Friday, January 14, 2011

Tea Party 2011, We begin on 1/15/11

"The Tea Party Movement 2011

Tune in to hear from Wisconsin and U.P. Tea Party leaders.
What will be the top issues to watch and get educated on?

Tune in with your hosts Kim Simac and Steve Decker
Saturday, January 15, 10:00am - listen live over internet! "
Republican Women of the North

We thank the Republican Women of the North.

WDNR, Walker, Stepp Needs To Change This Now

From the Wisconsin paper of record, The Lakeland-Times
"1/14/2011 9:57:00 AM
DNR says it can enter private property without consent
Minocqua police decline to cite agency for trespassing; Walker says police got bad legal advice
Richard Moore
Investigative Reporter

Officials of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources say they have the right to enter private property without the permission or notification of property owners when performing work as representatives of the state Department of Transportation, documents obtained from the town of Minocqua reveal."
DNR says it can enter private property without consent
An interesting read and which is why Walker and Stepp need to bring in the reigns.

I Like This Better Then The Last Election

"Steele drops out of race; Priebus is the new Republican Party chairman
By Sean J. Miller and Shane D'Aprile - 01/14/11 05:21 PM ET

Reince Priebus is the new chairman of the Republican National Committe.

Priebus won with 97 votes in the seventh round of voting. Priebus, the chairman of the Wisconsin Republican Party, was the leader from the first ballot. He was the only candidate who did not lose any supporter as voting went on throughout Friday afternoon."
Steele drops out of race; Priebus is the new Republican Party chairman - The Hill's Ballot Box
Reason is Mr Steele didn't follow through on what I as a conservative wants in government.

Finally A Good Idea From A Democrat

From CBS Philly
"NJ Politician Proposes License Plates For Bicycles
January 13, 2011 9:29 AM "

NJ Politician Proposes License Plates For Bicycles « CBS Philly – News, Sports, Weather, Traffic and the Best of Philadelphia
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – If a proposed bill becomes law in New Jersey, bicyclists will have to pay to register bikes or face a fine.

The bill, introduced by Democratic New Jersey assemblywoman Cleopatra Tucker of Essex, requires owners to register bikes with the Motor Vehicle Commission for $10 dollars a piece or face fines up to $100. A license plate would be issued and will have to be displayed when riding on public roads. Plates would be valid for two years.

John Boyle with the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia is against the proposed bill.

“Her office has an issue with bicyclists on the sidewalks,” he said. “We are asking our New Jersey members and people in the state of New Jersey to contact their state assembly representatives and ask them to oppose this legislation,” Boyle said.

Boyle says the enforcement will be almost impossible. He believes it would also be a drain on police resources and a financial burden to some.
Why not a bike license? We used to have them back in the 60's.

It's about time the bike nuts pay for the bike paths, bike lanes, bike lane signs and bike lane paint we have to have for them.

I don't see a problem at all with this. We have to license ATV, Cars, Snowmobiles, Motorcycles, campers, why not bikes? Only those that own a bike would pay. Yea, all you upper eastsiders, PAY YOUR SHARE!!!!!!!! Did I tell you I don't own a bike?

If you bikies don't like it, let's get rid of the bike paths and bike lanes. We never had that back in the 60's.

Global Warning To My .................

"Global Warming: Dire Prediction for the Year 3000"
Global Warming: Dire Prediction for the Year 3000 - Yahoo! News
I hope my great, great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,
great grand child won't have to worry about this.

I figured at 27 generations from today. I also wonder if one of my future grandchildren will keep up the Berry Laker Blog?

Diamond Jim Doyle Credit, Say What

Another pump for Jim Doyle from the Wisconsin State Journal
"State’s big prison population drop called ‘historic’

Posted: Thursday, January 13, 2011 3:00 am"
State’s big prison population drop called ‘historic’

Wisconsin's prison population dropped significantly in 2010, reversing a trend of ballooning incarceration that had been predicted to continue for years.

