"Sheboygan Tea Party
This morning.
Rain or Shine!
Sponsored by Americans For Prosperity - Wisconsin Chapter (AFP-WI)"

Success - The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will. Vincent T. Lombardi
"Sheboygan Tea Party
This morning.
Rain or Shine!
Sponsored by Americans For Prosperity - Wisconsin Chapter (AFP-WI)"
"House Minority Leader Lawrence F. Cafero Jr., R-Norwalk, far right, speaks while colleagues play solitaire on their computers as the House convenes to vote on a new budget for the fiscal year in the Capitol, in Hartford, Conn., Monday, Aug., 31, 2009. (JESSICA HILL/ASSOCIATED PRESS / August 31, 2009)" Legislators' Solitaire Playing Causes A National Stir -- Courant.com
"Canada adds 27,100 jobs in August
Canada adds 27,100 jobs, unemployment edges up to 8.7 percent
* By Rob Gillies, Associated Press Writer
* On Friday September 4, 2009, 9:51 am EDT
TORONTO (AP) -- Canada added a better-than-expected 27,100 jobs in August, one of the biggest gains since the recession began in the country last fall.
But according to Statistics Canada all of the jobs are part-time.
The agency said Friday that Canada's unemployment rate edged up to 8.7 percent from 8.6 percent in July, as more Canadians began looking for work.
Still, the addition of 27,100 jobs is well above the previous month's 45,000 job retreat. The result also beat consensus expectations of a 15,000 job loss month." Canada adds 27,100 jobs in August - Yahoo! Finance
"Are roundabouts dangerous? So far, yes
Moorland Road roundabouts have two of city's three highest crash rates although severity has decreased
Posted: Sept. 1, 2009
New Berlin — After negotiating his way through the Moorland Road/Rock Ridge roundabout to take in a movie at the Ridge Cinemas, Steffen Smith didn't mince words when asked about driving through the circle of asphalt.
"I don't like them," he said. "They're not as safe as they wanted them to be. People don't know if they should yield or go, and that creates a hazard."" Are roundabouts dangerous? So far, yes - NewBerlinNOW
There were 2.08 crashes per 1 million vehicles through the intersection, the highest crash rate among the top 25 New Berlin intersections in 2008.
New Berlin's other roundabout, at Moorland Road and Interstate 43, had the third highest crash rate with 1.43 crashes per 1 million vehicles.
Those figures are based on accidents reported to the state - those that involve injuries or more than $1,000 in property damage. Eight of the city's top 25 intersections had crash rates more than 1 per 1 million vehicles in 2008, an indication that the intersection should be looked at for safety improvements, city officials say.
"9/1/2009 8:15:00 AM
Feingold's fiasco, Kennedy's death: What they mean for health care reform
Richard Moore
Investigative Reporter
Surely U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold, Democrat of Wisconsin, had no idea that he was about to create an international firestorm when he walked into the Mercer Community Center Aug. 19 and started to mouth off about the current condition of health care reform.
There won't be a vote on reform legislation before Christmas, Feingold told a passionate crowd. Not only that, the senator quipped, there might not be any reform legislation, period." Feingold's fiasco, Kennedy's death: What they mean for health care reform
The senator's words brought applause from the crowd, but the liberal Feingold seemed rather depressed. We're headed in the direction of doing absolutely nothing, he said, and it's unfortunate.
A few days later, Feingold issued a statement retreating from his Mercer remarks. He was just frustrated because of all the public opposition to reform he had encountered, he suggested, and in the days since his Mercer appearance more supporters had shown up and bolstered his spirits.
Here's what almost certainly did happen in those six days: The Democratic congressional leadership (Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi) and the Obama administration gave the senator, as John Lennon might put it, a damn good whacking, and told him to make things right.
And so he issued his "walkback" statement, as weak as it was. In politics a walkback occurs after you have spoken an inconvenient truth that you can't take back, so you walk back to it and try to somehow explain it away.
Then, too, over this past weekend, Louisiana Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu said she did not support a public option. So it seems like the Russ we heard in Mercer was telling the truth.
As for the public, every poll shows a majority of Americans now opposing Obama's and the Democrats' plan. Even far-left liberals such as Dennis Kucinich recognize the public sentiment, again, just like Feingold did in Mercer.
