Sunday, January 02, 2011

Union Intimidation

A great read by Gregg Walker at the Lakeland-Times about a local union issue and the overall rethinking of public employee unions.
12/31/2010 3:47:00 PM
Union should quit intimidating the public ... or pay the price
Gregg Walker

"Here's what's lost in all the union's hyperbole: Public employee union members are simply not the same as private-sector union members.

The truth is, there is nothing intrinsically good about a union. All unions represent private interests - the interests of their members. In the private sector, that means the private interests of a company's workers are set against the private interests of the company's owners and managers."
Union should quit intimidating the public ... or pay the price
Gregg's headline pretty much sums up the sediment in Wisconsin. Will the unions take heed "or pay the price."

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