Saturday, October 18, 2008

True Patriot

............................................................Living in the USSR...........................
"Obama: 'You cannot let up'

Union Leader Correspondent
Friday, Oct. 17, 2008

LONDONDERRY – The Barack Obama train pulled into town yesterday at Mack's Apples.

Several thousand turned out for the rally, which featured an Obama fresh from Wednesday's debate with Republican opponent Sen. John McCain." - New Hampshire news, business and sports - Obama: 'You cannot let up' - Friday, Oct. 17, 2008

You have to read 10 more paragraphs to find this.
Not present, or at least not singing the National Anthem at the rally was Londonderry senior Zach Bencal.

Bencal, who sings the anthem for a number of school events and is actively involved in local community theatre, had been contacted by the Obama campaign to sing the anthem. He agreed to do so, then was told later in the evening the anthem had been scratched from the program. Bencal said he was told by the campaign the decision was a simple programming change to make room for another speaker.

"I guess it just wasn't meant to be," Bencal said.

Lapel flag pin or no lapel flag pin.

National Anthem or no National Anthem.

Programming also means indoctrination to socialism. Make room for another speaker? A whole three minutes or so.

Comrades, we didn't like that anthem anyway, First the anthem and then we change back to our old flag.

Comrades we will!

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