It was the second year in a row that the number of people behind bars in state prisons had gone down, according to the Wisconsin Department of Corrections. In 2010, the average daily population declined by 3,147 offenders to 20,015.

"This is historic," agency spokesman Tim Le Monds said. "This is the first time we've seen a sustained reduction in our prison population — ever."
Historic, Wow!
But it wasn't former Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle's controversial earned release program — coincidentally projected to result in up to 3,000 early releases — that fueled the reduction. And whatever small impact that program had will likely end soon: GOP Gov. Scott Walker has vowed to kill it.
It wasn't? Release 3000 inmates and the prison population doesn't decrease? Silly me.
Kollat acknowledged the department can't say for sure that the re-entry initiative — funded by a series of federal grants, private funding and a $10 million state grant — has played a role in the dramatic reduction, but it hasn't hurt.
You have to wait till paragraph 8 to see he's not sure if "re-entry initiative" worked or didn't work or do they give Jim Doyle all the credit? They can try all they want to paint Jimbo as a great gov., but the truth will always be Doyle's legacy was a failure.

Jim Doyle good, not, Scott Walker bad, not.

Sorry, I'll take Walker.

Today In History

"Eastern Upper Peninsula —

Today is the 14th day of 2011. There are 351 days left in the year.

Today's Highlight in History
On Jan. 14, 1784, the United States ratified a peace treaty with England, ending the Revolutionary War."

1968, the Green Bay Packers of the NFL defeated the AFL's Oakland Raiders, 33-14, in Super Bowl II.

 Today in History, Friday, Jan. 14, 2011 - Sault Ste. Marie, MI - Sault Ste. Marie Evening News

There's more at the Soo Evening News.

Racing On Ice, Need To See

From the Shawano Leader. This is awesome.

Ice Racing on Shawano Lake by Cecil Wis.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Local News Headlines :

Ice crushing competition
By Tiffany Wilbert,

There are ice shanties on the lakes and the new year is in full swing. In Wisconsin, that means it’s ice racing season.

Kicking off its 2011 opener last weekend, Cecil’s Fire on Ice Auto Racing Club had had an impressive 56 racers turn out.

“We’ve got people come from all over,” veteran racer Scott Weisnicht said. “From around the area, Minnesota and even Michigan.”

“If you’re a true racer you can’t sit at home when you know a race is going on,” he said.

Dubbed “the fastest grandpa on ice,” 53-year-old Weisnicht was one of the original club members 27 years ago.

“We started with only 10 members, when front-wheel drive cars weren’t even made yet,” he said.

Make no mistake, these races are not for timid audiences. They are no-holds-barred, flat-track racing on sheer ice.

Boyfriend, Casket, X Girlfriend

Funny this didn't happen in Sheboygan. From the LaCrosse
"Man pleads to disorderly conduct in casket case

Daniel Geiwitz didn’t use a conventional weapon to threaten his ex-fianceé and her new boyfriend.

The La Crosse man last August instead unloaded a full-size silver casket from his pickup truck into the back yard of the man’s house on Green Bay Street.

“What do you and (the new boyfriend) want on your headstones?” he shouted at the couple.

Geiwitz, 29, had left a smashed and severed snake on her car the day before and also once tried to hit her with his vehicle, according to the La Crosse County Circuit Court complaint.

Geiwitz pleaded guilty Thursday to a misdemeanor charge of disorderly conduct, while a charge of stalking was dismissed."
Man pleads to disorderly conduct in casket case

Powderhorn Lodge Lost, Ski Hills Still Open

From The Daily Globe.
"1/14/2011 12:11:00 AM
Big Powderhorn’s main building total loss in Thursday fire
BESSEMER -- Fire destroyed most of the main lodge at Big Powderhorn Mountain Ski Resort on Thursday morning.

No one was injured in the fire, which started in the east side of the main lodge, according to Gogebic County Sheriff Pete Matonich.

Matonich said he was the first law enforcement officer at the scene and the building was fully engulfed when he arrived. The wood-framed structure on the east side burned quickly, he said.

