Thursday, April 16, 2009

Susan Boyle and The Tea Party

From the Charlie Sykes Show. The MSM media laughed at us on April 15th like the audience laughed at Susan Boyle before she sang.

What a GREAT voice. Thank you Ms. Boyle.

The people of Appleton and across this country will stand up like Susan and people will take notice. This is only the beginning for Susan Boyle and the beginning of the tax revolt of this country.

Attn MSM, you won't see it coming!



Anonymous said...

The mainstream media are so insulated from common human sensibility they can't see anything of true worth coming. Self-importance does that to people.

Paul - Berry Laker said...

They will see it coming but it may be too late for them. Can newspapers stay afloat, can local T V stay competitive with Cable, satellite, who needs local? They may come around when they realize they are irrelevant.

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