Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Berry Lake EWM Update

From June 16,2008. Information taken from e mail of group working to end the EWM in Berry Lake Wisconsin.

The applicator from Aquatic Biologists arrived at Berry Lake this morning, surveyed known and suspect Eurasian water-milfoil locations and treated two acres.

The EWM situation is very good. Last fall's treatment reduced the amount of EWM significantly. Some areas with EWM last fall were devoid of noticeable EWM. Other areas had a very small fraction of the EWM they had last fall.

Although the amount of EWM is much less than it was last summer, if not treated at this time, the small stands would most likely quickly become much larger and spread the infestation.

Treatment occurred in the appropriate "window" (after the EWM has grown enough to be seen and before the native plants would be harmed by the treatment).

There are no swimming or fishing restrictions. The animal watering and irrigation restriction applies only to the specific area treated and not to the adjacent area. Because the treated areas are well away from shore and because the 14 day period will end on June 30, water may be taken from anywhere in the lake, including the treated areas, for animal watering or irrigation before and during the July 4 holiday weekend.

Even with the treatment, some EWM is likely to remain and could become a serious problem if not found and removed by hand-pulling. Our on-going monitoring effort will attempt to locate and destroy as much EWM as possible until our next treatment opportunity this coming fall.

We all owe our thanks to the many Berrylakers who helped us prepare for this spring's treatment by locating the weed, marking it and by distributing fliers and notices.


Unknown said...

Regarding EWM, have you considered utilizing the milfoil weevil to get EWM under control in your lake> MIDDFOIL is the tradename for the program that utilizes the weevill to maintain EWM control year afteryear. Once undertaken, it is self sustaining. For more information and an informational video,check out: http://www.enviroscienceinc.com/cgi-bin/displayContent.pl?type=section&id=253

Paul - Berry Laker said...

Lynne, thank you for your comment. I only know what I read from the updates. You sound like you have first hand experience with EWM. We have a lot of good people working on our lakes problem. I passed your information to a higher power. Have a GREAT Week and thank you again.