Did not hunt, did not play. Let me explain my absence for the last five days. I can only explain my absence through the definition of
It was 4:30 Sunday afternoon. Mark Martin, my guy was in 13th, 15th, I don't remember but it was bad. My drivers season of finally getting a championship was all but a dream. Jimmy Johnson # 48 was cruising to a forth championship before my eyes. Not four times, come on man, not again. Suddenly a cold shiver rolled across my body. The feeling of the body shutting down. Watching the screen with each passing lap shook my body more and more. The old man # 5 had a great year and with two blankets I still couldn't stop my volatile body movements. The race was not over but I knew the season was and shut the TV off and crawled to bed. How could a hard core NASCAR fan, just go to bed before the season even ends? Was it my reaction to Jimmy Johnson winning again? Was the good lord punishing me on my thoughts about Johnson and Knaus doing it again? God, I hate those guy's, (well, not really, I'm still a Christian but I will say it again, I hate those guys, sorry Lord)! Was i getting the flu? Did I get H1N1? Not the 48 jinx! The Lord only knew.
Sunday night was long and punishing. Every hour would change, complete body shakes to outpouring of sweat and high temperatures back to cold and shakes to sweats of perspiration. You would think a couple Tylenol's would would stop the pain, the coughing, the sweats, the cold body shakes. A man can only take so much.
Monday arrives, time to call the doctor and get this fixed! Needless to say from Monday till Thursday I give you the following.
Three days, three visits to the doctor.
Three days, two antibiotic I V's, 2.5 hour average wait for each I V, talk about Obama care. * One chest x Ray = Pneumonia on the left side of the chest, oh a scar there also, say what! Nothing serious.
Bacterial infection in right leg, for crying out loud, I hope it's not a staph infection. I had that once and don't want to see it again.
Headaches, sinus constantly draining, body aches all over, hard to walk to the bathroom at night. Why did I deserve this? It all started Sunday and didn't even get to finish the end of the race. My God, # 48, what did you do to me?
It was so bad I have not looked at e mails as of yet, did not blog except for this, posted to two comments from dad 29. I was sleeping so much, I was asleep more then I was awake. Mrs Berry Laker came home from work to take care of the old man. What an angel!
Alas it's Friday morning and it's time to give thanks to God above. You don't know what life really means until your down and out. I have a GREAT family. I know indirectly so many great people, yes, you in the bloggoshere. I missed a lot in the last five days but am finally coming around a couple of small steps at a time.
It is after the holiday but owe everyone a belated
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
Yes, even a belated Happy Thanksgiving to Steve Kagen and Jimmy Johnson and their families. Oh man, I just got a headache.
I may not post for a couple more days, who knows. Until I'm over the jinx, to you and yours, have a safe hunt to those out in the woods, be safe in those that are shopping and most of all enjoy the ones close to you, you never know if you will get the 48 jinx. ENJOY THE WEEKEND!

Did not hunt, did not play. Let me explain my absence for the last five days. I can only explain my absence through the definition of
1. a person, thing, or influence supposed to bring bad luck.
–verb (used with object)
2. to bring bad luck to; place a jinx on: The strike has jinxed my plans to go to Milwaukee for the weekend. "
Jinx Definition | Definition of Jinx at Dictionary.com
It was 4:30 Sunday afternoon. Mark Martin, my guy was in 13th, 15th, I don't remember but it was bad. My drivers season of finally getting a championship was all but a dream. Jimmy Johnson # 48 was cruising to a forth championship before my eyes. Not four times, come on man, not again. Suddenly a cold shiver rolled across my body. The feeling of the body shutting down. Watching the screen with each passing lap shook my body more and more. The old man # 5 had a great year and with two blankets I still couldn't stop my volatile body movements. The race was not over but I knew the season was and shut the TV off and crawled to bed. How could a hard core NASCAR fan, just go to bed before the season even ends? Was it my reaction to Jimmy Johnson winning again? Was the good lord punishing me on my thoughts about Johnson and Knaus doing it again? God, I hate those guy's, (well, not really, I'm still a Christian but I will say it again, I hate those guys, sorry Lord)! Was i getting the flu? Did I get H1N1? Not the 48 jinx! The Lord only knew.
Sunday night was long and punishing. Every hour would change, complete body shakes to outpouring of sweat and high temperatures back to cold and shakes to sweats of perspiration. You would think a couple Tylenol's would would stop the pain, the coughing, the sweats, the cold body shakes. A man can only take so much.
Monday arrives, time to call the doctor and get this fixed! Needless to say from Monday till Thursday I give you the following.
Three days, three visits to the doctor.
Three days, two antibiotic I V's, 2.5 hour average wait for each I V, talk about Obama care. * One chest x Ray = Pneumonia on the left side of the chest, oh a scar there also, say what! Nothing serious.
Bacterial infection in right leg, for crying out loud, I hope it's not a staph infection. I had that once and don't want to see it again.
Headaches, sinus constantly draining, body aches all over, hard to walk to the bathroom at night. Why did I deserve this? It all started Sunday and didn't even get to finish the end of the race. My God, # 48, what did you do to me?
It was so bad I have not looked at e mails as of yet, did not blog except for this, posted to two comments from dad 29. I was sleeping so much, I was asleep more then I was awake. Mrs Berry Laker came home from work to take care of the old man. What an angel!
Alas it's Friday morning and it's time to give thanks to God above. You don't know what life really means until your down and out. I have a GREAT family. I know indirectly so many great people, yes, you in the bloggoshere. I missed a lot in the last five days but am finally coming around a couple of small steps at a time.
It is after the holiday but owe everyone a belated
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
Yes, even a belated Happy Thanksgiving to Steve Kagen and Jimmy Johnson and their families. Oh man, I just got a headache.
I may not post for a couple more days, who knows. Until I'm over the jinx, to you and yours, have a safe hunt to those out in the woods, be safe in those that are shopping and most of all enjoy the ones close to you, you never know if you will get the 48 jinx. ENJOY THE WEEKEND!