Saturday, November 14, 2009

Steve Kagen Out Of His Mind


From the
Shawano Leader
"Kagen hails health care bill House passed
By Tim Ryan, Leader Reporter

U.S. Rep. Steve Kagen (D-Wis.) is hailing the health care reform bill passed by the House last week as a historic piece of legislation, though it remains to be seen whether the same proposals find their way into Senate version.
“In my mind this bill deserved to go to second base, to be considered by the Senate and improved upon and when it comes back to the House we’ll have another chance at improving it even more,” Kagen said during a visit to the Shawano Leader Tuesday.
Congressman Steve Kagen is out of his mind.
Kagen said the House bill is good for seniors because it will cut waste in Medicare while improving what works about the program.
“We’re going to measure the effectiveness of Medicare Advantage plans across the country and those that don’t measure up to high quality will cease to exist,” he said.
Measure and eliminate Medicare Advantage from seniors is a good thing?
But he said that wouldn’t threaten the program in this state.

“Here in Wisconsin where the Medicare Advantage Plan is very popular, the Medicare Advantage Plan will survive,” Kagen said.
How can he say such a thing. He knows all of them will not measure up and be gone. What will he say in a few years when it is taken away, " I didn't know it was in the bill", or "the republicans took it away from seniors", or " I voted against it before I voted for it". Reminds me when at the August listening sessions he said Tax paid abortions was not in the bill so why did Bart Stupak put an amendment in the health care bill to not have taxpayers pay for abortions. Kagen said the bill would also allow the federal government to negotiate for deeper discounts for prescription drugs for seniors in Medicare Part D and allow insurance policies to be sold across state lines

“For small business owners this is a big win,” Kagen said, because it would allow small businesses to pool employees together from many small businesses to form a buying group to bring prices down.
Small business will drop their employees health insurance and let government take them over? Will someone ask Steve Kagen why small business is against his bill if it is so good?
Kagen said the proposals put patients, their families and doctors in charge of health care again.

“This is going to guarantee access to affordable health care,” he said. “You won’t have to have a bake sale and sell cookies and doughnuts to raise money to take care of your children’s health care or your parents’.”
Steve, so instead of bake sales people will stand in line for health care like what is happening with the shortages of flu shots? Is this what people really want? Look at what Kagens health care looks like. Picture from JSOnline

Will someone ask, if this is so good why will Wisconsinites be
subject ( from Big Gov) to numerous civil and criminal penalties, including criminal fines of up to $250,000 and imprisonment of up to five years if they don't buy health care coverage?

The House bill would also ban discrimination for pre existing conditions — a measure also being proposed in the Senate.

Kagen said the House version would also create a standard health benefit plan, but he is continuing to push for a proposal not included in the bill mandating transparency in pricing.
So Kagen told voters he would not vote for a bill if mandating transparency in pricing was not in it.
“Unless we have transparency we have no real mechanism to leverage the prices down,” Kagen said.
Steve, it's not in and you still voted for Nancy's bill.
Kagen would not say whether there were any specific measures that could be a deal-breaker for him if they are not included in the Senate version, or if any new Senate proposals might cause him to vote against it.“

There are three questions I always ask myself about any legislation,” he said. “Will it work? Can we afford it? Is it the right thing to do?”
Kagen does not break any deals! Queen Nancy tells him what to do.

Kagen also said the House bill is affordable, because it would reduce the federal deficit by more than $100 billion over the next 10 years.
Did he tell you he will cut medicare to reduce the deficit? Lest's see, medicare, seniors, granny killer, Thank you Steve Kagen.
The bill would tax annual income of more than $1 million by an additional 5.4 percent to help pay its costs.

Their he goes again, right out of the democrat play book, tax people who own businesses, who create jobs, and pay benefits for their employees. We need to thank Steve Kagen for all his hard work next November.

Wonder if there are any candidates that will call Kagen out on his health care bill vote? Naw, that would be asking specific questions about Steve Kagen. I guess that won't happen.

Will Tim Ryan from the Shawano Leader ask some tougher questions next time he talks to Kagen or is he in Kagen's hip pocket?

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