"Green Bay Subway hosting NASCAR star's car
September 4, 2009
The Subway restaurant at Wal-Mart, 2440 W. Mason St., will host the 2009 No. 99 Subway Ford Fusion show car from 4 to 7 p.m. Sept. 11." Green Bay Subway hosting NASCAR star's car | greenbaypressgazette.com | Green Bay Press-Gazette
The car also will be on display from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 12 at the Subway at 250 U.S. 141, Crivitz.
"Obama speech to students draws conservative ire
DALLAS — President Barack Obama's back-to-school address next week was supposed to be a feel-good story for an administration battered over its health care agenda. Now Republican critics are calling it an effort to foist a political agenda on children, creating yet another confrontation with the White House." The Associated Press: Obama speech to students draws conservative ire
In Wisconsin, the Green Bay school district decided not to show the speech live and to let teachers decide individually whether to show it later.
"Obama seems open on health -- to liberals' dismay
To liberals' dismay, White House keeps conciliatory tone on health care before Obama speech
* By Charles Babington and Jennifer Loven, Associated Press Writers
* On Thursday September 3, 2009, 6:38 pm EDT
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Even as liberals urge President Barack Obama to demand bold, far-reaching changes to the nation's health care system, the White House signaled openness Thursday to compromises that might attract moderate congressional Democrats as well as some Republicans." Obama seems open on health -- to liberals' dismay - Yahoo! Finance
"Koosman sentenced to six months in prison
Former Mets pitcher didn't pay federal taxes for three years
By Barry M. Bloom / MLB.com
09/03/09 6:02 PM ET
Jerry Koosman, a key pitcher for the 1969 Miracle Mets who shocked the baseball world by defeating the highly-favored Orioles in a five-game World Series, was sentenced to six months in prison on Thursday for not paying his federal taxes.
The decision was handed down in Madison, Wis. " Koosman sentenced to six months in prison | MLB.com: News
"Wild horse roundup in Montona, Wyoming to start Thursday after judge denies effort to block it
Matthew Brown
September 2nd, 2009
Wild horse roundup in Montana, Wyoming planned
BILLINGS, Mont. — A federal judge has rejected a request to halt a roundup of about 190 wild horses in the Pryor Mountains along the Montana-Wyoming border.
The roundup had been delayed since Monday as U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan considered an injunction sought by two Colorado-based advocacy groups.
Sullivan denied the request Wednesday. The Bureau of Land Management, which operates the 38,000-acre Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range, says the roundup will begin Thursday.
The roundup will capture the range’s entire population, with 70 adult horses and their foals to be kept for adoption. The remaining horses will be freed after some of the mares are given a contraceptive vaccine.
Opponents say the roundup could end up ruining one of the most genetically pure herds of Spanish colonial horses in the country."
Wild horse roundup in Montona, Wyoming to start Thursday after judge denies effort to block it
"128th county fair opens with ceremony
By Donna Hobscheid, Leader Reporter
Link To Shawano Leader
As the golden sun set behind the color guard, fair officials officially opened the 128th Shawano County Fair.
“A thing like this doesn’t happen automatically. It takes a lot of planning,” said emcee Norm Habeck, noting the work began shortly after last year’s fair as he looked at the crowd gathered in Veteran’s Park at the fairgrounds. “The Shawano County fair one of the finest, if not the finest in the state of Wisconsin.”"
"Biden: Stimulus doing more `than we had hoped'
Nearly 200 days into stimulus effort, Biden says it is working faster than hoped, more to do
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Trumpeting economic progress to a skeptical nation, Vice President Joe Biden says the massive government program intended to stimulate and reshape the economy is reaching and exceeding goals.
Nearly 200 days into the effort, Biden says it is more effective "than we had hoped."" Biden: Stimulus doing more `than we had hoped' - Yahoo! Finance
"Doyle unswayed by donations in DNR chief fight, aide says
By Lee Bergquist of the Journal Sentinel
Posted: Sept. 2, 2009
All Politics Blog
Gov. Jim Doyle has received $4.14 million since 2003 from special interests that oppose a measure to turn over the appointment power of the secretary of the Department of Natural Resources to a citizens board - a move Doyle once supported but now no longer backs." Doyle unswayed by donations in DNR chief fight, aide says - JSOnline
Lee Sensenbrenner, a spokesman for Doyle, said the link between campaign contributions and how the DNR regulates is ridiculous, and he pointed to an array of pro-environment initiatives advanced by Doyle and the agency.
