Sunday, October 19, 2008

Lame Excuses

From the Green Bay Press
"Hansen is a proven quantity

October 19, 2008 " Hansen is a proven quantity | | Green Bay Press-Gazette
As much as we've had our differences with state Sen. Dave Hansen, D-Green Bay, he is the better candidate to represent Green Bay and Northeastern Wisconsin for the next four years.
Although like the rest of the Senate, he tends to be more free-spending with our tax dollars.

So why support him? He likes spending our tax dollars and he should be re-elected? How lame!
On the structural budget deficit that has plagued the state, Hansen told us he'd find ways to cut wasteful spending — a good answer — and close corporate tax loopholes.

Yea, it's a good answer but no substance! He said he would find ways? What ways has he done on the past? What would he cut? Lame again!
Hansen was one of a handful of senators who stood up for Sen. Judy Robson when she was unceremoniously ousted as leader of the Senate Democrats last fall. It was an act of political courage that reflected his stand-up character.

Political courage? Political courage is cutting back on government and taxes and not spending like a drunken sailor! My apologies to sailors.
One thing that can be said of Hansen is that in many ways he "is" Green Bay, a blue-collar worker and good neighbor who went to Madison to represent his community without further political ambitions. What you see is what you get.

Really lame! Sure, get him a sweater and he could be Mr. Rogers. I just want to be your friend!
The race suffers from the lack of a credible Republican opponent.

Former Green Bay City Council president Chad Fradette is a divisive figure whose actions and statements regarding a City Hall nativity scene, immigration and other issues displayed a recklessness unbecoming of a true leader.

So standing up for the people of his area is divisive. I'd hate to see their definition of mean spirited. That will come soon enough.
The job of senator requires someone who can represent a broad constituency and work with diverse interests to reach consensus.

Yea, "work with diverse interests" is code language for give money away to Hansen's special interest groups.
In the 30th Senate District, Dave Hansen is the clear choice.

Well, pretty lame but at least their up front with their views. But then who is surprised?

Hansen is just a big spender in Madison.

The 30th Wisconsin State senate district needs to vote for Chad Fradette.

Send Dave Hansen packing.

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