Sunday, January 02, 2011

I Blame Scott Walker

Evil Scott Walker.s
"In a new twist, however, it's China where Master Lock's costs are rising disruptively. The company has responded by pulling production back to Milwaukee, where the manufacturer of iconic padlocks was founded in 1921.

Master Lock and other companies have begun to reassess China:"
Master Lock reassessing China - JSOnline
Jobs coming back? That mean, evil, dirty, awful Scott Walker isn't even governor yet and he brings jobs back to Wisconsin?

You liberals, EAT YOUR HEART OUT!!!!!

Go SCOTT WALKER!!!!!!!!!!


Democurmudgeon said...

He isn't governor yet but you're giving credit to Scott Walker?

Guess that decision by Masterlock took only one day to decide. Actually, many companies are pulling back and returning to the US. The rising middle class in China is DEMANDING higher wages and getting it. China is encouraging it, unlike here in the US where we're cutting wages and encouraging offshoring.

We don't have free trade, and Ron Johnson will do everything he can to help business, in what he calls creative destruction.

Paul - Berry Laker said...

"D" thank you for your comment.

I know, I'm just being facetious.

I just couldn't understand why Master lock anounces now to move back jobs. No matter who get's the credit, we need to get jobs back to Wisconsin and get our ecomomy back on track.

Take care, God Bless and have a Great Week.