Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Don't Like It, Change The Law

"Editorial: Supervisors should say if they accept insurance

June 24, 2008

Brown County does have a legal argument to withhold the names of Brown County Board supervisors who have accepted optional health and dental insurance benefits — but constituents have a right to know what benefits they're buying for their elected supervisors." Editorial: Supervisors should say if they accept insurance | greenbaypressgazette.com | Green Bay Press-Gazette

I think the voters have a right to know but I question the P G for getting their nose bent out of shape here. Brown County is not a little town in Northern Wisconsin. If the law states the county has the right to keep names of covered employee's private , then so be it.

Have the voters change the law in the future (HIPAA). For now it's a closed issue!For now, get over it.

The very people that try to save Brown County money and serve the people get abused and will not run again. Maybe Brown County needs more honest up standing county supervisors like Mr. McGee from Milwaukee and the PG can say how a fine supervisor should act! I wonder how his verdict will come out?

Ooopps, I guess not too good.
from Owen at B & S

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