Owner Bruce Noren said Thursday afternoon that the hill would be 100 percent open today, with all runs open and chairlifts in full operation. "
Ski lodge lost in blaze

Thursday, January 13, 2011

We're In Trouble

Drudge has some interesting headlines.
"Jobless Claims Jump, Wholesale Food Costs Surge...

First-Time Jobless Claims Rose 35,000 Last Week... Banks repossess 1 million homes in 2010...

May Jump 20% in 2011... S&P, MOODY'S Warn On USA Credit Rating...

Unlikely To Recoup GM Bailout...

Do you see what seems to be the common theme here?

We're in deep do-do!

Antigo Gun Search

From the Eau Claire Leader Telegram
Antigo store searched for guns
Posted: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 8:32 am

ANTIGO (AP) — An Antigo store that sells everything from skateboards to remote control cars and cell phones is under investigation for illegal gun sales.

Langlade County Sheriff’s Lt. John Schunke says investigators recently searched Jammers in Antigo and found several guns on the property. He says more than 40 guns were found at the home of the store’s owner. Schunke says they’ve tracked some of the guns to criminal activity in the county.

Authorities say two store employees were arrested when deputies and Antigo officers searched the property because they were felons in possession of firearms.

The case is still under investigation."
Antigo store searched for guns - Leader-Telegram: Daily Updates

Tea Party Extremists Again?

From the LaCrosse
Oh boy, I can see it now. No wait, no news here, move along MSM.
"MADISON — Police are investigating a threat against a number of public officials in Wisconsin, including Gov. Scott Walker and Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, a person within the Republican party told The Associated Press on Wednesday.

The source was briefed on the threat but requested anonymity because the person was not authorized to release the information.

Word of the threat came when state Senate Chief Clerk Robert Marchant sent a memo to all Senate offices warning senators to be vigilant about their safety. The memo said the threat was against various Wisconsin public officials, including two state senators, but did not name them.

The memo said the FBI, the Capitol Police and local law enforcement officials were investigating. Marchant did not elaborate on the nature of the threat, though he told Senate staffers to monitor online postings that mention them or their senators, suggesting the threat was Internet-based.

The governor’s office referred calls to the Capitol Police. Kleefisch did not immediately return messages.

Officials with the state Justice Department, Capitol Police and the FBI all declined comment, saying the matter was an ongoing investigation. Madison Police Lt. Mary Ricksecker said she had not heard about any threats.

Marchant declined comment."
GOP sources say Walkers, others threatened

Wood, 9 Months

From the LaCrosse
"MADISON (AP) — Former state Rep. Jeff Wood has been sentenced to nine months in jail and three years’ probation after pleading no contest in an impaired driving case in Monroe County.

Wood, a Chippewa Falls independent, was sentenced Wednesday afternoon in Sparta on one felony count of operating while intoxicated. A misdemeanor count of bail jumping was dismissed.

Wood was ordered to report to jail Feb. 18."
Wood sentenced to jail in Monroe County

Eskymos Escape

Sports from the Escanaba Daily Press
"GLADSTONE - Escanaba coach Jamie Segorski was pulling for sophomore Jared Maycunich in the 140 pound match as the Eskymos met mat rival Gladstone here Tuesday night, taking home a 34-33 victory.

With Escanaba holding a 10-point lead, Maycunich took down Gladstone's Mike Damitz via a 4-0 decision to put the Eskymos up by 13 points. With two matches to go and the victory in hand, Segorski forfeited to Gladstone's Jacob Wydra and Jacob Cronick.

"I put pressure on Maycunich to get the win. We didn't want to wrestle the last match with a couple kids being banged up," Segorski explained."
Esky grapplers escape - | News, Sports, Jobs, Escanaba Information | The Daily Press

Whale Burps Sighted On Lake Superior

From the Ashland Daily Press

Wisconsin Public Radio
Published: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 9:15 PM CST
Strange small hard balls of debris have been found on a Lake Superior beach. It may be the first time this phenomenon has washed up in the Great Lakes.

