Sunday, March 30, 2008

Appleton Post Crescent

I have done many things in my life that has been new and different.

I have got involved in politics which at age 50 was long overdue.

I started a blog when I thought it would be something next to impossible!

I quit smoking which quiting cold turkey is a again next to impossible!

But trying to look at the "NEW" Appleton Post Crescent is just too much to take!

Who in the right mind would take the Past Crescent on the web to such a low piece of garbage . If they are in the process of revamping their web site, I will wait for them to finish. If what they have now is their finished product, they can have it.

Who ever got paid to revamp the web site must of been like a harlot on the corner. The P C got used, somebody needs to take a shower, they must feel dirty for taking their money! I really don't need to sit there and try to ponder , " where is the news? How do I find anything on this web site. If I want to blog , I will go to my own or to the blog sphere. If I want to set up an event for my calender , I will go to Google calender. Why is it on a newspaper web site? Where do I find the news?

Do they know what KISS means?


Bring back the old format where at least people can find links.

I am now on record,

the new Appleton Post Crescent stinks! Sorry, I was going to use another word but I am trying to be nice.

Since I now can take The PC off my favorite list , I will have more time to find better quality newspaper web sites.

What a travesty.

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