"Cheap natural gas should bring lower heating costs this winter
By Thomas Content of the Journal Sentinel
Posted: Sept. 3, 2009
A bright spot in a gloomy economy is the price of natural gas, at a level so low that even before the frigid weather hits, Wisconsin utilities are projecting lower heating costs this winter." Cheap natural gas should bring lower heating costs this winter - JSOnline
"Curt Schilling for Senate?
Retired pitcher Curt Schilling led the Boston Red Sox to two World Series titles—could he lead the GOP to a comeback in Massachusetts? In a phone interview with New England Cable News, Schilling, a Republican, said he has been “contacted” by people who want him to run for office, and discussed running for Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat: “As of today, probably not,” but “I’m not going to speculate about it right now.” Schilling expressed disgust for wasteful government spending, calling Boston’s “Big Dig” highway project “the largest, most colossal waste of money in the history of the United States,” but noted that he might not be a good candidate: “I don’t have a really good filter… My first press conference could be my last.”" Curt Schilling for Senate? - The Daily Beast
Members and staff are advised the House will convene for a Joint Session with the Senate on Wednesday, September 9, 2009 for the purpose of receiving an address from the President of the United States.
"9/1/2009 8:22:00 AMLakeland Times publisher Gregg Walker "Citizens have a right to know who is working for their government, and they have a right to know how much we are paying those employees. That's the most basic employment information there is. Without access to it, there is no way to hold these employees accountable."DNR ignores Lakeland Times open records request Even after court victory, paper waits for names, salaries
Richard Moore
Investigative Reporter
Hardly a month has lapsed since the state Supreme Court ruled against a claim of confidentiality for the names of unionized state employees, but for more than three weeks the DNR has ignored another Lakeland Times open records request asking for those records and for other information.
In the wake of the court victory, Lakeland Times publisher Gregg Walker sent the request Aug. 6 to DNR secretary Matt Frank. As of Saturday, Aug. 29, the newspaper had not received any response or acknowledgment.
The law requires agencies to respond to open records requests "as soon as practicable and without delay," which the state's attorney general's office has long interpreted to mean within 10 working days.
Walker said he was shocked by the agency's brazenness.
"Here we have the state Supreme Court saying the DNR cannot withhold the names of these public employees, and the DNR just goes on about its business as if the Supreme Court did not exist," Walker said. "They are not only ignoring the newspaper, not only ignoring the courts, but they are breaking the law, both by not releasing the names and by ignoring our new open records request.""
DNR ignores Lakeland Times open records request
"How Bad WAS Wis Revenue FY '09? Bad.
Individual Income Tax off by ~$500 million from '08 to '09.
General Sales/Use off by ~$200 million, same period.
Corporate Income off by ~$200 million, same period.
Cig taxes up by ~$100 million (but $7 million LESS than LFB estimate)
('09 figures are preliminary.)"
Dad29: How Bad WAS Wis Revenue FY '09?
"Under fire, President Obama shifts strategy
Aides to President Barack Obama are putting the final touches on a new strategy to help Democrats recover from a brutal August recess by specifying what Obama wants to see in a compromise health care deal and directly confronting other trouble spots, West Wing officials tell POLITICO. "
Under fire, President Obama shifts strategy - Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei - POLITICO.com
And although House leaders have said their members will demand the inclusion of a public insurance option, Obama has no plans to insist on it himself, the officials said.
On health care, Obama’s willingness to forgo the public option is sure to anger his party’s liberal base. But some administration officials welcome a showdown with liberal lawmakers if they argue they would rather have no health care law than an incremental one. The confrontation would allow Obama to show he is willing to stare down his own party to get things done.
"Video shows Wisconsin lawmaker hitting cyclist
By SCOTT BAUER • The Associated Press • September 2, 2009
MADISON — Video taken from inside a city bus shows state Rep. Fred Clark running a red light near the state Capitol and violently smashing into a bicyclist.
