensive, but we are going to improve situation and move forward. Something will happen this fall, no question," Senator Dave Hansen (D-Green Bay) said.

"I think the main reason, it's not just me, it's most legislators of both parties, wondering what will work and thinking you can change penalties but you can't change the culture as easily," Cowles said.

The Goudys realize culture won't change overnight but say change has to start somewhere, and they'd like to start in Madison." Family of Crash Victim Question Lawmakers' Interest in Tougher OWI Laws - WBAY-TV Green Bay-Fox Cities-Northeast Wisconsin News:

Talk About Trigger Happy

From the Green Bay Press.

The Green Bay Police and city officials seems to be a little jumpy. Let's read what they are saying.

"notify the park's neighbors"
"will monitor the event"
"require the group to have an insurance policy"
"special events permit"
"organizers to ensure they were aware of all the appropriate regulations"
"Participants must"
"cannot unholster the firearms"
"Armed persons must secure their weapons before using any public facilities, including the park shelter's bathroom."

The politically correct crowd is out of control. Do we or do we not have the 2nd amendment. Good for these proud Americans. Give them credit and give them your support.

"Open-carry gun rights supporters plan picnic
Fritsch Park event highlights legality of carrying firearms
By Andy Nelesen • • August 7, 2009

A picnic supporting gun rights and open carry of firearms is planned for Green Bay's west side this weekend.

Organizers will gather at noon Saturday at Ted Fritsch Park, 700 LaCount Road, for what organizer Fernando Silva Jr. calls a picnic with a purpose.

"We are trying to show the public that just because we're carrying a firearm, it does not necessarily mean that we're bad guys," Silva said Thursday. "We're people, too. We just want to show people we're not out to hurt anybody; not out to scare anybody.

"We're proud of our Second Amendment rights."

Saturday's event dovetails with the release of 10-second radio ads in the Green Bay market sponsored by www.opencarry .org to promote open carry of handguns in Wisconsin.

Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen issued a memo in spring that carrying a firearm in a holster is legal and does not by itself constitute disorderly conduct. Several similar open carry picnics have been held throughout the state in the wake of the memo.

Green Bay police Capt. Karl Fleury said police officers will notify the park's neighbors about the event, and the officer patrolling that part of the city will monitor the event.

City officials originally wanted to require the group to have an insurance policy and a special events permit. The city relented on the insurance, but mandated the group have a special event permit for the gathering, Silva said.

The City Attorney's office did not return calls seeking comment Wednesday or Thursday.

Fleury said police have talked with organizers to ensure they were aware of all the appropriate regulations.

"They know the policies and procedures," Fleury said.

Participants must transport their weapons to the park in a locked trunk, keep the weapons exposed while wearing them and cannot unholster the firearms. Armed persons must secure their weapons before using any public facilities, including the park shelter's bathroom.

"The parties cannot go into any public facilities armed," Fleury said. "That's considered a public facility."" Open-carry gun rights supporters plan picnic | | Green Bay Press-Gazette

AARP Soylent Green Moment

From BreitBart.

AARP Organizers Cancel ‘Listening Session’ After Participants Refuse to ‘Keep Their Comments Quiet’

I'm sure glad I didn't join AARP.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

AARP And Your Final Day

The National Conversation brings this from Glenn Beck. Please watch and I'll add my 2 cents.

Health care costs will be strapped to the backs of our young people. Obama and the democrats will tell all young people through education and PSA's. Can you see it happening? Children and adults from fifteen to thirty five will hear from their leader.

Your parents and grandparents are costing you more and more of your money the older they get." They will then say, "we have a plan". You can talk to your grandparents first. Plead with them that you cannot afford their health care costs. They need to look into life ending possibilities. A grandchild looking into the eyes of a grandparent again pleading. Grandma, I won't have money for food, I won;t be able to watch ESPN if you stay alive for a long time. Grandpa, think about it, will you think about it for me? You said you would do anything foe me! Here is a government web site that will tell you how to save us money on your health care.Here is a DVD to watch.

Then they will talk to their own parents.

Mom and dad, you know you two are almost sixty. Have you given thought to saving us some money on your health care. Why no Dave, what do you mean? We just hope you will discuss your options on saving our hard earned money President Obama promised we would keep. Dad, if you and mom would not have gotten this country in such a financial mess, we wouldn't be having this conversation! It's your fault!

We have a health manager coming to see you on Friday at 9:oo am. They will discuss what the right thing for you to do and give you several options on how to take care of it. Do you understand mom? It's nothing personal but the new Wii game is coming out next year and we will need extra cash. You know how it is!

Your last day as a United States citizen. And your own children made you do it!

