Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm A What?

Are they talking about little old me and other good people?

First I see a post over at Rhymes With Clown, then a post by Party of Know.

For God's sake, we're "conservative neocon establishment bloggers"? Where in the heck did this guy pull this, out of his butt? Here's the link. I had to look up neocon just to see if I was one. Doesn't look like it to me. Aaron over at the Republican Liberty Caucus must of been smoken some good weed. Wonder if he got it from the fields in the Nicolet forest!

"The Case For Terri McCormick."

So far their smear tactics have only added fuel to her candidacy. Quite clearly the bloggers at PartyofKnow, “RhymeswithClown”, and “BerryLaker” are desperate to defeat Terri McCormick.
Holy cow, I thought I was just voicing my opinion on who I will vote for for the Wisconsin 8th race this fall. "Adding fuel to her candidacy", maybe she needs another campaign mgr., three bloggers must be getting her a little ticked. I guess I need to explain my position on Terri McCormick.

First, Aaron, you can check but the last political donation I made was to, yes John Gard, I think back in 08. Gard ran a terrible campaign and I was disappointed in the 08 election against puppet Steve Kagen. In 08 I tried my best to give my opinion on Kagen but obviously the voters of Wisconsin spoke. Also that year comes McCain and it really ticked me off. After that election I got so ticked at the republican party that I pretty much wrote them off. I'm saying to my self, where in the hell is this party going?

As far as my blogging, I'm just a guy in the north woods. Big whoop. Me, a guy in the Nicolet and who listens to me anyway. Now to Terri McCormick.

I do not think "T" is a good candidate to run against Steve Kagen. Let's see. I hear after the 06 campaign a lot of her volunteers went to the Kagen camp. Did she tell them to do anything they could to defeat Gard. How vindictive can she be? That's when I started to see the real side of "T".

Then I am called a rabid conservative from one of her supporters.

Then T said some bloggers in the 8th are not happy with her because

"are mad at me because I dared to challenge the most unpopular Republican in the state in a 2006 primary for Congress."

She still cannot forget 06, can she? No big deal. Then the news that most of her campaign money came from Nevada gamblers. How much support is she getting from the average people in the Wisconsin 8th district? Makes a voter wonder.

Then last week there was a forum for the republicans running for the 8th and she was not even there. Here's the story from the Shawano Leader. She sends a representative. Anyone else thing that was just a little odd? Obviously you people in the Shawano area are not worth her time. And I'm a NEOCON?

Why don't you knobs accuse me of being prejudice against "T" for bring a women. Let's see, I would vote any day for Sarah Palin, Rebecca Kleefisch is my choice for Lt. Gov., so I must be against women. Wow, what a evil NEOCON am I?

Because "T" got shafted back in 06, we the voters should just crown her the republican nominee? She brags about wanting to be only a two term congressman. Why didn't she stay longer being in the Wisconsin legislature? She gets bored of things, so one term or two for her would work out just fine. Maybe the reason she wants to get to Washington is so she can rub elbows with the elites in DC!
Sure she can sell more books and be a high flying consultant and make the big money after she get's to Washington! I can just hear her say, you peons in Wisconsin just get me there and I will finally be important, My crap doesn't stink but yours sure does!

For God's sake! There is no way I can back a candidate with an attitude and a ax to grind. "T"and all you flakes out there, I am a conservative first and republican second. You tin hat nuts are what's wrong with this country. But you go ahead, call normal Americans who love this GREAT country NEOCON's or what ever names you want. What a bunch of CRAP! I think that does it.

Anybody else want to take a swing at us?


Dad29 said...

Kinda confirms my thought that McCormick is a nut-case.

Anonymous said...

Wow Paul someone get under your skin? LOL. Definitely a great response.

One would think that "T" and her supporters would have bigger concerns than some bloggers in the 8th district.

Paul - Berry Laker said...

Dad and Brad, thanks for the comments.

I have to wonder why the RLC would even consider "T" as a candidate to back. I think it all boils down to

"follow the money"

Have a GREAT week.

Dale said...


You continue to impress me with your open and candid opinions...even when I disagree.

Keep up the great work...have a GREAT weekend.