Clark, a freshman Democrat from Baraboo, was ticketed by Madison police for running a red light on Aug. 18. The video, released this week by Madison Metro, shows the cyclist riding into the intersection two blocks from the Capitol after the light turned green. About two and a half seconds later, Clark enters the intersection in an SUV and slams into the biker." Video shows Wisconsin lawmaker hitting cyclist | greenbaypressgazette.com | Green Bay Press-Gazette
"Ew!" the driver of the bus reacts in horror. The one-minute video ends shortly thereafter. Clark can be seen exiting his vehicle, the crumpled bike behind his rear passenger side wheel.
"Green Bay City Council preserves open carry of guns
Firearms still OK'd in parks
By Nathan Phelps • nphelps@greenbaypressgazette.com • September 2, 2009
The Green Bay City Council voted to receive and place on file a proposed ordinance that would have limited the carrying of unloaded firearms in city parks to an enclosed "carrying case."" Green Bay City Council preserves open carry of guns | greenbaypressgazette.com | Green Bay Press-Gazette
Council members Jerry Wiezbiskie, Amy Kocha and Celestine Jeffreys cast the dissenting votes.Anyone living in Green Bay should their representative to thank then for their vote to stop this insanity except the three listed above
"Clunkers boosts Ford sales; Chrysler sales fall
Sep 1 01:39 PM US/Eastern
DETROIT (AP) - The popular Cash for Clunkers program boosted Ford Motor Co.'s U.S. sales in August by 17.2 percent over last year, but shortages of smaller vehicles weighed on rival Chrysler Group LLC.
The program, which ended on Aug. 24, drew hordes of buyers into quiet showrooms by offering up to $4,500 toward new, more fuel-efficient cars and trucks. The hefty rebates gave automakers and dealers a much-needed lift, spurring 690,114 new sales, many of them during August, at a taxpayer cost of $2.88 billion.
Other automakers are expected to release U.S. sales figures later Tuesday. Combined, the results are likely to mark the first year-over-year monthly sales gain since October 2007.
Ford sold 181,826 cars and light trucks compared with 115,117 in August 2008, when high gas prices and growing economic uncertainty kept people away from showrooms.
Two of Ford's vehicles—the Focus and Escape—were among the top selling cars under the clunkers program. Sales of the Focus rose 56 percent while those of the Escape crossover vehicle climbed 49 percent. "
Clunkers boosts Ford sales; Chrysler sales fall
"Congressman Kagen Hears More Debate on Health Care Reform
Updated: Aug 31, 2009 11:47 PM CDT
Congressman Steve Kagen held another listening session on health care reform and hundreds of people turned out -- most of them to voice opposition to a government option for health care.
The debate is a highly emotional one for many, and at the forum at Green Bay Southwest High School Monday, the discussion drew repeated cheers when people criticized the reform plan.
Congressman Kagen Hears More Debate on Health Care Reform - WBAY-TV Green Bay-Fox Cities-Northeast Wisconsin News:
Link to WBAY 2 video.
"Healthcare Debate Rages On
Posted: Aug 31, 2009 10:21 PM
One protester, dressed as a grim reaper, held a sign that predicted doom for a government-run health care option. But the crowd inside Southwest High School in Green Bay was far from dead.
"You're not representing me and people I've seen at these parties...there are larger precentages of people against [the healthcare reform bill], than for it," declared one man in the audience to Congressman Steve Kagen (D) 8th District WI.
Kagen disagreed to a booing audience, saying the overwhelming response he's gotten from constituents has been favorable to healthcare reform.
Healthcare Debate Rages On - WGBA -
Link to NBC26 video.
"Vocal opposition wins out at healthcare reform session
Last Update: 3:18 pm
A passionate and vocal crowd overwhelmingly against health care reform greeted Congressman Steve Kagen on Monday.
More than 600 people attended the listening session at Southwest High School, the same school President Obama visited in June to announce his plans for health care reform." Vocal opposition wins out at healthcare reform session - WFRV Green Bay: Northeast Wisconsin News, Weather and Sports
"New Wisconsin phone fee starts Tuesday
MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- A new 75-cent monthly fee for all cell phones, landlines or other devices capable of calling 911 starts Tuesday in Wisconsin.