Update, this will not happen in my life time. The time to keep our freedom is now. Go ahead and try it. As Clint would say, "Go ahead, make my day!"

Congresssman Steve Kagen's Enemy List

From Congressman Steve Kagen's listening session in Appleton yesterday.

People of the Wisconsin 8th district, Steve Kagen is working hard to protect us from the evil people in this country. We thank him for pointing out the evil doers of this state. In Steve Kagen's own words.

Quote, “the United States Senate is the real enemy”

Public enemy # 1 Senator Herb Kohl.

Public enemy # 2 Senator Russ Feingold.

Honest to God, I was there and heard it myself. Rick over at the Inside Scoop backs me up on it.

A question for our two Wisconsin senators, with friends like Steve Kagen, who needs enemies? Here is the link to the other 98 enemies of our country according to Steve Kagen.

Will the MSM pick this up and ask Senators Kohl and Feingold about Congressman Kagen's comments.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Time To Turn In Your Mom and Dad

From Rush and Red State.

How many Obama followers between the ages of 18 and 25 will turn their own parents and grandparents into the Obama administration.

"If you see anybody publicly opposing President Obama’s plan to implement a government-centric overhaul of the health care system, the White House wants you to report that person (or persons) ASAP.

From the White House website:

There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to

Emphasis added. Of course, as we’ve seen in the health care debate to date, the term “disinformation” is used by the Obama White House as a catchall to describe any opposition to the President’s push for single-payer, government-run health care — meaning the White House wants to be informed of any forwarded emails or blog posts or any “casual conversations” that could be taken as opposition to their health care overhaul plan.

The White House has, as yet, offered no explanation of what it is they plan to do with the tips on policy opposition they hope to receive from citizen informers.

Interestingly, as Jake Tapper pointed out on Twitter this morning, the title of that post on the White House is a quote from John Adams’ 1770 “Argument in Defense of the Soldiers in the Boston Massacre Trials.”

(h/t Jon Henke)" Call For Informants: If You Oppose Obamacare, Even in ‘Casual Conversation,’ the White House Wants to Know About It - Jeff_Emanuel’s blog - RedState

Kagen Appleton, Hostile Crowd

From the APC
"U.S. Rep. Steve Kagen's listening session draws crowd in Appleton

By J.E. Espino • Post-Crescent staff writer • August 4, 2009

APPLETON — A hostile but orderly crowd packed the Thompson Community Center Monday morning, peppering U.S. Rep. Steve Kagen with questions about the health care bill, sometimes drowning out his answers with groans.
J E, were you at the wrong listening session? Hostile crowd? the average age was 68! Did J E call for extra police back up? What hostile crowd?
“I don’t know if he’s completely truthful,” said Sue Schini, an Appleton resident who arrived a half-hour before the event to ensure herself a seat at the center’s auditorium, which seats about 300.

One of Kagens staff was counting each person who was let into the hall. One of the TV guys asked her what was capacity? She said the room could hold 250. At 9:30 she was at 188 with her little clicker.

An estimated 200 people stood outside the center after an Appleton fire marshal determined the room was at capacity, said Appleton police Lt. Steve Elliott, one of several officers providing crowd control.

If they can't get the inside number right, how can we believe the outside number!
The Appleton event was the second of two forums Kagen’s staff scheduled to explain the legislation and get public feedback. Monday’s forum in Green Bay also required police presence. Angry protesters chanted and shouted at Kagen.

Participants at the Appleton event said some of their anger is stoked from fear of what reform entails and what that will mean for taxpayers. Some also are frustrated by the number of costly financial bailouts and stimulus packages Congress and President Barack Obama have approved.

“I resent this current administration’s agenda, to turn this country into the United Socialist States of America,” said Bill Recker, an Appleton resident and business owner.
Way to go Bill!

“I resent the bailout money that’s been spent, the money that’s been pissed away, and no accountability for it.”

Recker questioned the bill’s constitutionality, saying it “borders on tyranny.”
Tell it like it is!
Kagen said it is understandable that people have a lot of fear and angst.
“There is fear of the unknown. Change is always very difficult,” he said. “But quite frankly we can’t afford not to change our health care system and to do it in a way that improves our economy and doesn’t damage it. I think it’s possible to do.”
It's easy to say something when it's not your money.
Chuck Schmidt, an Appleton resident and an Outagamie County Board supervisor who stood outside the forum, said people he has talked to say they’re concerned the plan will give the government too much control over people’s lives."
U.S. Rep. Steve Kagen's listening session draws crowd in Appleton | | Appleton Post-Crescent

Congressman Steve Kagen Security Alert

Just got back from the Appleton listening session for Congressman Steve Kagen at the Thompson Community Ogilvie Auditorium Center. High security alerts must of been put into effect before, during and after the health care discussion. Just to let you know, they had a limit of 250 people in the auditorium. Again there were plenty of people who couldn't get in and were turned away at the door.