They’re the same phenomena as what are called “whale burps” or “surf balls” on ocean beaches. But this time the little bundles of debris were found on a Lake Superior beach in Duluth. Minnesota Sea Grant’s Sharon Moen says they’re a mix of nature and litter balled together by wind and lake."
The Daily Press - Ashland, WI > News > ‘Whale burps’ make first appearance on Lake Superior

Ontonagon, Smurfit Deal Dropped

From the Daily Globe
"1/12/2011 11:56:00 PM
Smurfit purchase falls through
ONTONAGON -- An Ontonagon official has learned that the unnamed company which signed a purchase agreement with Smurfit Stone Container to purchase the paper mills in Ontonagon and Montana has failed to come up with the funds to complete the sale. " Smurfit purchase falls through

So Why Are We Subsidizing Ethanol

From Yahoo Finance and A P.
"Lower corn and soybean output sends prices surging
Government report showing decline in corn and soybean production sends prices surging "
Michael J. Crumb and Christopher Leonard, Associated Press, On Wednesday January 12, 2011, 5:35 pm EST

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -- A surprising drop in the U.S. corn and soybean crop sent grain prices surging to their highest levels in 2 1/2 years Wednesday. The price increases stoked concerns about higher food prices and tighter supplies of feedstock for food and biofuels.

Wet weather and abnormally high temperatures contributed to lower U.S. corn production in 2010, according to a report from the U.S. Agriculture Department. The report also showed declines in soybean, wheat and grain sorghum production.

March corn futures jumped 4 percent to settle at $6.31 a bushel. Soybean prices jumped 4.3 percent to $14.15 a bushel.

The report confirmed traders' fears that historically low stockpiles of grain and oilseeds could leave little buffer in coming months as demand rises with a growing global economy. Prices reached their highest points since the financial crisis of 2008 caused a collapse in global demand for food and fuel.

"It's just confirming that supplies are lower than we thought, and demand is better than we thought, and when that happens you see prices bidding up," said Chad Hart, an Iowa State University grain marketing specialist.

It can take months for higher grain prices to work their way to the grocery store. Raw ingredients are just a fraction of the cost for processed foods.

But companies like Hormel Foods Corp. have already announced price increases of more than 3 percent this year. Higher grain costs will put more pressure on them to pass costs along to consumers.
 Lower corn and soybean output sends prices surging - Yahoo! Finance

So with budget deficits and high prices, why are we still subsidizing corn? And I thought the Obama administration told us we have no inflation? Looks like food pricing are rising fast.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy Birthday, Another Berry Laker

I have to do a personnel post.

I have a good friend who has a birthday today.

Even we are miles apart, helped me build my house, gave me a job years ago, got me drunk many times in the past.

Just want to say


I owe you a DRINK!

Right Wing Extremist Trips Clinton, Tea Party Activist Under Tarmac

"By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 4:11 PM on 12th January 2011

As one of the most powerful women on the planet, Hillary Clinton travels thousands of miles on planes to meet world leaders.

But the U.S Secretary of State's latest trip was a rather unidignified one - losing her footing as she boarded a plane in Yemen.

She slipped to her knees at the doorway and was only saved from further embarrassment when an aide gave her a helping hand."
Hillary Clinton takes a tumble as she boards plane after meeting Yemeni President | Mail Online
If this was Bush, Palin, Limbaugh, Beck or any other well known conservative, it would be 24/7 on every channel possible including SNL and Comedy Central.

Yea Baby


"Martin joins Turner for Nationwide, Truck races
By Team Release
January 12, 2011
06:51 PM EST

Turner Motorsports announced Wednesday the addition of racing legend Mark Martin to its 2011 driver lineup. Martin will pilot the No. 32 in Nationwide Series events at Las Vegas Motor Speedway, Auto Club Speedway, Michigan International Speedway and Kentucky Speedway with crew chief Trent Owens calling the shots. He will also drive the No. 32 in Camping World Truck Series races at Michigan International Speedway and Pocono Raceway."
 Martin joins Turner for Nationwide, Truck races | NASCAR Nationwide Series
Keep the young kids off the track and let the master show em how to race.