The fee was approved by the Legislature earlier this year to help balance the state budget." madison.com
"Cigarette tax to go up 75 cents on Tuesday
JSOnline.com Home Page - News—Madison — Wisconsin's cigarette tax will go up 75 cents per pack on Tuesday, making it the fifth highest tax in the country and by far the most among neighboring states. Securing the higher tax was part of a one-two punch secured by anti-smoking advocates this year. The other was persuading the Legislature to pass a statewide anti-smoking ban… Read the full story →
Posted Aug 31 in Milwauke" Cigarette tax to go up 75 cents on Tuesday | Milwaukee | Shoutback
"Madison Office
Room 18 South
State Capitol
P.O. Box 7882
Madison, WI 53707-7882
Voting Address
920 Coppens Road
Green Bay, WI 54303
(608) 266-5670 Or
(866) 221-9395
District Telephone
(920) 492-2200
(608) 267-6791
Wisconsin State Legislature
"Madison Office
Room 412 North
State Capitol
P.O. Box 8953
Madison, WI 53708
Voting Address
815 E. Washington Street
Appleton, WI 54911
(608) 266-3070
(608) 282-3657
Wisconsin State Legislature
"Madison Office
Room 214 West
State Capitol
P.O. Box 8953
Madison, WI 53708
Voting Address
1510 Orchard Dr.
Kaukauna, WI 54130
(608) 266-2418 Or
(888) 534-0005
District Telephone
(920) 759-7404
(608) 282-3605
Wisconsin State Legislature
"Seller, beware: Feds cracking down on secondhand sales of some products
McClatchy Newspapers
If you're planning a garage sale or organizing a church bazaar, you'd best beware: You could be breaking a new federal law. As part of a campaign called Resale Roundup, the federal government is cracking down on the secondhand sales of dangerous and defective products.
The initiative, which targets toys and other products for children, enforces a new provision that makes it a crime to resell anything that's been recalled by its manufacturer.
"Those who resell recalled children's products are not only breaking the law, they are putting children's lives at risk," said Inez Tenenbaum, the recently confirmed chairwoman of the Consumer Product Safety Commission." Seller, beware: Feds cracking down on secondhand sales of some products - Kansas City Star
"Several Green Bay Police Department officers were stationed around the auditorium Monday night, but did not intervene during the session."
Kagen hears opposition at health-care forum | greenbaypressgazette.com | Green Bay Press-Gazette
"Aug 31, 2009 6:45 pm US/Eastern
Hands-Off Plan: Schools Ban Touching To Fight H1N1
Glen Cove District Students Urged To Have No Skin-On-Skin Contact With Swine Flu Outbreak Looming
Parents Told To Provide Kids With Tissues, Hand Sanitizer, Ibuprofen"
Hands-Off Plan: Schools Ban Touching To Fight H1N1 - wcbstv.com
"Luke Laggis/Daily News The band had the dance floor full for several classic waltz numbers Saturday afternoon during the Rhinelander Oktoberfest celebration. "
The Rhinelander Daily News - Online news and information for the Rhinelander, Wisconsin region
"8/28/2009 11:05:00 AM
Sen. Russ Feingold
Feingold backs away from Mercer remarks Senator now confident reform will pass and include public option
Richard Moore
Investigative Reporter
What a difference six days makes.
On Wednesday, Aug. 19, at a town hall meeting in Mercer, U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold was sounding downright disheartened in assessing the prospects for passing substantive health care reform this year.
A bill would not be voted on by Christmas, Feingold declared, and one might never happen at all, he added.
But by Tuesday night, Aug. 25, after national news outlets picked up The Lakeland Times story reporting his remarks, the senator was suddenly in a much more confident mood, saying he would work "to make sure" a reform bill passed by Christmas." Feingold backs away from Mercer remarks
"Get well soon, Mr. Sensenbrenner
August 31, 2009 at 12:26 pm --by Cindy Kilkenny
He gave news today that he’s been diagnosed with prostate cancer.
It sounds like his is a slower, very treatable form. There are varieties that rage. My father was diagnosed with one of them a few years ago, and he’s still around to pester.
Go American health care!
And good luck to Mr. Sensenbrenner."
Get well soon, Mr. Sensenbrenner - Cindy Kilkenny: Fairly Conservative
"Fountain Park, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Corner of Erie and 8th Street
Saturday, September 5, 2009 - 11 a.m. to 1 p.m
Rain or Shine! Bring a blanket/lawn chair
Going to the fair that day? .... Come to the tea party first!"
Sheboygan Tea Party - When and Where
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