Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Vote Today

Today is the Wisconsin primary. Please go out and vote.

Couple of things to remember.
If you don't know the people on a specific ballot, pass.

I heard of " I don't know any of these candidates, this name sounds nice , I'll vote for her".
And there's "I won't vote for a female, I'll just vote for this guy."
Or, "does yes mean no or voting no will not raise my taxes?"
How about , " the children really need a new school, I'll vote yes for the children!"
Then there is "CNN said he was not a good candidate!"
And " my union told me to vote all democrat."

Please, if you going to vote put some work and thoughts to who or what you are voting for.
If your not sure , skip that part of the ballot.

It's your right to vote , it is also your duty as a voter to know what and who you are voting for!

Think about it.

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