Hillary Points To Left Leaning Liberal ???????

"Jared Loughner is an extremist because he carried out the Arizona shootings while acting on his “political views,” Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Wednesday. " Clinton: Loughner acted politically | POLITICO 44

What is she saying here? Loughner is a left leaning liberal democrat???

Can someone clarify what Hillary means?

Favor Wanted For Tom Barrett Campaign Donor

Info from the Green Bay Press
"Wetland exemption sought by Gov. Scott Walker for donor's Ashwaubenon project
The Associated Press • January 12, 2011

MADISON — Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has proposed an exemption from water quality standards for a parcel of Ashwaubenon wetlands owned by a campaign donor."

Car dealer John Bergstrom owns the wetlands at the southeast corner of the intersection of U.S. 41 and Lombardi Avenue and has been working on a retail project there for about a year, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel newspaper reported.

Bergstrom’s attorney, Paul Kent of Madison, said the state Department of Natural Resources has approved the project but environmentalists oppose it.

Wetland exemption sought by Gov. Scott Walker for donor's Ashwaubenon project | | Green Bay Press Gazette
So the DNR has approved the construction and who's holding it up? Who's doing who a favor?

The GBP reported last year Bergstrom donated $1250 to the Tom Barrett campaign and other Democratic legislator campaign committees and only a $1000 to Walker and money to Republican campaign committees.

Gov. Walker, Dump The Wis. Department of Workforce Development

Via Charlie Sykes, from Wisconsin Business Voice.

January 12, 2011


James Buchen, (608) 258-3400

Wisconsin CEOs Say State Regulations Overly Burdensome, Hamper Jobs
Regulation Reforms Needed to Improve Business Climate

MADISON – Wisconsin CEOs report the state’s business regulations are out of line, hamper job creation, and are in need of major reforms, according to a new survey released Wednesday by WMC, the state’s largest business association.
From Question three. Right behind Dept of Revenue and the WDNR, I am SHOCKED!
3. Thinking about state agencies that regulate your business, please select the top three most difficult or
burdensome state agencies:
Department of Administration 12%
Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection 11%
Department of Commerce 16%
Department of Financial Institutions 11%
Department of Health Services 15%
Department of Natural Resources 55%
Department of Regulation & Licensing 19%
Department of Revenue 55%
Department of Transportation 16%
Department ofWorkforce Development 41%
Office of the Commissioner of Insurance 10%
Public Service Commission 10%
Seems Workforce Development in Wisconsin is holding back business.

Governor Scott Walker and the legislature of Wisconsin. Please close down the Workforce Development. The new state commerce dept can do a better job in training and not wasting money and holding back jobs. Seems CEO's are tired of the Workforce Development.
Link to rest of survey

Appleton Wis., We Need Politician Named Parking Ramps

From the Appleton Post Crescent.
"Appleton panel considers contest to name parking ramps

The Post-Crescent • January 12, 2011

APPLETON — All too often, parking ramps are saddled with some of the dullest names.

Some city leaders think Appleton no longer can afford the monikers for
the four downtown parking ramps: City Center, East, Midtown and
Washington. They are neither helpful from a directions standpoint nor
catchy, the city says.

In a bid to spice things up and promote
their use, aldermen serving on the Board of Public Works today will
consider whether to recommend to the Common Council sponsoring a naming
contest for the ramps.

Ald. Curt Konetzke, the board’s vice
chairman, said the contest would be part of a marketing plan. If
approved, it would be open to the public.

" Appleton panel considers contest to name parking ramps | | Appleton Post Crescent
First off, what's wrong with the old names? Looks like the city leaders in Appleton ran out of things to do. Huh, rename the parking ramps? A contest? This seems to be a way for people to vote for their favorite aldermen and politician to get a parking ramp with their name on it. I can see it now.

