Saturday, January 13, 2007

I Wonder Why

From the Drudge headlines


January 13, 2007
Prosecutor Asks to Exit Duke Case
DURHAM, N.C., Jan. 12 — The district attorney in the
Duke lacrosse sexual assault case asked the state attorney
general on Friday to take over the troubled prosecution,
saying he faced a conflict of interest because of ethics charges
filed against him by the state bar, officials involved in the case said.
Link to New York Times

"Houston, we have a problem" !
An over zealous prosecutor just doing it to get elected!
I only hope we get down to the truth !
Hope the innocent can get their lives back together!

These are the things I worry about for my two boys as
they grow up! I need to be hard on them now so they can
make the right decisions when they face the world!

Being a white male from the north is always a strike
against you. I may be hard on them now but only hope they
will make the right decisions in future.

Sure am proud of my family!

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