Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Steve Kagen Will Come After You Next

From the Appleton Post Crescent.
"Kagen joins House effort to tax AIG bonuses

By Larry Bivins • Post-Crescent Washington bureau • March 17, 2009

WASHINGTON — American International Group executives who received bonuses would have to return the money in the form of taxes under a House proposal endorsed Tuesday by Rep. Steve Kagen." Kagen joins House effort to tax AIG bonuses | Postcrescent.com | Appleton Post-Crescent
Kagen joined lead sponsors and supporters of two bills targeting AIG. One, drafted by Rep. Steve Israel, D-N.Y., would tax at 100 percent bonuses over $100,000. Kagen has co-sponsored that bill.

Hello people, a 100% means all, everything, zip, zero, nodda, you will have nothing left!

Attention electricians, plumbers, nurses, farmers, butchers, bakers, paper makers, and even teachers, county and state workers! If you work, if you earn money and if you have God given freedom, look out!

If Kagen and the liberal left can take away the money from AIG, what will stop him from taking away everything you own or possess! Think about it!

What will stop Steve Kagen from taking away your guns?

What will stop Steve Kagen from taking your money from your bank savings account?

What will stop Steve Kagen from taking away your car, boat, truck, ATV, snowmobile or SUV?

What will stop Steve Kagen from taking away the home you own?

What will stop Steve Kagen from taking your children away from you?

What will stop Steve Kagen someday from taking away your own life!

What will stop Steve Kagen from taking away anything that pleases him and his friends? Name it and he will take it away! Why can he do this? Because he will tell you he was elected and you gave him the power. Did he put his hand on the Bible and swore to uphold the constitution of the United States? Of course he did but his taste for ultimate power is staggering!

Just because Steve Kagen was elected, it does not give him his appetite for power! He cannot abuse the rule of law he was elected to uphold.

If rule of law has no basis in this country you have corruption and with corruption of power will come anarchy.

Steve Kagen is wrong on changing laws to suit his purpose!

Steve Kagen will someday come after you. I hope you are prepared. I hope you see it long before it is too late.

God help us all!


yoSAMite said...

Didn't he vote for the package to begin with. Maybe they should take some time to see what they are voting for.

Paul - Berry Laker said...

Yo, thanks for the comment, Your right he did vote for it and should or does know about all this but his opportunity is to show off his new born supremacy. If he feels someone deserves to be punished for no reason he will do it.

We need to get him unelected in 2010