I worked hard for you, "Steve Kagen Ramp",
I was your governor "Diamond Jim Doyle Ramp",
really, I want to be the County Executive "Baby Face Nelson Ramp",
the first, "Barack Obama Ramp",
and last but not least,
It was my idea, the "Curt Konetzke Ramp."

No, you will not see the I killed the choo choo "Scott Walker Ramp" or one that kind of relates to parking ramps, the remember my vote "Russ Decker Ramp". get it, Decker, parking ramp? Come on, it's a joke already!  

How about have business pay for naming rights, maybe a rotating name every five years to give Appleton some extra income for the ramps. Sorry, I forgot, doesn't Appleton have a budget surplus? Silly me.

PSA, Snowmobile Access Ironwood Mi

From the Daily Globe.
"1/11/2011 2:21:00 AM
Ironwood sets snowmobile access routes

IRONWOOD -- Snowmobilers can now travel from their residences to designated snowmobile trails.

On Monday, the city commission adopted a resolution allowing the operation of snowmobiles on city streets, as designated by resolution (see map).

Snowmobilers, however, will only be able to cross U.S. 2 at three designated streets, Zinn, Greenbush and Superior, the commission agreed."
Ironwood sets snowmobile access routes

Snake Missing Since 2009

From the Daily Globe.
"1/12/2011 2:04:00 AM
Man reports snake missing since 2009
IRONWOOD -- An Ironwood resident reported the theft of his snake to the Ironwood Public Safety Department Monday, but it doesn't appear officers will make the case a priority.

The complainant said the snow corn snake went missing in November 2009 from a residence on the West Larch Street and the young man believed he knew who took it." Man reports snake missing since 2009

Time To Get Involved In Politics

A great post from Jo at

How to run for political office.
American Majority does a great job at campaign schools – and they’ll be in the area January 18, 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM for a “micro-training.” All the details are here. Registration is free, though donations are welcome to cover the costs of materials and the program. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged.

Topics to be covered during the training include:

* The Candidate: Ensuring you are on the ballot and other important information
* The Administration and Committee: Who is going to be most involved
* Communication: Strategy, messaging, medium, and positioning tactics
* Fundraising and Budget: Where is the money going to come from and how will it be spent
* Voters: Finding information on who votes, contacting voters through direct contact and GOTV efforts, and volunteers

Full training materials, samples and supplements will be provided to help you apply what you learn to your organization, candidate, cause or community. Food and beverages will be provided. " - Appleton, WI News - What's really going on in the Fox Cities
It's time for some of you to get off your duff and take back our country. This is for anyone from dog catcher, town chair and supervisor to the sky's the limit.

Go run for office. No guts, no glory.

Speeding Ticket

Seems with all that is happening today, you need to have a laugh. E mail from our GREAT friend from Colorado.

A Laramie , Wyoming policeman had a perfect spot to watch for speeders, but
wasn't getting many.
Then he discovered the problem--a 12-year-old boy was standing up the road
with a hand painted sign, which read 'RADAR TRAP AHEAD.'
The officer also found the boy had an accomplice who was down the road with
a sign reading 'TIPS' and a bucket full of money.
(And we used to just sell lemonade!)

A motorist was mailed a picture of his car speeding through an automated
radar post in Cheyenne, Wyo.
A $40 speeding ticket was included. Being cute, he sent the police
department a picture of $40.
The police responded with another mailed photo of handcuffs.

A young woman was pulled over for speeding.
A Wyoming State Trooper walked to her car window, flipping open his ticket
She said, "I bet you are going to sell me a ticket to the State Trooper's
He replied, " Wyoming State Troopers don't have balls."
There was a moment of silence. He then closed his book, tipped his hat, got
back in his patrol car and left.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Next Atlanta

Packers 21
Iggles 16

Pack Future

Here we go boys.

Time to show what you got.