Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Kagen Mailer From California

In the mail today.

Why is this special interest mailer for Steve Kagen sent from California?

Presorted Standard U S Postage PAID Rancho Cordova,CA. Permit #275

How much special interest money is Steve Kagen getting for his election.

What promises is Steve Kagen making to to Americas Agenda?

Oh that's right, maybe this was supposed to be sent to the 8th district from California (Nancy Pelosi's district) or maybe Nancy Pelosi had it sent from California for Steve Kagen to Wisconsin.

Keep California politics out of Wisconsin.

Send Steve Kagen back to private practice.

Also the ad makes the comment, "If kids (hate the word "kids" their children) had a voice", Maybe Steve Kagen wants school children grades K4 - 12 to vote!

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