There had to be four to six officers from the city of Appleton. I seen three to four in uniform and at least two in plain cloths. The age of the crowd had to avg 65 and older. Some of the weapons that police were concerned about that I seen were canes, wheeled seat walkers and my God, you won't believe this, hearing aids. I think they made a mistake by not searching each person as they came into the room. How many were under cover agents. The guy next to me had a great disguise.

That lady to my right. I could of sworn I heard her left sandal ring like a cell phone.

I was scared to death when a lady in one of these bad boys parked behind me as the day started.

I seen two of these weapons that should of never been allowed into Congressman Kagen's meeting.

There was more then one of these. I would not doubt it was a bunch of extremists communicating to each other with these high tech listening devices.

I was glad to get out of there with my skin.

What was Steve Kagen and his staff worried about. Who called for extra police officers?
Who is paying for the extra police coverage?

More on the Appleton health care listening session later.

Wednesday, Tom Petri

From the Appleton Post Crescent.
"U.S. Rep Tom Petri to meet with constituents Wednesday
August 4, 2009

CHILTON — U.S. Rep. Tom Petri, R-Fond du Lac, will hold town meetings in Chilton and Darboy on Wednesday to discuss federal issues of concern to constituents.

The Chilton meeting will be held from 9 to 10 a.m. in Room 025 of the Calumet County Courthouse. The Darboy session will be held from 11 a.m. to noon at the Buchanan Town Hall.

These are among 12 sessions scheduled throughout the 6th District through Aug. 14. A complete list is at" U.S. Rep Tom Petri to meet with constituents Wednesday | | Appleton Post-Crescent

Congressman Kagen Didn't See This Coming

From the Green Bay Press. What, no pictures? Congressman Steve Kagen didn't see this coming.
"Shouting overwhelms Kagen forum on health care
Angry crowd packs library for listening session with congressman

By Keegan Kyle • • August 4, 2009

At least fifty people hoping to attend a listening session of U.S. Rep Steve Kagen Monday night could not find a seat."
Shouting overwhelms Kagen forum on health care | | Green Bay Press-Gazette

At least 50, I'd say 100 to 150 couldn't get in.
Congressional staff stopped people from entering the auditorium at the Brown County Central Library in Green Bay when its seating filled with 300 people. Attendants who could not get a seat in the auditorium found a spot to stand in the compact lobby and listened to the event through speakers.

The vast majority of people attending the event appeared to come in protest of the health-care legislation, and they repeatedly disrupted the event by shouting.
Evil people shouting, poor Steve Kagen was yelled at.
The crowd's size and vocal frustration grabbed the attention of Green Bay police, who arrived soon after the event began to keep the peace. Capt. Rick Demro said no one was arrested.
Who called the police? Why did they send four officers?
Kagen never battled the crowd's volume, but voiced his concerns several times about its attitude.
I wasn't outside, did they have paddy wagon outside. They came to clear the aisles because of the fire code. If they were called because of a near riot, I ask again, who called them and what were the police told. I think Kagen's staff were scared to death. Maybe the MSM could get a copy of the call to the Green Bay Police dept."
You can talk, but I can't listen to 100 people at the same time," he said. "This is not a shouting contest. This should be a discussion."

Kagen wanted a discussion of what he wanted to tell us and not a listening session.
If the event were a shouting match, the mob won. Kagen tried talking about the health-care bill, but the roaring chants deafened his attempts. Several elderly people covered their ears and grimaced at the level of noise.

The only ones covering their ears were the few from the left that showed up. Kagen supporters didn't expect to be up against so many anti health care people.
Kagen's message — when audible — focused on a health-care system that values a competitive market of insurance providers and consumer choice.

No, Congressman Kagen only wants socialized medicine.

"The question is, do you support government-run health care? The answer is, no, I do not. I support a marketplace," he said.

Most of the crowd's screams for three-quarters of the evening were incomprehensible. In the last half hour, the listening session calmed — respectively speaking — and Kagen engaged in a more organized conversation.

Shocked, I am shocked, people screaming?
Sharon Guyette of De Pere stood up from a piano bench — every other seat in the auditorium was taken — and tried to explain the room's frustration."We are scared and when we get scared, we get angry," she said. "We sit back here (in Wisconsin) and we have no control."

Congressional staff told the crowd Kagen would schedule a second visit to Green Bay.

