Saturday, March 05, 2011

Mursau on Budget, He's Our Man, Holperin Still Missing

This is a little old ( paper doesn't seem to want to date their articles) but talks about teachers walking off their jobs, empty suit missing Jim Holperin and our great state representative Jim, wait It's Jeff Mursau. The paper can't even get his first name right. Shows the slant of the paper. Here's Mr Mursau's comments.

Way To Go Jeff!!!!!!

"State Rep. Jim Mursau, R-Crivitz, a supporter of Walker’s budget repair bill, said he knows the legislation is tough for many people to swallow, but it is necessary.

“This is the first piece of the puzzle because the rest of the budget is going to be even tougher than this — there’s $3.6 billion to account for to get rid of our deficit.”

Collective bargaining has a fiscal impact, he said. With budget cuts to schools and local governments looming, “We need to give them some tools to deal with those cuts and make choices … and not have the unions holding them hostage. The average contract is 15 months.”

The alternative to the budget repair bill is laying off 5,000 to 6,000 state employees and 8,000 10,000 teachers, and that’s not acceptable, he said.

Mursau disagreed that Republicans are “ramming through” the budget repair bill.

During the last session when Democrats controlled the Legislature “we spent $2 billion in stimulus money, and the budget repair bill took 48 hours with no public hearing. This one had a public hearing that went 17 hours, probably one of the longest public hearings.”"

PS, you might want to call or e mail Mursau. He is catching a lot of flak for what he believes in and what a lot more of us believe in, just go thank him.  

Don't forget to sign the Recall Jim petitions.

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