Sunday, July 18, 2010

Terri McCormick Should Do What Is Right

Has Terri McCormick contracted the John Kerry Sydrome

Just like John F Kerry, the former presidential candidate who always reminds us he fought in Vietnam, Terri McCormick has to remind us she was shafted in the 2006 election by rabid conservatives. The rabid conservative is a comment to me from one of her supporters Stephen Kastner from the Door County Style Magazine.

How many times does she have to bring it up?

From an interview with All Right Magazine dated July 16th. I copied this from Party of Know.
"are mad at me because I dared to challenge the most unpopular Republican in the state in a 2006 primary for Congress."
She also as Try 2 Focus mentions just can't let go of the 06 election as
it’s mentioned in her book, What Sex is a Republican.
Rhymes With Clown makes the following comment.
My advice to McCormick is to forget 2006, but it sure seems to come up over and over again.
Why doesn't she just run T V and Radio spots,

Hi I'm Terri McCormick and the republicans shafted me in the 2006 election and this election is mine! The hell with you other candidates and you voters in the 8th!

She now has to call out conservative bloggers.

From the Party of Know.
"ALL RIGHT MAGAZINE: The word on the street is that some conservative bloggers have been unhappy with your candidacy. As far as you can tell, what’s their problem with the campaign, and how do you respond? TERRI McCORMICK: There are a few bloggers – I’m not sure I would call them conservative – who are mad at me because I dared to challenge the most unpopular Republican in the state in a 2006 primary for Congress. George W. Bush came to Wisconsin and the Republicans spent $2 million in the primary. I moved on, but they have not. It’s a different election cycle but they are still holding a grudge. I have been endorsed by the Republican Liberty Caucus of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Right to Life, former RNC Committeeman Terry Kohler, and Wisconsin Conservative Digest publisher Bob Dohnal. A broad coalition of people have coalesced behind me. I’m so honored to have the support of the independent-minded and constitutionally-focused voters in the district and the state."
THE Party of KNOW - Random observations from a team of political cynics
 "Not sure I would call them conservative", I take exception to that comment. I am not a sheep following republican who the party tells me who to vote for. I will not vote for any candidate that will harm, and destroy this great country like is what is going on today. Democrats and republicans got us into the mess we have today because our elected politicians promise us change and reform when they run for office and forget their roots when they get to Washington. This is not the time to discuss, Steve Kagen, Russ Feingold or President Barack Obama.

As far as McCormicks endorsements, they are meaningless to me. Terri McCormick is a consultant. She is an author trying to sell her book. She will do anything to bequeath herself the 8th district congressional seat. You think I'm kidding?

Dale made a comment over at Party of Know's post on the All Right Magazine article interview with Terri McCoormick.
I saw for myself how Terri's rhetoric does not match her message. I have at least 15 e-mails in which Terri attacks her opponents, the Republican Party and just some plain conspiracy theories. She sees ghosts behind every corner.

"Here's a little sample of Terri. This was sent to her staff when I told her I was leaving the campaign:

“Aaron and Jon:

Please handle this email - Harold – I think you need to put the word out with the military that we have a person by the name of Dale McNamee that is not only a turn coat but he lives in Winnebego county and should get engaged in his own congressman’s race in that he has blown any reputation he has with us."
McCormick Claims Bloggers Hold 2006 Against Her - THE Party of KNOW

Need to put the the word out? Need to put the word out to the military? Need to put the word out that he is a turn coat ? What will anyone who served in our military to protect our country think of Terri McCormick now? What other shoe will drop with Terri McCormick.

I am just a conservative blogger in the Nicolet forest who will not endorse any candidate. I did blog supporting John Gard back in 08 for Kagen Watch in a non paid position on that blog. I did it to get the word out that Steve Kagen was not the right candidate for the people of the Wisconsin's 8th district.

Yes, I have been to several tea parties. Yes, I hate the direction this country is going the past year and a half. Yes, I am conservative first and a republican second. No, I will not hold my nose in the voting booth like I did in the November 08 presidential election in voting for John McCain.
And yes, when that time comes, I will tell any of my readers who I am voting for and why. My opinion may not go very far but I have learned that liberal democrats and RINO's have no place in leading our country.

I am mad as hell in the direction this counrty is going and will not take it anymore!

Because of Terri Mcormick's statements, I think she should do the right thing and step down as a candidate for the Wisconsin 8th Congressional seat.

How can I say that?

Because that is my God given, 1st Amendment right of free speech.


Dad29 said...

I'll grant McCormick this: Gard was a jerk.

But it takes TWO to tango. She lost because people just don't like her and/or what she had to say.

Looks like she's going to use the same formula again!

Anonymous said...

Terri McCormick is one of the most honest, forthright and intelligent public figures to come out of her area in a long time.

Unfortunately for the GOP establishment, being honest, forthright and intelligent means deviating from the party line when the party line is hijacked by the far right.

Helped by racists and malcontents, the far right might succeed in hijacking the 2010 elections, but in the long run, its strategy is a recipe fo9r abject failure.

Paul - Berry Laker said...

Anon, Thank you for your comment.

Are you saying that I am racists and a malcontent from the far right?

I thank you for your opinion just as I have an opinion also.

Have a GREAT day and good week

Dale said...

Terri McCormick took in 110,000 last quarter. Almost 95% of it from outside Wisconsin and only 2.5% from inside the district.

$61,000 came from the Las Vegas NV area.

Who's trying to hijack what?

Paul - Berry Laker said...

thanks for the info.

You think she put the word out in Vegas to collect money?

Have a GREAT week.