Success - The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will. Vincent T. Lombardi
Saturday, October 08, 2011
Monday Night Football New Opening
Update: Or this one might be good. In fact this would be GREAT for ESPN.
Cute Commercial Of Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rogers and Edith You Tube For Associated Bank.
Friday, October 07, 2011
Steve Kagen Promised Peshtigo $500K, Barack Obama Took Away
Peshtigo Times Wisconsin Community Newspaper
City Denied $477,000 Grant Promised Three Years Ago
Back in January of 2008, then-United States Senator Steve Kagen ceremoniously announced a matching funds grant of nearly $500,000 to the City of Peshtigo to help finance improvements to the water and sewer utility system. The EPA grant for water-related infrastructure improvements awarded to the city was officially announced by the Department of the Interior on Feb. 21, 2008.
But there were complications, and the money never arrived. Mayor Allen Krizenesky, at the City Council meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 4 had the unwelcome task of advising aldermen that it apparently never will.
Remember all those promises Steve Kagen made to everyone in the 8th district? Seems the Obama's EPA pulled the plug.To all those people who voted democrat, looks liked you got screwed.

Vince Is Back For JB Van Hollen
MADISON — Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen defended the state Justice Department's concealed carry regulations Thursday, saying the agency must define training requirements and verify it took place.
Republicans passed a law earlier this year that allows Wisconsin residents to carry concealed weapons. The Justice Department is scrambling to draft rules enacting the law, which is set to take effect Nov. 1.
The National Rifle Association sent Van Hollen a letter Wednesday accusing his agency of going overboard on the regulations. The association specifically took issue with provisions that call for at least four hours of training, including hands-on practice and requirements that instructors sign training completion certificates.
What is JB Van Hollen doing? A four hour minimum training for all who apply for concealed carry?
JB, are you looking for a political future in Wisconsin? Doesn't look like it!
What is going on with JB Van Hollen?
Ribble Squeezes In Another Committee
The former roofing contractor boasted of bringing more than 30 years of business experience to bear on his crusade against what he frequently described as onerous, burdensome, job-killing regulations. That was the intent, he said, when he participated this week in a subcommittee hearing on a proposal by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to protect workers on roofing projects.
But in doing so, the Sherwood Republican drew criticism from a consumer advocacy group that said he had no business participating in a hearing on a regulation governing an industry to which he still has ties.
Huh? Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Gov, Walker, This Is Not Why We Voted For You
What is going on here in Wisconsin?
Legislators, tobacco-shop owners debate tax | Hudson Star-Observer | Hudson, Wisconsin
Some tobacco shops are closing their doors after state revenue agents told them to pay manufacturers’ taxes for their roll-your-own cigarette machines. Kent Krueger opened the Ciggy Shack in Menomonee Falls in May with two roll-your-own machines. But after the state told him last month that he must pay both manufacturers’ and distributors’ taxes, Krueger shut down.
And here from Governor Walker.
Governor Walker disputed the idea Oct. 5 that a tax crackdown on roll-your-own tobacco shops means that Wisconsin is no longer “open for business.” At his news conference, Walker defended the law that requires roll-your-own tobacco shops to pay both manufacturing and distributors’ taxes.
The governor says being open-for-business means what he called “certainty” – and part of the certainty is to apply state laws to everyone across-the-board. Walker says he’s not picking “winners and losers.”
Mr. Walker, this is fuel to your possible recall for next year. Admit you made a mistake and back off on these businesses. Wondering if the power in Madison is affecting some?
Thursday, October 06, 2011
New Wisconsin Drudge Report Web Site
Here is the link.
Same format as Drudge. Emails not up as of yet.
Wonder if this is a part of Drudge or an idea some people spun off? There are other sites for some other states.
Pretty neat, they even have Berry Laker listed in Wisconsin blogs.
Seems my Wis U. P. North web site was a good idea.
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
No, Means No, Sarah Out
From Mark Levin
The former Alaska Governor and VP candidate sent the following letter to her supporters on Wednesday:
October 5, 2011
Wasilla, Alaska
After much prayer and serious consideration, I have decided that I will not be seeking the 2012 GOP nomination for President of the United States. As always, my family comes first and obviously Todd and I put great consideration into family life before making this decision. When we serve, we devote ourselves to God, family and country. My decision maintains this order.
I like Sarah, she would of gave Mitt a few bloody noses.
Sarah, we're still proud of you.
Happy # 6 To Steve Over At No Runny Eggs
No Runny Eggs » Blog Archive » Has it been 6 years?
That leads me to my own blogiversary. 6 years ago today, I decided (more like was dragged by the unfortunately-absent GBFan) to open up shop after getting an invite onto the dearly-departed WisconsinSportsBar. I’ve gone through fits and spurts, moving from Blogger to a less-than-satisfactory stay at Yahoo Small Business while hosting WordPress to a long, though not profitable, tenure with BlueHost. Along the way, I’ve picked up way too many friends to count, a very-successful-in-the-real-world co-blogger in Shoebox (we could tell you how successful, but first we’d have to kill you), and even some notoriety.
If you know Wisconsin blogging you know about Egg.
Way to go Steve.
Where Is Herb Kohl On Basketball Strike
NBA talks break down over money, games in jeopardy |
NBA talks break down over money, games in jeopardy Posted Oct 4 2011 2:47PM - Updated Oct 5 2011 1:07AM
NEW YORK (AP) -- Commissioner David Stern floated it as an idea more than a firm proposal: a 50-50 revenue split.
Even so, the union's reply was unequivocal.
"They said, 'We can't do it."' according to Stern.
And with that, the remainder of the preseason was lost and the first two weeks of the regular season moved to the brink of cancellation.
The NBA shelved the rest of its exhibition schedule Tuesday and will wipe out the first two weeks of the regular season if there is no labor agreement by Monday.
"We were not able to make the progress that we hoped we could make and we were not able to continue the negotiations," Stern said after nearly fours of talks between owners and players ended without gaining ground on a new deal.
So where is Senator Herb Kohl on his basketball team the Milwaukee Bucks?
Why doesn't Kohl give his players more money?
If Kohl is so loose withthe tax payers money, why is he so tight with his own?
Answer, he's a liberal!
Why is the media not talking to Herb Kohl on the BB strike?
Answer, because he's a democrat.
Another question, why are the teachers not protesting in front of the Bradly Center?
- NBA Lockout 2011: Season in Jeopardy after Dwyane Wade Yells at David Stern
- Start of NBA season believed at stake in weekend talks
- Owners And Players Meet For 5 Hours, No Deal Yet
- NBA owners, players' union still far apart in labour negotiations
- NBA lockout: a meeting, but no deal

