Friday, August 01, 2008

New Page, People Make a Diffrence.

Here is where people and not politicians make a difference. I posted on my blog about the lay offs at New Page in Kimberly. Below is the first comment for it

Blogger Richard said...

For those looking for new jobs, just added three new sites to their top 10 employment list, new ones are:

Good Luck!

Instead of some left wing kook swearing about my comments we get.

People helping people.

A place for the mill workers to maybe better themselves.The whole fox valley should be shouting from the roof tops helping people find new jobs.

They don't need some government agency telling them how much unemployment they can collect. What free job training with no job future they can get. Promise high paying jobs that they cannot get. You know, those new agency's that suck off the government for their salaries and do nothing for the displaced workers.

They don't need their congressman feeling sorry for them and tell them he wants to sue China (Kagen).

Politicians or candidates should be right their for assistants in getting better jobs. Use their web sites, I don't know, help the people, their your voters! People can relate with someone truly helping them instead of giving them LIP SERVICE ( Kagen).

Do some good when people need it not only around election time.

Character is doing something good when no one is watching.

Thank you Richard for the comment.

If anyone has any other web sites, please pass them along.

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