Saturday, September 19, 2009

Guess I Will Blog A Couple More Years

From my exam in  Appleton from 9/11/09.
Let's see what my children will have when they're 52!

Notify patient of normal results.

Component- Value - Low - High
Cholesterol - 163 -  200  -
LDL...........- 108 -    0   -  129
HDL Choles - 42  -   39
Triglyceride  - 65  -  150
VLDL .........- 13  -   0   -   50
Chol/Hdl Ratio 3.9 - 4.5
Non HDL ....- 121-130
Glucise ........106 - 70 --  118
UREA Nitogen - 16 - 7  - 18
Creatinine -   0.95- 0.66 - 1.25
Calcium.....  - 9.3 - 8.6 - 10.0
Sodium ...... 135 - 132 - 147
Potassium - 4.6 - 3.6 - 5.5
Chloride .... 102 - 98 -  112


I'd say with God's blessing I'll be with everyone for a couple more years.
Looks good to me. I guess Kagen, Hansen, Schaber, Nelson and the other liberal left still have me around till they retire from politics. 

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