Packer Fans, It's Your Fault, So says Packers
In part, fans themselves were to blame for disregarding highly publicized pleas to come early, Collins said.
So they're going to try it again.
Huh, you stupid fans just don't know how to come into the feild early. You fans just want to get drunk while tailgating.
Huh, it's the fans fault.
- Packers introducing new security measure at Lambeau Field
- The Terrorists Are Winning the GWOT
- Green Bay Packers Not Waiting For Concealed Carry Incident To Happen At Stadium
- Security measures lead to long lines at Lambeau
- Green Bay Packers: The Lonely Travels of a Cheesehead Leads to Chaos

Ribble Up Against Democrat Wall For 2012
Frustrated with what he sees as a "mess" in Washington, Green Bay business consultant Jamie Wall is launching a bid to unseat U.S. Rep. Reid Ribble, R-Sherwood, who serves the 8th Congressional District.
"Congress is broken," Wall said. "It's time for members of Congress to act like adults instead of squabbling children (and) focus on the issues that matter more than anything to the people who sent them to Washington, which is the economy and jobs.
" Wall, 40, who lost a 2006 primary race for the seat to Steve Kagen of Appleton, is the first Democrat to enter the 2012 contest.
Huh, interesting.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011
J, Depp : Over Paid $300 Million, Then Give Back $250 Million
Johnny Depp admits he’s overpaid? - Yahoo! Movies
Johnny Depp says he's overpaid to star in Pirates of the Caribbean, for which he's reportedly earned more than $300 million.
No you won't see the left give it back!
Their answer, somebody else can give it back! You lefties.
- Is Johnny Depp's Lone Ranger Back From the Dead?
- See Johnny Depp's Night Out With Keith Richards at the GQ Party!
- Video: Johnny Depp does something lovely and makes us jealous
- Johnny Depp plays guitar, we swoon
- Johnny Depp to return in FIFTH Pirates Of The Caribbean film
- Johnny Depp Drunk in The Club
- Johnny Depp's The Thin Man gets New Writer

