Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Steve Kagen, Wisconsin 8th District, Spending Your Money Not His

From Fox 11.
Can someone please explain this from a report about Steve Kagen and the presidents speech Tuesday night.
"The office of Rep. Steve Kagen (D-8th District) paid for a satellite feed before the president delivered his speech, so we could bring you his comment. "
NE Wis. delegation on Obama speech

Why did his office have to buy a satellite feed? Hello, please, someone explain? Didn't someone invent cell phones to get his comment? Hey Steve, you could fax your comment or did you hear about E MAIL, you know, Al Gore invented the internet!

People are suffering and Steve Kagen keeps spending our money.

Does this means Fox 11 owes Kagen positive coverage?

Steve Kagen is taking the people of the 8th district for a bunch of fools!

Excuse me, Fox 11, Fair and Balance or paid off by a politician near you.

For crying out loud!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah but he's from fiscally responsible Wisconsin (wink wink).

He could have saved taxpayer money and actually referred Fox 11 to the press release his office put out before the speech.

But then again this is Kagen.