You can see the slant by Keegan Kyle from the MSM.

Round two today at 10:00 am in Appleton.

Don't They Have 60 Votes???????????

From Yahoo.

What seems to be the problem here?
"Democrats seek Republican support for car rebates
'Cash for clunkers' gains support in the Senate, could end by Friday unless $2 billion added

* By Ken Thomas, Associated Press Writer
* On Tuesday August 4, 2009, 1:36 am EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Facing a White House deadline, Senate Democrats are struggling to win over enough reluctant Republicans to pass a $2 billion extension of a popular rebate program that gives consumers up to $4,500 to trade in their old gas guzzlers for more fuel-efficient vehicles." Democrats seek Republican support for car rebates - Yahoo! Finance

And which RINO'S will turn coat?

Monday, August 03, 2009

Kagen Takes Heat At Listening Session

Pictures and comments are those of Berry Laker.

Just got home, 10:00pm news. Caught WFRV TV 5, "police called in to control the crowd." Are they kidding? Turned to WBAY TV 2, three hundred inside and hundreds turned away. At least we give TV 2 kudos for calling it right. Didn't see WLUK 11.

6:30 pm , hope I'm not late.

Down to the basement. "Welcome', that was nice.

Sitting on some chairs before the sign up tables.

Name address, city , zip, phone #, I had to put Berry Laker. Steve now has my address.

This is on the door going into the auditorium. No political signs? Why not?

Picture of standing room only. One of Kagen's staff( I'm assuming) started telling some guys in line , it full and he won't let you in. Screaming and pointing fingers. Had to calm the lefty down. I see his point, the place was full but didn't look too good on a shouting match even before it started.
Big crowd. People standing in aisles. Were told to get a seat or will be told to leave. Fire code only limits 300. Way over already.

Sometime before 7:00,still no Kagen.

Stage set up for our 8th District congressman. Bunch of propaganda set up by Kagen. Props, for sure.

Crowd out the back door on people who won't get in. I was one of the last one's by the door and I think my Gitmo shirt kept me in.
Door closed, crowd outside yelling ,"MOVE OUTSIDE, MOVE OUTSIDE"

Let's go . Let's get the show on the road.
Good crowd.

In the aisle, were sitting on the floor.

6:55 , there's the man. Out of 300, 15 - 20 stand up and cheer. 100 to 150 sit and boo!

Opening talking points, thanks military, standing O for our military and those that served.
7:00, chant starts up " READ THE BILL, READ THE BILL, READ THE BILL!"

More talking points. 7:35, was asked about abortion in the bill, Kagen brushed off question.

Early questions were stacked in Kagen's favor.

The white book by Kagen's left hand is the house health care bill. I can't believe he brought it.

The MSM up front.

Kagen reading questions from written cards from crowd.

Kagen even tried to read the bill. This might be when he was reading page 425, "end of life planning", said no such thing will happen in bill.

Someone up front from insurance company. Could not hear question.

He said twice. "if you like what you have now, you can keep it. Wow, what a bunch of B S!

Kagen was asked if he would go on gov health care. Will he go on plan? Ready for this. He said "he will look into it." He couldn't even answer the question. I guess he knows he will not have the plan he is forcing down our throats.

8:02 - four of Green Bays finest in to clear the aisles of people sitting on floor. They were not there to control a rowdy crowd. It was a fire hazard plain and simple. If you had no seat you had to go. I was wondering if I was going to just raise my wrists and tell em to take me away. Lucky some people left, I got to sit in the middle towards the back.

A young lady hitting Kagen up on Medicare Medicaid payments. She was making good points on who really pays and how much.

A gentle man hits Kagen up on cap and trade. Kagen said it would cost family $80 - $140 by 2020. The guy said he called energy companies and they told him $1500 starting next year. Kagen tried to blow the guy off and crowd went crazy.

9:00 pm Kagen calls it quits.

A couple of comments.

Kagen said he found buyers for Niagara New Page Mill.

Kagen said he has buyers for Kimberly plant.

Kagen said Obama is for nuclear energy.

Kagen said he lives with two lawyers in Washington and is for tort reform.

Kagen said a majority of the people of the Wisconsin 8th district disagree with most in tonight's crowd. Say what!

Kagen said twice, " you will have a choice."

Kagen said he always took medicaid patients at his business.

You have got to give Kagen credit for holding the session. It was not a mob like TV 5 would have you believe. People are afraid of this health care plan and they don't want it. They want gov. out of their lives. They were loud and they were vocal. Obviously the left did not come out in force.

Hope someone could get audio of the whole two hour session. We shall see how Appleton goes tomorrow at 10:00 am

Update, video from WLUK Fox11