Fox Sports To Hire Hank Jr.?
I have always been very passionate about Politics and Sports and this time it got the Best or Worst of me. The thought of the Leaders of both Parties Jukin and High Fiven on a Golf course, while so many Families are Struggling to get by simply made me Boil over and make a Dumb statement and I am very Sorry if it Offended anyone. I would like to Thank all my supporters. This was Not written by some Publicist.” -- Hank Williams Jr
Seems Fox Sports should hire Hank Jr to do their intro's for NFL football games.
That would really irk the left!
Hank, if you want to get even, go to Fox Sports, they will take you.
- Hank Williams Jr. Likens Obama To Hitler In Uncomfortable Fox and Friends Interview
- Hank Williams Jr. Likens Obama To Hitler In Uncomfortable Fox and Friends Interview
- Hank Williams Jr. Is 'Ready For Football'
- Live: The Amanda Knox Verdict
- ESPN Shoots New Monday Night Football Opening at Full Sail University

Will Teachers March At Oshkosh Truck
So the union is in big talks with Oshkosh Truck?
Talks resume tomorrow between the Oshkosh Corporation and its major employee union. Members of the United Auto Workers voted down a new five-year contract offer on Friday, and its leaders said it would consider a strike vote. But now, both sides say they want to reach a settlement without a walkout. The head of the U-A-W chapter at Oshkosh, Nick Nitschke, says he employees will work under its old contract for now. More talks are set for tomorrow and Thursday. Nitschke says the major disagreements involve work-place issues, and the company’s plans to hire temporary workers starting in 2013.
So will the Wisconsin teachers unions and the state worker unions walk and protest against Oshkosh Truck? Will Marty and Mary speak up for the workers?
I don't think they will because Oshkosh Truck has nothing to do with their unions. They only care about their own rear ends!
- United Auto Workers Overwhelmingly Vote Down Truck Maker Oshkosh's Contract Offer
- Stocks to Watch: Stocks to watch Monday: Oshkosh, Arch Coal

Brookfield, Stolen Wedding Ring and Get "No Happy Ending"
Bad Ending When Masseuse Offers 'Happy Ending' - Brookfield, WI Patch
A masseuse offered a man a "happy ending" before stealing his wedding ring, police reports say.
The man, 33, called Brookfield police about 5:45 p.m. Wednesday to report he had been the victim of theft while staying at the Sheraton Milwaukee Brookfield Hotel.
According to police reports:
The man said he arranged for a masseuse to come to his hotel room, but when she offered to give him a "happy ending," he refused. He went to the restroom and when he returned, she was gone and so was his wedding ring and the $50 he paid her for the massage.

Guess the guy just wanted a massage .
Monday, October 03, 2011
Will ESPN Get Backlash, Hank Jr. Off ESPN
ESPN yanks Hank for comparing Obama to Hitler - On Media -
October 03, 2011 Categories: Barack Obama ESPN yanks Hank for comparing Obama to Hitler Hank Williams Jr., the voice famous asking millions of football fans whether they’re ready for some football, has been pulled from tonight’s broadcast of “Monday Night Football” over a comment he made on Fox News this morning. Williams, who sings the lead-in song to the game each week, criticized the president for his golf summit with House Speaker John Boehner this summer. “It would be like Hitler playing golf with (Israeli leader) Benjamin Netanyahu,” Williams told “Fox & Friends.” USA Today, among others, picked up the quote, speculating on whether the comparison would get Williams booted from the broadcast.
I can see a backlash coming like before. What will ESPN do when the ratings fall?